Browsing '5SD033': Introduction to Game Development

more collisions

2014 02 06
I’ve been doing the collisions again.. The circle works fine, sort of. I have Three circles drawn. Two of them collide like they are supposed to. The third circle will not collide with any of the two colliding circles.
I also have Three rectangles. Same thing there, only two of the rectangles will collide.
I Think this has something to do with how I check for collisions. I now have two different std::vectors containing colliders, one for rectangle colliders and […]

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Program: Programming

more collisions

2014 02 06
I’ve been doing the collisions again.. The circle works fine, sort of. I have Three circles drawn. Two of them collide like they are supposed to. The third circle will not collide with any of the two colliding circles.
I also have Three rectangles. Same thing there, only two of the rectangles will collide.
I Think this has something to do with how I check for collisions. I now have two different std::vectors containing colliders, one for rectangle colliders and […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Milestone, playable game

The game is playable. It is a very simple version without almost all collision since that is not implemented yet. All code that makes the game playable is located within the engine but it will be broken up into the different states and managers as they start getting added.
I made a temporary collision code, as it was needed for collision between projectiles and enemies. It looks like this:

fDistanceX = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().x – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().x);
fDistanceY = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().y – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().y);
fDistanceTotal = sqrtf(fDistanceX*fDistanceX + fDistanceY*fDistanceY);
if(fDistanceTotal […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Milestone, playable game

The game is playable. It is a very simple version without almost all collision since that is not implemented yet. All code that makes the game playable is located within the engine but it will be broken up into the different states and managers as they start getting added.
I made a temporary collision code, as it was needed for collision between projectiles and enemies. It looks like this:

fDistanceX = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().x – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().x);
fDistanceY = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().y – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().y);
fDistanceTotal = sqrtf(fDistanceX*fDistanceX + fDistanceY*fDistanceY);
if(fDistanceTotal […]

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Program: Programming


Last week we were very busy with planning, designing and making decisions. The assignment for that week was to create a complete scrum backlog as we are required to work with scrum for this course. After meeting with our teacher, our scrum master and getting some feedback from our teacher’s assistants we started to get a complete idea of what we want to create and at the end of the week I felt that we had come so far in […]

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Program: Graphics


Last week we were very busy with planning, designing and making decisions. The assignment for that week was to create a complete scrum backlog as we are required to work with scrum for this course. After meeting with our teacher, our scrum master and getting some feedback from our teacher’s assistants we started to get a complete idea of what we want to create and at the end of the week I felt that we had come so far in […]

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Program: Graphics

Doing Collision management

I have made a Collider class.
It has Three overlap bool functions for rectangle vs rectangle overlaping, rectangle vs circle overlaping and circle vs circle overlapping.
The mathematics is not that difficult when you have the seperating axis theorem and the basic knowlage of a simple circle and a rectangle.
The rectangle vs rectangle one checks to see if there is overlapping by the x-axis of the rectangle’s extension, width and height. Then it checks if it is ovelapping the y-axis. (seperating axes […]

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Program: Programming

Doing Collision management

I have made a Collider class.
It has Three overlap bool functions for rectangle vs rectangle overlaping, rectangle vs circle overlaping and circle vs circle overlapping.
The mathematics is not that difficult when you have the seperating axis theorem and the basic knowlage of a simple circle and a rectangle.
The rectangle vs rectangle one checks to see if there is overlapping by the x-axis of the rectangle’s extension, width and height. Then it checks if it is ovelapping the y-axis. (seperating axes […]

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Program: Programming

Developing the game using SCRUM

This Post was created -2014 02 02
Last wednesday, we thought we’d try to get some basic stuff to our Project up and running by the Sprint Review/planning on (last) friday.
We initiated the Game states StartState, the first screen containing quit, play and options button, GameState, in which the acctual gameplay is, optionState, change volume and such.
By “initiated” I mean just made the hpp and cpp files with some empty methods. We also made a StateManager to go with that […]

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Program: Programming

Developing the game using SCRUM

This Post was created -2014 02 02
Last wednesday, we thought we’d try to get some basic stuff to our Project up and running by the Sprint Review/planning on (last) friday.
We initiated the Game states StartState, the first screen containing quit, play and options button, GameState, in which the acctual gameplay is, optionState, change volume and such.
By “initiated” I mean just made the hpp and cpp files with some empty methods. We also made a StateManager to go with that […]

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Program: Programming

Game Programming 2 and Game Developement introduction

The Project I last did with Jonas is no doubt in need of some finishing work, but we have 4 attempts left and there is not very much left to complete.
This post is not about that, all though I may be blogging about that project as well.
This post is about the current two courses: Game Programming 2 and Game Production – an introduction.
In the first course, game design and analysis – an introduction we all worked in groups and created […]

