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Proper length post, if only i had this much to write every day.

Okay, not on top today due to a case of migraine but thanks to the wonders of pharmaceutical science i am well enough to shake up something more than i did last night,
So, I had Visual studio 2013 installed on the school laptop since i had been working on my stationary computer during the break. I could have sworn we were supposed to install 2012, note to self, look that up this Friday.
Second note, Great news. I found the error in […]

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Program: Programming

Proper length post, if only i had this much to write every day.

Okay, not on top today due to a case of migraine but thanks to the wonders of pharmaceutical science i am well enough to shake up something more than i did last night,
So, I had Visual studio 2013 installed on the school laptop since i had been working on my stationary computer during the break. I could have sworn we were supposed to install 2012, note to self, look that up this Friday.
Second note, Great news. I found the error in […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Assignment – And we’re back

So, Were finally back after the Christmas-break. Anton and I have worked on menus for the settings today. We can now navigate through the main-menu and settings. We also decided what kind of resolutions we were going to use (a lot). I created a Classic arkanoid skin for the game that we will use as the standard skin.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: programming assignment arkanoid breakout break out laban anton skin resolution menu settings

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Program: Programming

Programming Assignment – And we’re back

So, Were finally back after the Christmas-break. Anton and I have worked on menus for the settings today. We can now navigate through the main-menu and settings. We also decided what kind of resolutions we were going to use (a lot). I created a Classic arkanoid skin for the game that we will use as the standard skin.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: programming assignment arkanoid breakout break out laban anton skin resolution menu settings

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Program: Programming

Back from holiday and on to school

Aside from relaxing during the holiday me and my Enchant group finally made the game. Now I know how it feels to both code and do a level design and it takes much more time than one would’ve expect. During the next days I will post the project plan (should’ve posted it earlier) for our Arkanoid game project that is due to Sunday next week (if I recall correctly), and I’ve to prepare for some crunching again. I prioritized the […]

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Program: Programming

Back from holiday and on to school

Aside from relaxing during the holiday me and my Enchant group finally made the game. Now I know how it feels to both code and do a level design and it takes much more time than one would’ve expect. During the next days I will post the project plan (should’ve posted it earlier) for our Arkanoid game project that is due to Sunday next week (if I recall correctly), and I’ve to prepare for some crunching again. I prioritized the […]

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Program: Programming

Back to the University

So back at Gotland.
Spent today’s progress with going over some code with Ladbon, divided the work of whats left.
Also worked abit more on the MenuState, Slider.cpp and Menu.cpp. To create a nice Menu for the MenuState.
Its still a work in progress, as I ran into some issues while trying to draw it out. Hopefully nothing to serious but when looking over the same code to long simple things are often missed.
So next things up are, getting the menu sliders working, […]

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Program: Programming

Back to the University

So back at Gotland.
Spent today’s progress with going over some code with Ladbon, divided the work of whats left.
Also worked abit more on the MenuState, Slider.cpp and Menu.cpp. To create a nice Menu for the MenuState.
Its still a work in progress, as I ran into some issues while trying to draw it out. Hopefully nothing to serious but when looking over the same code to long simple things are often missed.
So next things up are, getting the menu sliders working, […]

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Program: Programming

too late to blog

I totally forgot to make a post today, i’ll make a more detailed one tomorrow.
Since Sunday I’ve installed Visual studio 2013 on the laptop, found the animation error and merged my code with Martin’s. More on these developments tomorrow.

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Program: Programming

too late to blog

I totally forgot to make a post today, i’ll make a more detailed one tomorrow.
Since Sunday I’ve installed Visual studio 2013 on the laptop, found the animation error and merged my code with Martin’s. More on these developments tomorrow.

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Program: Programming

Coloring Of Line Art

Today in class we had a guest lecturer on the subject of coloring Line Art. Sadly, I found that my cleanup was not good enough (detailed enough) to make any kind of interesting coloring. There for I downloaded a picture from google and did that instead.

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Program: Graphics

Coloring Of Line Art

Today in class we had a guest lecturer on the subject of coloring Line Art. Sadly, I found that my cleanup was not good enough (detailed enough) to make any kind of interesting coloring. There for I downloaded a picture from google and did that instead.

