Browsing '2017': Students starting in 2017

Comment for 6th blogpost

Hey Tim,
great blogpost! I think you start of well with a nice introduction and concept summary outlining the game your group has been working on and what your blogpost will be about.
It is interesting to read about how the mentality of going into the development process is affected by the premises – did going into development with this mentality prove a hindrance in some way? For instance, did the reluctance to redesign certain aspects prove problematic, and is there something […]

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Program: Programming

Comment for 6th blogpost

Hey Tim,
great blogpost! I think you start of well with a nice introduction and concept summary outlining the game your group has been working on and what your blogpost will be about.
It is interesting to read about how the mentality of going into the development process is affected by the premises – did going into development with this mentality prove a hindrance in some way? For instance, did the reluctance to redesign certain aspects prove problematic, and is there something […]

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Program: Programming

Comment on blog – nr 6 – Shifatul Kabir Siam

Dear fellow student,
Don´t be so hard on yourself. You did it! You and your team built a game during the course and presented it on the Final playtesting session.
I understand from reading your blog post that you have had a tough ride to get there. You describe difficulties that have occurred both for you as a person and for the team. Or, sometimes not like a team at all… Reading your blog, I am impressed by the journey you have […]

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Program: Game Design

Comment on blog – nr 6 – Shifatul Kabir Siam

Dear fellow student,
Don´t be so hard on yourself. You did it! You and your team built a game during the course and presented it on the Final playtesting session.
I understand from reading your blog post that you have had a tough ride to get there. You describe difficulties that have occurred both for you as a person and for the team. Or, sometimes not like a team at all… Reading your blog, I am impressed by the journey you have […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog comment 180321
Hi! You have achieved an enlightening read and a well-structured text! I like that you have headers which makes navigation throughout your text easier. I noticed one spelling mistake and several places where I personally would have placed commas, but I have no problem reading your text.
Sorry to hear you had problems with your computer. It is never easy to foresee potential problems or unplanned jinxes. You seem to have managed your tasks despite this and that is […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog comment 180321
Hi! You have achieved an enlightening read and a well-structured text! I like that you have headers which makes navigation throughout your text easier. I noticed one spelling mistake and several places where I personally would have placed commas, but I have no problem reading your text.
Sorry to hear you had problems with your computer. It is never easy to foresee potential problems or unplanned jinxes. You seem to have managed your tasks despite this and that is […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment Week #5

Comment on „Test, Test and Then Test Some More, The Great Regret“, a blog entry published by Daniel Reinsson

Hi Daniel!
Thank you for this interesting insight on how you and your team approached playtesting in the scope of this project. Your blog entry is well-structured, coherent and precise. You elaborate on and showcase very well what problems you have encountered, what the reason for the issues were and what potential solutions could have been. I can appreciate that you not […]

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Program: Graphics

Comment Week #5

Comment on „Test, Test and Then Test Some More, The Great Regret“, a blog entry published by Daniel Reinsson

Hi Daniel!
Thank you for this interesting insight on how you and your team approached playtesting in the scope of this project. Your blog entry is well-structured, coherent and precise. You elaborate on and showcase very well what problems you have encountered, what the reason for the issues were and what potential solutions could have been. I can appreciate that you not […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog post #6 Postmortem

Now ten weeks have gone by and at last, the game is completed. What kind of game was created in the end? The umibozu that we made became a semi-open world where there is less focus on the player shooting rather it is the enemies obstructing your way and shooting at you throughout the level.
The goal of the game is to reach four individual landmarks that give clues to what is attacking you and how to appease it in order […]

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Blog post #6 Postmortem

Now ten weeks have gone by and at last, the game is completed. What kind of game was created in the end? The umibozu that we made became a semi-open world where there is less focus on the player shooting rather it is the enemies obstructing your way and shooting at you throughout the level.
The goal of the game is to reach four individual landmarks that give clues to what is attacking you and how to appease it in order […]

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Hello Again! Today I will write about the end result of the game and a reflection on the project.
Making process
The making process of the game was a bit like a roller coaster for me as a game designer, starting with confusing instructions in the beginning of the course. The instruction for the designers that was given by our minor course, Test Driven Game Design 2, was to primarily work with user stories and make tasks out of them for each […]

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Program: Game Design


Hello Again! Today I will write about the end result of the game and a reflection on the project.
Making process
The making process of the game was a bit like a roller coaster for me as a game designer, starting with confusing instructions in the beginning of the course. The instruction for the designers that was given by our minor course, Test Driven Game Design 2, was to primarily work with user stories and make tasks out of them for each […]

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Program: Game Design

Do you want to play the game?

