Browsing '2017': Students starting in 2017

5. Playtesting’s effect on game development
Hello there once again, my name is Carl and in this weeks blog post, I will be talking about the effect playtesting has had on my groups development of the game ”Depth”.
A simple description of playtesting is that it is a session where you, as a developer, present your game to a small ”audience” that is going to try out your game, and then after they have played your game, they will proceed to give you feedback. It can be […]

5. Playtesting’s effect on game development
Hello there once again, my name is Carl and in this weeks blog post, I will be talking about the effect playtesting has had on my groups development of the game ”Depth”.
A simple description of playtesting is that it is a session where you, as a developer, present your game to a small ”audience” that is going to try out your game, and then after they have played your game, they will proceed to give you feedback. It can be […]

Player Feedback
So, playtesting.
I worked as a playtester for a while on a game company called ”Zoink!” who made the recently released game ”Fe” – and because of this I fully realize the importance of feedback from anyone who is not directly involved in the project. Being able to swallow your pride, take and process critique is something that any game developer will inevitably have to learn. Being a graphics-student, however, leaves me with less criticism than I might have wanted. Usually, […]

Player Feedback
So, playtesting.
I worked as a playtester for a while on a game company called ”Zoink!” who made the recently released game ”Fe” – and because of this I fully realize the importance of feedback from anyone who is not directly involved in the project. Being able to swallow your pride, take and process critique is something that any game developer will inevitably have to learn. Being a graphics-student, however, leaves me with less criticism than I might have wanted. Usually, […]

Welcome back! This week I will be talking about the two playtesting sessions that we had during the Shoot’em up project. Since the two tests were several weeks apart, the post will consist of two parts – one for each test. I will also talk about how we incorporated the data we received from these tests. Finally, I will also discuss why and how we chose the questions we asked.
Playtesting session #1
For the first playtesting session our game was in […]

Welcome back! This week I will be talking about the two playtesting sessions that we had during the Shoot’em up project. Since the two tests were several weeks apart, the post will consist of two parts – one for each test. I will also talk about how we incorporated the data we received from these tests. Finally, I will also discuss why and how we chose the questions we asked.
Playtesting session #1
For the first playtesting session our game was in […]
Feedback for developers, feedback for player
Today’s post will deal with playtesting and its’ effect on making Fear is in me.
2 playtesting sessions scheduled during the course were great opportunities to confront games that we are currently producing with real end users and to gather feedback on what needs to be improved. Unfortunately, the technical issues that occurred just before the first session were a bit too much for us to handle. After we built the project, aiming the weapon turned out to be faulty and causing […]
Feedback for developers, feedback for player
Today’s post will deal with playtesting and its’ effect on making Fear is in me.
2 playtesting sessions scheduled during the course were great opportunities to confront games that we are currently producing with real end users and to gather feedback on what needs to be improved. Unfortunately, the technical issues that occurred just before the first session were a bit too much for us to handle. After we built the project, aiming the weapon turned out to be faulty and causing […]
Dev Blog #5 -Playtesting
Hello again!
This week I’ll talk about my team’s experience with the playtesting sessions we’ve had during this project. We attended both sessions, though we found little value in the second one and would rather have spent that time working on the game in order to complete it for the beta. I know other team felt the same way, but we still took the playtesting seriously and had a survey for testers to fill out. On both occasions we had an […]
Dev Blog #5 -Playtesting
Hello again!
This week I’ll talk about my team’s experience with the playtesting sessions we’ve had during this project. We attended both sessions, though we found little value in the second one and would rather have spent that time working on the game in order to complete it for the beta. I know other team felt the same way, but we still took the playtesting seriously and had a survey for testers to fill out. On both occasions we had an […]

Comment on Blog Post #4
Sorry for the late reply!
I really like the effect you’ve achieved with the animation, the wind-up was a really good choice and I think it conveys a lot of weight and power. I enjoyed reading your post – unlike my own, it was quite short, which is fine. I think I would have wanted some more technicalities on how exactly you made it, like if you used photoshop and if you used framer or video animation. I also really like […]

Comment on Blog Post #4
Sorry for the late reply!
I really like the effect you’ve achieved with the animation, the wind-up was a really good choice and I think it conveys a lot of weight and power. I enjoyed reading your post – unlike my own, it was quite short, which is fine. I think I would have wanted some more technicalities on how exactly you made it, like if you used photoshop and if you used framer or video animation. I also really like […]

