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Rim Ram Rum is a two player arena game, where you as the player, a pirate, needs to gather rum from space islands, but other pirates are also trying to get the rum. So defeat the opponent by ramming your opponent or destroying their ship by firing cannon balls. Dash around the map, gather rum and raise the crew moral! Lead Design – Philip Hagberg Enea
Lead Art – Alexander Linde
Lead Code – Antonio Ackalin
Lead Sound – Kaarle Nurmi
Producer […]

Rim Ram Rum is a two player arena game, where you as the player, a pirate, needs to gather rum from space islands, but other pirates are also trying to get the rum. So defeat the opponent by ramming your opponent or destroying their ship by firing cannon balls. Dash around the map, gather rum and raise the crew moral! Lead Design – Philip Hagberg Enea
Lead Art – Alexander Linde
Lead Code – Antonio Ackalin
Lead Sound – Kaarle Nurmi
Producer […]

Pump the Frog
Inflate The Frog! Roll slip and squeeze your way around this 2d-puzzle-platformer as The Hungry Frog. Control your size and affect the environment at the same time to devour as many flies as possible!
Pump the Frog was awarded Best 1st Year Project, Almedalen Library Award, the Cha-ching award (most commercially viable) and the Pwnage Award at the Gotland Game Conference 2017. It went on to win Best Execution in Art at the Swedish Game Awards 2017, […]

Pump the Frog
Inflate The Frog! Roll slip and squeeze your way around this 2d-puzzle-platformer as The Hungry Frog. Control your size and affect the environment at the same time to devour as many flies as possible!
Pump the Frog was awarded Best 1st Year Project, Almedalen Library Award, the Cha-ching award (most commercially viable) and the Pwnage Award at the Gotland Game Conference 2017. It went on to win Best Execution in Art at the Swedish Game Awards 2017, […]

Digitala Gotland 2017
Our local computer shop arranges an IT exhibition every year. For 2017 they rechristened it “Digitala Gotland” and moved down to Wisby Strand – literally across the street from campus. So they reached out and invited us to their show floor and scene program, which were happy to avail ourselves off.
A few of our students put up three new games for the public to try out, while Adam Mayes spoke, twice, about the […]

Digitala Gotland 2017
Our local computer shop arranges an IT exhibition every year. For 2017 they rechristened it “Digitala Gotland” and moved down to Wisby Strand – literally across the street from campus. So they reached out and invited us to their show floor and scene program, which were happy to avail ourselves off.
A few of our students put up three new games for the public to try out, while Adam Mayes spoke, twice, about the […]

A Dangerous Game? Problematic Aspects of Digital Gaming
This is the fifth symposium on digital games hosted by the Swedish Museum of Science and Technology. This time we were discussing game addiction / problematic gaming. Our new colleague Patrick Prax shared his research taking a holistic approach to treatment.
“Rather than taking games away, we need to add life back.”
More people than ever before are playing digital games. For many it is just an enjoyable leisure activity but games and […]

A Dangerous Game? Problematic Aspects of Digital Gaming
This is the fifth symposium on digital games hosted by the Swedish Museum of Science and Technology. This time we were discussing game addiction / problematic gaming. Our new colleague Patrick Prax shared his research taking a holistic approach to treatment.
“Rather than taking games away, we need to add life back.”
More people than ever before are playing digital games. For many it is just an enjoyable leisure activity but games and […]

Students interviewed about Alt.Ctrl:GDC
Local press caught up with our students as they returned from exhibiting at Alt.Ctrl:GDC: “The place to be om man är spelutvecklare”
Posted in Publicity by Ulf Benjaminsson

Students interviewed about Alt.Ctrl:GDC
Local press caught up with our students as they returned from exhibiting at Alt.Ctrl:GDC: “The place to be om man är spelutvecklare”
Posted in Publicity by Ulf Benjaminsson

Puzzle game Cryptogram uses a real bookshelf to open secret doors
I’ve never in my life had the experience of tilting a book off an old dusty bookshelf and unlocking a secret passageway, but I hope I do before I die. Movies have never sold us a more believable-but-still-magical fantasy than the passage behind the bookshelf, or the revolving bookshelf that turns under your feet and rotates you, speechless, into a hidden laboratory. But I have now gotten to play a game inspired by that fantasy, and it’s one of the […]

