Browsing '2017': Students starting in 2017

It Goes round and round…

For our first video game, me and my team decided to work on a video game concept called “Behemoth” which is a side-scrolling Shoot-em up game featuring a large robot that the player cannot move physically and can only control the weapons of, which they use to attack upcoming enemies.
While this seems like a simple enough first video games, for a first-time programmer, such as myself, it might be one of the hardest things that I have ever encountered, […]

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Program: Programming

It Goes round and round…

For our first video game, me and my team decided to work on a video game concept called “Behemoth” which is a side-scrolling Shoot-em up game featuring a large robot that the player cannot move physically and can only control the weapons of, which they use to attack upcoming enemies.
While this seems like a simple enough first video games, for a first-time programmer, such as myself, it might be one of the hardest things that I have ever encountered, […]

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Program: Programming

Working on Enemy type: Shooter

This week I worked on creating one of the enemy types we have in our game which is a shooter enemy. Some of the aesthetic goal successes for our game are feeling massive and mechanical while also not feeling invincible, so these enemies had to be agile, while also being easy to kill if it is hit.

The shooter spawns from the right side of the screen, then moves to a certain point on the screen towards the player, stops, shoots […]

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Program: Programming

Working on Enemy type: Shooter

This week I worked on creating one of the enemy types we have in our game which is a shooter enemy. Some of the aesthetic goal successes for our game are feeling massive and mechanical while also not feeling invincible, so these enemies had to be agile, while also being easy to kill if it is hit.

The shooter spawns from the right side of the screen, then moves to a certain point on the screen towards the player, stops, shoots […]

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Program: Programming

Nether bird

Today I would like to talk about the design aspect of our first enemy in the game we are working on. My group is working on Aetherial, which the player takes the role of a sky ship and confronts several different enemies in an aetheric environment.
The first enemy a player confronts in our game is a bird (it doesn’t have a name yet), which is supposed to be the weakest enemy that flies around in covey. It can perform ranged […]

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Program: Graphics

Nether bird

Today I would like to talk about the design aspect of our first enemy in the game we are working on. My group is working on Aetherial, which the player takes the role of a sky ship and confronts several different enemies in an aetheric environment.
The first enemy a player confronts in our game is a bird (it doesn’t have a name yet), which is supposed to be the weakest enemy that flies around in covey. It can perform ranged […]

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Program: Graphics

#1 Product Backlog

Welcome to my blog and its first post!
A short introduction of myself: I am studying game design with a minor in project managment. Currently I am the manager and producer of team Cockatrice and this spring term we are creating a digital game together. In this project we are learning and using the scrum framework which will  be the main subject in my blog posts. In this blog I am going to explain how our team have been using the […]

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#1 Product Backlog

Welcome to my blog and its first post!
A short introduction of myself: I am studying game design with a minor in project managment. Currently I am the manager and producer of team Cockatrice and this spring term we are creating a digital game together. In this project we are learning and using the scrum framework which will  be the main subject in my blog posts. In this blog I am going to explain how our team have been using the […]

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Enemy design – Fish

The design for the enemy fish was made mainly by focusing on keeping the aesthetic of old japaneese mythological creatures in mind – and how these where portrayed in paintings from feudal Japan. This was something i focused on implementing mainly in the face of the creature, that has a lot of similarities to these. Furthermore, the design had to look like an emeny, and like it could deal a moderate amount of damage and move fairly fast. This was […]

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Program: Graphics

Enemy design – Fish

The design for the enemy fish was made mainly by focusing on keeping the aesthetic of old japaneese mythological creatures in mind – and how these where portrayed in paintings from feudal Japan. This was something i focused on implementing mainly in the face of the creature, that has a lot of similarities to these. Furthermore, the design had to look like an emeny, and like it could deal a moderate amount of damage and move fairly fast. This was […]

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Program: Graphics

Dev Blog 1, Custom Shader

This is the first blog-post of 6 that is going to serve as examination for my course, in which we (me and a group of 5 other students) are turning a design document into a Unity game.
As soon as we picked Umibizo as the game we would make, the system of hiding and revealing objects stood out to me as the central mechanic that made the game unique. In this post I will write a little about both the design […]

