Browsing '5SD023': Game Programming II

AI for the bosses
Even though I have been home with a fever this week I have tried to do some work from home. I have been drawing some sort of flowcharts over the three bosses AI. The boss I am going to start with when it comes to code is the final boss, Mothgomery. This because if we run out of time we think this is the most important one for the game. He is the “emperor of the suit” who started the […]

AI for the bosses
Even though I have been home with a fever this week I have tried to do some work from home. I have been drawing some sort of flowcharts over the three bosses AI. The boss I am going to start with when it comes to code is the final boss, Mothgomery. This because if we run out of time we think this is the most important one for the game. He is the “emperor of the suit” who started the […]

Game dev, Suit’em up – Customization menu and textile (pickups) manager
We are preparing for a play testing with friends and family. Some things need to be added before that and one of them is the customization menu.
I have worked hard on revising the menu. To explain what it does: In our game there are four different textile pickups that are scattered throughout the world. These can be equipped into four slots in the customization menu.
Previously, the menu looked like this:
In this old menu, you had to press one of […]

Game dev, Suit’em up – Customization menu and textile (pickups) manager
We are preparing for a play testing with friends and family. Some things need to be added before that and one of them is the customization menu.
I have worked hard on revising the menu. To explain what it does: In our game there are four different textile pickups that are scattered throughout the world. These can be equipped into four slots in the customization menu.
Previously, the menu looked like this:
In this old menu, you had to press one of […]

Some opinions about how out game is designed
Well this is a hard one to find something to write about, because I’ve been sick for a couple of days and when I’ve been here and worked I’ve pretty much only been working on the Customization screen, and I don’t really have anything interesting to say about that again. What I can say though is that a lot of it works right now.
So I’ll take this time to write a bit about my opinions on the game-design and what […]

Some opinions about how out game is designed
Well this is a hard one to find something to write about, because I’ve been sick for a couple of days and when I’ve been here and worked I’ve pretty much only been working on the Customization screen, and I don’t really have anything interesting to say about that again. What I can say though is that a lot of it works right now.
So I’ll take this time to write a bit about my opinions on the game-design and what […]

3rd blog post of 10 Week Project – The Game Menu’s Code
Something I’ve been working on this week is implementing the menu for the game.
The states and state manager for our game had already been made, thus that was not a problem of mine. We had also gone through states in programming class, and therefore it was easy for me to know how they work and how to switch between them.
I have made a menu before, but as our game is controlled with the keyboard and no mouse, the menu for […]

3rd blog post of 10 Week Project – The Game Menu’s Code
Something I’ve been working on this week is implementing the menu for the game.
The states and state manager for our game had already been made, thus that was not a problem of mine. We had also gone through states in programming class, and therefore it was easy for me to know how they work and how to switch between them.
I have made a menu before, but as our game is controlled with the keyboard and no mouse, the menu for […]

The magic of Sound
While a game can be great without sound, there is something magical within sounds that fill the athmosphere. Which is somewhat needed to give that stillful and lonely feeling that our game needs. With this motivation in mind I set out to create something that could handle all the different sounds in our game in a reasonable fashion.
The thought that came to mind where that we do not want to load the same sound file several time.
To solve this I […]

The magic of Sound
While a game can be great without sound, there is something magical within sounds that fill the athmosphere. Which is somewhat needed to give that stillful and lonely feeling that our game needs. With this motivation in mind I set out to create something that could handle all the different sounds in our game in a reasonable fashion.
The thought that came to mind where that we do not want to load the same sound file several time.
To solve this I […]
Thank god for Sticky Notes
Without that app i would never had been able to keep track of what I’ve done that day.
Today we worked in the Game room most of the day and while i ran into several problems i still feel like i did pretty well. First of all i fixed an issue where guards would still cause the player to reset on contact even after being killed, due to them having their own bool to check whether they were removed or not […]
Thank god for Sticky Notes
Without that app i would never had been able to keep track of what I’ve done that day.
Today we worked in the Game room most of the day and while i ran into several problems i still feel like i did pretty well. First of all i fixed an issue where guards would still cause the player to reset on contact even after being killed, due to them having their own bool to check whether they were removed or not […]

