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Development blog 3: Sprint and scrum

(This blog crashed and everything was lost due to the bad connection of Eduroam. I rushed this blog to meet the deadline so things may not look pretty.)
Good morning all. As one of the artist in group Zombie. I am excited to present you our third development blog – Sprint and scrum. Unlike before, this time I will talk about how has scrum affected the development of our newest exploration game- Umibozu.
So let me start off with discussing what are […]

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Program: Graphics

Development blog 3: Sprint and scrum

(This blog crashed and everything was lost due to the bad connection of Eduroam. I rushed this blog to meet the deadline so things may not look pretty.)
Good morning all. As one of the artist in group Zombie. I am excited to present you our third development blog – Sprint and scrum. Unlike before, this time I will talk about how has scrum affected the development of our newest exploration game- Umibozu.
So let me start off with discussing what are […]

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Program: Graphics

Project Aetherial Blog Three

Time for blog number three! The ALPHA is behind us and we look forward unto the second playtesting session and the BETA. After two blogs describing the design and creation process of enemies in the game, this week’s blog will venture into the topic of scrum. I will mention the pieces of the development procedure which I appreciate the most.
Before this course, I personally had no experience working with scrum and if I had to guess, none of my teammates […]

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Program: Graphics

Project Aetherial Blog Three

Time for blog number three! The ALPHA is behind us and we look forward unto the second playtesting session and the BETA. After two blogs describing the design and creation process of enemies in the game, this week’s blog will venture into the topic of scrum. I will mention the pieces of the development procedure which I appreciate the most.
Before this course, I personally had no experience working with scrum and if I had to guess, none of my teammates […]

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Program: Graphics


Scrum, or any flavor of agile development is a good tool for structuring work. But depending on the environment and tool it can vary from good to outright awful. I have experience working professionally as a software developer on large projects. When working several months or years on a larger project where you have to adapt to changes from customers, it’s a must have, to be able to keep track of rapid changes and still keeping on track.
When working professionally […]

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Program: Programming


Scrum, or any flavor of agile development is a good tool for structuring work. But depending on the environment and tool it can vary from good to outright awful. I have experience working professionally as a software developer on large projects. When working several months or years on a larger project where you have to adapt to changes from customers, it’s a must have, to be able to keep track of rapid changes and still keeping on track.
When working professionally […]

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Program: Programming

Scrums effect on our development

Working with scrum as our framework has aided us with scheduling our workload efficiently, for the most part. I cannot speak for everyone, but at least in my group we feel like the milestones set by by our course representative are diminishing the freedom that scrum is supposed to give the team. I can understand that it is easier to judge how far a project has progressed if they pass all the set criterias, but it feels like it makes […]

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Program: Game Design

Scrums effect on our development

Working with scrum as our framework has aided us with scheduling our workload efficiently, for the most part. I cannot speak for everyone, but at least in my group we feel like the milestones set by by our course representative are diminishing the freedom that scrum is supposed to give the team. I can understand that it is easier to judge how far a project has progressed if they pass all the set criterias, but it feels like it makes […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog 3

Working with Scrum
For this blog the goal is to describe and analyse how working with Scrum has affected the development of  this project. As usual I will try to provide some reasoning and reflection around the topic.
The main idea with Scrum is that with frequent communication and clearly defined requirements make sure that everyone knows what needs to be done, and who is working on what. This in turn allows for a faster and more flexible workflow. Scum also emphasises […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 3

Working with Scrum
For this blog the goal is to describe and analyse how working with Scrum has affected the development of  this project. As usual I will try to provide some reasoning and reflection around the topic.
The main idea with Scrum is that with frequent communication and clearly defined requirements make sure that everyone knows what needs to be done, and who is working on what. This in turn allows for a faster and more flexible workflow. Scum also emphasises […]

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Program: Graphics

Scrum and Game development

Scrum is the method of working that we have been using during this development process of the shoot ‘em up game. It involves having a stand up meeting with the team for 5 minutes every work day. And each week is divided into “sprints” that are planned in the beginning of the week and then reviewed in the end of the week. So each Monday and Friday there are longer meetings for planning and reviewing the sprints.
The sprint planning is […]

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Program: Graphics

Scrum and Game development

Scrum is the method of working that we have been using during this development process of the shoot ‘em up game. It involves having a stand up meeting with the team for 5 minutes every work day. And each week is divided into “sprints” that are planned in the beginning of the week and then reviewed in the end of the week. So each Monday and Friday there are longer meetings for planning and reviewing the sprints.
The sprint planning is […]

