Browsing '5SD033': Introduction to Game Development

The Lonely Programmer

Leonard was still sick today and i haven’t heard from Oliver all day so I’ve been working alone.
In the morning i went to to the classroom early even though i knew the class wasn’t until the afternoon(totally) and worked on the collision. I was writhing the logical parts needed to fill up the code template Leonard found during the weekend but never managed to finish. The parts that take the player’s position plus/minus height/2 and compares it to the other […]

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Program: Programming

The Lonely Programmer

Leonard was still sick today and i haven’t heard from Oliver all day so I’ve been working alone.
In the morning i went to to the classroom early even though i knew the class wasn’t until the afternoon(totally) and worked on the collision. I was writhing the logical parts needed to fill up the code template Leonard found during the weekend but never managed to finish. The parts that take the player’s position plus/minus height/2 and compares it to the other […]

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Program: Programming

Everything went better than expected

This weekend was annoying, not being able to contact Oliver or Leo most of the time really bottlenecked my work and i didn’t get nearly everything i wanted done. During the weekend i worked on getting the right sprites into the game, making the hiding function working again and i also made the guards return to their initial position(almost) when losing sight of the player. During the Sunday evening Leo placed out objects and guards in order to make a […]

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Program: Programming

Everything went better than expected

This weekend was annoying, not being able to contact Oliver or Leo most of the time really bottlenecked my work and i didn’t get nearly everything i wanted done. During the weekend i worked on getting the right sprites into the game, making the hiding function working again and i also made the guards return to their initial position(almost) when losing sight of the player. During the Sunday evening Leo placed out objects and guards in order to make a […]

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Program: Programming

Not much progress today, with Olvier gone I had a hard time understanding his code properly while also making me reluctant to make any big changes as i don’t know what he is planning to do. I added a guard into the level loader and set it to update the same way the normally added guards was but i just could not get it to work. I also don’t quite understand the objects he have set to load from the […]

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Program: Programming

Not much progress today, with Olvier gone I had a hard time understanding his code properly while also making me reluctant to make any big changes as i don’t know what he is planning to do. I added a guard into the level loader and set it to update the same way the normally added guards was but i just could not get it to work. I also don’t quite understand the objects he have set to load from the […]

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Program: Programming

Game Development- Introduction. Blog Post – 1

In this course all student are split into 12 groups of about 6-8 people in each group. Each group will together developing a game which is based on a concept document.
In my group we are 3 programmers and 3 graphic artists.  We did chose to create a game based from the concept document ESCAPE.
Why did we choose ESCAPE?
We did chose ESCAPE because we felt it was the most interesting concept of the one we could choose. We did also had a voting where […]

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Program: Programming

Game Development- Introduction. Blog Post – 1

In this course all student are split into 12 groups of about 6-8 people in each group. Each group will together developing a game which is based on a concept document.
In my group we are 3 programmers and 3 graphic artists.  We did chose to create a game based from the concept document ESCAPE.
Why did we choose ESCAPE?
We did chose ESCAPE because we felt it was the most interesting concept of the one we could choose. We did also had a voting where […]

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Program: Programming

Tutorial Levels – A handy thing

This past week, group number 5 have been heavy at work on the upcoming ALPHA-version of our Stealth-game, With Intent. With he deadline creeping closer every minute; Theodor Gerhamn and I have been doing some work on a tutorial level. Our tutorial level will (If people react the way we hope) teach the player how to use the controls without the need of excessive handholding, giving the player a better feeling of immersion.

Above is the first concept image of […]

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Program: Graphics

Tutorial Levels – A handy thing

This past week, group number 5 have been heavy at work on the upcoming ALPHA-version of our Stealth-game, With Intent. With he deadline creeping closer every minute; Theodor Gerhamn and I have been doing some work on a tutorial level. Our tutorial level will (If people react the way we hope) teach the player how to use the controls without the need of excessive handholding, giving the player a better feeling of immersion.

