Browsing '2015': Students starting in 2015


This week i have been working on making sound effects for our game Potato Pirates of the Prohibition. There is a lot of different sounds that have to be created and fortunately, it has gone relativly well. We’ve had some test sounds in the game since the alpha but we decided that we needed sounds that better suited our style. However, there was many sounds that were missing  too so we thought that it was time to implement and make […]

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Program: Programming


This week i have been working on making sound effects for our game Potato Pirates of the Prohibition. There is a lot of different sounds that have to be created and fortunately, it has gone relativly well. We’ve had some test sounds in the game since the alpha but we decided that we needed sounds that better suited our style. However, there was many sounds that were missing  too so we thought that it was time to implement and make […]

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Program: Programming

5SD033 High Score Screen and Issues

This week will focus on one of the harder (to me) things to implement about our game: The High Score Screen. The screen itself was just another state to implement, but actually creating a list of scores and names that updated accordingly and displayed appropriately even after alterations was a challenge. It is not yet complete, requiring help by other coders to finish.
The current version of the high score screen, sans input
First on the agenda was deciding what format to […]

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Program: Programming

5SD033 High Score Screen and Issues

This week will focus on one of the harder (to me) things to implement about our game: The High Score Screen. The screen itself was just another state to implement, but actually creating a list of scores and names that updated accordingly and displayed appropriately even after alterations was a challenge. It is not yet complete, requiring help by other coders to finish.
The current version of the high score screen, sans input
First on the agenda was deciding what format to […]

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Program: Programming

Game Design #4

Axel Eriksson : Group 9 : Flight of the Giraffa
New week, new assignments…
This week and the latest week I have been working on another power up, not the one with lazer beams. This one contains meteors, meteors that spawn randomly from the right side going left.
When I thought of doing this assignment I took upon my self, it felt pretty logical and easy to do. I was wrong but at the same time right, first it was a bit slow […]

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Program: Programming

Game Design #4

Axel Eriksson : Group 9 : Flight of the Giraffa
New week, new assignments…
This week and the latest week I have been working on another power up, not the one with lazer beams. This one contains meteors, meteors that spawn randomly from the right side going left.
When I thought of doing this assignment I took upon my self, it felt pretty logical and easy to do. I was wrong but at the same time right, first it was a bit slow […]

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Program: Programming

Blog Post #4 – HUD

Hi! The Beta deadline is getting closer and our group is set on implementing all the assets needed. In this days post I am going to write about the process of making the HUD for Mermaid River. The elements that the group had decided should be in the HUD was:

Health bar
Air meter
Power up (shows if a power up is activated)

Previously our HUD was built up by two rectangular bars for health, air and a scoreboard. A problem we had with […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog Post #4 – HUD

Hi! The Beta deadline is getting closer and our group is set on implementing all the assets needed. In this days post I am going to write about the process of making the HUD for Mermaid River. The elements that the group had decided should be in the HUD was:

Health bar
Air meter
Power up (shows if a power up is activated)

Previously our HUD was built up by two rectangular bars for health, air and a scoreboard. A problem we had with […]

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Program: Graphics

Individuella Uppgiften

Kurskod : 5SD023 – Spelprogrammering 2
Jag har då kollat på eran spelar klass, vilket är er “Captain.cpp/h” source fil. Jag ser att ni har gjort en manager för denna och kör allt som behövs i den, vilket är dens draw funktion, animation, movement, position och collision mm. Blev imponerad i hur ni fått allt att fungera och integrera med alla andra filer ni har, även hur mycket kod ni har vart tvungna att skriva.
Vad jag förstår det som så har […]

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Program: Programming

Individuella Uppgiften

Kurskod : 5SD023 – Spelprogrammering 2
Jag har då kollat på eran spelar klass, vilket är er “Captain.cpp/h” source fil. Jag ser att ni har gjort en manager för denna och kör allt som behövs i den, vilket är dens draw funktion, animation, movement, position och collision mm. Blev imponerad i hur ni fått allt att fungera och integrera med alla andra filer ni har, även hur mycket kod ni har vart tvungna att skriva.
Vad jag förstår det som så har […]

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Program: Programming

Nasty Aliens – Mites

Kära läsare, idag ska jag tråka ut dig med ännu ett inlägg om min arbetsinsats för grupp 17 i vårt projekt: Planet Suburbia. Den här gången tänkte jag berätta om vår planets ultimata fiender och fräcka inkräktare, utomjordingar! Människorna i vår version av den framtida planeten Jorden kallar dessa utomjordingar för Mites (kvalster på svenska). Detta med hänvisning till deras kvalsterliknande och främmande utseende. Ingen vet egentligen deras egenvalda namn, ingen har nämligen brytt sig om att ta reda på […]

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Program: Graphics

Nasty Aliens – Mites

Kära läsare, idag ska jag tråka ut dig med ännu ett inlägg om min arbetsinsats för grupp 17 i vårt projekt: Planet Suburbia. Den här gången tänkte jag berätta om vår planets ultimata fiender och fräcka inkräktare, utomjordingar! Människorna i vår version av den framtida planeten Jorden kallar dessa utomjordingar för Mites (kvalster på svenska). Detta med hänvisning till deras kvalsterliknande och främmande utseende. Ingen vet egentligen deras egenvalda namn, ingen har nämligen brytt sig om att ta reda på […]

