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University Projects: Lighting and Shadows

Hello, This week I’ve been working on shadows and lighting to create a refined verision of the picture i posted last week. At the moment I’m not done with the bbackground, but that will come soon, just wanted to post out an update :p
There are still some points i could refine (like the hair for example) But I like the rest of it.

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Program: Graphics

University Projects: Lighting and Shadows

Hello, This week I’ve been working on shadows and lighting to create a refined verision of the picture i posted last week. At the moment I’m not done with the bbackground, but that will come soon, just wanted to post out an update :p
There are still some points i could refine (like the hair for example) But I like the rest of it.

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Program: Graphics

Spelprogrammering I – Assignment – 1

We’ve decided to make Arkanoid, a simple game where a paddle bounces a ball back and forth in order to destroy bricks at the top of the screen.
Score (GUI)
Lives (GUI)
Particle Effects,
Things that needs to be done:
Score Counter,
Victory/Loose Cond.
We’ve come up with a couple of simple rules:
* Spend AT LEAST 3-4 hours a day during the holidays working on the project.
* All code added has to be commented with the following format: //COMMENT – NAMEOFPERSON
* Always inform the other person when […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprogrammering I – Assignment – 1

We’ve decided to make Arkanoid, a simple game where a paddle bounces a ball back and forth in order to destroy bricks at the top of the screen.
Score (GUI)
Lives (GUI)
Particle Effects,
Things that needs to be done:
Score Counter,
Victory/Loose Cond.
We’ve come up with a couple of simple rules:
* Spend AT LEAST 3-4 hours a day during the holidays working on the project.
* All code added has to be commented with the following format: //COMMENT – NAMEOFPERSON
* Always inform the other person when […]

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Program: Programming

Group and individual work

After two days of play-testing we have polished our game some more. My dice rolling went like shit so I died really early on in the game so for me it became fast boring, but it wasn’t only my dice rolling that did it. We noticed that the wizard had become little too powerful with some of the new spells that had been added, so the changes we did to balance it was to make the most powerful spells into […]

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Program: Graphics

Group and individual work

After two days of play-testing we have polished our game some more. My dice rolling went like shit so I died really early on in the game so for me it became fast boring, but it wasn’t only my dice rolling that did it. We noticed that the wizard had become little too powerful with some of the new spells that had been added, so the changes we did to balance it was to make the most powerful spells into […]

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Program: Graphics

Wizards and invisible Monsters

During this weeks playtesting me and my group tried out two boardgames we hadn’t testet yet, I can remeber the group numbers sorry about that.
The first game we tried out was sort of like a dungeon crawler, where one player got to be an evil wizard I got to be the wizard which was awesome! the other players where heroes who’s goal was to find 3 keys then go to my tower and  kill me, and the wizards goal is […]

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Program: Graphics

Wizards and invisible Monsters

During this weeks playtesting me and my group tried out two boardgames we hadn’t testet yet, I can remeber the group numbers sorry about that.
The first game we tried out was sort of like a dungeon crawler, where one player got to be an evil wizard I got to be the wizard which was awesome! the other players where heroes who’s goal was to find 3 keys then go to my tower and  kill me, and the wizards goal is […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Jam 8h

This is a late update, we had a game jam at school 2 weeks ago were we would make a game in 8 hours only using gamemaker free. In total we worked for 6h30min because of a lecture we wanted to go to. The theme of the game jam was everyday doom. The only rules was that we could only use game maker and couldnt offend anyone, except Ulf. Ulf is a guy that work at the school. Sp because […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Jam 8h

This is a late update, we had a game jam at school 2 weeks ago were we would make a game in 8 hours only using gamemaker free. In total we worked for 6h30min because of a lecture we wanted to go to. The theme of the game jam was everyday doom. The only rules was that we could only use game maker and couldnt offend anyone, except Ulf. Ulf is a guy that work at the school. Sp because […]

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Program: Graphics

GAME Recruitment Flyer 2013

We’ve just created a new recruitment brochure for the department. We’ll bring these with us to Tekniska Museet at the end of this week, and Gamex next week. But you can have a web-friendly PDF too, of course.
This years version skips the bit on entrepreneurship, incubators and startups. These are still very much a part of what we do, of course, but we feel it’s more important to talk about our expectations on incoming students, and […]

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GAME Recruitment Flyer 2013

We’ve just created a new recruitment brochure for the department. We’ll bring these with us to Tekniska Museet at the end of this week, and Gamex next week. But you can have a web-friendly PDF too, of course.
This years version skips the bit on entrepreneurship, incubators and startups. These are still very much a part of what we do, of course, but we feel it’s more important to talk about our expectations on incoming students, and […]

