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today I’ve been working a lot on tiles for the walls in out game. I am now on the third tile-sheet since I started. First i did them in 32×32 pixel tiles, where the wall was on about half of the tile and the other half was to be floor. Then we decided that the tiles would be bigger, so I redid them in 64×64 pixels but still with the same layout. Then we realized it was not optimal […]

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Program: Graphics


today I’ve been working a lot on tiles for the walls in out game. I am now on the third tile-sheet since I started. First i did them in 32×32 pixel tiles, where the wall was on about half of the tile and the other half was to be floor. Then we decided that the tiles would be bigger, so I redid them in 64×64 pixels but still with the same layout. Then we realized it was not optimal […]

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Program: Graphics

More collision management

2014 02 04
Today I wanted to try my circle vs circle overlap function.
In our Game state, I made two test colliders and two circles using sf::CircleShape. The colliders were allocated and initiated via the overloaded constructor that take in a position vector and a radius float (I added a position to it). then I added a function to the CollisionManager. CheckCollisionCircleVsCircle, I called it. It is a bool function. I then pushed the colliders into my std::vector for colliders.

This […]

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Program: Programming

More collision management

2014 02 04
Today I wanted to try my circle vs circle overlap function.
In our Game state, I made two test colliders and two circles using sf::CircleShape. The colliders were allocated and initiated via the overloaded constructor that take in a position vector and a radius float (I added a position to it). then I added a function to the CollisionManager. CheckCollisionCircleVsCircle, I called it. It is a bool function. I then pushed the colliders into my std::vector for colliders.

This […]

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Program: Programming

Doing Collision management

I have made a Collider class.
It has Three overlap bool functions for rectangle vs rectangle overlaping, rectangle vs circle overlaping and circle vs circle overlapping.
The mathematics is not that difficult when you have the seperating axis theorem and the basic knowlage of a simple circle and a rectangle.
The rectangle vs rectangle one checks to see if there is overlapping by the x-axis of the rectangle’s extension, width and height. Then it checks if it is ovelapping the y-axis. (seperating axes […]

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Program: Programming

Doing Collision management

I have made a Collider class.
It has Three overlap bool functions for rectangle vs rectangle overlaping, rectangle vs circle overlaping and circle vs circle overlapping.
The mathematics is not that difficult when you have the seperating axis theorem and the basic knowlage of a simple circle and a rectangle.
The rectangle vs rectangle one checks to see if there is overlapping by the x-axis of the rectangle’s extension, width and height. Then it checks if it is ovelapping the y-axis. (seperating axes […]

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Program: Programming

Escape week 2 day one

Well for the past two weeks I’ve been working on mostly the scrum document, the design document and the prototype of the game. While now I get to start working on the inner workings of the game, I will begin with all that concerns the sound of the game.The game will be about a corporate spy in a sci-fi 40′s setting that enters a office building on a mission to steal “the documents”.
The programming on my part will to a […]

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Program: Programming

Escape week 2 day one

Well for the past two weeks I’ve been working on mostly the scrum document, the design document and the prototype of the game. While now I get to start working on the inner workings of the game, I will begin with all that concerns the sound of the game.The game will be about a corporate spy in a sci-fi 40′s setting that enters a office building on a mission to steal “the documents”.
The programming on my part will to a […]

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Program: Programming

Morning post to make up for Thu -Fre.

Forgot to make a blog post about Thursday and Friday so here’s a short summary.
Thursday we had two lectures and then went to F15 to work on our Scrum, Friday we had a short lecture in the morning and then went to finish our scrum planning, we had forgot to add deadlines to our backlog so we had to get that done before we could send it in. During the afternoon i was going to work with some SFML practice […]

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Program: Programming

Morning post to make up for Thu -Fre.

Forgot to make a blog post about Thursday and Friday so here’s a short summary.
Thursday we had two lectures and then went to F15 to work on our Scrum, Friday we had a short lecture in the morning and then went to finish our scrum planning, we had forgot to add deadlines to our backlog so we had to get that done before we could send it in. During the afternoon i was going to work with some SFML practice […]

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Program: Programming

Developing the game using SCRUM

This Post was created -2014 02 02
Last wednesday, we thought we’d try to get some basic stuff to our Project up and running by the Sprint Review/planning on (last) friday.
We initiated the Game states StartState, the first screen containing quit, play and options button, GameState, in which the acctual gameplay is, optionState, change volume and such.
By “initiated” I mean just made the hpp and cpp files with some empty methods. We also made a StateManager to go with that […]

