Browsing '2017': Students starting in 2017
Comment week 2
(William Teurnell, Group Poltergeist)
You describe in good detail how you went about learning a new field. You briefly touch upon problems you have encountered, though you are quite vague in their description; you mention that most problems were small-scale, and then give an example of a technical issue you had (adding samples to LMMS). You don’t, however, mention any other problems, even though you imply that you had more. Perhaps you could go into greater detail into what different kinds […]
Comment week 2
(William Teurnell, Group Poltergeist)
You describe in good detail how you went about learning a new field. You briefly touch upon problems you have encountered, though you are quite vague in their description; you mention that most problems were small-scale, and then give an example of a technical issue you had (adding samples to LMMS). You don’t, however, mention any other problems, even though you imply that you had more. Perhaps you could go into greater detail into what different kinds […]
What improvments brought from playtesting
So far, we have done two times playtesting. Our team prepared different questions for both playtesting.
The first playtesting was primarily for us to find out what we might not have thought of. I can’t list all the questions here, so I chose two that I think are the most helpful for our game:
· What was your least favorite moment or interaction?
· Was there anything you wanted to do that the game didn’t allow you to do?
We got a lot of feedback […]
What improvments brought from playtesting
So far, we have done two times playtesting. Our team prepared different questions for both playtesting.
The first playtesting was primarily for us to find out what we might not have thought of. I can’t list all the questions here, so I chose two that I think are the most helpful for our game:
· What was your least favorite moment or interaction?
· Was there anything you wanted to do that the game didn’t allow you to do?
We got a lot of feedback […]

Question 2: Are you making Umibōzu?
So, the playtesting. It sure did happen.
I had a hard time with it in many ways. A lot of it I felt was not very useful. Largely because I was already aware of many of the criticisms to be had. The timing of the shield; the lack of variation in the enemies and their functions; poor communication with player, especially with feedback; the companion characters in the game not having enough utility, differentiation, or personality for the player to care […]

Question 2: Are you making Umibōzu?
So, the playtesting. It sure did happen.
I had a hard time with it in many ways. A lot of it I felt was not very useful. Largely because I was already aware of many of the criticisms to be had. The timing of the shield; the lack of variation in the enemies and their functions; poor communication with player, especially with feedback; the companion characters in the game not having enough utility, differentiation, or personality for the player to care […]
Commenting on “Simple AI” by Natasha Megan
Link to the original post:
The blog post is about the AI of the game “Friendship down” and describes the original design of the AI and how her group made it work for them. She gives great reasoning on why they had to abandon the original design of the AI and then goes into detail on how she implemented the simplified AI. Even though the AI was “simplified” to fit the scope of the project it is still […]
Commenting on “Simple AI” by Natasha Megan
Link to the original post:
The blog post is about the AI of the game “Friendship down” and describes the original design of the AI and how her group made it work for them. She gives great reasoning on why they had to abandon the original design of the AI and then goes into detail on how she implemented the simplified AI. Even though the AI was “simplified” to fit the scope of the project it is still […]
The Effects of Playtesting
Hi there people, playtesting is a great tool for improving the development process when making a game and I am here to tell you why.
Playtesting has bee very important for me and my group during the course of this project as it has given us invaluable information that can only be gathered through this kind of testing, namely the opinions of the end-users. As a part of the playtest we incorporated a survey for the players to fill out, rating […]
The Effects of Playtesting
Hi there people, playtesting is a great tool for improving the development process when making a game and I am here to tell you why.
Playtesting has bee very important for me and my group during the course of this project as it has given us invaluable information that can only be gathered through this kind of testing, namely the opinions of the end-users. As a part of the playtest we incorporated a survey for the players to fill out, rating […]

Play Testing
We got the chance to have our game play tested twice by our colleagues, once during the alpha phase of production and again during the beta phase, and during these play tests we had a survey for our testers to fill out where we asked them about the different aspects in our game like the different mechanics and controls, as well as the overall feel of the game.
Alpha play test:
During the alpha play test, we had our testers try out […]