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Program: Graphics

BlogWeek 3, The Menu

This was an easy one, although somewhat hard compared to our programming 1 course where we got most of our structure beforehand. Up until now we had hardcoded everything in main.cpp because of the amount of prototyping and because taht we needed to be done in time for the alpha presentation. This we regretted. The amount of time it took me and my coding-coworker to seperate the “gamestate” in a separate h and cpp-folder and how efficient I feel I […]

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Program: Programming

BlogWeek 3, The Menu

This was an easy one, although somewhat hard compared to our programming 1 course where we got most of our structure beforehand. Up until now we had hardcoded everything in main.cpp because of the amount of prototyping and because taht we needed to be done in time for the alpha presentation. This we regretted. The amount of time it took me and my coding-coworker to seperate the “gamestate” in a separate h and cpp-folder and how efficient I feel I […]

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Program: Programming


God afton läsare.
Fredag igen och några hårstrån fattigare. I veckan har jag jobbat med att bygga en ”container” för våra power-ups, den ska illustreras som en komet som flyger in i skärm. Denna kometen kommer att fungera på två olika sätt, den kommer för det första vara ett hinder för spelaren, krockar kometen med spelaren så kommer spelaren ta skada. Spelarens val här är att akta sig för den och låta den sväva ur skärm, eller försöka sig på att […]

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Program: Programming


God afton läsare.
Fredag igen och några hårstrån fattigare. I veckan har jag jobbat med att bygga en ”container” för våra power-ups, den ska illustreras som en komet som flyger in i skärm. Denna kometen kommer att fungera på två olika sätt, den kommer för det första vara ett hinder för spelaren, krockar kometen med spelaren så kommer spelaren ta skada. Spelarens val här är att akta sig för den och låta den sväva ur skärm, eller försöka sig på att […]

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Program: Programming

Blog week #3

Hello, the third blog week is here!
During this week we have really made changes in the visual aspects of the game and I’m going to continue to talk about my work with the background.
This week started with a regular sprint meeting, where we sat down to set up our work schedule for the upcoming week. After it was finished we (the “graphic team”) discussed and created a color scheme appropriate to the vision we shared. It made a massive impact […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week #3

Hello, the third blog week is here!
During this week we have really made changes in the visual aspects of the game and I’m going to continue to talk about my work with the background.
This week started with a regular sprint meeting, where we sat down to set up our work schedule for the upcoming week. After it was finished we (the “graphic team”) discussed and created a color scheme appropriate to the vision we shared. It made a massive impact […]

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Program: Graphics


Hallå nästkommande läsare,
De två senaste veckorna har varit, minst sagt, stressiga till tusen! Vårt första speltest resulterade i en diskokub som förde, blinkandes, festen över en svart skärm. Vi insåg omedelbart efteråt en vecka innan vår alfatest att gasen var tvungen att sättas ända ner i golvet. Det hårda arbetet som pågick, från beckmörk natt till en sol i horisonten, resulterade i en lyckad alfapresentation. Vi i ”Team 4” kunde äntligen kunde fokusera inför vår beta som är nästa fredag!
Sen måndags den […]

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Program: Graphics


Hallå nästkommande läsare,
De två senaste veckorna har varit, minst sagt, stressiga till tusen! Vårt första speltest resulterade i en diskokub som förde, blinkandes, festen över en svart skärm. Vi insåg omedelbart efteråt en vecka innan vår alfatest att gasen var tvungen att sättas ända ner i golvet. Det hårda arbetet som pågick, från beckmörk natt till en sol i horisonten, resulterade i en lyckad alfapresentation. Vi i ”Team 4” kunde äntligen kunde fokusera inför vår beta som är nästa fredag!
Sen måndags den […]

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Program: Graphics

Enemy Manager and Ambiguity.

For this week, my primary focus was on rehauling how we manage our enemy objects in the game.
Previously, we have in our gamestate stored all our managers in an vector, and performing all the actions that should be done manually. This includes checking collisions against all colliding objects (the player, owlets that are following the player, projectiles, and other hazards like thunderclouds), as well as putting them away in an separate pool when too far away from the player, and […]

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Program: Programming

Enemy Manager and Ambiguity.

For this week, my primary focus was on rehauling how we manage our enemy objects in the game.
Previously, we have in our gamestate stored all our managers in an vector, and performing all the actions that should be done manually. This includes checking collisions against all colliding objects (the player, owlets that are following the player, projectiles, and other hazards like thunderclouds), as well as putting them away in an separate pool when too far away from the player, and […]

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Program: Programming

Geneva Lost Weekly Reflection – Week 8, 2016

Artifact: Collision
Collision is an important part of every game, but can be very challenging. Some games require only simple collision detection: Tile based games makes due with axis aligned box to box collision detection while many space-shooter type games will only require simple circle collision detection.
Given that our game has free form movement we would need a more advanced type of collision to make sure that the game feels right. This we could either achieve with pixel-perfect collision detection or […]

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Program: Programming

Geneva Lost Weekly Reflection – Week 8, 2016

Artifact: Collision
Collision is an important part of every game, but can be very challenging. Some games require only simple collision detection: Tile based games makes due with axis aligned box to box collision detection while many space-shooter type games will only require simple circle collision detection.
Given that our game has free form movement we would need a more advanced type of collision to make sure that the game feels right. This we could either achieve with pixel-perfect collision detection or […]

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Program: Programming