Browsing '5SD033': Introduction to Game Development

The Morker
Originally we planned to have two types of ranged enemies in our game. The first, labeled “the Workers” were supposed to stand faced against the wall, not noticing the player until they were attacked. When this happens, they would swarm the player and try to shoot her down. The second type of enemy was to be a flying moth character, that would fly around in random patterns, making him a difficult target, while at the same time firing down at […]

The Morker
Originally we planned to have two types of ranged enemies in our game. The first, labeled “the Workers” were supposed to stand faced against the wall, not noticing the player until they were attacked. When this happens, they would swarm the player and try to shoot her down. The second type of enemy was to be a flying moth character, that would fly around in random patterns, making him a difficult target, while at the same time firing down at […]

Artifact : Parallax
Lets start with explaining a Parallax before moving into how its created.
Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines. – Wikipedia
As you can see in the picture the object overlap each other depending on what the cameras position in relation to the objects.
And now here is an overview on how my layers are. […]

Artifact : Parallax
Lets start with explaining a Parallax before moving into how its created.
Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines. – Wikipedia
As you can see in the picture the object overlap each other depending on what the cameras position in relation to the objects.
And now here is an overview on how my layers are. […]

Level Design
So this week I have been working on our level drawing and I must say it’s a lot of fun! Now I know that unfortunately you can’t make out everything that’s on the map, but for those of you with keen eyes, I can quickly explain what the different colors in the drawing means.
The way we create our level is through color coding, this means that for us to create the level we draw out different colors and […]

Level Design
So this week I have been working on our level drawing and I must say it’s a lot of fun! Now I know that unfortunately you can’t make out everything that’s on the map, but for those of you with keen eyes, I can quickly explain what the different colors in the drawing means.
The way we create our level is through color coding, this means that for us to create the level we draw out different colors and […]

3rd blog post of 10 Week Project – The Game Menu’s Code
Something I’ve been working on this week is implementing the menu for the game.
The states and state manager for our game had already been made, thus that was not a problem of mine. We had also gone through states in programming class, and therefore it was easy for me to know how they work and how to switch between them.
I have made a menu before, but as our game is controlled with the keyboard and no mouse, the menu for […]

3rd blog post of 10 Week Project – The Game Menu’s Code
Something I’ve been working on this week is implementing the menu for the game.
The states and state manager for our game had already been made, thus that was not a problem of mine. We had also gone through states in programming class, and therefore it was easy for me to know how they work and how to switch between them.
I have made a menu before, but as our game is controlled with the keyboard and no mouse, the menu for […]

The magic of Sound
While a game can be great without sound, there is something magical within sounds that fill the athmosphere. Which is somewhat needed to give that stillful and lonely feeling that our game needs. With this motivation in mind I set out to create something that could handle all the different sounds in our game in a reasonable fashion.
The thought that came to mind where that we do not want to load the same sound file several time.
To solve this I […]

The magic of Sound
While a game can be great without sound, there is something magical within sounds that fill the athmosphere. Which is somewhat needed to give that stillful and lonely feeling that our game needs. With this motivation in mind I set out to create something that could handle all the different sounds in our game in a reasonable fashion.
The thought that came to mind where that we do not want to load the same sound file several time.
To solve this I […]
Thank god for Sticky Notes
Without that app i would never had been able to keep track of what I’ve done that day.
Today we worked in the Game room most of the day and while i ran into several problems i still feel like i did pretty well. First of all i fixed an issue where guards would still cause the player to reset on contact even after being killed, due to them having their own bool to check whether they were removed or not […]
Thank god for Sticky Notes
Without that app i would never had been able to keep track of what I’ve done that day.
Today we worked in the Game room most of the day and while i ran into several problems i still feel like i did pretty well. First of all i fixed an issue where guards would still cause the player to reset on contact even after being killed, due to them having their own bool to check whether they were removed or not […]

Finished the elemental points and started with new work!
This week I have finished the elemental icons for our game. Last time I posted, I had only finished the wood element icon and needed to remake the water and fire icons. The remake of the two went well, and i managed to get the same style of the leaf on the two of them. After I was done making the main icons, I also started remaking the small point icons, and ended up choosing the smaller icon setup seen […]

