Browsing '5SD033': Introduction to Game Development

Codename: Haunted Light – Generation Process
This week I’ve been mostly thinking and planning out how the level generation will work and I’ve also assisted our programmers in different parts of the game.
since I haven’t completed any new artifact in the game this week (except different resolution support…but it’s such a minor part and therefore I don’t’ count that) I’m going to talk about a feature of Haunted Light that’s a work in progress. The “(Re-)generating Levels”. I’ll explain what I mean by that.
Haunted Light is […]

Codename: Haunted Light – Generation Process
This week I’ve been mostly thinking and planning out how the level generation will work and I’ve also assisted our programmers in different parts of the game.
since I haven’t completed any new artifact in the game this week (except different resolution support…but it’s such a minor part and therefore I don’t’ count that) I’m going to talk about a feature of Haunted Light that’s a work in progress. The “(Re-)generating Levels”. I’ll explain what I mean by that.
Haunted Light is […]

Artifact 4 – State Machine
I am done with collision manager. It only needs to be updated as the game is progressing.
I haven’t really finished a new artifact yet, because it is a lot of job and we have helped each other in the group a lot this week with programming issues.
Today I will try to explain a finite state machine (FSM) for AI states that I am making.
I received various books from an acquaintance of mine. One of them is called “Programming AI […]

Artifact 4 – State Machine
I am done with collision manager. It only needs to be updated as the game is progressing.
I haven’t really finished a new artifact yet, because it is a lot of job and we have helped each other in the group a lot this week with programming issues.
Today I will try to explain a finite state machine (FSM) for AI states that I am making.
I received various books from an acquaintance of mine. One of them is called “Programming AI […]
Parent UI
So what’s been happening? Well for a while I have been struggling with the parent UI, I didn’t really know how get It working and a was a bit confused until I got help and now things looks to be done soon(read more about what the parent UI does in the two posts before this one). So now there have been changes so it is easier to choose what kid that is going to be cleaned before the parents come. […]
Parent UI
So what’s been happening? Well for a while I have been struggling with the parent UI, I didn’t really know how get It working and a was a bit confused until I got help and now things looks to be done soon(read more about what the parent UI does in the two posts before this one). So now there have been changes so it is easier to choose what kid that is going to be cleaned before the parents come. […]
Project “Haunted Light” 2014-03-06 Pick-axe hack animation
One more week has flown by so fast and it’s time for yet another blog post. For this week’s sprint I’ve been working on the hacking with a pick-axe animation for the player. We in group 5 decided early on to keep the digging mechanic that the original game concept of “Bloody Badgers” had. Although in “Bloody Badgers” digging was the core mechanic, we decided for it to not play that big of a role in our game. We really […]
Project “Haunted Light” 2014-03-06 Pick-axe hack animation
One more week has flown by so fast and it’s time for yet another blog post. For this week’s sprint I’ve been working on the hacking with a pick-axe animation for the player. We in group 5 decided early on to keep the digging mechanic that the original game concept of “Bloody Badgers” had. Although in “Bloody Badgers” digging was the core mechanic, we decided for it to not play that big of a role in our game. We really […]
Animation in my nation
So another week has past, another artifact accomplished and perfected. A new thing has been learned this week. animations.
if you haven’t been paying attention in school I guess I’ll go over the basics.
You create a class that allows itself to have a string of pictures.
These depicts an animation and you line them up perfectly and in order.
You take all of these images and load them into the program as just ONE image.
You then created small frames of where you want […]
Animation in my nation
So another week has past, another artifact accomplished and perfected. A new thing has been learned this week. animations.
if you haven’t been paying attention in school I guess I’ll go over the basics.
You create a class that allows itself to have a string of pictures.
These depicts an animation and you line them up perfectly and in order.
You take all of these images and load them into the program as just ONE image.
You then created small frames of where you want […]

Level Design and Sound Generate Mechanic
Level Design
This week has seen some major changes to the map. We’ve changed the colour scheme, added new areas (which means redrawing A LOT of collision, light and entities). I’ve made some pretty extensive mock-ups on paper, and tried changing walkpaths around in order for the Aesthetic goals the game set out to create, to be fulfilled.
Sooo many Areas have been torn down, rebuilt, just to be torn down again and just scrapped. It’s got to be perfect! Although, this […]

Level Design and Sound Generate Mechanic
Level Design
This week has seen some major changes to the map. We’ve changed the colour scheme, added new areas (which means redrawing A LOT of collision, light and entities). I’ve made some pretty extensive mock-ups on paper, and tried changing walkpaths around in order for the Aesthetic goals the game set out to create, to be fulfilled.
Sooo many Areas have been torn down, rebuilt, just to be torn down again and just scrapped. It’s got to be perfect! Although, this […]

