Browsing '2017': Students starting in 2017
Scrum – Yay or nay?
I’ll try and be quick with this.
Scrum is a work framework that emphasizes iterative development and being agile. It’s made for small teams, but can be scaled up. Development is divided into sprints, in our case these last one week, but should preferably be a bit longer, two weeks is apparently common. At the start of a sprint there is a sprint planning where the team members discuss and pick the tasks they’ll be working on during the sprint, and […]
Scrum – Yay or nay?
I’ll try and be quick with this.
Scrum is a work framework that emphasizes iterative development and being agile. It’s made for small teams, but can be scaled up. Development is divided into sprints, in our case these last one week, but should preferably be a bit longer, two weeks is apparently common. At the start of a sprint there is a sprint planning where the team members discuss and pick the tasks they’ll be working on during the sprint, and […]

Blog 3: Working with Scrum
When we started working on this project we were told to use a method called Scrum. Scrum is an agile work method where the group breaks down the project and starts doing iterations. These iterations are supposed to take 1-2 weeks to complete and are often planned at the start of a so-called “Sprint”, another name for the 1-2 iteration.
When we started working we chose to break down the entire concept including the userstories to so-called assets that were put […]

Blog 3: Working with Scrum
When we started working on this project we were told to use a method called Scrum. Scrum is an agile work method where the group breaks down the project and starts doing iterations. These iterations are supposed to take 1-2 weeks to complete and are often planned at the start of a so-called “Sprint”, another name for the 1-2 iteration.
When we started working we chose to break down the entire concept including the userstories to so-called assets that were put […]
Scrum Reflections
So, for this blogpost I will talk a bit about Scrum and Agile and how that effects game development, and especially how it affects our group’s development.
I will start right of the bat that we don’t really work in a Scrum or Agile environment, at least not in the way our course literature and we in Design/Design class have been taught earlier. This is more of an adaptation and version of Scrum that isn’t really the most optimal way. But […]
Scrum Reflections
So, for this blogpost I will talk a bit about Scrum and Agile and how that effects game development, and especially how it affects our group’s development.
I will start right of the bat that we don’t really work in a Scrum or Agile environment, at least not in the way our course literature and we in Design/Design class have been taught earlier. This is more of an adaptation and version of Scrum that isn’t really the most optimal way. But […]
Scrum and Sirens
The focus of this post is to reflect and consider how Scrum as an Agile a framework has affected the development process of this project, and how has it affected my personal workflow.
As objective as one can be, Scrum is in theory a great framework to work by. Increasing collaboration between team members, adapting and updating the product when new information is considered, identifying obstacles, iterative production, etc. In practice, however, applying Scrum is not as easy as it seems.
Personally, […]
Scrum and Sirens
The focus of this post is to reflect and consider how Scrum as an Agile a framework has affected the development process of this project, and how has it affected my personal workflow.
As objective as one can be, Scrum is in theory a great framework to work by. Increasing collaboration between team members, adapting and updating the product when new information is considered, identifying obstacles, iterative production, etc. In practice, however, applying Scrum is not as easy as it seems.
Personally, […]
Agile Method – Scrum
The development method we were told to use is the agile framework scrum. This framework is used to break down the development into small tasks, listing them into a priority list called backlog. The difficulty of the tasks should be adequate to be completed within a certain amount of time, these are usually weeks in form of iterations and is called sprint. Within these iterations the group has daily meetings, called stand-up meetings, to keep track of what each member […]
Agile Method – Scrum
The development method we were told to use is the agile framework scrum. This framework is used to break down the development into small tasks, listing them into a priority list called backlog. The difficulty of the tasks should be adequate to be completed within a certain amount of time, these are usually weeks in form of iterations and is called sprint. Within these iterations the group has daily meetings, called stand-up meetings, to keep track of what each member […]

Game Design journal 3
Mikael Ferroukhi
Date: 22/02/18
During the last few weeks, since the beginning of the production of our game Omibozu, me and my team really have tried our best to use the Scrum methodology.
It was of course something new to us, and it definitely forced us to change the way we approached the work we had to do.
It wasn’t a simple think to set up: during the first few weeks, I feel like it has been a bit rough to really understand the […]

