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Blog #5 Playtesting

Testing you game is something that’s really important to do while creating a game. As developers it’s very easy to stare yourself blind on a project you’ve been working on for a long time. Getting someone’s clear eyes on mind to help you see flaws and strengths of your product can help you stay focused on what’s really important. As well as finding unseen errors.
In this projects we’ve had two playtests so far, one before alpha- and one before beta […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog #5 Playtesting

Testing you game is something that’s really important to do while creating a game. As developers it’s very easy to stare yourself blind on a project you’ve been working on for a long time. Getting someone’s clear eyes on mind to help you see flaws and strengths of your product can help you stay focused on what’s really important. As well as finding unseen errors.
In this projects we’ve had two playtests so far, one before alpha- and one before beta […]

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Program: Graphics

Critique 5: Felix Rahm
Very interesting post! I like how you start by giving a quick background and thoughts about playtesting and feedback in general as it helps to understand your point of view on that matter and as a reader to figure out where you are going with your post.
I agree with you on the fact that art is often looked over when it comes to critique as testers either don’t feel like they have the authority to comment on that […]

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Program: Graphics

Critique 5: Felix Rahm
Very interesting post! I like how you start by giving a quick background and thoughts about playtesting and feedback in general as it helps to understand your point of view on that matter and as a reader to figure out where you are going with your post.
I agree with you on the fact that art is often looked over when it comes to critique as testers either don’t feel like they have the authority to comment on that […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment #5

Hey Maya, this is Guy Dimor, lead code for team Wendigo, you may or may not have heard about me, I don’t believe we’ve spoken before. Kidding, of course.
You did a great job explaining the reasoning behind your various design decisions as well as detailing the thought process behind every wave of enemies in your game. I liked that your primary goal was to make sure the player used the full set of abilities given to them and that you […]

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Program: Programming

Comment #5

Hey Maya, this is Guy Dimor, lead code for team Wendigo, you may or may not have heard about me, I don’t believe we’ve spoken before. Kidding, of course.
You did a great job explaining the reasoning behind your various design decisions as well as detailing the thought process behind every wave of enemies in your game. I liked that your primary goal was to make sure the player used the full set of abilities given to them and that you […]

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Program: Programming

Blog feedback #5

Very nicely written Carl!
I think your post is the most well written I’ve read so far. It’s very nicely structured and super easy to read. It’s also very nice to have the graphs in front of you while reading to accompany your thoughts and descriptions.
You describe the process of playtesting (how you go from feedback in a questionaire to tweaking the game accordingly) very well. It is hard to keep viewing one’s project from the outside looking in, so things […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog feedback #5

Very nicely written Carl!
I think your post is the most well written I’ve read so far. It’s very nicely structured and super easy to read. It’s also very nice to have the graphs in front of you while reading to accompany your thoughts and descriptions.
You describe the process of playtesting (how you go from feedback in a questionaire to tweaking the game accordingly) very well. It is hard to keep viewing one’s project from the outside looking in, so things […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog Comment 5

Hello there Hampus!
My name is Jesper and I’m the Lead Designer and Sound for Group Z. You’ve done a good job explaining why playtesting is a vital part of game development and how you used playtesting to change your game. I like that You explain the fact that the development group can get used to the game. This makes it very hard to make objective decisions. I have had a lot of problems with that when I was building my […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog Comment 5

Hello there Hampus!
My name is Jesper and I’m the Lead Designer and Sound for Group Z. You’ve done a good job explaining why playtesting is a vital part of game development and how you used playtesting to change your game. I like that You explain the fact that the development group can get used to the game. This makes it very hard to make objective decisions. I have had a lot of problems with that when I was building my […]

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Program: Game Design

My Feedback for Post #5

This week I commented on Merve Metinkol’s blog post, found here:
My comment reads as follows:
I agree that playtesting is important in order to make the best game you can, and you have described this importance well. I would have liked you to expand a bit on how you and your team performed the playtesting, however. While you explained part of it, you could also have added examples of what you did during the testing session. You talked about […]

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My Feedback for Post #5

This week I commented on Merve Metinkol’s blog post, found here:
My comment reads as follows:
I agree that playtesting is important in order to make the best game you can, and you have described this importance well. I would have liked you to expand a bit on how you and your team performed the playtesting, however. While you explained part of it, you could also have added examples of what you did during the testing session. You talked about […]