5SD064 – Blog Post 5 : Playtesting
This blog will be about playtesting and its impact on development. My perspective is that of the sole programmer for team “Troll”, working on “Depth”.
Playtesting is two-dimensional : there is an internal dimension and an external one.
Internally, group Troll playtest the game whenever I implement a considerable amount of stuff in, or at the end of each sprint. In fact, playtesting plays into our definition of “done” for artifacts. Indeed, our definition of done is that it has been playtested […]

5SD064 – Blog Post 5 : Playtesting
This blog will be about playtesting and its impact on development. My perspective is that of the sole programmer for team “Troll”, working on “Depth”.
Playtesting is two-dimensional : there is an internal dimension and an external one.
Internally, group Troll playtest the game whenever I implement a considerable amount of stuff in, or at the end of each sprint. In fact, playtesting plays into our definition of “done” for artifacts. Indeed, our definition of done is that it has been playtested […]

8th of March
I guess it is to be expected that the first digital game we create during our education would highlight the fact that making games is really difficult. As such, the intended end goal of this course is probably not to have us create great, or even half decent games, but rather to make sure that we learn something from the process.
That being said, I thing that we as a group has failed to utilize the playtesting sessions in a meaningful […]

8th of March
I guess it is to be expected that the first digital game we create during our education would highlight the fact that making games is really difficult. As such, the intended end goal of this course is probably not to have us create great, or even half decent games, but rather to make sure that we learn something from the process.
That being said, I thing that we as a group has failed to utilize the playtesting sessions in a meaningful […]

The impact of Playtesting
Hello everyone. Today I am writing about playtesting more specifically how playtesting has affected our development. We had two playtests one for the alpha and one for the beta. Playtesting is important because we get outside eyes to help us to see problems, bugs or game breaking tactics in the game. As the tester played our game, some members took notes of everything they noticed, i.e., how the player moves, or how they react to different encounters. After they have […]

The impact of Playtesting
Hello everyone. Today I am writing about playtesting more specifically how playtesting has affected our development. We had two playtests one for the alpha and one for the beta. Playtesting is important because we get outside eyes to help us to see problems, bugs or game breaking tactics in the game. As the tester played our game, some members took notes of everything they noticed, i.e., how the player moves, or how they react to different encounters. After they have […]
Playtesting is key in an Agile development cycle, it’s a good way to make iterations of your game fast. So that you always know if something works and is fun to play as soon you have it in a testable state. As the game designer of the group I have tested the game a lot over these weeks, and I also built the level. So after I while I know the map and the game so good that it isn’t […]
Playtesting is key in an Agile development cycle, it’s a good way to make iterations of your game fast. So that you always know if something works and is fun to play as soon you have it in a testable state. As the game designer of the group I have tested the game a lot over these weeks, and I also built the level. So after I while I know the map and the game so good that it isn’t […]
Blog post 5: Playtesting
Hello there.
This week I am going to talk about how playtesting has affected the development of the game “Depth”. During this course we had two different sessions of planned playtesting, where everyone in the course and teachers, tests all of the games in development. The first session was right before the alpha presentation and the second session was right before the beta presentation.
To do this, we used two computers with the then latest version of the game. When people came […]
Blog post 5: Playtesting
Hello there.
This week I am going to talk about how playtesting has affected the development of the game “Depth”. During this course we had two different sessions of planned playtesting, where everyone in the course and teachers, tests all of the games in development. The first session was right before the alpha presentation and the second session was right before the beta presentation.
To do this, we used two computers with the then latest version of the game. When people came […]

What is play? Baby, don’t test me, don’t test me, no more
it’s blog time again! This time subject being playtesting and its effect on our game development.
Both the first and second playtesting session has been helpful for us, team Kraken, in order to improve our game, Aetherial. When observing the testers try out our game, we noticed many things regarding the gameplay and design that have not been obvious to us earlier. I, as manager, added extra time to our meetings in order to go through all the data that we’ve […]

What is play? Baby, don’t test me, don’t test me, no more
it’s blog time again! This time subject being playtesting and its effect on our game development.
Both the first and second playtesting session has been helpful for us, team Kraken, in order to improve our game, Aetherial. When observing the testers try out our game, we noticed many things regarding the gameplay and design that have not been obvious to us earlier. I, as manager, added extra time to our meetings in order to go through all the data that we’ve […]