Browsing '5SD022': Game Programming I
Programming Assignment, Blog Post 1
I’ve started working on the assignment, but I’m having a hard time making the duck objects when I have no draw or object manager which is part of my project partner’s chores.
I made a sound manager for the sound and music clips, but I get a lot of errors saying things like “Error 3 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _Mix_HaltChannel” so I don’t know if I missed adding anything to the project’s properties or it’s something else I’ve done wrong.
Programming Assignment, Blog Post 1
I’ve started working on the assignment, but I’m having a hard time making the duck objects when I have no draw or object manager which is part of my project partner’s chores.
I made a sound manager for the sound and music clips, but I get a lot of errors saying things like “Error 3 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _Mix_HaltChannel” so I don’t know if I missed adding anything to the project’s properties or it’s something else I’ve done wrong.
Programming Project, day 11 (christmas break)
Today I noticed and fixed some bugs that had to do with the sound volumes. That’s about the only thing I did today. There was a lot of christmas stuff to do here today, so!
I’m wondering about what to do next. I checked the planning document and I think it’s time to add a graphical user interface and TTF. I need to make the existing code regarding positions and size of tiles more dynamic first. Well, that’s for after christmas. I will […]
Programming Project, day 11 (christmas break)
Today I noticed and fixed some bugs that had to do with the sound volumes. That’s about the only thing I did today. There was a lot of christmas stuff to do here today, so!
I’m wondering about what to do next. I checked the planning document and I think it’s time to add a graphical user interface and TTF. I need to make the existing code regarding positions and size of tiles more dynamic first. Well, that’s for after christmas. I will […]
Credit where it’s due, and it’s not here.
I forgot to make a blog post last night and decided it was better to do it today then to do it while tired.
Yesterday we finally got together and had a skype call with screen sharing going and worked together. I felt like i had no idea what i was doing as i went through the code trying to understand the states Martin had added earlier. Later we decided that i should work on game objects and getting a player […]
Credit where it’s due, and it’s not here.
I forgot to make a blog post last night and decided it was better to do it today then to do it while tired.
Yesterday we finally got together and had a skype call with screen sharing going and worked together. I felt like i had no idea what i was doing as i went through the code trying to understand the states Martin had added earlier. Later we decided that i should work on game objects and getting a player […]

Input Manager & sprite
Today we managed to do alot of stuff. We have created a very flexible class, Entity all game objects will instance of or inherit. We added keyboard and mouse input to every state.
Tomorrow I continue on our project plan and make blocks fall and stack on the bottom of the screen.I also think we should resize the player object.Laban is currrently working on SFX which I have no clue about how to do. I think we’ll […]

Input Manager & sprite
Today we managed to do alot of stuff. We have created a very flexible class, Entity all game objects will instance of or inherit. We added keyboard and mouse input to every state.
Tomorrow I continue on our project plan and make blocks fall and stack on the bottom of the screen.I also think we should resize the player object.Laban is currrently working on SFX which I have no clue about how to do. I think we’ll […]

Programming Project, day 10
Progress! Today I made the OptionsState and working sliders for controlling master volume, music volume and sound volume. It took some doing, much because I built the states wrong at first. Then I made a drawing of how I wanted it to work (with programmer art), then it became clear.

Programming Project, day 10
Progress! Today I made the OptionsState and working sliders for controlling master volume, music volume and sound volume. It took some doing, much because I built the states wrong at first. Then I made a drawing of how I wanted it to work (with programmer art), then it became clear.

Draw Manager
Today I have polished the state machine and added a DrawManager wich for now, clears the screen with a nice yellow color and presents it.A simple Entity class is made wich will hold all game objects.
Tomorrow I will be adding a sprite class that will load a file and get it to draw on the screen.

