Browsing '2017': Students starting in 2017

Blog Post 5 – Playtesting

Playtesting is often an extremely important part in game development and many huge changes can be made to games after playtesting. Some ideas may seem good on paper but when you try them out in the game they suddenly don’t fit at all. Some games have been completely changed based on playtesting alone.
Playtesting for our group was nothing like this. We have been behind schedule for both playtesting sessions and this made it hard to get good and valuable feedback. […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog Post 5 – Playtesting

Playtesting is often an extremely important part in game development and many huge changes can be made to games after playtesting. Some ideas may seem good on paper but when you try them out in the game they suddenly don’t fit at all. Some games have been completely changed based on playtesting alone.
Playtesting for our group was nothing like this. We have been behind schedule for both playtesting sessions and this made it hard to get good and valuable feedback. […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog Comment 4

Hello there Maya!
My name is Jesper and I’m the Lead Designer and Sound for Group Z. You’ve done a good job explaining your reasoning behind your design. You thoroughly explain the reason behind your decisions and I think its very good that the player gets a good learning curve before they face the boss.
I would really like it if you explained why the adventure part was a big problem. You mention it, but you never explain the reason behind it. […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog Comment 4

Hello there Maya!
My name is Jesper and I’m the Lead Designer and Sound for Group Z. You’ve done a good job explaining your reasoning behind your design. You thoroughly explain the reason behind your decisions and I think its very good that the player gets a good learning curve before they face the boss.
I would really like it if you explained why the adventure part was a big problem. You mention it, but you never explain the reason behind it. […]

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Program: Game Design

The Wonders of Playtesting

This week I shall tell you of the wonders of playtesting and the effect it has had on team Qilin.
During this ten week project, we have had two playtesting sessions, both of which have been tremendously helpful in the development process. For our first playtest in anticipation of the Alpha we didn’t have much of a game to present, it was a never-ending level with only two enemies and no power up. Despite having very little to show, we received […]

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Program: Graphics

The Wonders of Playtesting

This week I shall tell you of the wonders of playtesting and the effect it has had on team Qilin.
During this ten week project, we have had two playtesting sessions, both of which have been tremendously helpful in the development process. For our first playtest in anticipation of the Alpha we didn’t have much of a game to present, it was a never-ending level with only two enemies and no power up. Despite having very little to show, we received […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment Week #4

Comment on „Animations, Sprites and my consequent thoughts thereon“, a blog entry published by Felix Rahm:

Heya Felix,
First of all, I really enjoyed reading your blog entry. You write in a fresh, vivid way that I personally find very pleasant to read. The writing style definitely fits the blog post and also you as a person. Content-wise, I have had an easy time to follow along your thought process. I appreciate that you structured your post into different components like […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment Week #4

Comment on „Animations, Sprites and my consequent thoughts thereon“, a blog entry published by Felix Rahm:

Heya Felix,
First of all, I really enjoyed reading your blog entry. You write in a fresh, vivid way that I personally find very pleasant to read. The writing style definitely fits the blog post and also you as a person. Content-wise, I have had an easy time to follow along your thought process. I appreciate that you structured your post into different components like […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment on Isak’s post ‘ Importance of playtesting ‘

March 11, 2018 at 4:29 pm

I found this post well written and straight ou started by introducing the concept of iteration and feedback. In a couple of lines you have summarized what we have been told and explained by our teachers during this year about the importance of playtesting, feedback and iteration.
I can see how the playtesting has helped you with bugs, setting the difficulty and communicating to the player what he can […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment on Isak’s post ‘ Importance of playtesting ‘

March 11, 2018 at 4:29 pm

I found this post well written and straight ou started by introducing the concept of iteration and feedback. In a couple of lines you have summarized what we have been told and explained by our teachers during this year about the importance of playtesting, feedback and iteration.
I can see how the playtesting has helped you with bugs, setting the difficulty and communicating to the player what he can […]

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Program: Graphics

5.1 Comment on another blog – Group A, David Åström

Hello there David, my name is Carl, I am the Lead Designer and Lead Sound of Group T, and I am the one reading and giving your blog some comments and feedback this time.
Very intresting way of using the feedback you recieved from the playtesting about the teleport ability. Before reading the text I sort of just took a shot in the dark, and assumed it would be a normal text explaining that the feedback made you guys change the […]

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Program: Game Design

5.1 Comment on another blog – Group A, David Åström

Hello there David, my name is Carl, I am the Lead Designer and Lead Sound of Group T, and I am the one reading and giving your blog some comments and feedback this time.
Very intresting way of using the feedback you recieved from the playtesting about the teleport ability. Before reading the text I sort of just took a shot in the dark, and assumed it would be a normal text explaining that the feedback made you guys change the […]

