Browsing '2016': Students starting in 2016

Make it Stick

This monday the beta presentation was completed and the entirety of sunday was spent on setting up the game in a presentable state. Many issues had to be addressed, levels had to be playtested, bosses had to be implemented and bug fixed, sounds were missing and etc. We are currently in a state where the game functions as well it can and the focus is now on filling in the blanks.
However, some small changes has also been made. For […]

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Program: Game Design

Make it Stick

This monday the beta presentation was completed and the entirety of sunday was spent on setting up the game in a presentable state. Many issues had to be addressed, levels had to be playtested, bosses had to be implemented and bug fixed, sounds were missing and etc. We are currently in a state where the game functions as well it can and the focus is now on filling in the blanks.
However, some small changes has also been made. For […]

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Program: Game Design

Designing the weapons and the thoughts behind them

For this week’s blog post, I will discuss the weapons in our game and how we’ve designed them, some discussions about them that we’ve had before and what we are planning on implementing.
We have for different kinds of weapons implemented in the game, and they all have different functionalities and they all look visually different. This was important to me because I want the player to be able to separate the weapons easily whilst playing.
The weapons we have are a […]

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Program: Game Design

Designing the weapons and the thoughts behind them

For this week’s blog post, I will discuss the weapons in our game and how we’ve designed them, some discussions about them that we’ve had before and what we are planning on implementing.
We have for different kinds of weapons implemented in the game, and they all have different functionalities and they all look visually different. This was important to me because I want the player to be able to separate the weapons easily whilst playing.
The weapons we have are a […]

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Program: Game Design

Adding Checkpoints to the Levels

At the beginning of the week my group and I decided to make longer levels, a reason for this is that we only aim to have two levels and as such they will need to be a bit longer. As a result of this discussion, I realized that we needed a “checkpoint” system so that the player won’t have to restart from the beginning of the level if they die. Since the programmers already had their hands full with fixing & polishing […]

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Program: Game Design

Adding Checkpoints to the Levels

At the beginning of the week my group and I decided to make longer levels, a reason for this is that we only aim to have two levels and as such they will need to be a bit longer. As a result of this discussion, I realized that we needed a “checkpoint” system so that the player won’t have to restart from the beginning of the level if they die. Since the programmers already had their hands full with fixing & polishing […]

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Program: Game Design

Shields made of FIRE!

So this week has been a week of crunching and getting all the pieces together to complete the big picture. ALL SYSTEMS GOOO! With the days closing ever so rapidly it’s time to get things finished up and have everything together for the final product… EXCITING!!
With this being a busy time I’ve been fluctuating between both, Unity and Photoshop whilst finishing off and implementing all the artefacts needed for the final game.
One of the main jobs that needed redesigning and […]

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Program: Graphics

Shields made of FIRE!

So this week has been a week of crunching and getting all the pieces together to complete the big picture. ALL SYSTEMS GOOO! With the days closing ever so rapidly it’s time to get things finished up and have everything together for the final product… EXCITING!!
With this being a busy time I’ve been fluctuating between both, Unity and Photoshop whilst finishing off and implementing all the artefacts needed for the final game.
One of the main jobs that needed redesigning and […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 – Oh god, it’s moving !

Welcome everyone for this last but not the least post !
Today I’m going to talk a bit about the animation I made for our main character. Since I wasn’t the one who made the main character, I decided to keep the same first frame that my teammate Felipe had already done.
I used a frame without the hands because one of the hand is going to be on top of the gun so ot wasn’t important to animate it.
Here is the […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 – Oh god, it’s moving !

Welcome everyone for this last but not the least post !
Today I’m going to talk a bit about the animation I made for our main character. Since I wasn’t the one who made the main character, I decided to keep the same first frame that my teammate Felipe had already done.
I used a frame without the hands because one of the hand is going to be on top of the gun so ot wasn’t important to animate it.
Here is the […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Development Update #5

Yet another week has passed in developing our glorious game Samsara and I’m here to let you witness the sheer brilliance of my work.
Oh, thee Lord hath spoken! Please, enlighten us humble peasants.
Thine wish shall be granted.
This week I’ve once again indulged myself in the wonderful art of level design. This time around I’ve dived deeper into the intricacies of level design in comparison to last time. I’ve made a handful of improvements to the spawn patterns.
I’ve mainly experimented with […]

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Program: Game Design

Game Development Update #5

Yet another week has passed in developing our glorious game Samsara and I’m here to let you witness the sheer brilliance of my work.
Oh, thee Lord hath spoken! Please, enlighten us humble peasants.
Thine wish shall be granted.
This week I’ve once again indulged myself in the wonderful art of level design. This time around I’ve dived deeper into the intricacies of level design in comparison to last time. I’ve made a handful of improvements to the spawn patterns.
I’ve mainly experimented with […]