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Program: Programming

Game Programming 2 and Game Developement introduction

The Project I last did with Jonas is no doubt in need of some finishing work, but we have 4 attempts left and there is not very much left to complete.
This post is not about that, all though I may be blogging about that project as well.
This post is about the current two courses: Game Programming 2 and Game Production – an introduction.
In the first course, game design and analysis – an introduction we all worked in groups and created […]

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Program: Programming

Game Developement and Coding

This week we had our first scrum sprint, meaning we set up assignments for each group member to be done with by Friday. The assignments were either art, music or code to be used in the game we are making, Dangerous Dander.
Being a coder my assignments were to start on the different classes of our game objects as well as their inheritance structure. That basically means I had to make so called Parent classes from which other classes will inherit […]

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Program: Programming

Game Developement and Coding

This week we had our first scrum sprint, meaning we set up assignments for each group member to be done with by Friday. The assignments were either art, music or code to be used in the game we are making, Dangerous Dander.
Being a coder my assignments were to start on the different classes of our game objects as well as their inheritance structure. That basically means I had to make so called Parent classes from which other classes will inherit […]

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Program: Programming

Shoot ’em up Project 14-02-01

It’s been a busy week, with things to do apart from the shoot ’em up project, but it feels like we’re slowly getting the hang on what to do. We’ve had a meeting with one of our tutors, pitching our ideas and thoughts on how we wanted the game to feel and look. We got a positive response, with a couple of things that we had to think through a bit more. The first thing was whether our main character […]

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Program: Graphics

Shoot ’em up Project 14-02-01

It’s been a busy week, with things to do apart from the shoot ’em up project, but it feels like we’re slowly getting the hang on what to do. We’ve had a meeting with one of our tutors, pitching our ideas and thoughts on how we wanted the game to feel and look. We got a positive response, with a couple of things that we had to think through a bit more. The first thing was whether our main character […]

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Program: Graphics

Group Dynamics

Today our group had a session about group dynamics, we were introduced to non-violent communication and we all got to, in turn, say how we feel about the project right now. Everyone thought pretty much the same, that everything felt very loose and that we should start deciding things. After that we did what we all had wanted to do and sat down and discussed what we wanted and made some decisions, now it feels like we have something to […]

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Program: Graphics

Group Dynamics

Today our group had a session about group dynamics, we were introduced to non-violent communication and we all got to, in turn, say how we feel about the project right now. Everyone thought pretty much the same, that everything felt very loose and that we should start deciding things. After that we did what we all had wanted to do and sat down and discussed what we wanted and made some decisions, now it feels like we have something to […]

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Program: Graphics


Escape is the current working name of the game we have chosen to develop, it is going to be stealth game were you are supposed to sneak your way through an airport, although, you will be given the option of killing your way through. Either choice of playing style will offer its own difficulties, for instance killing guards may cause them to increase in number and certain points may be very difficult to sneak through although that will always be […]

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Program: Graphics


Escape is the current working name of the game we have chosen to develop, it is going to be stealth game were you are supposed to sneak your way through an airport, although, you will be given the option of killing your way through. Either choice of playing style will offer its own difficulties, for instance killing guards may cause them to increase in number and certain points may be very difficult to sneak through although that will always be […]

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Program: Graphics

Shoot ’em up Project 14-01-24

The Introduction to Game Development course has begun, we’ve learnt about Scrum and all of the groups have gotten their own “Scrum Master”. We’re the same groups as last semester, which feels great, and we’ve made some progress filling our Scrum document. I’ve been making a couple of placeholders for the first prototype of the game, and begun testing some animation. I’m very happy to have studied animation for three years during upper secondary school. It will come in handy. […]

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Program: Graphics

Shoot ’em up Project 14-01-24

The Introduction to Game Development course has begun, we’ve learnt about Scrum and all of the groups have gotten their own “Scrum Master”. We’re the same groups as last semester, which feels great, and we’ve made some progress filling our Scrum document. I’ve been making a couple of placeholders for the first prototype of the game, and begun testing some animation. I’m very happy to have studied animation for three years during upper secondary school. It will come in handy. […]

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Program: Graphics

Game dev – ONE vision!

No break, full speed ahead in the next courses. In the game development course our full class (both graphics and programmer students) is divided into smaller dev-teams to create games together. I really like our group! We have very talented people who has a lot of motivation! =)
Other groups have allready created their Design Document and we have barely started on ours. We are more focused on beginning to create the game. We should type some more things about the […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – ONE vision!

No break, full speed ahead in the next courses. In the game development course our full class (both graphics and programmer students) is divided into smaller dev-teams to create games together. I really like our group! We have very talented people who has a lot of motivation! =)
Other groups have allready created their Design Document and we have barely started on ours. We are more focused on beginning to create the game. We should type some more things about the […]

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Program: Programming