Browsing '2016': Students starting in 2016


This time I have been working with vines. For our game we needed something to block off areas until the player has solved some kind of puzzle or found the right item. Since our environment is a cave we thougth vines would be a suitable obstacle, being something one could find in a cave and different enough from the rest of the environment to be clearly discernible, as opposed to e.g. a slab of rock which is also a perfect […]

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Program: Graphics


This time I have been working with vines. For our game we needed something to block off areas until the player has solved some kind of puzzle or found the right item. Since our environment is a cave we thougth vines would be a suitable obstacle, being something one could find in a cave and different enough from the rest of the environment to be clearly discernible, as opposed to e.g. a slab of rock which is also a perfect […]

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Program: Graphics

Enemies’ Effect

The previous weeks’ posts were about the teleport mechanic in “Burn Witch, Burn!”. This week I’d like to go through the dynamics associated with it.
The game’s world space is quite limited for a bullet hell. Combined with the floaty controls, from hovering over the ground on a broom, the player is very susceptible to taking damage. The teleport provides the player with a means to escape otherwise difficult predicaments.
In the early stages of prototyping, the enemies were only programmed to […]

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Program: Programming

Enemies’ Effect

The previous weeks’ posts were about the teleport mechanic in “Burn Witch, Burn!”. This week I’d like to go through the dynamics associated with it.
The game’s world space is quite limited for a bullet hell. Combined with the floaty controls, from hovering over the ground on a broom, the player is very susceptible to taking damage. The teleport provides the player with a means to escape otherwise difficult predicaments.
In the early stages of prototyping, the enemies were only programmed to […]

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Program: Programming

Animation of enemies

This week, I am going to introduce you to two of the three enemies in Selfish, a ranged enemy and a melee enemy. I will also describe how and why I did it and my thoughts about it. Every animation I create is with the frame by frame method in Photoshop,  which means; I recreate and draw every frame in the animation by hand, at least some parts of the picture.
This is what I mean when I meantion frame by […]

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Program: Graphics

Animation of enemies

This week, I am going to introduce you to two of the three enemies in Selfish, a ranged enemy and a melee enemy. I will also describe how and why I did it and my thoughts about it. Every animation I create is with the frame by frame method in Photoshop,  which means; I recreate and draw every frame in the animation by hand, at least some parts of the picture.
This is what I mean when I meantion frame by […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 3

This week I have been working on yet another enemy, but this time it was a bit different from last time. This time, I did not do the concept myself, and now I am going to talk about how that worked out for me.
At first we were two graphic artists in my group. Unfortunatley our number got a bit shortened when one of us left, and now I am here with the rest of our work. I really do hope […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 3

This week I have been working on yet another enemy, but this time it was a bit different from last time. This time, I did not do the concept myself, and now I am going to talk about how that worked out for me.
At first we were two graphic artists in my group. Unfortunatley our number got a bit shortened when one of us left, and now I am here with the rest of our work. I really do hope […]

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Program: Graphics

Plans for the Beta

Preliminary Assets and Artifacts for the boss fight
Now that the presentation of the Alpha was out of the way it was time to prepare for the Beta.
It is of utmost importance that we have all our features done by the end of next week because that is when the feature freeze occurs.
So when returning to working with the Beta we took a look at the Product Backlog which should show everything we want to include into our game. The problem […]

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Plans for the Beta

Preliminary Assets and Artifacts for the boss fight
Now that the presentation of the Alpha was out of the way it was time to prepare for the Beta.
It is of utmost importance that we have all our features done by the end of next week because that is when the feature freeze occurs.
So when returning to working with the Beta we took a look at the Product Backlog which should show everything we want to include into our game. The problem […]

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Blog Post 2/23/17 Projectiles and animations

Hello again. Its another week in the development of our game and time for another update about what I have been working on and how I have progressed through it. This week I mainly spent time working on projectiles for the different enemies and player ships.

When it came to the development on a Heavy Enemy, it was shot back and forth whether we wanted one or not. We started under the idea that we did want one. However, as we […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Post 2/23/17 Projectiles and animations

Hello again. Its another week in the development of our game and time for another update about what I have been working on and how I have progressed through it. This week I mainly spent time working on projectiles for the different enemies and player ships.