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Program: Graphics

A big update

So I’ve been working on creating a character that moves and behaves just like frogger and I think I’ve succeeded. Problem now is to make the games GameObjectManager, InputManager and Collision. I will further update this blog when I have succeeded in doing this. 
Main problem I had with movement was simply my idiotic attempt of trying to copy paste code in where I sought was fitting for the code to be placed. I got a lot of help from my […]

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Program: Programming

A big update

So I’ve been working on creating a character that moves and behaves just like frogger and I think I’ve succeeded. Problem now is to make the games GameObjectManager, InputManager and Collision. I will further update this blog when I have succeeded in doing this. 
Main problem I had with movement was simply my idiotic attempt of trying to copy paste code in where I sought was fitting for the code to be placed. I got a lot of help from my […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Assignment – Yesterday


Well, I forgot to update my blog yesterday after I met Anton in the game-room.Yesterday Anton and I discussed what we needed and worked on our game a bit.
I didn’t do much programming yesterday instead I started working on a Sci-Fi skin to out game, 
And then we decided that tomorrow will continue work, and that I was going so start to work on options states and settings.
I’ll post another blog-post later today about what I’ve worked on today.
Filed under: […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Assignment – Yesterday


Well, I forgot to update my blog yesterday after I met Anton in the game-room.Yesterday Anton and I discussed what we needed and worked on our game a bit.
I didn’t do much programming yesterday instead I started working on a Sci-Fi skin to out game, 
And then we decided that tomorrow will continue work, and that I was going so start to work on options states and settings.
I’ll post another blog-post later today about what I’ve worked on today.
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Program: Programming

Spelprogrammering I – Assignm,ent – 7,8 & 9.

I don’t have the required skills to do this, as I honestly haven’t learnt enough in class. I don’t know if that’s because it’s to hard for me or if it’s just that there’s no way you can go in to this class without prior knowledge or some kind of outside knowledge (that I obviously don’t know about). 
With that said, I’m still trying.
Day 7: Worked for about two hours on getting the collision to work in a reversed engineered Pong.
Day […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprogrammering I – Assignm,ent – 7,8 & 9.

I don’t have the required skills to do this, as I honestly haven’t learnt enough in class. I don’t know if that’s because it’s to hard for me or if it’s just that there’s no way you can go in to this class without prior knowledge or some kind of outside knowledge (that I obviously don’t know about). 
With that said, I’m still trying.
Day 7: Worked for about two hours on getting the collision to work in a reversed engineered Pong.
Day […]

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Program: Programming

Almost forgot to post today

Nothing much today. Still trying to have the animated sprites drawn out. I went through the palttformer again and found that i had missed adding the Loadimage method in Spreiteman.cpp, however this was not the correct thing to do. I went through the code using breakpoints today with limited success until towards the end when i found out that that the method EnemyObject::AddAnimation wasn’t receiving the correct sprite and also that i must have missed something since the code seemed to […]

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Program: Programming

Almost forgot to post today

Nothing much today. Still trying to have the animated sprites drawn out. I went through the palttformer again and found that i had missed adding the Loadimage method in Spreiteman.cpp, however this was not the correct thing to do. I went through the code using breakpoints today with limited success until towards the end when i found out that that the method EnemyObject::AddAnimation wasn’t receiving the correct sprite and also that i must have missed something since the code seemed to […]

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Program: Programming

Stuck in every way

Yesturday we did nothing worth mentioning since Martin was packing for returning to Gotland and my brother had his birthday. 
We did pretty much the same thing as we did Thursday today. Martin is working on drawing text and i’m trying to add animations to objects. While i had limited success today using the code from the platformer i still didn’t manage to draw out the sprite, at least i didn’t accidentally make the collier draw out bigger or whatever i […]

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Program: Programming

Stuck in every way

Yesturday we did nothing worth mentioning since Martin was packing for returning to Gotland and my brother had his birthday. 
We did pretty much the same thing as we did Thursday today. Martin is working on drawing text and i’m trying to add animations to objects. While i had limited success today using the code from the platformer i still didn’t manage to draw out the sprite, at least i didn’t accidentally make the collier draw out bigger or whatever i […]

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Program: Programming

The fundamental design of Frogger

I haven’t really gotten around to anything yet. My mind is really all over the place. What I’ve narrowed down is Movement and some kind of collision. considering I want pixel perfekt collision isn’t not really necessarry in our game considering the game needs to be a bit easy on the “preciseness” but anywho I’ve looked into it at least. Other than that I’ve been reading alot on pathing and input for a while now. I will be starting […]

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Program: Programming

The fundamental design of Frogger

I haven’t really gotten around to anything yet. My mind is really all over the place. What I’ve narrowed down is Movement and some kind of collision. considering I want pixel perfekt collision isn’t not really necessarry in our game considering the game needs to be a bit easy on the “preciseness” but anywho I’ve looked into it at least. Other than that I’ve been reading alot on pathing and input for a while now. I will be starting […]

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Program: Programming