All GUI and no animation makes William a dull boy (but nah, it’s cool)
This week has been quite different from the previous ones. Up until today, I have worked almost entirely on designing characters and animating them. However, our programmers are now busy working on putting the animations we already have to use, and we are not that likely to add many more, if any at all. This has resulted in this week becoming devoid of animation, and instead, I have been tasked with designing parts of the GUI.
The one item that I […]

All GUI and no animation makes William a dull boy (but nah, it’s cool)
This week has been quite different from the previous ones. Up until today, I have worked almost entirely on designing characters and animating them. However, our programmers are now busy working on putting the animations we already have to use, and we are not that likely to add many more, if any at all. This has resulted in this week becoming devoid of animation, and instead, I have been tasked with designing parts of the GUI.
The one item that I […]

Game Development- Introduction. Blog Post – 4
Playtesting is approaching and so even the Beta presentation. We have manged to put together a playable game but we still missing some important parts to really call it a Beta. As it is right now the game is too difficult and the player dont get any feedback about what happens. Feed back is something we working on right now because it’s important for the player to be able to figure out what to do in some situations, otherwise it […]

Game Development- Introduction. Blog Post – 4
Playtesting is approaching and so even the Beta presentation. We have manged to put together a playable game but we still missing some important parts to really call it a Beta. As it is right now the game is too difficult and the player dont get any feedback about what happens. Feed back is something we working on right now because it’s important for the player to be able to figure out what to do in some situations, otherwise it […]

4th blog post of 10 Week Project – Designing The End Game Boss
Since the beta is next week, we have tried to finish the design of the end game boss.
The enemies of the game are made of three elemental types and it was decided that the boss would possess all of these elements. What element she is currently using will be shown by changing the color of the sprite and by having different projectiles/attacks for each element. The visual representation of our boss will be somewhat like the lost souls but wearing […]

4th blog post of 10 Week Project – Designing The End Game Boss
Since the beta is next week, we have tried to finish the design of the end game boss.
The enemies of the game are made of three elemental types and it was decided that the boss would possess all of these elements. What element she is currently using will be shown by changing the color of the sprite and by having different projectiles/attacks for each element. The visual representation of our boss will be somewhat like the lost souls but wearing […]

Sprint planning + progression (?)
As usual I am going to write about the past week and what I’ve done as a coder in the group. So last week I had a bunch of things to, and the following picture showes what the assigned tasks were that I was expected to do:
As you can see there were a total of eight artifacts and the estimated work hours summed up to a total of whopping 52 hours in a week, so it isn’t hard to […]

Sprint planning + progression (?)
As usual I am going to write about the past week and what I’ve done as a coder in the group. So last week I had a bunch of things to, and the following picture showes what the assigned tasks were that I was expected to do:
As you can see there were a total of eight artifacts and the estimated work hours summed up to a total of whopping 52 hours in a week, so it isn’t hard to […]

A week of polish.
This week has been spent doing all sorts of small, often un-noticeable things.
I created a key, which will act like an indicator- To show the player which keys has been collected. This is the only piece of actual HUD we’ll use, but we deem it necessary as we do not want to confuse the player; which key did he just pick up? Was it blue? Maybe green?
Below is the first Mockup I created with HUD in mind:
And here’s the […]

A week of polish.
This week has been spent doing all sorts of small, often un-noticeable things.
I created a key, which will act like an indicator- To show the player which keys has been collected. This is the only piece of actual HUD we’ll use, but we deem it necessary as we do not want to confuse the player; which key did he just pick up? Was it blue? Maybe green?
Below is the first Mockup I created with HUD in mind:
And here’s the […]

A breeze of fresh air
This week, as opposed to last week, I’ve been doing quite a lot of work.
I started the week with doing some small things to make the environment look less sterile. A sterile and empty environment is something that really affects the feel of a game. Sometimes, if you do it on purpose, like in Mirrors edge for example it can work really well, making the game world feel like a fantasy, a dream, something perfect. But if your game world […]

A breeze of fresh air
This week, as opposed to last week, I’ve been doing quite a lot of work.
I started the week with doing some small things to make the environment look less sterile. A sterile and empty environment is something that really affects the feel of a game. Sometimes, if you do it on purpose, like in Mirrors edge for example it can work really well, making the game world feel like a fantasy, a dream, something perfect. But if your game world […]