Browsing '5SD022': Game Programming I
Spelprogrammering I – Assignm,ent – 7,8 & 9.
I don’t have the required skills to do this, as I honestly haven’t learnt enough in class. I don’t know if that’s because it’s to hard for me or if it’s just that there’s no way you can go in to this class without prior knowledge or some kind of outside knowledge (that I obviously don’t know about).
With that said, I’m still trying.
Day 7: Worked for about two hours on getting the collision to work in a reversed engineered Pong.
Day […]
Spelprogrammering I – Assignm,ent – 7,8 & 9.
I don’t have the required skills to do this, as I honestly haven’t learnt enough in class. I don’t know if that’s because it’s to hard for me or if it’s just that there’s no way you can go in to this class without prior knowledge or some kind of outside knowledge (that I obviously don’t know about).
With that said, I’m still trying.
Day 7: Worked for about two hours on getting the collision to work in a reversed engineered Pong.
Day […]
Plan/Schedule – My first post for the assignment
We’ve had some issues with our blogs and networks over the christmas “break”, and as such only one of us has been writing blog posts. But alas, now we’re both up and running and we can both share our coding days.
As we are rather inexperienced we’ve had issues setting up specific days for every part we need to work on. So rather than doing so, we thought we’d just set up how many hours we would work per day, as […]
Plan/Schedule – My first post for the assignment
We’ve had some issues with our blogs and networks over the christmas “break”, and as such only one of us has been writing blog posts. But alas, now we’re both up and running and we can both share our coding days.
As we are rather inexperienced we’ve had issues setting up specific days for every part we need to work on. So rather than doing so, we thought we’d just set up how many hours we would work per day, as […]

Programming Project, day 17
Implemented SDL_TTF and added two text objects to the GameEnd-state.
Better positioning of objects and getting the actual numbers from the ScoreManager to the text strings is next.
(Picture: the “Wins: ” texts are text objects, the rest are menu objects using sprites)

Programming Project, day 17
Implemented SDL_TTF and added two text objects to the GameEnd-state.
Better positioning of objects and getting the actual numbers from the ScoreManager to the text strings is next.
(Picture: the “Wins: ” texts are text objects, the rest are menu objects using sprites)
Sound effects
Yesterday, the 5th January I managed to create sound effects.
Since we will use audio like everywhere in our game I decided to initialize the sounds in main.cpp. It could also be initialized in engine but I choosed main for the simplicity, right now main is holding all the important initializes which I think is good practice.A class that manage SDL-only initializes could have been made but for this project I do not see why this shouldn’t be enough.
If you want […]
Sound effects
Yesterday, the 5th January I managed to create sound effects.
Since we will use audio like everywhere in our game I decided to initialize the sounds in main.cpp. It could also be initialized in engine but I choosed main for the simplicity, right now main is holding all the important initializes which I think is good practice.A class that manage SDL-only initializes could have been made but for this project I do not see why this shouldn’t be enough.
If you want […]
Almost forgot to post today
Nothing much today. Still trying to have the animated sprites drawn out. I went through the palttformer again and found that i had missed adding the Loadimage method in Spreiteman.cpp, however this was not the correct thing to do. I went through the code using breakpoints today with limited success until towards the end when i found out that that the method EnemyObject::AddAnimation wasn’t receiving the correct sprite and also that i must have missed something since the code seemed to […]
Almost forgot to post today
Nothing much today. Still trying to have the animated sprites drawn out. I went through the palttformer again and found that i had missed adding the Loadimage method in Spreiteman.cpp, however this was not the correct thing to do. I went through the code using breakpoints today with limited success until towards the end when i found out that that the method EnemyObject::AddAnimation wasn’t receiving the correct sprite and also that i must have missed something since the code seemed to […]

Text class
Today I have made the text class which will be used to present text in our game.
The class supports different fontFamilys, fontSizes and colors and can be placed anywhere on the screen.
Here is a picture of 2 text objects I use here.
Tomorrow I will start working on player score and lifes and also when you destroy a brick which is above level 1(the blue ones) that block should change its level and sprite to the level […]