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Program: Programming

Dev Blog 1, Custom Shader

This is the first blog-post of 6 that is going to serve as examination for my course, in which we (me and a group of 5 other students) are turning a design document into a Unity game.
As soon as we picked Umibizo as the game we would make, the system of hiding and revealing objects stood out to me as the central mechanic that made the game unique. In this post I will write a little about both the design […]

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Program: Programming

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


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Program: Graphics

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


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Program: Graphics

Blog post 1 – Dragonfly

I’ve chosen to discuss the design process behind one of the enemies of our game, the dragonfly. Note that this reflection will be about the design of the appearance, and not the animation.
I should preface by shortly introducing the game concept we in group Mimic chose, which was A Game of Beelonging by group Ouroboros. A Game of Beelonging is, like all the other concepts, a shoot em’ up game. It’s primary target audience are kids in the ages 7-8. It […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog post 1 – Dragonfly

I’ve chosen to discuss the design process behind one of the enemies of our game, the dragonfly. Note that this reflection will be about the design of the appearance, and not the animation.
I should preface by shortly introducing the game concept we in group Mimic chose, which was A Game of Beelonging by group Ouroboros. A Game of Beelonging is, like all the other concepts, a shoot em’ up game. It’s primary target audience are kids in the ages 7-8. It […]

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Program: Graphics

Enemy Types

Enemy types – A design decision
Our game is fairly short and simple. The concept is that, as the player, you are supposed to kill a few enemies and then a boss to win the game. As such, we decided to use the enemies as “training practice” and make the boss the main event.
The player character has four features; movement and three kinds of attack. To help train the player in every attack, we created three different kinds of enemies. All were […]

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Program: Game Design

Enemy Types

Enemy types – A design decision
Our game is fairly short and simple. The concept is that, as the player, you are supposed to kill a few enemies and then a boss to win the game. As such, we decided to use the enemies as “training practice” and make the boss the main event.
The player character has four features; movement and three kinds of attack. To help train the player in every attack, we created three different kinds of enemies. All were […]

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Program: Game Design

Power-up systems and Repair kits

Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. This week I have redesigned how the health pack (called repair kit in our game) works and with that also changed how the whole power-up system works for the game as they are connected. Originally all power-ups and repair kits originated from the same asset, that of a crate. When the player collided with the crate it would either randomly give them […]

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Program: Game Design

Power-up systems and Repair kits

Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. This week I have redesigned how the health pack (called repair kit in our game) works and with that also changed how the whole power-up system works for the game as they are connected. Originally all power-ups and repair kits originated from the same asset, that of a crate. When the player collided with the crate it would either randomly give them […]

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Program: Game Design

5SD064 – Blog Post 1 : Lighting

Lighting is a big part of Depth. It both sets the tone and serves the aesthetic goal of the game. Outside of the player’s spotlight and a small light emanating from the cockpit, the entire screen is dark.
The submarine which the player controls has a light which follows the cursor, goes off when you get hit by a squid and can be upgraded temporarily by a power up. This was one of the artifacts I had to create during the second […]

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Program: Programming

5SD064 – Blog Post 1 : Lighting

Lighting is a big part of Depth. It both sets the tone and serves the aesthetic goal of the game. Outside of the player’s spotlight and a small light emanating from the cockpit, the entire screen is dark.
The submarine which the player controls has a light which follows the cursor, goes off when you get hit by a squid and can be upgraded temporarily by a power up. This was one of the artifacts I had to create during the second […]

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Program: Programming

Post #1 – Aiming the canon

Erik Rosenberg, I have been working as a project manager at a smaller media company prior to coming to Uppsala University, Campus Gotland where I am currently taking a bachelor of Game Design with a minor in Project Management. It is the second semester of my first year at the university.
I am also a member of Group Siren (a group of students at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland). Said group is currently developing a game, Behemoth, based on a concept document […]

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Post #1 – Aiming the canon

Erik Rosenberg, I have been working as a project manager at a smaller media company prior to coming to Uppsala University, Campus Gotland where I am currently taking a bachelor of Game Design with a minor in Project Management. It is the second semester of my first year at the university.
I am also a member of Group Siren (a group of students at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland). Said group is currently developing a game, Behemoth, based on a concept document […]

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