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Program: Graphics

How Scrum has affected my development

At first, scrum didn’t really affect me at all, but that was mostly because I didn’t really “do it” properly. I kept working like I had done in the past, that is, postpone things as much as possible until I only had a day (or in worst case, hours) to finish all of the tasks I had agreed to finish by the weeks end. This is obviously not a very good way of working, not for yourself but especially not […]

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Program: Graphics

How Scrum has affected my development

At first, scrum didn’t really affect me at all, but that was mostly because I didn’t really “do it” properly. I kept working like I had done in the past, that is, postpone things as much as possible until I only had a day (or in worst case, hours) to finish all of the tasks I had agreed to finish by the weeks end. This is obviously not a very good way of working, not for yourself but especially not […]

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Program: Graphics

Working with Scrum

This week I am going to talk about how the scrum development framework has affected the development process of our game. Scrum is a development framework that is based on the agile manifesto which has a few core values and principles such as adjusting to change rather than following a concrete plan, and valuing the individual team members and the interaction between them over the working processes or the tools used as mentioned in the course book “Agile Game Development […]

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Program: Programming

Working with Scrum

This week I am going to talk about how the scrum development framework has affected the development process of our game. Scrum is a development framework that is based on the agile manifesto which has a few core values and principles such as adjusting to change rather than following a concrete plan, and valuing the individual team members and the interaction between them over the working processes or the tools used as mentioned in the course book “Agile Game Development […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Post 3 – Scrum

So far Scrum has, in my opinion, been a positive experience. At first it felt a bit wonky and complicated with all the different spreadsheets that had to be filled in, daily stand up meetings to attend, but by now I’ve grown accustomed to it and understand the purpose of at least most aspects of the method.
One of my favorite aspects of the method is the product backlog. While it is annoying to fill in, having a definite list over […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Post 3 – Scrum

So far Scrum has, in my opinion, been a positive experience. At first it felt a bit wonky and complicated with all the different spreadsheets that had to be filled in, daily stand up meetings to attend, but by now I’ve grown accustomed to it and understand the purpose of at least most aspects of the method.
One of my favorite aspects of the method is the product backlog. While it is annoying to fill in, having a definite list over […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog #3: The importance of sprint retrospectives

Hello and welcome to my third blog entry!
For the development of our Shoot ‘em Up game we were instructed to apply the Scrum framework. Scrum is an Agile framework that is extensively applied in the software development industry (and thus applicable to game development). By placing high value on the Agile philosophy and preserving Scrum principles, game development teams can become very effective and ensure a valuable product is being developed. An emphasis on iterative development, incremental […]

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Blog #3: The importance of sprint retrospectives

Hello and welcome to my third blog entry!
For the development of our Shoot ‘em Up game we were instructed to apply the Scrum framework. Scrum is an Agile framework that is extensively applied in the software development industry (and thus applicable to game development). By placing high value on the Agile philosophy and preserving Scrum principles, game development teams can become very effective and ensure a valuable product is being developed. An emphasis on iterative development, incremental […]

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2/22/18 Scrum

The first time I heard about scrum I thought it was going to be a hassle and a bunch of unnecessary meetings (I still think there are a bunch of unnecessary meetings). However I have come to think that scrum is very helpful to get in a very productive workflow, to work in a team and to keep on track. I will point out a few of the things that have helped me personally and why.
Sprint plannings have helped me […]

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Program: Graphics

2/22/18 Scrum

The first time I heard about scrum I thought it was going to be a hassle and a bunch of unnecessary meetings (I still think there are a bunch of unnecessary meetings). However I have come to think that scrum is very helpful to get in a very productive workflow, to work in a team and to keep on track. I will point out a few of the things that have helped me personally and why.
Sprint plannings have helped me […]

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Program: Graphics

Working with Scrum

This week I will talk about how scrum affected our development.
As you know scrum is a framework for team collaboration on complex software projects. It involves the scrum master and the team to work together, and provide effective results in a short period of time. The below graphic briefly describes how the scrum works.

In light of the info above, we have been having sprint planning on Monday, stand up meetings from Tuesday to Thursday and sprint review on Friday. Sprint […]

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Program: Graphics

Working with Scrum

This week I will talk about how scrum affected our development.
As you know scrum is a framework for team collaboration on complex software projects. It involves the scrum master and the team to work together, and provide effective results in a short period of time. The below graphic briefly describes how the scrum works.

In light of the info above, we have been having sprint planning on Monday, stand up meetings from Tuesday to Thursday and sprint review on Friday. Sprint […]

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Program: Graphics