Browsing 'Game Design':

Analyzing: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s Competetive mode.

Earlier this week, we had our first real lecture in our Level Design course. In the lecture, our teacher (Ernest Adams) mentioned a couple of principles that you need to take into consideration when you are designing a game and design the levels inside the game. During the lecture, I started to thinking that I should do an analysis of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s competitive mode after those principles.
But before I start talking about that, you will need to understand how […]

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Program: Programming

Analyzing: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s Competetive mode.

Earlier this week, we had our first real lecture in our Level Design course. In the lecture, our teacher (Ernest Adams) mentioned a couple of principles that you need to take into consideration when you are designing a game and design the levels inside the game. During the lecture, I started to thinking that I should do an analysis of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s competitive mode after those principles.
But before I start talking about that, you will need to understand how […]

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Program: Programming

Codename: Haunted Light – Productive Day!

Today was a long day, a whole 12 hours at school.
The day started out with a scrum meeting where we received feedback on what we’d so far done on the scrum document. The scrum document is a kind-of work plan in which all the group members specify all the work which need to be done until certain dead-lines.
First we had planned out the work in broad categories to focus the time on actual development instead of grouping each work-task. Although, […]

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Program: Programming

Codename: Haunted Light – Productive Day!

Today was a long day, a whole 12 hours at school.
The day started out with a scrum meeting where we received feedback on what we’d so far done on the scrum document. The scrum document is a kind-of work plan in which all the group members specify all the work which need to be done until certain dead-lines.
First we had planned out the work in broad categories to focus the time on actual development instead of grouping each work-task. Although, […]

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Program: Programming


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1024, 640), “Caption”);
CircleShape shape(300.0f);
while (window.isOpen()) {
Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == Event::Closed) {
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape))
window.clear(Color(0×11,0×22, 0×33, 0xf));
return 0;
Om vi ändå lärt oss det här före jul…

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Program: Programming


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1024, 640), “Caption”);
CircleShape shape(300.0f);
while (window.isOpen()) {
Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == Event::Closed) {
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape))
window.clear(Color(0×11,0×22, 0×33, 0xf));
return 0;
Om vi ändå lärt oss det här före jul…

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Program: Programming


I’ve tried to get the SDL_ttf working.
It turns out that it was made for SDL 1.2 and not 2.0, which we are using.
This makes implementing it a lot harder, it’s based on SDL_Surfaces and not SDL_Windows, that we use..

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Program: Programming


I’ve tried to get the SDL_ttf working.
It turns out that it was made for SDL 1.2 and not 2.0, which we are using.
This makes implementing it a lot harder, it’s based on SDL_Surfaces and not SDL_Windows, that we use..

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Program: Programming

26h Game Jam

I’m currently participating in a 26 hour long game jam, the creators of enchant.js is here. So we are making a game in enchant.js in 26 hours. I am in a group with one other guy, we have a dissadvantage to some other groups because they have programmers and we dont. Adam (my group partner) know some programming in javascript so he has to do all the the programming.
They way we make the game as we cant code much orselves […]

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Program: Graphics

26h Game Jam

I’m currently participating in a 26 hour long game jam, the creators of enchant.js is here. So we are making a game in enchant.js in 26 hours. I am in a group with one other guy, we have a dissadvantage to some other groups because they have programmers and we dont. Adam (my group partner) know some programming in javascript so he has to do all the the programming.
They way we make the game as we cant code much orselves […]

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Program: Graphics

Group and individual work

After two days of play-testing we have polished our game some more. My dice rolling went like shit so I died really early on in the game so for me it became fast boring, but it wasn’t only my dice rolling that did it. We noticed that the wizard had become little too powerful with some of the new spells that had been added, so the changes we did to balance it was to make the most powerful spells into […]

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Program: Graphics

Group and individual work

After two days of play-testing we have polished our game some more. My dice rolling went like shit so I died really early on in the game so for me it became fast boring, but it wasn’t only my dice rolling that did it. We noticed that the wizard had become little too powerful with some of the new spells that had been added, so the changes we did to balance it was to make the most powerful spells into […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Jam 8h

