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The last week.

Most of my time this week have been reading the SDL documentary about the functions that I can use as well as drawing a simple flowchart so I have some overview of the work to be done the (then) coming weeks.
I used up several hours trying to get SDL_AddTimer to work as intended, for some reason, using ”event.user.code = 1″ didn’t work as intended, moving the mouse in the screen would trigger the […]

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Program: Programming

The last week.

Most of my time this week have been reading the SDL documentary about the functions that I can use as well as drawing a simple flowchart so I have some overview of the work to be done the (then) coming weeks.
I used up several hours trying to get SDL_AddTimer to work as intended, for some reason, using ”event.user.code = 1″ didn’t work as intended, moving the mouse in the screen would trigger the […]

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Program: Programming

Moving frogs

Today i attempted to fix the movement of the player which had been acting up. The player would upon forwards or backwards movement teleport to the desired location and vibrate for a few moments before stopping. I simplified my version and made the player straight out move there. My intention was to add another function which saved the player’s original position and then made the player start moving in the right direction. Once the player had traveled the desired length […]

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Program: Programming

Moving frogs

Today i attempted to fix the movement of the player which had been acting up. The player would upon forwards or backwards movement teleport to the desired location and vibrate for a few moments before stopping. I simplified my version and made the player straight out move there. My intention was to add another function which saved the player’s original position and then made the player start moving in the right direction. Once the player had traveled the desired length […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprogrammering I – Assignment – 2,3,4 & 5.

Due to computer issues (I’ve not had access to internet for several days) I haven’t been able to maintain the blog properly.
I’ve reviewed the Pong Workshop Code we did in class in order to better understand how C++ works. I’ve also spent a lot of time reading up on the subject in books (more specifically “Starting out with Games and Graphics in C++“). I’m honestly a little bit lost, but I’m working on it. Right now, I’m doing everything (again) […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprogrammering I – Assignment – 2,3,4 & 5.

Due to computer issues (I’ve not had access to internet for several days) I haven’t been able to maintain the blog properly.
I’ve reviewed the Pong Workshop Code we did in class in order to better understand how C++ works. I’ve also spent a lot of time reading up on the subject in books (more specifically “Starting out with Games and Graphics in C++“). I’m honestly a little bit lost, but I’m working on it. Right now, I’m doing everything (again) […]

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Program: Programming

Another day, another blogpost

Today i added the goal objects to the game, i feel like i could have done it faster however. On the other hand i learned what causes the “unresolved external symbol” error and how to fix it(which took most of the time). On a side note i also made an image of where the goal objects are drawn.
Martin worked on adding logs today and struggled with collision, we didn’t work together today so i am not sure how well he […]

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Program: Programming

Another day, another blogpost

Today i added the goal objects to the game, i feel like i could have done it faster however. On the other hand i learned what causes the “unresolved external symbol” error and how to fix it(which took most of the time). On a side note i also made an image of where the goal objects are drawn.
Martin worked on adding logs today and struggled with collision, we didn’t work together today so i am not sure how well he […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project, day 13

So! I have now made the game more flexible in a lot of ways. The width and height of window and tiles are controlled by variables within core. The next step is getting them from a file with fstream. The variables are static member variables and I’m not sure how to change them. Maybe they can be changed in main, but I want to keep that clean. Or maybe they can be changed in a method of core (the constructor […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project, day 13

So! I have now made the game more flexible in a lot of ways. The width and height of window and tiles are controlled by variables within core. The next step is getting them from a file with fstream. The variables are static member variables and I’m not sure how to change them. Maybe they can be changed in main, but I want to keep that clean. Or maybe they can be changed in a method of core (the constructor […]

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Program: Programming

Game Programming I – Assignment day 8

Started working on sounds for our game. Found some music and sound clips to start out with and put them in a sound folder.
Started making the SoundClip, MusicClip and SoundManager classes.

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Program: Programming

Game Programming I – Assignment day 8

Started working on sounds for our game. Found some music and sound clips to start out with and put them in a sound folder.
Started making the SoundClip, MusicClip and SoundManager classes.

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Program: Programming

Visual progress!

