Browsing 'Game Design':

Big Game Project (week 3)
After all the placeholders were done we decided to change the perspective of our game because people thought the towers and enemies were quite unclear from a top-down perspective. Instead we decided to use an approximately 45 degree angle so everything would be more clear and the player can see more of the towers, characters and other objects in the game.
Since all our placeholders are done (even dough they are top-town) and we notice that our systems work were beginning […]

Big Game Project (week 3)
After all the placeholders were done we decided to change the perspective of our game because people thought the towers and enemies were quite unclear from a top-down perspective. Instead we decided to use an approximately 45 degree angle so everything would be more clear and the player can see more of the towers, characters and other objects in the game.
Since all our placeholders are done (even dough they are top-town) and we notice that our systems work were beginning […]

Big Game Project (week 3)
After all the placeholders were done we decided to change the perspective of our game because people thought the towers and enemies were quite unclear from a top-down perspective. Instead we decided to use an approximately 45 degree angle so everything would be more clear and the player can see more of the towers, characters and other objects in the game.
Since all our placeholders are done (even dough they are top-town) and we notice that our systems work were beginning […]

Big Game Project (week 3)
After all the placeholders were done we decided to change the perspective of our game because people thought the towers and enemies were quite unclear from a top-down perspective. Instead we decided to use an approximately 45 degree angle so everything would be more clear and the player can see more of the towers, characters and other objects in the game.
Since all our placeholders are done (even dough they are top-town) and we notice that our systems work were beginning […]

First week is done!
The first week has gone by quickly, and we are ahead of schedule 🙂
I started out the week by creating a character that was moveable by using an xbox controller, unity had scripts for moving the character, but unfortunately they were written in java (therefor non-compatible with c# scripts which we are using) and they did not support did xbox controller, so I had to re-do them from scratch.
When I was done with the controllers, I unfortunately started working with features […]

First week is done!
The first week has gone by quickly, and we are ahead of schedule 🙂
I started out the week by creating a character that was moveable by using an xbox controller, unity had scripts for moving the character, but unfortunately they were written in java (therefor non-compatible with c# scripts which we are using) and they did not support did xbox controller, so I had to re-do them from scratch.
When I was done with the controllers, I unfortunately started working with features […]

Project “Totemic”
Concept art by Nils Wennergren
Theme Park
We’ve been tasked with creating a Game for a course called Theme Park. This involves building a game cabinet and then design original and interesting controls for said cabinet. The games we’ll be creating during this course will be presented at the GGC (Gotland Game Conferance) in Visby, Sweden. Croikey!
Totemic – Our Game
Alright, so we got together, and managed to salvage three people from the last group, Myself (The lead designer), Camilla Jacobsen (The […]

Project “Totemic”
Concept art by Nils Wennergren
Theme Park
We’ve been tasked with creating a Game for a course called Theme Park. This involves building a game cabinet and then design original and interesting controls for said cabinet. The games we’ll be creating during this course will be presented at the GGC (Gotland Game Conferance) in Visby, Sweden. Croikey!
Totemic – Our Game
Alright, so we got together, and managed to salvage three people from the last group, Myself (The lead designer), Camilla Jacobsen (The […]
Terminal Post-Mortem
Post Mortem – Terminal Game
The Game can be downloaded HERE! (If it doesn’t work, you might need to download x86 vcredist which can be found HERE!)
I’ll start off by saying that I’m extremely satisfied with our final product – especially seeing as this is our first project ever.
I strongly believe that the group managed to consistently work towards a combined goal. The game had a healthy rate of progress throughout the entire project and the aesthetics, mechanics and dynamics […]
Terminal Post-Mortem
Post Mortem – Terminal Game
The Game can be downloaded HERE! (If it doesn’t work, you might need to download x86 vcredist which can be found HERE!)
I’ll start off by saying that I’m extremely satisfied with our final product – especially seeing as this is our first project ever.
I strongly believe that the group managed to consistently work towards a combined goal. The game had a healthy rate of progress throughout the entire project and the aesthetics, mechanics and dynamics […]

Last week the class got to divide itself into new groups for a new course to start making games for the Gotland Game Conference (GGC). Half of my old team is the same with the addition of one artist, one designer/artist and one coder. The theme of the GGC is unconventional controls and after completing “Terminal” we wanted to focus on keeping it simple and polishing it to perfection.
We started a few weeks before starting the course with brainstorming what […]