When it came to the development on a Heavy Enemy, it was shot back and forth whether we wanted one or not. We started under the idea that we did want one. However, as we […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Post #3

What have I done?
This week has been a bit less productive than the previous ones. I’ve been pretty busy with complementing my old incomplete courses so have put more effort on that.
Summarization of what I’ve done this week:

 Enemy/player hit feedback
Started on boss mechanics
Player UI

How and why did I do that? (Described in the same order as in the list above)
We got some feedback from the alpha presentation regarding the feedback of things getting hit since apparently (and obviously) the bullets just […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Post #3

What have I done?
This week has been a bit less productive than the previous ones. I’ve been pretty busy with complementing my old incomplete courses so have put more effort on that.
Summarization of what I’ve done this week:

 Enemy/player hit feedback
Started on boss mechanics
Player UI

How and why did I do that? (Described in the same order as in the list above)
We got some feedback from the alpha presentation regarding the feedback of things getting hit since apparently (and obviously) the bullets just […]

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Program: Programming

UI Wave Counter and Pause Menu (Coding) – Week 3

One of the things on my plate for a while now, was the UI for displaying the number of waves in our game. While i had been trying to make it into a separate script (and getting other necessary variables from other scripts) i would always find a few errors that i could not get passed. Those errors would usually be that i could not make an integer become a string variable. While this is probably something that i need […]

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Program: Programming

UI Wave Counter and Pause Menu (Coding) – Week 3

One of the things on my plate for a while now, was the UI for displaying the number of waves in our game. While i had been trying to make it into a separate script (and getting other necessary variables from other scripts) i would always find a few errors that i could not get passed. Those errors would usually be that i could not make an integer become a string variable. While this is probably something that i need […]

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Program: Programming

Enemy Squid Design and Animation

This week has been dedicated to final design of- and the beginning of animating the new enemy my team created for our game.
This new enemy is a squid that we feel complement the other enemies (piranhas, swordfish and blowfish) in the aquarium rather well, as this enemy has its own projectile based attack. It will, when in range of Stephen (the player character), let out a cloud of ink to blur the vision of Stephen (the player) and thus make […]

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Program: Graphics

Enemy Squid Design and Animation

This week has been dedicated to final design of- and the beginning of animating the new enemy my team created for our game.
This new enemy is a squid that we feel complement the other enemies (piranhas, swordfish and blowfish) in the aquarium rather well, as this enemy has its own projectile based attack. It will, when in range of Stephen (the player character), let out a cloud of ink to blur the vision of Stephen (the player) and thus make […]

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Program: Graphics

Fixing a glitchy background.

Hello readers(and Mikael), last week I wrote I was going to write about the sprint reviews but I decided not to. Instead I will write how I was working with tracking down, and smashing a bug that was occurring in our latest build.
After the second week we successfully implemented a scrolling background in the game. The scrolling background purpose is to feel like the background is always moving in a set direction. In this case we put two identical pictures on […]

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Fixing a glitchy background.

Hello readers(and Mikael), last week I wrote I was going to write about the sprint reviews but I decided not to. Instead I will write how I was working with tracking down, and smashing a bug that was occurring in our latest build.
After the second week we successfully implemented a scrolling background in the game. The scrolling background purpose is to feel like the background is always moving in a set direction. In this case we put two identical pictures on […]

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Designer of level system

Hi, it is I, the Designer of time. Taking a break from designing our level to write to you guys.
I have been working on our level for Echo (still not the final name and I hope we can come up with something better soon). It is a work in progress and to perfect it, will most likely be impossible, but the least I can do is to make it as good as I can within our time frame.
There is so […]

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Program: Game Design

Designer of level system

Hi, it is I, the Designer of time. Taking a break from designing our level to write to you guys.
I have been working on our level for Echo (still not the final name and I hope we can come up with something better soon). It is a work in progress and to perfect it, will most likely be impossible, but the least I can do is to make it as good as I can within our time frame.
There is so […]

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Program: Game Design

Upgrading Player Shooting

Two pictures showing different bullet patterns being employed by the player.
This week I’ve been doing a lot. Yet nothing really seems to stand out so I’ll talk about something that might be quite simple but could still be interesting. We have figured out a way to implement the parade now. It will be tied to upgrading the players shooting. So for every x number of enemies that get added to the parade, the players shooting pattern will change. We do […]

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Program: Programming

Upgrading Player Shooting

Two pictures showing different bullet patterns being employed by the player.
This week I’ve been doing a lot. Yet nothing really seems to stand out so I’ll talk about something that might be quite simple but could still be interesting. We have figured out a way to implement the parade now. It will be tied to upgrading the players shooting. So for every x number of enemies that get added to the parade, the players shooting pattern will change. We do […]

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Program: Programming