Today i added a background object to our project.
This may have been extremely unnecessary as i seem to have forgotten to put .PNG after the filename in my original method of drawing. This caused me to go create a brand new game object for the background instead of just drawing it as a sprite. Tomorrow i will make sure whether i can achieve the same result without the extra class.
In general i feel like we made a lot of progress […]

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Program: Programming

Visual progress!

Today i added a background object to our project.
This may have been extremely unnecessary as i seem to have forgotten to put .PNG after the filename in my original method of drawing. This caused me to go create a brand new game object for the background instead of just drawing it as a sprite. Tomorrow i will make sure whether i can achieve the same result without the extra class.
In general i feel like we made a lot of progress […]

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Program: Programming

Post for two days

While i remembered to make a post about Sunday on Monday, i ironically forgot to make Monday’s post on Monday. So, Monday I went through the code trying to find the exact line that drew the player onto the screen. It became a test of going through code over several classes as i didn’t save the work without the animation from the platformer project. I was eventually unable to find it and i ended the day on a low point.
Tuesday […]

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Program: Programming

Post for two days

While i remembered to make a post about Sunday on Monday, i ironically forgot to make Monday’s post on Monday. So, Monday I went through the code trying to find the exact line that drew the player onto the screen. It became a test of going through code over several classes as i didn’t save the work without the animation from the platformer project. I was eventually unable to find it and i ended the day on a low point.
Tuesday […]

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Program: Programming


Hi again!
I sat all christmas eve (yesterday)  trying to figure out why my enemy would not show up on the map.
I had made an EnemyObject class and the cpp-file pretty similar to the Player object files. I used the very basics of the Player object and removed the keybord forward declaration and it’s implementation in the constructor. Everything was in order, I debugged and the object was there and its collider at the correct position but there was no sprite! […]

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Program: Programming


Hi again!
I sat all christmas eve (yesterday)  trying to figure out why my enemy would not show up on the map.
I had made an EnemyObject class and the cpp-file pretty similar to the Player object files. I used the very basics of the Player object and removed the keybord forward declaration and it’s implementation in the constructor. Everything was in order, I debugged and the object was there and its collider at the correct position but there was no sprite! […]

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Program: Programming

Today I’ve been trying to fix the Input and started working on sound.
I’ve been trying to debug and fix the input, but I just cant figure out whats wrong with it, I’ve sent the code to Anthon so he can take a look at it, in the meanwhile I have started working on how to get sound in the game, I missed that lecture but I got the code, now I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what is does […]

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Program: Programming

Today I’ve been trying to fix the Input and started working on sound.
I’ve been trying to debug and fix the input, but I just cant figure out whats wrong with it, I’ve sent the code to Anthon so he can take a look at it, in the meanwhile I have started working on how to get sound in the game, I missed that lecture but I got the code, now I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what is does […]

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Program: Programming


Hi again!
I have suffered a hard weekend the last three days.. I have had NO INTERNET ACCESS at all! Tommi, the last three days of not posting does NOT count.
The weekend wasn’t all that bad though, I had my daughter and I have studied programming. Mostly pointers and the std vector array. Besides from that I have learned how the soundmanager works, there is now a pause function for the background Music and there is a sound when the character […]

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Program: Programming


Hi again!
I have suffered a hard weekend the last three days.. I have had NO INTERNET ACCESS at all! Tommi, the last three days of not posting does NOT count.
The weekend wasn’t all that bad though, I had my daughter and I have studied programming. Mostly pointers and the std vector array. Besides from that I have learned how the soundmanager works, there is now a pause function for the background Music and there is a sound when the character […]

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Program: Programming

Credit where it’s due, and it’s not here.

I forgot to make a blog post last night and decided it was better to do it today then to do it while tired.
Yesterday we finally got together and had a skype call with screen sharing going and worked together. I felt like i had no idea what i was doing as i went through the code trying to understand the states Martin had added earlier. Later we decided that i should work on game objects and getting a player […]

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Program: Programming

Credit where it’s due, and it’s not here.

I forgot to make a blog post last night and decided it was better to do it today then to do it while tired.
Yesterday we finally got together and had a skype call with screen sharing going and worked together. I felt like i had no idea what i was doing as i went through the code trying to understand the states Martin had added earlier. Later we decided that i should work on game objects and getting a player […]

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Program: Programming