Last week the class got to divide itself into new groups for a new course to start making games for the Gotland Game Conference (GGC). Half of my old team is the same with the addition of one artist, one designer/artist and one coder. The theme of the GGC is unconventional controls and after completing “Terminal” we wanted to focus on keeping it simple and polishing it to perfection.
We started a few weeks before starting the course with brainstorming what […]
Preparing for year 3 already now.
Right now, the Big Game project course has started. Some groups are already well underway with their projects, others who lacks groups will pitch their game ideas tomorrow (Friday 4th April) and try and find the members they need.
I talked to two teachers at Campus Gotland, Håkan Mattsson and Adam Mayes, about the idea I had for big game project. And they really liked my idea. But the scope was to big for the time that is left on the […]
Preparing for year 3 already now.
Right now, the Big Game project course has started. Some groups are already well underway with their projects, others who lacks groups will pitch their game ideas tomorrow (Friday 4th April) and try and find the members they need.
I talked to two teachers at Campus Gotland, Håkan Mattsson and Adam Mayes, about the idea I had for big game project. And they really liked my idea. But the scope was to big for the time that is left on the […]

As mentioned in my last post I finished all the frames for the intro of “Terminal” Friday, and yesterday our Lead Programmer implemented them in our game. They slide in and out frame by frame, ending on a comic book page with them all gathered before perfectly timed with the music switch to the main menu, of wich he was very proud.
Here is how the finished page turned out.
As I have showed previously I […]

As mentioned in my last post I finished all the frames for the intro of “Terminal” Friday, and yesterday our Lead Programmer implemented them in our game. They slide in and out frame by frame, ending on a comic book page with them all gathered before perfectly timed with the music switch to the main menu, of wich he was very proud.
Here is how the finished page turned out.
As I have showed previously I […]

Codename: Haunted Light – Automatic Tiling
This week have been a really productive one in terms of features completed. First off, I’ve done some finishing touches on the Pathfinding algorithm which I wrote about in last weeks’ post and all that remains now is to give each enemy it’s AI-logic.
One of Haunted Lights more prominent feature is it’s re-generation of levels. Because of that particular feature we need to have the level to […]

Codename: Haunted Light – Automatic Tiling
This week have been a really productive one in terms of features completed. First off, I’ve done some finishing touches on the Pathfinding algorithm which I wrote about in last weeks’ post and all that remains now is to give each enemy it’s AI-logic.
One of Haunted Lights more prominent feature is it’s re-generation of levels. Because of that particular feature we need to have the level to […]
Last week I finally finished the death animation for the main character in “Terminal”, this turned out to be quite a challenge. I found it very difficult imagining how one would fall when dying and I did some sketches of how she might look when lying on the floor. I thought about googleing “dead girl” but I was afraid of what I would see so I just had to use my imagination.
I had one “death pose” that I liked although […]
Last week I finally finished the death animation for the main character in “Terminal”, this turned out to be quite a challenge. I found it very difficult imagining how one would fall when dying and I did some sketches of how she might look when lying on the floor. I thought about googleing “dead girl” but I was afraid of what I would see so I just had to use my imagination.
I had one “death pose” that I liked although […]

The week of Gunilla
Hello, this week I worked on the boss for the game. The bosses name is Gunilla. More specifically I worked on the ghostly “fire” part of the boss, my team-mate Alex is working on the mask/face of it.
Here is a picture from it, I don’t have the final mask implemented yet and it the fire part will probably be transparent later. But here is a frame from the idle animation:
The mask is just a rough sketch right now in […]

The week of Gunilla
Hello, this week I worked on the boss for the game. The bosses name is Gunilla. More specifically I worked on the ghostly “fire” part of the boss, my team-mate Alex is working on the mask/face of it.
Here is a picture from it, I don’t have the final mask implemented yet and it the fire part will probably be transparent later. But here is a frame from the idle animation:
The mask is just a rough sketch right now in […]

University Projects: That Bothersome .txt
Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk about more level design and especially polishing of levels. As our editor cannot load already finished text docs, we need to manage all editing of the levels by hand, by going into text files and changing small, small details such as coordinates.
But to find what I need to edit I need to run the level and playtest the game, find where something is wrong and then enter either photoshop or the editor and […]

University Projects: That Bothersome .txt
Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk about more level design and especially polishing of levels. As our editor cannot load already finished text docs, we need to manage all editing of the levels by hand, by going into text files and changing small, small details such as coordinates.
But to find what I need to edit I need to run the level and playtest the game, find where something is wrong and then enter either photoshop or the editor and […]