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Program: Game Design

A-fish, a-fish, a-fishy FRENZY

This post will be about our frenzy powerup in the game, what it does and what I have contributed to it.
When killing enough fish the meter in the top center of the screen will indicate that the powerup is ready to use, both visually and through sound.
When the bar starts to fill up it pulsates in the same tempo as the background music, this both makes it easy to spot and also gives additional flow to the game. Inside the […]

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Program: Graphics

A-fish, a-fish, a-fishy FRENZY

This post will be about our frenzy powerup in the game, what it does and what I have contributed to it.
When killing enough fish the meter in the top center of the screen will indicate that the powerup is ready to use, both visually and through sound.
When the bar starts to fill up it pulsates in the same tempo as the background music, this both makes it easy to spot and also gives additional flow to the game. Inside the […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 09-03-2017 Daniel Ahlberg 2

During this blog, i will be discussing why we picked the power up of the pinata, what power up does, and the design of each power up.
In the original concept of the game, the way for the player to be rewarded for his actions of transforming the enemies to his side was a gradual increment of the abilities of the unicorn. We decided to keep that idea for the final version of the game, with satan getting more and more […]

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Program: Game Design

Blog 09-03-2017 Daniel Ahlberg 2

During this blog, i will be discussing why we picked the power up of the pinata, what power up does, and the design of each power up.
In the original concept of the game, the way for the player to be rewarded for his actions of transforming the enemies to his side was a gradual increment of the abilities of the unicorn. We decided to keep that idea for the final version of the game, with satan getting more and more […]

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Program: Game Design

Crown of Creation, The Menu!

So, my mission was create the buttons for the main menu. Our first idea of how the menu was to look was that we had the large picture of the tree in the middle, and then we’d place one button on each branch. The main focus in the game is basically crystals, they represent energy and life, and they are all around you when you play. I figured I would make the buttons into crystals.
The style I used was inspired […]

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Program: Graphics

Crown of Creation, The Menu!

So, my mission was create the buttons for the main menu. Our first idea of how the menu was to look was that we had the large picture of the tree in the middle, and then we’d place one button on each branch. The main focus in the game is basically crystals, they represent energy and life, and they are all around you when you play. I figured I would make the buttons into crystals.
The style I used was inspired […]

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Program: Graphics

Bits and Pieces: Logo design, Gate animation, Sonar Projectile

This blog post will detail some of the past weeks work. It will be less focused on a single asset compared to earlier posts, instead I will go over some bits and pieces that I’ve chewed through leading up to the final week of this project.
Logo Design
Throughout the project Team Rukh has always been a very close-knit group, both cohesive and productive. However, something has always been amiss… A symbol to rally around. A mark of some kind, to inspire […]

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Program: Graphics

Bits and Pieces: Logo design, Gate animation, Sonar Projectile

This blog post will detail some of the past weeks work. It will be less focused on a single asset compared to earlier posts, instead I will go over some bits and pieces that I’ve chewed through leading up to the final week of this project.
Logo Design
Throughout the project Team Rukh has always been a very close-knit group, both cohesive and productive. However, something has always been amiss… A symbol to rally around. A mark of some kind, to inspire […]

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Program: Graphics

Post #4 – Blood and Bones

This week was the week directly after our alpha play test. After showcasing our game to our fellow peers and the teachers we had received a lot of positive feedback and constructive criticism. Noting every valuable piece of commentary we set about to fix and change what was recommended of us. Working in the F building with my game designer Joel I decided to take up the task of creating art assets that would be used as death animations. The […]

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Program: Graphics

Post #4 – Blood and Bones

This week was the week directly after our alpha play test. After showcasing our game to our fellow peers and the teachers we had received a lot of positive feedback and constructive criticism. Noting every valuable piece of commentary we set about to fix and change what was recommended of us. Working in the F building with my game designer Joel I decided to take up the task of creating art assets that would be used as death animations. The […]

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Program: Graphics


This week concludes the series of blog posts about “Burn Witch, Burn!”. As such, I felt that a retrospective post is justified, even though the development process continues for another week. Being the lead coder in our group I’m going to focus on that aspect of the project.
The project was my first in Unity and C#, resulting in some hurdles that had to be overcome, or dragged along to the finish line. In C++ the #include directive is used to […]

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Program: Programming


This week concludes the series of blog posts about “Burn Witch, Burn!”. As such, I felt that a retrospective post is justified, even though the development process continues for another week. Being the lead coder in our group I’m going to focus on that aspect of the project.
The project was my first in Unity and C#, resulting in some hurdles that had to be overcome, or dragged along to the finish line. In C++ the #include directive is used to […]

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Program: Programming