Browsing '5SD023': Game Programming II

Codename: Haunted Light – Generation Process
This week I’ve been mostly thinking and planning out how the level generation will work and I’ve also assisted our programmers in different parts of the game.
since I haven’t completed any new artifact in the game this week (except different resolution support…but it’s such a minor part and therefore I don’t’ count that) I’m going to talk about a feature of Haunted Light that’s a work in progress. The “(Re-)generating Levels”. I’ll explain what I mean by that.
Haunted Light is […]

Codename: Haunted Light – Generation Process
This week I’ve been mostly thinking and planning out how the level generation will work and I’ve also assisted our programmers in different parts of the game.
since I haven’t completed any new artifact in the game this week (except different resolution support…but it’s such a minor part and therefore I don’t’ count that) I’m going to talk about a feature of Haunted Light that’s a work in progress. The “(Re-)generating Levels”. I’ll explain what I mean by that.
Haunted Light is […]
Parent UI
So what’s been happening? Well for a while I have been struggling with the parent UI, I didn’t really know how get It working and a was a bit confused until I got help and now things looks to be done soon(read more about what the parent UI does in the two posts before this one). So now there have been changes so it is easier to choose what kid that is going to be cleaned before the parents come. […]
Parent UI
So what’s been happening? Well for a while I have been struggling with the parent UI, I didn’t really know how get It working and a was a bit confused until I got help and now things looks to be done soon(read more about what the parent UI does in the two posts before this one). So now there have been changes so it is easier to choose what kid that is going to be cleaned before the parents come. […]

Game dev, Suit’em up – Animations in different directions
We have released a friends & family beta test and gotten some statistics of the current status of our game.
You are welcome to participate, here is the link to the feedback: feedback-form
And here is a link to the game, please fill in feedback if you play!: SuitEmUp FnF pre-beta
I have made animations work in different directions for enemies and the player. This is not implemented in the version I linked above but I will explain what is […]

Game dev, Suit’em up – Animations in different directions
We have released a friends & family beta test and gotten some statistics of the current status of our game.
You are welcome to participate, here is the link to the feedback: feedback-form
And here is a link to the game, please fill in feedback if you play!: SuitEmUp FnF pre-beta
I have made animations work in different directions for enemies and the player. This is not implemented in the version I linked above but I will explain what is […]
Animation in my nation
So another week has past, another artifact accomplished and perfected. A new thing has been learned this week. animations.
if you haven’t been paying attention in school I guess I’ll go over the basics.
You create a class that allows itself to have a string of pictures.
These depicts an animation and you line them up perfectly and in order.
You take all of these images and load them into the program as just ONE image.
You then created small frames of where you want […]
Animation in my nation
So another week has past, another artifact accomplished and perfected. A new thing has been learned this week. animations.
if you haven’t been paying attention in school I guess I’ll go over the basics.
You create a class that allows itself to have a string of pictures.
These depicts an animation and you line them up perfectly and in order.
You take all of these images and load them into the program as just ONE image.
You then created small frames of where you want […]

Game Development- Introduction. Blog Post – 4
Playtesting is approaching and so even the Beta presentation. We have manged to put together a playable game but we still missing some important parts to really call it a Beta. As it is right now the game is too difficult and the player dont get any feedback about what happens. Feed back is something we working on right now because it’s important for the player to be able to figure out what to do in some situations, otherwise it […]

Game Development- Introduction. Blog Post – 4
Playtesting is approaching and so even the Beta presentation. We have manged to put together a playable game but we still missing some important parts to really call it a Beta. As it is right now the game is too difficult and the player dont get any feedback about what happens. Feed back is something we working on right now because it’s important for the player to be able to figure out what to do in some situations, otherwise it […]

Week 7 – With Intent
There isn’t much I can write about this week, since I got a sudden call this Tuesday. I’ll be taking the ferry back to the mainland tomorrow afternoon, I’ll earn some money from it and the traveling expenses is being paid, I couldn’t really pass up on that now could I?
During the last weekend and into Monday, I’ve been working on the Collision Manager, Unlike the first version of the collision manager that took 2 arguments (position and radius), the […]

Week 7 – With Intent
There isn’t much I can write about this week, since I got a sudden call this Tuesday. I’ll be taking the ferry back to the mainland tomorrow afternoon, I’ll earn some money from it and the traveling expenses is being paid, I couldn’t really pass up on that now could I?
During the last weekend and into Monday, I’ve been working on the Collision Manager, Unlike the first version of the collision manager that took 2 arguments (position and radius), the […]