Haunted Light 2014-02-27 Recording monster sounds
This week I have been working in the next step from have done the sound manager to actually record the sound. I have been using the site to get royalty free music and sounds to mix them into something new. But the most work hours has been put down into finding sounds in real life that could work in the game. The Monster’s sounds are pretty easy to find because they are made by my voice, which later on […]

Haunted Light 2014-02-27 Recording monster sounds
This week I have been working in the next step from have done the sound manager to actually record the sound. I have been using the site to get royalty free music and sounds to mix them into something new. But the most work hours has been put down into finding sounds in real life that could work in the game. The Monster’s sounds are pretty easy to find because they are made by my voice, which later on […]

Long post including artifact.
This post will be both my log of yesterday and today as well as my artifact post for this week so please excuse me if it’s a bit long.
First of all, the log.
Tuesday i started by altering the interaction method slightly by making it run it’s own method including a relevant object and performing the necessary things depending on the object type.
I then started work on items for the game which is what I’ve been doing for most of these […]

Long post including artifact.
This post will be both my log of yesterday and today as well as my artifact post for this week so please excuse me if it’s a bit long.
First of all, the log.
Tuesday i started by altering the interaction method slightly by making it run it’s own method including a relevant object and performing the necessary things depending on the object type.
I then started work on items for the game which is what I’ve been doing for most of these […]
Today was a good day.
Now that we’re through the alpha(to the surprise of some) and Olvier(and Leonard) have returned to active work we were able to get a good day’s work today. In the morning we had ourselves a look at the deadlines on the Backlog in the scrum document. there was some adjustment but we should be able to get a lot of stuff done before the pre-Beta on May 6(Thursday next week!).
After the morning meeting us programmers was able to work almost undisturbed […]
Today was a good day.
Now that we’re through the alpha(to the surprise of some) and Olvier(and Leonard) have returned to active work we were able to get a good day’s work today. In the morning we had ourselves a look at the deadlines on the Backlog in the scrum document. there was some adjustment but we should be able to get a lot of stuff done before the pre-Beta on May 6(Thursday next week!).
After the morning meeting us programmers was able to work almost undisturbed […]
Okay her’es the rundown of the last 20 hours or so.
Thursday i worked most of the day on the CollisionManager and we planned to work all night with finishing the alpha. Oliver came back around 5 or so and took charge or the coding. During the night i did some more collision work as well as adding the noise circles for the player. Before i left i also created an attack functionality for the player and made it functional by […]
Okay her’es the rundown of the last 20 hours or so.
Thursday i worked most of the day on the CollisionManager and we planned to work all night with finishing the alpha. Oliver came back around 5 or so and took charge or the coding. During the night i did some more collision work as well as adding the noise circles for the player. Before i left i also created an attack functionality for the player and made it functional by […]

Codename: Haunted Light – ObjectManager
This week we’ve been working hard on getting an alpha product done for the presentation that will be held in from of the class.
I’ve made some finishing touches on the light engine so that it e.g. no longer have transparent shadows. This was accomplished by using blend modes. I’m quite familiar with using blend-modes because of my previous projects when I used to program a lot inside the game engine Game Maker. But I’ve gotten more and more used to […]

Codename: Haunted Light – ObjectManager
This week we’ve been working hard on getting an alpha product done for the presentation that will be held in from of the class.
I’ve made some finishing touches on the light engine so that it e.g. no longer have transparent shadows. This was accomplished by using blend modes. I’m quite familiar with using blend-modes because of my previous projects when I used to program a lot inside the game engine Game Maker. But I’ve gotten more and more used to […]

Game Development- Introduction. Blog Post – 2
Last week i started to work with the enemy – movement pattern, but i had some work left to do, so i continued to work with it this week too. I have also started to implement a AudioManager because that’s something we need, at least when we have to use multiple audio files. Right now we are only using one musicfile/music clip and everything invoving the music is defined in Engine.h and Engin.cpp. But that’s are going to change when I’m […]

Game Development- Introduction. Blog Post – 2
Last week i started to work with the enemy – movement pattern, but i had some work left to do, so i continued to work with it this week too. I have also started to implement a AudioManager because that’s something we need, at least when we have to use multiple audio files. Right now we are only using one musicfile/music clip and everything invoving the music is defined in Engine.h and Engin.cpp. But that’s are going to change when I’m […]