Browsing '2015': Students starting in 2015

Alien ship – death behaviour

One of the most core elements of our game is to shoot Aliens. To avoid a simple and dull mechanic we wanted to introduce something that would require the player to think before shooting. To create this more immersive gameplay our idea was to create a form of domino effect when shooting down the aliens. When an alien is shot down, it will have a death movement pattern, or death behaviour, before it eventually explodes. This movement pattern will for […]

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Program: Programming

Alien ship – death behaviour

One of the most core elements of our game is to shoot Aliens. To avoid a simple and dull mechanic we wanted to introduce something that would require the player to think before shooting. To create this more immersive gameplay our idea was to create a form of domino effect when shooting down the aliens. When an alien is shot down, it will have a death movement pattern, or death behaviour, before it eventually explodes. This movement pattern will for […]

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Program: Programming

1# update spaceshooter

This will be the first post on this project but we are already three weeks in on this project. the project itself is a 2D space shooter titled (at the moment) “space girafaa”, in which the player controls a cybernetic giraffe on a quest to save it’s family.
i work mostly with the art and animation of the game, so this week i was tasked with one of the animations for an interactive item in the game. the “item” so to […]

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Program: Graphics

1# update spaceshooter

This will be the first post on this project but we are already three weeks in on this project. the project itself is a 2D space shooter titled (at the moment) “space girafaa”, in which the player controls a cybernetic giraffe on a quest to save it’s family.
i work mostly with the art and animation of the game, so this week i was tasked with one of the animations for an interactive item in the game. the “item” so to […]

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Program: Graphics

Test blog


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Program: Graphics

Test blog


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Program: Graphics

Blog week one: The player dies.

Hey! My name is Marcus and I’m working on a top down “space” shooter with my team. The game is about a soldier that is experimented on by the military, to try and make a super soldier with mutant powers. There have been many failures with the experiments resulting in some strange creations. Some people don’t even look like humans any more, and have become four legged killing machines. Our main character is the first stable specimen, keeping his/her human […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week one: The player dies.

Hey! My name is Marcus and I’m working on a top down “space” shooter with my team. The game is about a soldier that is experimented on by the military, to try and make a super soldier with mutant powers. There have been many failures with the experiments resulting in some strange creations. Some people don’t even look like humans any more, and have become four legged killing machines. Our main character is the first stable specimen, keeping his/her human […]

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Program: Graphics

Sound & Effects

Jag hat jobbat ett bra tag nu med ljud , men mest så jobbade jag med att göra beats i hip hop scenen.
Jag gjorde ljud till våra turrets och så skapade jag ett Start Screen och Main Menu soundtrack. Jag jobbade i med ett program som heter Cubase. Där går det att göra allt möjligt ljud plus att det är i mina ögon väldigt användarvänligt.

Jag började först med att göra ljud för turreten. Eftersom jag skulle göra ljud till en […]

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Program: Programming

Sound & Effects

Jag hat jobbat ett bra tag nu med ljud , men mest så jobbade jag med att göra beats i hip hop scenen.
Jag gjorde ljud till våra turrets och så skapade jag ett Start Screen och Main Menu soundtrack. Jag jobbade i med ett program som heter Cubase. Där går det att göra allt möjligt ljud plus att det är i mina ögon väldigt användarvänligt.

Jag började först med att göra ljud för turreten. Eftersom jag skulle göra ljud till en […]

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Program: Programming

Början (v.3)

God dag damer/herrar! Vem som nu läser.
Mitt gäng har startat ett projekt med (Team20_Concept) som grund. Det känns som att en evighet har gått sedan vi börjat, medan jag står kvar i en grop och gräver, med en arm avsliten och ögonen förbundna.
Första två veckorna jobbade jag mycket med diverse olika States till spelet, det gick bara fint, jag kunde få spelet att ritas ut på varje state, varje state fick varsin bakgrund tilldelad och ett kommando att kliva mellan mina olika […]

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Program: Programming

Början (v.3)

God dag damer/herrar! Vem som nu läser.
Mitt gäng har startat ett projekt med (Team20_Concept) som grund. Det känns som att en evighet har gått sedan vi börjat, medan jag står kvar i en grop och gräver, med en arm avsliten och ögonen förbundna.
Första två veckorna jobbade jag mycket med diverse olika States till spelet, det gick bara fint, jag kunde få spelet att ritas ut på varje state, varje state fick varsin bakgrund tilldelad och ett kommando att kliva mellan mina olika […]