Play Testing
We got the chance to have our game play tested twice by our colleagues, once during the alpha phase of production and again during the beta phase, and during these play tests we had a survey for our testers to fill out where we asked them about the different aspects in our game like the different mechanics and controls, as well as the overall feel of the game.
Alpha play test:
During the alpha play test, we had our testers try out […]

Making one’s great ideas actually noticeable
As the name suggests, the core aesthetic of Friendship Down is friendship and comradery. In pursuit of this goal, the game was designed around a specific core mechanic: the player is given an activated ability that produces a shield with which the player can ward off enemy projectiles, potentially protecting both themselves and the Friends (allied NPCs that fight alongside the player. Within the context of the game these are referred to as the Friends). From this core design choice, […]

Making one’s great ideas actually noticeable
As the name suggests, the core aesthetic of Friendship Down is friendship and comradery. In pursuit of this goal, the game was designed around a specific core mechanic: the player is given an activated ability that produces a shield with which the player can ward off enemy projectiles, potentially protecting both themselves and the Friends (allied NPCs that fight alongside the player. Within the context of the game these are referred to as the Friends). From this core design choice, […]
How has Playtesting effected my game’s development?
Hi, today I will be discussing why playtesting is an important aspect of game development and how playtesting has affected my game. Playtesting is the stage where a game developer tests a game for bugs and any design mishaps before releasing it to the public. Playtests can be run “open”, “closed”, “beta”, or otherwise. Open… Continue reading How has Playtesting effected my game’s development?
How has Playtesting effected my game’s development?
Hi, today I will be discussing why playtesting is an important aspect of game development and how playtesting has affected my game. Playtesting is the stage where a game developer tests a game for bugs and any design mishaps before releasing it to the public. Playtests can be run “open”, “closed”, “beta”, or otherwise. Open… Continue reading How has Playtesting effected my game’s development?

Blog 5: Playtesting
It’s always important that the players understand your game. To make sure of that, and to receive feedback and critique to improve your game, it’s good to have several playtesting sessions. When you are developing a game it’s often easy to become “blind” and not notice things that are unclear or don’t make sense in the game. We’ve had two playtesting sessions during the development of the shoot em up game, Alpha and Beta.
So, how did the playtesting affect my development?
We received […]

Blog 5: Playtesting
It’s always important that the players understand your game. To make sure of that, and to receive feedback and critique to improve your game, it’s good to have several playtesting sessions. When you are developing a game it’s often easy to become “blind” and not notice things that are unclear or don’t make sense in the game. We’ve had two playtesting sessions during the development of the shoot em up game, Alpha and Beta.
So, how did the playtesting affect my development?
We received […]

Week #5 PlayTesting
On three different occasions we have had our game play tested by the masses of Game Design 1 as well as the amount of play testing I have done myself for our game.
Having people play test the game you’re creating is a rewarding experience in general, if you look at it positively it is a win-win situation. Either they play the game and like the work you are doing, hate it and give lots of feedback, or are somewhere between […]

Week #5 PlayTesting
On three different occasions we have had our game play tested by the masses of Game Design 1 as well as the amount of play testing I have done myself for our game.
Having people play test the game you’re creating is a rewarding experience in general, if you look at it positively it is a win-win situation. Either they play the game and like the work you are doing, hate it and give lots of feedback, or are somewhere between […]
The importance of playtesting
Saying that playtesting is important for game development might seem like quite the obvious remark. And yeah, it kinda is. But the reasons it’s important isn’t always apparent to everyone. So I thought I’d talk a bit about what I’ve noticed while doing playtesting for my team’s current game.
Now this is only an assumption. But I’m pretty sure that when most people with a limited knowledge of playtesting hear the word playtesting they think of it as something developers do […]
The importance of playtesting
Saying that playtesting is important for game development might seem like quite the obvious remark. And yeah, it kinda is. But the reasons it’s important isn’t always apparent to everyone. So I thought I’d talk a bit about what I’ve noticed while doing playtesting for my team’s current game.
Now this is only an assumption. But I’m pretty sure that when most people with a limited knowledge of playtesting hear the word playtesting they think of it as something developers do […]