This is a late update, we had a game jam at school 2 weeks ago were we would make a game in 8 hours only using gamemaker free. In total we worked for 6h30min because of a lecture we wanted to go to. The theme of the game jam was everyday doom. The only rules was that we could only use game maker and couldnt offend anyone, except Ulf. Ulf is a guy that work at the school. Sp because […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Jam 8h

This is a late update, we had a game jam at school 2 weeks ago were we would make a game in 8 hours only using gamemaker free. In total we worked for 6h30min because of a lecture we wanted to go to. The theme of the game jam was everyday doom. The only rules was that we could only use game maker and couldnt offend anyone, except Ulf. Ulf is a guy that work at the school. Sp because […]

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Program: Graphics

What I´ve been up to in my Advanced game design course.

This is my weekly report for our Advanced game design course, were we are creating a board game!
The goal for this week was to create a playable prototype of our board-game for our advanced game design course, so that it could be play-tested by other groups.
What we did
This week we have been working on our board game for our advanced game design course, focusing on getting the system right. When we first started thinking about how we were going to […]

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Program: Programming

What I´ve been up to in my Advanced game design course.

This is my weekly report for our Advanced game design course, were we are creating a board game!
The goal for this week was to create a playable prototype of our board-game for our advanced game design course, so that it could be play-tested by other groups.
What we did
This week we have been working on our board game for our advanced game design course, focusing on getting the system right. When we first started thinking about how we were going to […]

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Program: Programming

The board game project – Overview and personal thoughts

A few days ago we had our first meeting about the board game project. We had some ideas pretty early on.
One of these ideas was to have a game with toy guns which you have to physically shoot other players with.
We had all played “Jungle Speed” and really liked that concept and we discussed if we could recreate the feeling when playing that game.
I’ll Explain in short what Jungle Speed is for those who do not know:
In jungle speed a […]

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Program: Graphics

The board game project – Overview and personal thoughts

A few days ago we had our first meeting about the board game project. We had some ideas pretty early on.
One of these ideas was to have a game with toy guns which you have to physically shoot other players with.
We had all played “Jungle Speed” and really liked that concept and we discussed if we could recreate the feeling when playing that game.
I’ll Explain in short what Jungle Speed is for those who do not know:
In jungle speed a […]

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Program: Graphics

Mastery and end game in MMOG´s

So a while ago I had an interesting discussion with a teacher where he said that what makes Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG´s) so hard to design is that there are a big amount of players, that all are different.
His point being that they started playing at different times, they play via different time schedules (some play 6 hours a day, while some play 2), some are quick learners, some are not.
Now the biggest challenge in this is the people […]

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Program: Programming

Mastery and end game in MMOG´s

So a while ago I had an interesting discussion with a teacher where he said that what makes Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG´s) so hard to design is that there are a big amount of players, that all are different.
His point being that they started playing at different times, they play via different time schedules (some play 6 hours a day, while some play 2), some are quick learners, some are not.
Now the biggest challenge in this is the people […]

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Program: Programming

Hey, I have a blog!

So.. I make games!
I am currently studying at the University of Uppsala campus Gotland, located in Sweden.
Turns out our teachers are forcing us to create blogs, so here we go!

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Program: Programming

Hey, I have a blog!

So.. I make games!
I am currently studying at the University of Uppsala campus Gotland, located in Sweden.
Turns out our teachers are forcing us to create blogs, so here we go!

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Program: Programming

Design a game on paper.

During todays lecture with Adam Mayes i got an idea for a game. I started designing it and i think it’s something i will be able to do. It’s gonna be a 3D game were you play as a thief, but it will have some special aspects to it.

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Program: Graphics

Design a game on paper.

During todays lecture with Adam Mayes i got an idea for a game. I started designing it and i think it’s something i will be able to do. It’s gonna be a 3D game were you play as a thief, but it will have some special aspects to it.

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Program: Graphics