Game Design journal 3
Mikael Ferroukhi
Date: 22/02/18
During the last few weeks, since the beginning of the production of our game Omibozu, me and my team really have tried our best to use the Scrum methodology.
It was of course something new to us, and it definitely forced us to change the way we approached the work we had to do.
It wasn’t a simple think to set up: during the first few weeks, I feel like it has been a bit rough to really understand the […]

How scrum has affected our development
For this week’s blog post we have been instructed to write about Scrum and how it has affected our team’s project development. Overall I feel that working with scrum has managed to improve our team’s development. Sitting down and creating a project backlog has helped us with being a bit more organized when it comes to planning what work we are going to do for the week. Also having a document where you can see all of the work you […]

How scrum has affected our development
For this week’s blog post we have been instructed to write about Scrum and how it has affected our team’s project development. Overall I feel that working with scrum has managed to improve our team’s development. Sitting down and creating a project backlog has helped us with being a bit more organized when it comes to planning what work we are going to do for the week. Also having a document where you can see all of the work you […]

Working with scrum – Has it been beneficial?
For the duration of the project, we as students were asked to work and apply the scrum framework to improve our workflow and thus the quality of our final product. In our case, the framework consists of weekly sprints in combination with daily stand-up meetings in person. Furthermore and in comparison to previous projects, we are working with a product backlog to keep sight on all the assets and artifacts that are needed for our current project. In this blog […]

Working with scrum – Has it been beneficial?
For the duration of the project, we as students were asked to work and apply the scrum framework to improve our workflow and thus the quality of our final product. In our case, the framework consists of weekly sprints in combination with daily stand-up meetings in person. Furthermore and in comparison to previous projects, we are working with a product backlog to keep sight on all the assets and artifacts that are needed for our current project. In this blog […]
3rd post – Working with scrum
In this week’s blog, I am going to write about scrum. It is an agile framework which is used in project management. It encourages adaption, teamwork, self-organization and customer collaboration. Scrum has timebox, which is called sprint, and it can be from 1 to 4 weeks long. All team members can choose assets to work on and at the end of the sprint they have to deliver a feature. This was the first time for our team to work with […]
3rd post – Working with scrum
In this week’s blog, I am going to write about scrum. It is an agile framework which is used in project management. It encourages adaption, teamwork, self-organization and customer collaboration. Scrum has timebox, which is called sprint, and it can be from 1 to 4 weeks long. All team members can choose assets to work on and at the end of the sprint they have to deliver a feature. This was the first time for our team to work with […]
Scrum – Has it helped?
The idea behind Scrum is to be more responsive to change. It encompasses an incremental structure to the project, where you work in smaller work cycles and develop a working solution continuously. As such, the main concepts within Scrum that we use are the sprints and the product backlog. The sprint planning and sprint review has worked well most of the time. The sprint review was missed once due to my being out of town, but was solved by filling […]
Scrum – Has it helped?
The idea behind Scrum is to be more responsive to change. It encompasses an incremental structure to the project, where you work in smaller work cycles and develop a working solution continuously. As such, the main concepts within Scrum that we use are the sprints and the product backlog. The sprint planning and sprint review has worked well most of the time. The sprint review was missed once due to my being out of town, but was solved by filling […]
How has scrum affected our development? – August Demirsson
In this blog, I am going to discuss how Scrum has affected my groups development for our game.
In my opinion scrum has definitely helped to clarify each and everyone’s role and what each person should work on, on a given day. It makes the progress a lot clearer and everyone knows what they are supposed to do. It basically makes the entire game development a lot more structured with scrum than it would be without it.
Weekly planning: This might be […]
How has scrum affected our development? – August Demirsson
In this blog, I am going to discuss how Scrum has affected my groups development for our game.
In my opinion scrum has definitely helped to clarify each and everyone’s role and what each person should work on, on a given day. It makes the progress a lot clearer and everyone knows what they are supposed to do. It basically makes the entire game development a lot more structured with scrum than it would be without it.
Weekly planning: This might be […]