Finished the elemental points and started with new work!
This week I have finished the elemental icons for our game. Last time I posted, I had only finished the wood element icon and needed to remake the water and fire icons. The remake of the two went well, and i managed to get the same style of the leaf on the two of them. After I was done making the main icons, I also started remaking the small point icons, and ended up choosing the smaller icon setup seen […]

Haunted Light 2014-02-27 Recording monster sounds
This week I have been working in the next step from have done the sound manager to actually record the sound. I have been using the site to get royalty free music and sounds to mix them into something new. But the most work hours has been put down into finding sounds in real life that could work in the game. The Monster’s sounds are pretty easy to find because they are made by my voice, which later on […]

Haunted Light 2014-02-27 Recording monster sounds
This week I have been working in the next step from have done the sound manager to actually record the sound. I have been using the site to get royalty free music and sounds to mix them into something new. But the most work hours has been put down into finding sounds in real life that could work in the game. The Monster’s sounds are pretty easy to find because they are made by my voice, which later on […]

Terror of the Deep
Hello everyone, it’s blogging day again.
Today I’ll be talking about something different from my usual blog posts. Previously I’ve walked through my process of animating different sprites as well as explaining some different animation theories that I like to refer to while working. This week I’ve mainly worked with finishing up last week’s set of animations, creating background objects for decoration in our game’s stages, and the design of our fish’s final stage of growth. I’ve chosen to reflect on […]

Terror of the Deep
Hello everyone, it’s blogging day again.
Today I’ll be talking about something different from my usual blog posts. Previously I’ve walked through my process of animating different sprites as well as explaining some different animation theories that I like to refer to while working. This week I’ve mainly worked with finishing up last week’s set of animations, creating background objects for decoration in our game’s stages, and the design of our fish’s final stage of growth. I’ve chosen to reflect on […]

Long post including artifact.
This post will be both my log of yesterday and today as well as my artifact post for this week so please excuse me if it’s a bit long.
First of all, the log.
Tuesday i started by altering the interaction method slightly by making it run it’s own method including a relevant object and performing the necessary things depending on the object type.
I then started work on items for the game which is what I’ve been doing for most of these […]

Long post including artifact.
This post will be both my log of yesterday and today as well as my artifact post for this week so please excuse me if it’s a bit long.
First of all, the log.
Tuesday i started by altering the interaction method slightly by making it run it’s own method including a relevant object and performing the necessary things depending on the object type.
I then started work on items for the game which is what I’ve been doing for most of these […]
Today was a good day.
Now that we’re through the alpha(to the surprise of some) and Olvier(and Leonard) have returned to active work we were able to get a good day’s work today. In the morning we had ourselves a look at the deadlines on the Backlog in the scrum document. there was some adjustment but we should be able to get a lot of stuff done before the pre-Beta on May 6(Thursday next week!).
After the morning meeting us programmers was able to work almost undisturbed […]
Today was a good day.
Now that we’re through the alpha(to the surprise of some) and Olvier(and Leonard) have returned to active work we were able to get a good day’s work today. In the morning we had ourselves a look at the deadlines on the Backlog in the scrum document. there was some adjustment but we should be able to get a lot of stuff done before the pre-Beta on May 6(Thursday next week!).
After the morning meeting us programmers was able to work almost undisturbed […]

Today was our first milestone of our project – the Alpha presentation. All groups got to go up on stage in front of the class, some second year students and some teachers to present our game. It started with a short presentation of our group, why we chose the concept we did, what went well/could have gone better and our goals for the beta. This was followed by a demonstration of what our game currently looks like and how it […]

Today was our first milestone of our project – the Alpha presentation. All groups got to go up on stage in front of the class, some second year students and some teachers to present our game. It started with a short presentation of our group, why we chose the concept we did, what went well/could have gone better and our goals for the beta. This was followed by a demonstration of what our game currently looks like and how it […]