Puzzle game Cryptogram uses a real bookshelf to open secret doors
I’ve never in my life had the experience of tilting a book off an old dusty bookshelf and unlocking a secret passageway, but I hope I do before I die. Movies have never sold us a more believable-but-still-magical fantasy than the passage behind the bookshelf, or the revolving bookshelf that turns under your feet and rotates you, speechless, into a hidden laboratory. But I have now gotten to play a game inspired by that fantasy, and it’s one of the […]

Student projects selected for Alt.Ctrl:GDC
Every year, the best and brightest of the game industry gather in San Francisco for the Game Developers Conference (GDC). As part of the 5 day event the organizers also host alt.ctrl.GDC – an on-site showcase of unique games built around alternative control schemes and interactions. Or in their own words: “a chance to play some of the most inventive and innovative games around using unique, one-of-a-kind controllers.”
This year, two of our student teams will be present! Among […]

Student projects selected for Alt.Ctrl:GDC
Every year, the best and brightest of the game industry gather in San Francisco for the Game Developers Conference (GDC). As part of the 5 day event the organizers also host alt.ctrl.GDC – an on-site showcase of unique games built around alternative control schemes and interactions. Or in their own words: “a chance to play some of the most inventive and innovative games around using unique, one-of-a-kind controllers.”
This year, two of our student teams will be present! Among […]

Alumni Days 2016 gallery
Looking for details about the Alumni Days? Check this post. The YouTube playlist is available here.
Posted in Blog by Ulf Benjaminsson

Alumni Days 2016 gallery
Looking for details about the Alumni Days? Check this post. The YouTube playlist is available here.
Posted in Blog by Ulf Benjaminsson
New Mocap System at Uppsala University
As you know, we’ve recently made a substantial upgrade to our motion capture equipment. We’ve swapped out all the tech and swapped out the studio – we moved it from our previous spot at the Baltic Art Center, to the university’s own F-building – ie: the GAME house, right next to the small boat harbor in Visby.
Anyway – a week ago Nataska sent out a call for students to come help exercise the system, and she put together […]
New Mocap System at Uppsala University
As you know, we’ve recently made a substantial upgrade to our motion capture equipment. We’ve swapped out all the tech and swapped out the studio – we moved it from our previous spot at the Baltic Art Center, to the university’s own F-building – ie: the GAME house, right next to the small boat harbor in Visby.
Anyway – a week ago Nataska sent out a call for students to come help exercise the system, and she put together […]

We have mocap!
We have moved and upgraded our old motion capture equipment! The new hotness consists of 16 brand new OptiTrack Prime13 cameras, new software, the works! And now we need test subjects, hehe.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
,features: [‘playpause’,’current’,’progress’,’duration’,’volume’,’tracks’,’fullscreen’]
So Finn Engström and Nataska have been installing the new motion capture cameras this week and they’re happy to report they did a successful test with an actor today and it has all been smooth sailing so far
Now we want to […]

We have mocap!
We have moved and upgraded our old motion capture equipment! The new hotness consists of 16 brand new OptiTrack Prime13 cameras, new software, the works! And now we need test subjects, hehe.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
,features: [‘playpause’,’current’,’progress’,’duration’,’volume’,’tracks’,’fullscreen’]
So Finn Engström and Nataska have been installing the new motion capture cameras this week and they’re happy to report they did a successful test with an actor today and it has all been smooth sailing so far
Now we want to […]

Alumni Days 2016
The weekend 8-10th of December sees old (well… previous, more like) students returning to the education for our annual Alumni Days. All of them started where our students are now, and are now firmly part of the games industry either as members of a AAA studio, or as a lone indie developer. By bringing alumni back we kick start our students industry networks, and show them how our education can help them get a start in the industry […]

Alumni Days 2016
The weekend 8-10th of December sees old (well… previous, more like) students returning to the education for our annual Alumni Days. All of them started where our students are now, and are now firmly part of the games industry either as members of a AAA studio, or as a lone indie developer. By bringing alumni back we kick start our students industry networks, and show them how our education can help them get a start in the industry […]

We have characters!
If the second years seemed a bit stressed of late, this is why. Their first characters ever – pretty awesome way to end their first 3D course. Well done, folks!!
– Nataska
Posted in Blog by Ulf Benjaminsson

We have characters!
If the second years seemed a bit stressed of late, this is why. Their first characters ever – pretty awesome way to end their first 3D course. Well done, folks!!
– Nataska
Posted in Blog by Ulf Benjaminsson