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Speaking of gender issues in gaming at SR
Local blogger Emmy Zettergren wrote a piece on SVT Debatt, highlighting the problematic conditions of women in the games industry. Being a regular part of Radio Gotland (reviewing games) and of course a Gute, the radio gave her a lot of play the day before.
The producers then suggested they follow up by talking to us, see how the university deals with the male dominance and sexism in the games industry. Being the only one among us silly […]

Speaking of gender issues in gaming at SR
Local blogger Emmy Zettergren wrote a piece on SVT Debatt, highlighting the problematic conditions of women in the games industry. Being a regular part of Radio Gotland (reviewing games) and of course a Gute, the radio gave her a lot of play the day before.
The producers then suggested they follow up by talking to us, see how the university deals with the male dominance and sexism in the games industry. Being the only one among us silly […]

Alumni Days Christmas Party 2012
We had a christmas decoration
and a bar.
We invited friends, old and new
and fed them pizza.
We basked in the glow of good videogames,
had a laugh
And we […]

Alumni Days Christmas Party 2012
We had a christmas decoration
and a bar.
We invited friends, old and new
and fed them pizza.
We basked in the glow of good videogames,
had a laugh
And we […]

Alumni Days 2012 Lectures
Robert Bäckström from Fatshark started us out with the tales of Krater.
Krater was released earlier this year, and was designed by an old student of ours – Victor Magnusson. You might know him from the worlds most charming “special editions” we’ve ever seen: Krater – $10 000 Victor Edition – for 10 000 US dollars, Victor would personally deliver the game to your door, anywhere in the world, and […]

Alumni Days 2012 Lectures
Robert Bäckström from Fatshark started us out with the tales of Krater.
Krater was released earlier this year, and was designed by an old student of ours – Victor Magnusson. You might know him from the worlds most charming “special editions” we’ve ever seen: Krater – $10 000 Victor Edition – for 10 000 US dollars, Victor would personally deliver the game to your door, anywhere in the world, and […]

Announcing Alumni Days 2012
After a hiatus in 2011, the Alumni Days are back in full glory.
At the end of the autumn semester, just before christmas break, we invite former students currently working in the industry and try to learn from them. We’re doing two full days of guest lectures and a discussion panel – hanging or with our people from FatShark, Might & Delight, Happy Finish, PixelTamer, Meow Entertainment, Zeal Game Studio and more.
As always, […]

Announcing Alumni Days 2012
After a hiatus in 2011, the Alumni Days are back in full glory.
At the end of the autumn semester, just before christmas break, we invite former students currently working in the industry and try to learn from them. We’re doing two full days of guest lectures and a discussion panel – hanging or with our people from FatShark, Might & Delight, Happy Finish, PixelTamer, Meow Entertainment, Zeal Game Studio and more.
As always, […]

Richard Steffengymnasiet Workshop
26 pupils from Richard Steffengymnasiet’s media program, mix with 1 Ylva Sundström from the GAME department and pour into a classroom on campus.
The result? A workshop on identifying target audiences, seeing niche markets and developing products to exploit them.
This was doubly fun and educational for us, as we got to work with a very different type of designers this time. There are enormous differences between students and pupils, game designers and game players. We are mostly exposed to […]

Richard Steffengymnasiet Workshop
26 pupils from Richard Steffengymnasiet’s media program, mix with 1 Ylva Sundström from the GAME department and pour into a classroom on campus.
The result? A workshop on identifying target audiences, seeing niche markets and developing products to exploit them.
This was doubly fun and educational for us, as we got to work with a very different type of designers this time. There are enormous differences between students and pupils, game designers and game players. We are mostly exposed to […]

GAME Students on Swedish Radio
Mari Winarve called us last week and asked if we wanted to appear on her radio show to talk about games, game development and our education. Out staff consists of mostly unpleasant trolls, so we did what we always do when presenting the education; sent our students.
“Maris Cafe” is a radio talk show in a cafe format. Every Friday morning they invite a bunch of guest and some entertainers, sit them down for fika and […]

GAME Students on Swedish Radio
Mari Winarve called us last week and asked if we wanted to appear on her radio show to talk about games, game development and our education. Out staff consists of mostly unpleasant trolls, so we did what we always do when presenting the education; sent our students.
“Maris Cafe” is a radio talk show in a cafe format. Every Friday morning they invite a bunch of guest and some entertainers, sit them down for fika and […]

Speaking at Landsarkivet in Visby
Adam and I were invited to speak at Landsarkivet in Visby, during Arkivens Dag.
That was an amazing invite, as the mission of the National Archive reverberates strongly with us (GO ARCHIVE TEAM!)! Ever since the 17th century (we shit you not!) they have stored, kept safe and promoted access to all kinds of written, typed and printed artifacts of the Swedish society. If it wasn’t carved on a rune stone, these people stored it. (someone else takes […]

Speaking at Landsarkivet in Visby
Adam and I were invited to speak at Landsarkivet in Visby, during Arkivens Dag.
That was an amazing invite, as the mission of the National Archive reverberates strongly with us (GO ARCHIVE TEAM!)! Ever since the 17th century (we shit you not!) they have stored, kept safe and promoted access to all kinds of written, typed and printed artifacts of the Swedish society. If it wasn’t carved on a rune stone, these people stored it. (someone else takes […]

Gamex 2012
Twentytwelve is an inbetween year. All new consoles are to be released next year, and Activision (making up probably 30% of last years floor space) flat-out refused to exhibit after Swedish television fcked them up the bum last year.
The exhibition, thus, was the smallest incarnation since it’s inception three years ago. We didn’t pull any punches though. Kept the space from last year – 60 sqm – and filled it with 22 students and their projects. […]

Gamex 2012
Twentytwelve is an inbetween year. All new consoles are to be released next year, and Activision (making up probably 30% of last years floor space) flat-out refused to exhibit after Swedish television fcked them up the bum last year.
The exhibition, thus, was the smallest incarnation since it’s inception three years ago. We didn’t pull any punches though. Kept the space from last year – 60 sqm – and filled it with 22 students and their projects. […]