Text class
Today I have made the text class which will be used to present text in our game.
The class supports different fontFamilys, fontSizes and colors and can be placed anywhere on the screen.
Here is a picture of 2 text objects I use here.
Tomorrow I will start working on player score and lifes and also when you destroy a brick which is above level 1(the blue ones) that block should change its level and sprite to the level […]
Stuck in every way
Yesturday we did nothing worth mentioning since Martin was packing for returning to Gotland and my brother had his birthday.
We did pretty much the same thing as we did Thursday today. Martin is working on drawing text and i’m trying to add animations to objects. While i had limited success today using the code from the platformer i still didn’t manage to draw out the sprite, at least i didn’t accidentally make the collier draw out bigger or whatever i […]
Stuck in every way
Yesturday we did nothing worth mentioning since Martin was packing for returning to Gotland and my brother had his birthday.
We did pretty much the same thing as we did Thursday today. Martin is working on drawing text and i’m trying to add animations to objects. While i had limited success today using the code from the platformer i still didn’t manage to draw out the sprite, at least i didn’t accidentally make the collier draw out bigger or whatever i […]
Game Programming I – day 12
Added a function to read the player start position from a txt-file.
I will attempt to move this to a separate class, right now it is written into the engine´s initialize.
Hopefully we will soon be able to load level objects and enemies onto the screen from a separate file as well.
We are also supposed to make a function that saves data from a game session to be used again later, in other words a function that writes to files.
Maybe we can […]
Game Programming I – day 12
Added a function to read the player start position from a txt-file.
I will attempt to move this to a separate class, right now it is written into the engine´s initialize.
Hopefully we will soon be able to load level objects and enemies onto the screen from a separate file as well.
We are also supposed to make a function that saves data from a game session to be used again later, in other words a function that writes to files.
Maybe we can […]
Plenty of work but little progress.
We worked the entire day on separate tasks but in a skype call.
Martin worked on writing out text on the screen while i worked with adding animations to some of the cars. In the end we both ended up having very limited success, I failed to adjust the code from the platformer to our code completely and somehow ended up with invisible cars with larger collides so i eventually decided to save the project and transfer the work over to […]
Plenty of work but little progress.
We worked the entire day on separate tasks but in a skype call.
Martin worked on writing out text on the screen while i worked with adding animations to some of the cars. In the end we both ended up having very limited success, I failed to adjust the code from the platformer to our code completely and somehow ended up with invisible cars with larger collides so i eventually decided to save the project and transfer the work over to […]
Programming Project, day 16
The sound volumes (master, sound, music) are now saved in the config file and I finally moved the Inputs from PlayerObject to the InputManager.
I also started adding stuff to the GameEndState.
Programming Project, day 16
The sound volumes (master, sound, music) are now saved in the config file and I finally moved the Inputs from PlayerObject to the InputManager.
I also started adding stuff to the GameEndState.
Game Programming I – Assignment day 11
Added the soundclasses I’ve made to the main game project.
Overall they work, but some things will probably need to be fixed. For example, while there is no problem with the music, the sound to be played when pressing space get’s played several times simultaneously.
Probably the key input is being read several times so I tried adding the isDOWNonce function to the input, however that only helped slightly, perhaps I need to add a delay to the play function in soundclip…
Game Programming I – Assignment day 11
Added the soundclasses I’ve made to the main game project.
Overall they work, but some things will probably need to be fixed. For example, while there is no problem with the music, the sound to be played when pressing space get’s played several times simultaneously.
Probably the key input is being read several times so I tried adding the isDOWNonce function to the input, however that only helped slightly, perhaps I need to add a delay to the play function in soundclip…

Visuall Progress
Today, I’ve worked with printing the Level, inside the State. Also Created a new class for the Background using the same system as for the Level, that can be edited from a text file.
The point of having two different levels is that they can easily be drawn on top of each other causing overlapping (shown in picture), While not sure how the movement and collision will work, it felt easier to make a separate class that handles the background.
Getting this […]

Visuall Progress
Today, I’ve worked with printing the Level, inside the State. Also Created a new class for the Background using the same system as for the Level, that can be edited from a text file.
The point of having two different levels is that they can easily be drawn on top of each other causing overlapping (shown in picture), While not sure how the movement and collision will work, it felt easier to make a separate class that handles the background.
Getting this […]