The game is uploaded on, and is free for everyone to play! Click on the link below and play the game! I hope you like it!

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Do you want to play the game?

The game is uploaded on, and is free for everyone to play! Click on the link below and play the game! I hope you like it!

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Thus, I Give Up the Spear: A Postmortem on Archon’s Aetherial

Archon’s Aetherial has been completed. It’s a strange feeling to be working on something for an extended period of time and then no longer. It’s like there’s a part of your brain that still hasn’t fully registered that fact. If I could sum up the overall experience of the development process in a word, it would be ‘disappointed.’ Disappointed at the end product, disappointed at myself, and so much more. Even so, there is a silver lining to this cloud.
What […]

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Program: Graphics

Thus, I Give Up the Spear: A Postmortem on Archon’s Aetherial

Archon’s Aetherial has been completed. It’s a strange feeling to be working on something for an extended period of time and then no longer. It’s like there’s a part of your brain that still hasn’t fully registered that fact. If I could sum up the overall experience of the development process in a word, it would be ‘disappointed.’ Disappointed at the end product, disappointed at myself, and so much more. Even so, there is a silver lining to this cloud.
What […]

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Program: Graphics

Moving on (Post-Mortem)

For those unfamiliar with our project, every team was required to develop a game from a concept document made by our classmates, meaning other groups. Most groups chose the same 3 concepts, which were very popular either aesthetically or gameplay-wise, with a seemingly achievable scope. Most games were very different between each other, though.

Team Siren also chose one of those 3 games, Behemoth. Because of that same reason, we knew it was important to stand out, so we changed the […]

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Program: Graphics

Moving on (Post-Mortem)

For those unfamiliar with our project, every team was required to develop a game from a concept document made by our classmates, meaning other groups. Most groups chose the same 3 concepts, which were very popular either aesthetically or gameplay-wise, with a seemingly achievable scope. Most games were very different between each other, though.

Team Siren also chose one of those 3 games, Behemoth. Because of that same reason, we knew it was important to stand out, so we changed the […]

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Program: Graphics

Done! Post mortem for Depth

I’ll start off by saying that even though my feelings towards the game are mixed, overall I am satisfied with it, and think it turned out well. I’m also happy with my team, we’ve had some friction, but I feel we managed to work with it, also there is a lot of talent in group Ettin, and I’m happy to have had the opportunity to work with them.
So what went right?
The final playtest gave overall positive feedback, so I’ll take […]

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Program: Programming

Done! Post mortem for Depth

I’ll start off by saying that even though my feelings towards the game are mixed, overall I am satisfied with it, and think it turned out well. I’m also happy with my team, we’ve had some friction, but I feel we managed to work with it, also there is a lot of talent in group Ettin, and I’m happy to have had the opportunity to work with them.
So what went right?
The final playtest gave overall positive feedback, so I’ll take […]

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Program: Programming

Postmortem: Umibōzu

Ten weeks of production and development have come to an end and after a few days of digesting the last workload-heavy week, it is now time to look back and reflect upon this great experience. This entry will also close out this blog series about the making off Umibōzu, a game based on a concept designed by Team Gnoll.

Umi.. what?
The spirit of the Umibōzu originates from Japanese folklore. It is said to be accompanied by strange ocean phenomenon. It has […]

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Program: Graphics

Postmortem: Umibōzu

Ten weeks of production and development have come to an end and after a few days of digesting the last workload-heavy week, it is now time to look back and reflect upon this great experience. This entry will also close out this blog series about the making off Umibōzu, a game based on a concept designed by Team Gnoll.

Umi.. what?
The spirit of the Umibōzu originates from Japanese folklore. It is said to be accompanied by strange ocean phenomenon. It has […]

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Program: Graphics


Ten weeks have passed and Beelonging is finally done. It’s surreal. Having a finished product; a product I’m genuinely proud of, is something I have difficulty grasping. I’m proud of the end result and I’m blessed that I had the chance to work with such amazing people. Everyone should undoubtedly be proud of their accomplishments. However, aside from the success of working together, there have been some bumps on the road. We didn’t encounter major issues, but there were situations […]

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Ten weeks have passed and Beelonging is finally done. It’s surreal. Having a finished product; a product I’m genuinely proud of, is something I have difficulty grasping. I’m proud of the end result and I’m blessed that I had the chance to work with such amazing people. Everyone should undoubtedly be proud of their accomplishments. However, aside from the success of working together, there have been some bumps on the road. We didn’t encounter major issues, but there were situations […]

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