Draw Manager
Today I have polished the state machine and added a DrawManager wich for now, clears the screen with a nice yellow color and presents it.A simple Entity class is made wich will hold all game objects.
Tomorrow I will be adding a sprite class that will load a file and get it to draw on the screen.
No title, nothing interesting
Today i went though the code Martin sent me, i had some issues understanding so i wrote down some question that i’m going to ask Martin about once i get the program running.
I figured out why i was unable to load the Projects sent by Martin, He had Visual studio 2013 on his computer while i had 2012. So today i uninstalled 2012 and tried to download 2013. It failed. some file must have gotten mixed up because i ended […]
No title, nothing interesting
Today i went though the code Martin sent me, i had some issues understanding so i wrote down some question that i’m going to ask Martin about once i get the program running.
I figured out why i was unable to load the Projects sent by Martin, He had Visual studio 2013 on his computer while i had 2012. So today i uninstalled 2012 and tried to download 2013. It failed. some file must have gotten mixed up because i ended […]
First Week, Programming Project
I and Andée have sorted the work, so that we can work on different parts of the game.
This week i have been working on:
Level/draw the map.
Input. Mouse and the ESC button will be used in the game.
And i will continue to work on the tower placement.
First Week, Programming Project
I and Andée have sorted the work, so that we can work on different parts of the game.
This week i have been working on:
Level/draw the map.
Input. Mouse and the ESC button will be used in the game.
And i will continue to work on the tower placement.
Game Programming I – Assignment day 7
Working on an input function so we can move the player around on the screen with either WASD or the arrows on the keyboard.
Game Programming I – Assignment day 7
Working on an input function so we can move the player around on the screen with either WASD or the arrows on the keyboard.
Project Plan
Project plan
Name: ArkanoidTeam members: Anthon Fredriksson and Laban melanderDeadline: 2014 January 19thGame genre: Arkanoid, Arcade
A simple arkanoid game that has one paddle, multiple balls and multiple bricks with different levels. You start with one ball and you have to destroy all of the blocks to reach to the next level. Sometimes when you destroy a block, a drop will spawn and you get some advantages when you pick it up.
Blocks:9 different. the lowest has 1 level(destroys on one hit) and […]
Project Plan
Project plan
Name: ArkanoidTeam members: Anthon Fredriksson and Laban melanderDeadline: 2014 January 19thGame genre: Arkanoid, Arcade
A simple arkanoid game that has one paddle, multiple balls and multiple bricks with different levels. You start with one ball and you have to destroy all of the blocks to reach to the next level. Sometimes when you destroy a block, a drop will spawn and you get some advantages when you pick it up.
Blocks:9 different. the lowest has 1 level(destroys on one hit) and […]
Programming Project, day 8
The menu state now works with mouse input, you are able to click the “play” and “quit” buttons with the left mouse button. It’s extremely hard-coded (the hardcoded parts are the width and height of all menuobjects and also which menu objects are being pressed. right now the program is checking the for-loop order of the menuobject vector in the menuobjectmanager to determine what object is being pressed), but I’ll get on it tomorrow.
Even programmers need to sleep damn it!
Didn’t […]
Programming Project, day 8
The menu state now works with mouse input, you are able to click the “play” and “quit” buttons with the left mouse button. It’s extremely hard-coded (the hardcoded parts are the width and height of all menuobjects and also which menu objects are being pressed. right now the program is checking the for-loop order of the menuobject vector in the menuobjectmanager to determine what object is being pressed), but I’ll get on it tomorrow.
Even programmers need to sleep damn it!
Didn’t […]

Linking error & GitHub, such a nice combo!
Today I’ve spent much time trying to find a silly link error that occurred when playing around with states,when i found it I face planted the keyboard a little bit. (Yea was such a silly fault…)
Other than playing around with states, it was time to get some synergy into the project. so it was added to GitHub.
While not understanding how to get access to each others projects it still feels like a good step on the way.

Linking error & GitHub, such a nice combo!
Today I’ve spent much time trying to find a silly link error that occurred when playing around with states,when i found it I face planted the keyboard a little bit. (Yea was such a silly fault…)
Other than playing around with states, it was time to get some synergy into the project. so it was added to GitHub.
While not understanding how to get access to each others projects it still feels like a good step on the way.