Browsing '5SD033': Introduction to Game Development

Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation & Title Screen Music

This week iv’e been home, away from school and Gotland. I’ve still got work to do on our project though and this week my focus has been on cleaning up the last bit of sound effects laying around in order to completely focus my efforts on voice-overs for our main character and enemies. In addition to making some of the sounds you’ll hear in our menus i’ve worked on a sound called “Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation”. When our character takes a […]

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Program: Graphics

Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation & Title Screen Music

This week iv’e been home, away from school and Gotland. I’ve still got work to do on our project though and this week my focus has been on cleaning up the last bit of sound effects laying around in order to completely focus my efforts on voice-overs for our main character and enemies. In addition to making some of the sounds you’ll hear in our menus i’ve worked on a sound called “Happy-Pill Power-Up Activation”. When our character takes a […]

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Program: Graphics

Item Class Friday

Today i remade the pickup items into their own class but moving variables and functionality from the GameObject class(which the Item now inherits) it took most of the day to replace all the items and correct all the places where they were mentioned into working properly but it turned out good in the end. I still have the bugs where items will fly in the wrong direction when thrown and they still don’t collide with walls but we decided to […]

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Program: Programming

Item Class Friday

Today i remade the pickup items into their own class but moving variables and functionality from the GameObject class(which the Item now inherits) it took most of the day to replace all the items and correct all the places where they were mentioned into working properly but it turned out good in the end. I still have the bugs where items will fly in the wrong direction when thrown and they still don’t collide with walls but we decided to […]

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Program: Programming

Codename: Haunted Light – GameStates

This week I have accomplished a couple of things.
I changed what the Object-Manager stores. Previously it stored GameObjects but now it stores pointers to GameObjects. This prevents the object you want to store inside the Object-Manager from being destroyed when it gets copied over to the map container. Due to this change I also managed to fix a couple of memory leaks concerning the objects sprites and colliders not getting destroyed. Another thing I did was making the game scale […]

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Program: Programming

Codename: Haunted Light – GameStates

This week I have accomplished a couple of things.
I changed what the Object-Manager stores. Previously it stored GameObjects but now it stores pointers to GameObjects. This prevents the object you want to store inside the Object-Manager from being destroyed when it gets copied over to the map container. Due to this change I also managed to fix a couple of memory leaks concerning the objects sprites and colliders not getting destroyed. Another thing I did was making the game scale […]

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Program: Programming

Playground Panic #3 – Ratatatatatatasplash

This week was filled with bug-fixes and different improvements in our previous assets. My main focus was spent on the View(port) and making it work smoothly with both edges and the player. Unfortunately due to a couple of meetings today, I don’t happen to have it in a completed state right now, so that will probably be on my next blog-post! Instead, I figured I would talk about how the shooting works.
The shooting, aka. the sponge-projectiles (we’re child-friendly here), are […]

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Program: Programming

Playground Panic #3 – Ratatatatatatasplash

This week was filled with bug-fixes and different improvements in our previous assets. My main focus was spent on the View(port) and making it work smoothly with both edges and the player. Unfortunately due to a couple of meetings today, I don’t happen to have it in a completed state right now, so that will probably be on my next blog-post! Instead, I figured I would talk about how the shooting works.
The shooting, aka. the sponge-projectiles (we’re child-friendly here), are […]

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Program: Programming

Artifact Post 3 – Menustate

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Program: Programming

Artifact Post 3 – Menustate

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Program: Programming

Started with coding

So last week I started on the coding process as I completed the documentation part. The task I started with next was a score manager that would keep track of the points, and then being saved to a file; in this case a text file. Every time the program is run 100 points are added to the text file. This means that the score is saved in the text file and always being kept there until the next time the […]

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Program: Programming

Started with coding

So last week I started on the coding process as I completed the documentation part. The task I started with next was a score manager that would keep track of the points, and then being saved to a file; in this case a text file. Every time the program is run 100 points are added to the text file. This means that the score is saved in the text file and always being kept there until the next time the […]

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Program: Programming

So much confusion

So this week I have been working on the UI. In detail it is the parent meter, parent circles, arrows and indicators. Now I will tell you what things do and how it works. So inside the parent meter you have circles in different colors, they represent parents that are on their way to pick up their children. To know whose child is whose we will have arrows pointing at the child with the same color as the circle, that […]

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Program: Programming

So much confusion

So this week I have been working on the UI. In detail it is the parent meter, parent circles, arrows and indicators. Now I will tell you what things do and how it works. So inside the parent meter you have circles in different colors, they represent parents that are on their way to pick up their children. To know whose child is whose we will have arrows pointing at the child with the same color as the circle, that […]