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Program: Game Design

Blogpost #5 Playtesting

Playtesting is a vital component when it comes to the development of a game. It’s through playtesting that you get feedback from ideally the target group of your game. This feedback gives you a heads-up whether you are working towards the goal or if there is something steering you adrift. There are different kinds of playtesting where the objectives behind it differ. It could be playtesting from a technical or aesthetic standpoint. Each playtesting gives different feedback to build upon.
One […]

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Blogpost #5 Playtesting

Playtesting is a vital component when it comes to the development of a game. It’s through playtesting that you get feedback from ideally the target group of your game. This feedback gives you a heads-up whether you are working towards the goal or if there is something steering you adrift. There are different kinds of playtesting where the objectives behind it differ. It could be playtesting from a technical or aesthetic standpoint. Each playtesting gives different feedback to build upon.
One […]

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Blog Comment:1

Petra Aderlund
Hi Petra! I must say I am extremely impressed by your blog Post. You were incredibly thoughtful with explaining every single aspect you had consider while preparing for the making of your game. It was easy to see your thought behind the the colors you choose, by looking and comparing with previous games for children you made it clear why you started of with so bright and colorful colors. You didn’t just pick the bright colors for your different […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Comment:1

Petra Aderlund
Hi Petra! I must say I am extremely impressed by your blog Post. You were incredibly thoughtful with explaining every single aspect you had consider while preparing for the making of your game. It was easy to see your thought behind the the colors you choose, by looking and comparing with previous games for children you made it clear why you started of with so bright and colorful colors. You didn’t just pick the bright colors for your different […]

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Program: Graphics

Reflection on “Playtesting” blog, by Lina Femling

10 mars, 2018 kl. 14:03

Hi Lina,
I had a great pleasure of reading this article. It was concise enough, described the topic and answered all the important questions.
I agree with you that, no matter how many internal playtesting you have, an external input is priceless and really helpful. It is good to see that you succeed in your goal of making the funny game.
There is one thing I don’t quite understand; the swarming mechanic. Is it […]

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Reflection on “Playtesting” blog, by Lina Femling

10 mars, 2018 kl. 14:03

Hi Lina,
I had a great pleasure of reading this article. It was concise enough, described the topic and answered all the important questions.
I agree with you that, no matter how many internal playtesting you have, an external input is priceless and really helpful. It is good to see that you succeed in your goal of making the funny game.
There is one thing I don’t quite understand; the swarming mechanic. Is it […]

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Blog comment #4 Timothée Engel
The blog is written in a clear order, you first explained the importance of the diverse sound feedback in game and the common solution for people is to change the pitch of the same sound asset. However, it’s still costly if create different pitches manually. Therefore, you introduced the usage of the AudioSource component and how to access it via script. It’s pretty smart to adjust the pitch combining the Random function and it’s the perfect solution to […]

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Program: Programming

Blog comment #4 Timothée Engel
The blog is written in a clear order, you first explained the importance of the diverse sound feedback in game and the common solution for people is to change the pitch of the same sound asset. However, it’s still costly if create different pitches manually. Therefore, you introduced the usage of the AudioSource component and how to access it via script. It’s pretty smart to adjust the pitch combining the Random function and it’s the perfect solution to […]

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Program: Programming

Blog comment #3 Sophie Ahlberg
The article is in a clear and neat first person perspective. The graph and the link also give me a clear vision of what Scrum is and how it works. In many points, I feel exact the same. At the first and second weeks I touch Scrum I also left ton of tasks and promises to the list which stressed me out during the following week. It teaches you to be responsible and contribute to the group. Unlike […]

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Program: Programming

Blog comment #3 Sophie Ahlberg
The article is in a clear and neat first person perspective. The graph and the link also give me a clear vision of what Scrum is and how it works. In many points, I feel exact the same. At the first and second weeks I touch Scrum I also left ton of tasks and promises to the list which stressed me out during the following week. It teaches you to be responsible and contribute to the group. Unlike […]

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Program: Programming

Blog comment #2 Samuel Karabetian
Hello Samuel! Thanks for the explanation of the obstacle spawner! The article wrote in a clear structure and told me details of what you did which would be easy for me to simulate. I love the inspector design you made! I have totally no idea how to modify the pattern of the inspector, though I modify the properties of GameObject there as well. It will be great to have a header and slider to make the architecture neat […]

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Program: Programming

Blog comment #2 Samuel Karabetian
Hello Samuel! Thanks for the explanation of the obstacle spawner! The article wrote in a clear structure and told me details of what you did which would be easy for me to simulate. I love the inspector design you made! I have totally no idea how to modify the pattern of the inspector, though I modify the properties of GameObject there as well. It will be great to have a header and slider to make the architecture neat […]

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Program: Programming