Browsing '2016': Students starting in 2016

Physical work meetings vs virtual work meetings – 5SD037

I thought it would be best to introduce myself since this is my first post.
My name is Edward Leiman and I study Project Management at Uppsala University on Campus Gotland. I am 19 years old meaning I started studying right after high school. This was an impulsive decision but now after being here for a while I can tell it was the right call.
I am part of Team Golem where I am the project manager/producer. We have been working on […]

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Physical work meetings vs virtual work meetings – 5SD037

I thought it would be best to introduce myself since this is my first post.
My name is Edward Leiman and I study Project Management at Uppsala University on Campus Gotland. I am 19 years old meaning I started studying right after high school. This was an impulsive decision but now after being here for a while I can tell it was the right call.
I am part of Team Golem where I am the project manager/producer. We have been working on […]

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First post – The Sound of Bubbles.

I’m the project manager for group Quetzalcoatl. We’re creating a game through our interpretation of the “SelFish” concept document. In addition to managing I produce music and sounds for the game using my prior knowledge on the matter. I also try to help out with any other tasks I can.
The game is set in a fish tank. Before agreeing on every common design choice, we knew bubbles would be present in the game (both as particle effects and as projectiles). It […]

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First post – The Sound of Bubbles.

I’m the project manager for group Quetzalcoatl. We’re creating a game through our interpretation of the “SelFish” concept document. In addition to managing I produce music and sounds for the game using my prior knowledge on the matter. I also try to help out with any other tasks I can.
The game is set in a fish tank. Before agreeing on every common design choice, we knew bubbles would be present in the game (both as particle effects and as projectiles). It […]

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Making a game with code

Over the last two weeks my group and i have been working on a shoot’em up game, or shmup for short. The theme of the game is hunted to hunter, in which you play a witch who goes from being hunted by the villagers to hunting them. My role for this game is one of the programmers and that means i build the skeleton on which the artists build the skin. And as any other builder one needs tools to […]

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Program: Programming

Making a game with code

Over the last two weeks my group and i have been working on a shoot’em up game, or shmup for short. The theme of the game is hunted to hunter, in which you play a witch who goes from being hunted by the villagers to hunting them. My role for this game is one of the programmers and that means i build the skeleton on which the artists build the skin. And as any other builder one needs tools to […]

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Program: Programming

Animation in progress

This week I have been working on animations for our game and my graphics course. We have gotten a lecture about using bone animation in Unity to animate our characters. Although my character was suitable enough for a bone animation, I had difficulty following the lecture and understanding the Unity bone system. After having trouble keeping up with the lecture I spend some time fiddling with it at home. I could not get it to work and thus decided to […]

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Program: Graphics

Animation in progress

This week I have been working on animations for our game and my graphics course. We have gotten a lecture about using bone animation in Unity to animate our characters. Although my character was suitable enough for a bone animation, I had difficulty following the lecture and understanding the Unity bone system. After having trouble keeping up with the lecture I spend some time fiddling with it at home. I could not get it to work and thus decided to […]

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Program: Graphics

Post #1 – Character Design

For the past week my team and I have been working on creating a playable shoot em’ up game called Selfish. Being a graphics student I, along with two other group members, were assigned the task of creating the game art. It was our job to absorb the words used to describe the game and provide a visual representation of what it should look like.
Not knowing what my team was expecting I drew some rough sketches as concept art. The […]

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Program: Graphics

Post #1 – Character Design

For the past week my team and I have been working on creating a playable shoot em’ up game called Selfish. Being a graphics student I, along with two other group members, were assigned the task of creating the game art. It was our job to absorb the words used to describe the game and provide a visual representation of what it should look like.
Not knowing what my team was expecting I drew some rough sketches as concept art. The […]

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Program: Graphics

Implementing an enemy

The first week of the project one of my main tasks was to create an enemy that would behave and travel in different movement-patterns. The enemy also had to be able to fire projectiles towards the player in order to create a challenge.
The functionality for the enemy is split over three different scripts, with each script giving the enemy certain properties.
For movement there are three different patterns that the enemy can travel in. The first of the three I created […]

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Program: Programming

Implementing an enemy

The first week of the project one of my main tasks was to create an enemy that would behave and travel in different movement-patterns. The enemy also had to be able to fire projectiles towards the player in order to create a challenge.
The functionality for the enemy is split over three different scripts, with each script giving the enemy certain properties.
For movement there are three different patterns that the enemy can travel in. The first of the three I created […]