Above is the first concept image of […]

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Program: Graphics

Designing our Game

This Week
We’ve been occupied with work all week, day in and day out. It’s incredibly stressfull, but to be fair, we’ve been very productive in our respective line of work.
I’ve been mapping out, re-designing, adjusting numbers and writing on our Game Design Document. There’s so much to do, and so much to test when it comes to Game Design. It’s almost like a obsessive compulsion disorder; I can’t get enough of Game Design.
Spent quite a lot of time reading […]

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Program: Programming

Designing our Game

This Week
We’ve been occupied with work all week, day in and day out. It’s incredibly stressfull, but to be fair, we’ve been very productive in our respective line of work.
I’ve been mapping out, re-designing, adjusting numbers and writing on our Game Design Document. There’s so much to do, and so much to test when it comes to Game Design. It’s almost like a obsessive compulsion disorder; I can’t get enough of Game Design.
Spent quite a lot of time reading […]

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Program: Programming

Project “Bloody Badgers” 2014-02-13

As the big project during our Game development course we are to create a game from a chosen concept out of the 13 made concepts from last term. My group chose a concept called “Bloody Badgers”.  It was a game about being chased by a hoard of badgers and you as a player had to dig your way through tunnels to safety.
“Bloody badgers” was all about being chased, and being chased isn’t really a pleasant feeling now is it? So […]

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Program: Graphics

Project “Bloody Badgers” 2014-02-13

As the big project during our Game development course we are to create a game from a chosen concept out of the 13 made concepts from last term. My group chose a concept called “Bloody Badgers”.  It was a game about being chased by a hoard of badgers and you as a player had to dig your way through tunnels to safety.
“Bloody badgers” was all about being chased, and being chased isn’t really a pleasant feeling now is it? So […]

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Program: Graphics

First Animation

I am not unfamiliar with animation, in fact, I studied animation in highschool. While it might not have been as in depth as I wished it would have been, it has still given me an advantage. Consequently, I was tasked with tackling the animation of our project.
What I consider the most important aspect to keep in mind when animating a character, is to make them look alive. This becomes quite the challange, considering the top-down perspective that we’re using. […]

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Program: Graphics

First Animation

I am not unfamiliar with animation, in fact, I studied animation in highschool. While it might not have been as in depth as I wished it would have been, it has still given me an advantage. Consequently, I was tasked with tackling the animation of our project.
What I consider the most important aspect to keep in mind when animating a character, is to make them look alive. This becomes quite the challange, considering the top-down perspective that we’re using. […]

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Program: Graphics

Jag har denna vecka för det mesta suttit och pysslat med att få fiender till att fungera. Måttligt framgångsrikt hittills men det ska nog gå att lösas under helgen. Jag började med att skriva en fiende klass som håller koll på dom gemensamma sakerna för fiender. Fiende klassen ärver från våran spelobjekt klass som jag skrev förra veckan. Spelobjekt klassen håller koll på vad saker och ting är, vad dom har för sprite, vad dom har för collider och flaggor […]

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Program: Programming

Jag har denna vecka för det mesta suttit och pysslat med att få fiender till att fungera. Måttligt framgångsrikt hittills men det ska nog gå att lösas under helgen. Jag började med att skriva en fiende klass som håller koll på dom gemensamma sakerna för fiender. Fiende klassen ärver från våran spelobjekt klass som jag skrev förra veckan. Spelobjekt klassen håller koll på vad saker och ting är, vad dom har för sprite, vad dom har för collider och flaggor […]

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Program: Programming

An update long overdue

So, long time no write but now I am back and hopefully will keep this up with at least a post a week.
Right now, or since the start of this semester really, we valiant members of group 10 have been working on Escape, a top down stealth game set in an office building during ca 1950. Our Min character is named Tommy and he has killed a dude and he wears a duster coat and a fedora. Not a trillby. […]

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Program: Graphics

An update long overdue

So, long time no write but now I am back and hopefully will keep this up with at least a post a week.
Right now, or since the start of this semester really, we valiant members of group 10 have been working on Escape, a top down stealth game set in an office building during ca 1950. Our Min character is named Tommy and he has killed a dude and he wears a duster coat and a fedora. Not a trillby. […]

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Program: Graphics

Artifact Post 1

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Program: Programming

Artifact Post 1

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Program: Programming

AI, I hate AI

This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.

The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

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Program: Programming

AI, I hate AI

This week I took it upon myself to do the AI for the enemy fish and the light bulb for the player. While the light bulb was pretty straight forward the AI was a lot harder to put together. I realize this task will take much more time than I expected. It didn’t help that I was stuck in bed the whole week with fever and “puke sickness”.

The light bulb consists of a sprite that’s always drawn just in […]

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Program: Programming