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Comment #5
Hi Elias! You have created a well-structured post and you bring up some interesting points. I personally believe that a form can be extremely useful for gathering the right type of data. You say that it did not make sense in your case, but I would argue that it is more about how and what type of questions you ask. In addition, asking people what they thought about certain things right after they have tested your game, kind […]

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Comment #5
Hi Elias! You have created a well-structured post and you bring up some interesting points. I personally believe that a form can be extremely useful for gathering the right type of data. You say that it did not make sense in your case, but I would argue that it is more about how and what type of questions you ask. In addition, asking people what they thought about certain things right after they have tested your game, kind […]

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Blog Feedback #5

Link to Emma’s post:
My comment:
You clearly describe the main aspects of the game that testers gave you feedback on (power up and portal to the next level). I like that you focus on two “bigger” aspects and elaborate their “evolution”, rather than describing a bunch of feedback. I believe most of us get a lot of feedback that touch a lot of different features – but there is always something that the majority of testers gets stuck on or misunderstand. […]

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Blog Feedback #5

Link to Emma’s post:
My comment:
You clearly describe the main aspects of the game that testers gave you feedback on (power up and portal to the next level). I like that you focus on two “bigger” aspects and elaborate their “evolution”, rather than describing a bunch of feedback. I believe most of us get a lot of feedback that touch a lot of different features – but there is always something that the majority of testers gets stuck on or misunderstand. […]

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5. How did playtesting help us in our development of our game?

Since the start of our project we have had two playtesting sessions with the rest of the Game design students where we tried out each others games and give each other helpful information. We met in a big classroom and set our game and a form with questions up before we started to mingle around trying out other groups work.
Both of the sessions could have been helpful for our project but sadly we had to drop of the the […]

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Program: Graphics

5. How did playtesting help us in our development of our game?

Since the start of our project we have had two playtesting sessions with the rest of the Game design students where we tried out each others games and give each other helpful information. We met in a big classroom and set our game and a form with questions up before we started to mingle around trying out other groups work.
Both of the sessions could have been helpful for our project but sadly we had to drop of the the […]

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Program: Graphics


The two playtesting sessions seem to have been scheduled to help encourage testing in less familiar environments to get an outside perspective on the game we’re creating. As well as this, giving other people access to your game will help detect bugs or design issues that you haven’t thought about yourself. Other people play your game differently and so you can see what happens when it is played “incorrectly” so to speak. The issue we found with the Beta playtest […]

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The two playtesting sessions seem to have been scheduled to help encourage testing in less familiar environments to get an outside perspective on the game we’re creating. As well as this, giving other people access to your game will help detect bugs or design issues that you haven’t thought about yourself. Other people play your game differently and so you can see what happens when it is played “incorrectly” so to speak. The issue we found with the Beta playtest […]

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Comment #5

Comments On Others Blogs
Original post here:
This was a very nice and organized blog post. You started by very clearly stating Why playtesting is important, then you explained (in rough terms) how your group carried it out, your result (with both the positive and negative feedback) and lastly your thoughts on these results. It is seldom you see these really neat and professionally typed posts kudos!
If I had to mention anything to make this better, it would probably be that […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment #5

Comments On Others Blogs
Original post here:
This was a very nice and organized blog post. You started by very clearly stating Why playtesting is important, then you explained (in rough terms) how your group carried it out, your result (with both the positive and negative feedback) and lastly your thoughts on these results. It is seldom you see these really neat and professionally typed posts kudos!
If I had to mention anything to make this better, it would probably be that […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment Archives: Week #5 – Yinsong Hong, Team Flytrap

Seeing everyone’s games and the work they put into them was probably my favorite part of the playtesting as well.
It is good that you mentioned the feedback from alpha regarding the floodlight and power-up, however it would have be interesting to know how that feedback was applied in the beta. On a similar note, you talked about that you know what to polish for gold, however you did not expand on that. Even just one example would make a substantial […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment Archives: Week #5 – Yinsong Hong, Team Flytrap

Seeing everyone’s games and the work they put into them was probably my favorite part of the playtesting as well.
It is good that you mentioned the feedback from alpha regarding the floodlight and power-up, however it would have be interesting to know how that feedback was applied in the beta. On a similar note, you talked about that you know what to polish for gold, however you did not expand on that. Even just one example would make a substantial […]

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Program: Graphics