Game configurations
Today I am going to talk about game configurations and how they were implemented in the project. A configuration file is just a ordinary text file with game information that is loaded into the game. But I am not doing this the ordinary way, I am using something much better.We start of this post by asking ourselves a question.
Why do we need configurations?Every game needs some sort of configuration to make it easier to change things on demand and making it […]

Game configurations
Today I am going to talk about game configurations and how they were implemented in the project. A configuration file is just a ordinary text file with game information that is loaded into the game. But I am not doing this the ordinary way, I am using something much better.We start of this post by asking ourselves a question.
Why do we need configurations?Every game needs some sort of configuration to make it easier to change things on demand and making it […]

Game Developement and Coding 6 March 2014 – Rubbish Bin Class
Rubbish Bin Class.
Might not sound all too exciting, but rubbish bins in our game space play an important role for the game play. They can be knocked over by the player and when this is done a power up might spawn by the bin. Otherwise there will only be trash coming out of it.
The basics of the class were simple enough to code. I simply made a new class type with its own sprite, collider (for checking collisions) and variables, […]

Game Developement and Coding 6 March 2014 – Rubbish Bin Class
Rubbish Bin Class.
Might not sound all too exciting, but rubbish bins in our game space play an important role for the game play. They can be knocked over by the player and when this is done a power up might spawn by the bin. Otherwise there will only be trash coming out of it.
The basics of the class were simple enough to code. I simply made a new class type with its own sprite, collider (for checking collisions) and variables, […]

Sound effects and music
This week I’ve been working on making sound effects and finding some music fitting the theme of the game.
The sound effects take awhile to make since I’ve had to cut down the length of the sound while making sure it doesn’t sound choppy and at the same time making sure the sound effect blends in with the theme, the action that happens and the other sounds and or music.
I’ve been using audacity to work on the sound files it’s […]

Sound effects and music
This week I’ve been working on making sound effects and finding some music fitting the theme of the game.
The sound effects take awhile to make since I’ve had to cut down the length of the sound while making sure it doesn’t sound choppy and at the same time making sure the sound effect blends in with the theme, the action that happens and the other sounds and or music.
I’ve been using audacity to work on the sound files it’s […]

Bosses implemented
This week I have finally implemented the AI for all our three bosses, and tried to balance them somewhat. I will explain some of the balancing in this post, for the bosses’ different AI take a look at my previous post from last week.
I started with our boss Grubby McGrub (the whack-a-mole boss). When he shoots up from the ground he will shoot some slime at you. I started with one, aimed at the player, and then added four more shooting […]

Bosses implemented
This week I have finally implemented the AI for all our three bosses, and tried to balance them somewhat. I will explain some of the balancing in this post, for the bosses’ different AI take a look at my previous post from last week.
I started with our boss Grubby McGrub (the whack-a-mole boss). When he shoots up from the ground he will shoot some slime at you. I started with one, aimed at the player, and then added four more shooting […]
ARTIFACT BLOG #4 Second Enemy, again
Hi. This post will refer quite a lot to Box2D, you can check out my first post for the course to see more about what we’re using it for, or go to to read more on your own.
This week we have.. worked more on the second enemy. Last week we felt somewhat done with the behaviour of it, but implementing it in the real project proved to be quite hard. Due to github not working for us, we’ve all worked […]
ARTIFACT BLOG #4 Second Enemy, again
Hi. This post will refer quite a lot to Box2D, you can check out my first post for the course to see more about what we’re using it for, or go to to read more on your own.
This week we have.. worked more on the second enemy. Last week we felt somewhat done with the behaviour of it, but implementing it in the real project proved to be quite hard. Due to github not working for us, we’ve all worked […]

Suit Em Up, various stuff and some other stuff including particles
Once again I haven’t worked on one artifact enough this week to justify writing a whole blogpost about it, so because I have to write something I’ll write a bit about what I’ve done this week. I’ve been touching up some small things and added a few new smaller features.
First off, I had some troubles with adding a non-repeating sound effect that plays when you are hovering over a button. First I did the stupid thing and was trying to […]

Suit Em Up, various stuff and some other stuff including particles
Once again I haven’t worked on one artifact enough this week to justify writing a whole blogpost about it, so because I have to write something I’ll write a bit about what I’ve done this week. I’ve been touching up some small things and added a few new smaller features.
First off, I had some troubles with adding a non-repeating sound effect that plays when you are hovering over a button. First I did the stupid thing and was trying to […]