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Program: Programming

Developing the game using SCRUM

This Post was created -2014 02 02
Last wednesday, we thought we’d try to get some basic stuff to our Project up and running by the Sprint Review/planning on (last) friday.
We initiated the Game states StartState, the first screen containing quit, play and options button, GameState, in which the acctual gameplay is, optionState, change volume and such.
By “initiated” I mean just made the hpp and cpp files with some empty methods. We also made a StateManager to go with that […]

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Program: Programming

Game Programming 2 and Game Developement introduction

The Project I last did with Jonas is no doubt in need of some finishing work, but we have 4 attempts left and there is not very much left to complete.
This post is not about that, all though I may be blogging about that project as well.
This post is about the current two courses: Game Programming 2 and Game Production – an introduction.
In the first course, game design and analysis – an introduction we all worked in groups and created […]

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Program: Programming

Game Programming 2 and Game Developement introduction

The Project I last did with Jonas is no doubt in need of some finishing work, but we have 4 attempts left and there is not very much left to complete.
This post is not about that, all though I may be blogging about that project as well.
This post is about the current two courses: Game Programming 2 and Game Production – an introduction.
In the first course, game design and analysis – an introduction we all worked in groups and created […]

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Program: Programming

First week of game development

Our first week of game design was mostly scrum documentation and going over our design document. We took some time to redefine the game we had chosen to develop – Dangerous Dander. After some thought we had a pretty clear idea of what we wanted to change and what we wanted to keep. Our vision was keeping the original game’s aesthetic goals and going for a different approach in setting, off course there were some details in mechanics we decided […]

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Program: Graphics

First week of game development

Our first week of game design was mostly scrum documentation and going over our design document. We took some time to redefine the game we had chosen to develop – Dangerous Dander. After some thought we had a pretty clear idea of what we wanted to change and what we wanted to keep. Our vision was keeping the original game’s aesthetic goals and going for a different approach in setting, off course there were some details in mechanics we decided […]

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Program: Graphics

A day with me

Today I started programing a moving square using W,S,A,D keys, and I made I circle follow my mouse movements in the screen, That could be used as the sight when you shoot in the top view game we are making. I also looked up how to use texture and adding sprites, It is really easy to do. It is not that much to type, to get anything to work in SFML, which is nice for me who have a hard […]

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Program: Programming

A day with me

Today I started programing a moving square using W,S,A,D keys, and I made I circle follow my mouse movements in the screen, That could be used as the sight when you shoot in the top view game we are making. I also looked up how to use texture and adding sprites, It is really easy to do. It is not that much to type, to get anything to work in SFML, which is nice for me who have a hard […]

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Program: Programming

Suit ‘Em Up, SFML and stuff

So, we just the courses for the last semester and we just began the new two courses, Game Programming II and Introduction to Game Development.
We have only had one Game Programming II lecture so far, and I missed it because I was sick that day (fever) so I really can’t say much about what we will do during this course yet. A friend of mine showed me what they coded that lecture though, but my group already got SFML working […]

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Program: Programming

Suit ‘Em Up, SFML and stuff

So, we just the courses for the last semester and we just began the new two courses, Game Programming II and Introduction to Game Development.
We have only had one Game Programming II lecture so far, and I missed it because I was sick that day (fever) so I really can’t say much about what we will do during this course yet. A friend of mine showed me what they coded that lecture though, but my group already got SFML working […]

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Program: Programming

Better work today

After it turned out that Everyone mysteriously forgot that Tommi obviously told us yesterday that there would be no seminar today and we went to work in F15. During the day we worked on our Scrum document and had a few design discussions regarding some unclear elements of the game not in the GDC yet. Partially because we had some complaints about the group dynamics and we’ll try to make sure everyone in the group has a voice in decisions […]

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Program: Programming

Better work today

After it turned out that Everyone mysteriously forgot that Tommi obviously told us yesterday that there would be no seminar today and we went to work in F15. During the day we worked on our Scrum document and had a few design discussions regarding some unclear elements of the game not in the GDC yet. Partially because we had some complaints about the group dynamics and we’ll try to make sure everyone in the group has a voice in decisions […]

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Program: Programming

Beginning of a new Project

The game concept we chose to work with was the game ”Escape”, the way we started out was by having a meeting regarding the features we felt like removing as well as what we wanted to add/change. This meeting went down smoothly and we appeared to agree on most parts. We also decided to start working with the design document straight away, and this time around we figured we wanted this done as soon as possible, so we decided to […]

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Program: Graphics

Beginning of a new Project

The game concept we chose to work with was the game ”Escape”, the way we started out was by having a meeting regarding the features we felt like removing as well as what we wanted to add/change. This meeting went down smoothly and we appeared to agree on most parts. We also decided to start working with the design document straight away, and this time around we figured we wanted this done as soon as possible, so we decided to […]

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Program: Graphics