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Program: Programming

Enemies och EnemyManager

Jag har skapat en fiende klass och en manager för den klassen. Fiendeklassen laddar in och skapar texturer som den sedan omvandlar till sprites samt får den in koordinater i form av radianer (som agerar som x-position) och radius (som agerar som y-position) som då bestämmer dess position i relation till cirklen och ett offset för rörelsen. I fiendeklassens update funktion ändras värdet på varje fienders relative radie från cirkeln varje frame som då gör att de åker neråt. Samtidigt […]

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Program: Programming

Enemies och EnemyManager

Jag har skapat en fiende klass och en manager för den klassen. Fiendeklassen laddar in och skapar texturer som den sedan omvandlar till sprites samt får den in koordinater i form av radianer (som agerar som x-position) och radius (som agerar som y-position) som då bestämmer dess position i relation till cirklen och ett offset för rörelsen. I fiendeklassens update funktion ändras värdet på varje fienders relative radie från cirkeln varje frame som då gör att de åker neråt. Samtidigt […]

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Program: Programming

Blog week 1 – Projectile shooting

The whole prototyping has been rough, not becuase it was hard but more lack of time. And by lack of time i do not mean that we had little time but our group prioritised the wrong thig, since writing everything in main seemed wrong so we started to build an engine.
However we started prototyping and I’ve done so the character can shoot and aim with the mouse, however its a bit strange right now since its flying all over where i […]

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Program: Programming

Blog week 1 – Projectile shooting

The whole prototyping has been rough, not becuase it was hard but more lack of time. And by lack of time i do not mean that we had little time but our group prioritised the wrong thig, since writing everything in main seemed wrong so we started to build an engine.
However we started prototyping and I’ve done so the character can shoot and aim with the mouse, however its a bit strange right now since its flying all over where i […]

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Program: Programming


test inlägg

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Program: Programming


test inlägg

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Program: Programming


Tja tja bloggen!
I dagsläget är vi inne i en så kallad ”Pre-Alpha” fas där vi jobbar med att få ett funktionellt spel klart till alphan 19/2.
Under denna vecka har jag arbetat allra främst med en effekt till en av våra power-ups kallad ”Slow TIme”. Denna power up gör att tiden går långsammare. Med andra ord, fiender rör sig långsammare, alla turrets skjuter långsammare och skotten rör sig långsammare. Vi behövde en cool effekt för att visa när denna power up är […]

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Program: Graphics


Tja tja bloggen!
I dagsläget är vi inne i en så kallad ”Pre-Alpha” fas där vi jobbar med att få ett funktionellt spel klart till alphan 19/2.
Under denna vecka har jag arbetat allra främst med en effekt till en av våra power-ups kallad ”Slow TIme”. Denna power up gör att tiden går långsammare. Med andra ord, fiender rör sig långsammare, alla turrets skjuter långsammare och skotten rör sig långsammare. Vi behövde en cool effekt för att visa när denna power up är […]

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Program: Graphics

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 1

This week I have created classes to manage entities in our game “Flight of the Giraffa”, which is group 9’s project for Game Design II. Flight of the Giraffe is a 2D, side scrolling space shooter with a bullet-hell theme, where you play as a giraffe dodging bullets in space.
To manage every object appearing on screen, I have managers for every type of entity in our game. The manager will keep track of a certain type of entity and update […]

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Program: Programming

Flight of the Giraffa – Update 1

This week I have created classes to manage entities in our game “Flight of the Giraffa”, which is group 9’s project for Game Design II. Flight of the Giraffe is a 2D, side scrolling space shooter with a bullet-hell theme, where you play as a giraffe dodging bullets in space.
To manage every object appearing on screen, I have managers for every type of entity in our game. The manager will keep track of a certain type of entity and update […]

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Program: Programming

Death Animation – Week 3

My name is Victor Kristiansson and I am working with team 6 on Colossus Core, or as we have decided to name it, Desolate Echo. My biggest task this week was to provide the team with an animation for the death of our avatar. I have some experience with animations previously, and since our game is using pixel art the animation process is very basic and simple.
The first thing I had to know was what to animate. The avatar is a (relatively […]

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Program: Graphics

Death Animation – Week 3

My name is Victor Kristiansson and I am working with team 6 on Colossus Core, or as we have decided to name it, Desolate Echo. My biggest task this week was to provide the team with an animation for the death of our avatar. I have some experience with animations previously, and since our game is using pixel art the animation process is very basic and simple.
The first thing I had to know was what to animate. The avatar is a (relatively […]

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Program: Graphics