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Program: Programming

Enemy Collision

Jag har denna vecka suttit och pysslat mestadels med Barn vs Barn Kollision. Från början tänkte jag att jag kanske skulle kunna använda samma kollisionsfunktion som jag använde till platformern. Detta visade sig vara mycket problematiskt eftersom programmet crashade när jag försökte fixa så att ungarna hade en kollider vilket gjorde det hela en aning problematiskt. När jag kom på att det var för mycket jobb för att fixa bestämde jag mig istället för att skriva en ny, egen funktion […]

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Program: Programming

Enemy Collision

Jag har denna vecka suttit och pysslat mestadels med Barn vs Barn Kollision. Från början tänkte jag att jag kanske skulle kunna använda samma kollisionsfunktion som jag använde till platformern. Detta visade sig vara mycket problematiskt eftersom programmet crashade när jag försökte fixa så att ungarna hade en kollider vilket gjorde det hela en aning problematiskt. När jag kom på att det var för mycket jobb för att fixa bestämde jag mig istället för att skriva en ny, egen funktion […]

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Program: Programming

A* Pathfinding

Today I am going to talk about path finding, more specifically A* path finding which is just one of many methods of doing path finding.

What is path finding?
Essentially, path finding is a technique for finding a way trough a bunch of obstacles from point A to point B.
In general you apply path finding with AI, but there are other cases that path finding is used as well.

What is A*?
A* is a heuristic graph based algorithm.
A grid of nodes is used to […]

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Program: Programming

A* Pathfinding

Today I am going to talk about path finding, more specifically A* path finding which is just one of many methods of doing path finding.

What is path finding?
Essentially, path finding is a technique for finding a way trough a bunch of obstacles from point A to point B.
In general you apply path finding with AI, but there are other cases that path finding is used as well.

What is A*?
A* is a heuristic graph based algorithm.
A grid of nodes is used to […]

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Program: Programming

Animations, Level Design and Credits Menu!

This week, in contrast to last week, I’ve mostly been doing some practical work. One of the tasks of the week has been to improve upon the animations we’ve been using so far in the proejct.
Simon Fredell did the original, few, frames while I have been improving on his work, turning 4 frames into 7, 8 into 15, etc, manually tweening between each frame.
Below is two images to illustrate what I’ve been doing.
 —– >
Tweening, or inbetweening […]

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Program: Graphics

Animations, Level Design and Credits Menu!

This week, in contrast to last week, I’ve mostly been doing some practical work. One of the tasks of the week has been to improve upon the animations we’ve been using so far in the proejct.
Simon Fredell did the original, few, frames while I have been improving on his work, turning 4 frames into 7, 8 into 15, etc, manually tweening between each frame.
Below is two images to illustrate what I’ve been doing.
 —– >
Tweening, or inbetweening […]

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Program: Graphics

Project “Haunted Light” 2014-02-27 Stone Walls

It’s Thursday and yet another blog post! Project “Haunted Light” (former name “Bloody Badgers”) is still going strong and we in group 5 are getting ready for our next milestone, which is the BETA version of the game. One completed artifact of my many other started ones I had for this week’s sprint is the stone wall tile set, which I will talk about on this post. Jonna, our group’s very talented lead artist, is the one behind the game’s […]

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Program: Graphics

Project “Haunted Light” 2014-02-27 Stone Walls

It’s Thursday and yet another blog post! Project “Haunted Light” (former name “Bloody Badgers”) is still going strong and we in group 5 are getting ready for our next milestone, which is the BETA version of the game. One completed artifact of my many other started ones I had for this week’s sprint is the stone wall tile set, which I will talk about on this post. Jonna, our group’s very talented lead artist, is the one behind the game’s […]

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Program: Graphics

So, another week and another handful of random props to be made.
I am once again faced with the fact that I have not really made anything all that exciting this week, even less exciting than last week I would say. For Last week I at least had a sofa this week it was really small stuff, but the biggest piece I think was the chair so I am going with that.
So, how to make a chair.
First look at chairs, 40’s-50’s […]

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Program: Graphics

So, another week and another handful of random props to be made.
I am once again faced with the fact that I have not really made anything all that exciting this week, even less exciting than last week I would say. For Last week I at least had a sofa this week it was really small stuff, but the biggest piece I think was the chair so I am going with that.
So, how to make a chair.
First look at chairs, 40’s-50’s […]

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Program: Graphics