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Introduction/What happened this week

I totally forgot to introduce myself in my first post, but better late then never.My name is Simon i’m a second year student at Uppsala university Campus Gotland, I study game design and graphics.
During the week we kept on working on our board game, we made a new board for the game which I forgot to take a picture of but it looks better than the first on trust me.We keept the movement system but made it so that you […]

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Program: Graphics

Introduction/What happened this week

I totally forgot to introduce myself in my first post, but better late then never.My name is Simon i’m a second year student at Uppsala university Campus Gotland, I study game design and graphics.
During the week we kept on working on our board game, we made a new board for the game which I forgot to take a picture of but it looks better than the first on trust me.We keept the movement system but made it so that you […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Night at Tekniska Museet

Tekniska Museet – The National Museum of Science and Technology – is tasked with saving, making visible and promoting access to our technological and industrial cultural expressions – a mission which reverberates strongly with us! And even more so now that they’ve just aquired the worlds largest computer games exhibition; Game ON 2.0.
The exhibition open on the 25th, and they’re going to kickstart it with a big event in Stockholm; 2 000 people in attendance, […]

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Game Night at Tekniska Museet

Tekniska Museet – The National Museum of Science and Technology – is tasked with saving, making visible and promoting access to our technological and industrial cultural expressions – a mission which reverberates strongly with us! And even more so now that they’ve just aquired the worlds largest computer games exhibition; Game ON 2.0.
The exhibition open on the 25th, and they’re going to kickstart it with a big event in Stockholm; 2 000 people in attendance, […]

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First boardgame meeting

Yester day I met my group to start figuring out idéas for our boardgame,Luckily for us Simon Wulf already had an idé.
He wanted to create a game which would simulate pirates having naval battles.We all liked the sound of this.
The game is played on an hexagonal board and will look something like this but will hopefully be made prettier in the future.

We came upp with a movement system which will simulate sailing, we implimented  a wind system […]

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Program: Graphics

First boardgame meeting

Yester day I met my group to start figuring out idéas for our boardgame,Luckily for us Simon Wulf already had an idé.
He wanted to create a game which would simulate pirates having naval battles.We all liked the sound of this.
The game is played on an hexagonal board and will look something like this but will hopefully be made prettier in the future.

We came upp with a movement system which will simulate sailing, we implimented  a wind system […]

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Program: Graphics

The Alumni Days 2013

We moved the Alumni Days to much earlier in the semester, from its traditional spot close to christmas. There was two reasons for this:
First, we got a great opportunity to inform and inspire our third year students about their thesis work and internships that’s coming up in the spring semester. By inviting GAME-alumni to share their experiences and tips we hope to provide lots of insight while there’s still time for our students to act on […]

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The Alumni Days 2013

We moved the Alumni Days to much earlier in the semester, from its traditional spot close to christmas. There was two reasons for this:
First, we got a great opportunity to inform and inspire our third year students about their thesis work and internships that’s coming up in the spring semester. By inviting GAME-alumni to share their experiences and tips we hope to provide lots of insight while there’s still time for our students to act on […]

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Announcing Alumni Days 2013

The lectures goes up on YouTube as soon as we render them.
Thanks to Kajfa, Teddy, Daniel and Jerker for taking the time and helping us out with the event!

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Announcing Alumni Days 2013

The lectures goes up on YouTube as soon as we render them.
Thanks to Kajfa, Teddy, Daniel and Jerker for taking the time and helping us out with the event!

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GAME + Almedalen Library = True

Our Håkan Mattsson and the lovely ladies at the Almedalen Library has now launched the Game Area; a space in dedicated to allow public access to our students’ games.
The first selection of projects were announced at the Gotland Game Conference awards ceremony earlier this year;

[The relevant part starts at 15:11]
The Game Area opened during the Culture Night with Lunar Love – a game where you must reunite a moon with her planet by manipulating gravity fields, and Alienation […]

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GAME + Almedalen Library = True

Our Håkan Mattsson and the lovely ladies at the Almedalen Library has now launched the Game Area; a space in dedicated to allow public access to our students’ games.
The first selection of projects were announced at the Gotland Game Conference awards ceremony earlier this year;

[The relevant part starts at 15:11]
The Game Area opened during the Culture Night with Lunar Love – a game where you must reunite a moon with her planet by manipulating gravity fields, and Alienation […]

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