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Program: Programming

9/02 Review

Character attack Sfx
I have made an attack sound for our main characters camera attack which is used to scare off fish. I created the sound effect by looking for sounds of a camera and any sci-fi charging sound under the public domain. I then imported both audio files to audacity, matched the ending of the charging sound with the beginning of the sound of the camera shutter. To finish i modified the audio with a low pass filter to create […]

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Program: Graphics

9/02 Review

Character attack Sfx
I have made an attack sound for our main characters camera attack which is used to scare off fish. I created the sound effect by looking for sounds of a camera and any sci-fi charging sound under the public domain. I then imported both audio files to audacity, matched the ending of the charging sound with the beginning of the sound of the camera shutter. To finish i modified the audio with a low pass filter to create […]

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Program: Graphics

5sd064 Thomas Härdin Designing Level Difficulty

I’m Thomas Härdin. I study game design with more design specifically and currently i’m working on a space shooter game project with my group called Fenrir
For the past days I’ve been working on different difficulties for our game, difficulty as in different kinds of levels. Starting off we made sure that we had a base game to play and after we had a player ship that could move and shoot we added enemies who […]

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Program: Game Design

5sd064 Thomas Härdin Designing Level Difficulty

I’m Thomas Härdin. I study game design with more design specifically and currently i’m working on a space shooter game project with my group called Fenrir
For the past days I’ve been working on different difficulties for our game, difficulty as in different kinds of levels. Starting off we made sure that we had a base game to play and after we had a player ship that could move and shoot we added enemies who […]

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Program: Game Design

Revising the Backlog

Hello! I am Oskar Nolstedt and I am the project manager for Team Nazgul.
Seeing as we project managers do not have a ”creative” speciality all we can really do is help the artists and programmers best we canf or we can work on for example documentation. Except for making the team run smoothly and so on obviously. This last week I mostly spent revising the backlog from the first draft. We had some things that had to be changed, but […]

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Revising the Backlog

Hello! I am Oskar Nolstedt and I am the project manager for Team Nazgul.
Seeing as we project managers do not have a ”creative” speciality all we can really do is help the artists and programmers best we canf or we can work on for example documentation. Except for making the team run smoothly and so on obviously. This last week I mostly spent revising the backlog from the first draft. We had some things that had to be changed, but […]

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It’s a trap! – Week 1

My work today consisted in making a functioning trap for the moth. The trap represents a spider’s web, that can trap the moth until it is destroyed or the player gets “eaten” by a spider.
This is a visual representation of the web:

The octagone is a placeholder for the actual web, which will later be implemented in the project.
In order for the challenge to be more realistic, if the player does not see the web in time and gets caught in […]

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Program: Programming

It’s a trap! – Week 1

My work today consisted in making a functioning trap for the moth. The trap represents a spider’s web, that can trap the moth until it is destroyed or the player gets “eaten” by a spider.
This is a visual representation of the web:

The octagone is a placeholder for the actual web, which will later be implemented in the project.
In order for the challenge to be more realistic, if the player does not see the web in time and gets caught in […]

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Program: Programming

First post, fish game

Hi. I am the designer in team shadhavar. Today I will be talking about the enemy wave/spawn system that I both designed and coded.
The game that me and my group are making is wave based, that is to say enemies attack the player in waves. When designing the wave system there were three main principles I wanted to stick to; the enemies should not spawn on top of eachother, waves should be easy to design and the system should be […]

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Program: Game Design

First post, fish game

Hi. I am the designer in team shadhavar. Today I will be talking about the enemy wave/spawn system that I both designed and coded.
The game that me and my group are making is wave based, that is to say enemies attack the player in waves. When designing the wave system there were three main principles I wanted to stick to; the enemies should not spawn on top of eachother, waves should be easy to design and the system should be […]

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Program: Game Design

Week 1 – Making bubbles

I work in the group Quetzalcoatl and we picked the game concept Selfish. In that game, the player character is a fish in an aquarium with a gun. A “bubble gun” to be specific. I was tasked with making the concept for the bubbles for said gun.
The image above was made by me 2 weeks ago. The bubbles over the middle of the image were made in PaintTool SAI but it was hard for me to make them look good so I […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 1 – Making bubbles

I work in the group Quetzalcoatl and we picked the game concept Selfish. In that game, the player character is a fish in an aquarium with a gun. A “bubble gun” to be specific. I was tasked with making the concept for the bubbles for said gun.
The image above was made by me 2 weeks ago. The bubbles over the middle of the image were made in PaintTool SAI but it was hard for me to make them look good so I […]

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Program: Graphics