Browsing '2015': Students starting in 2015

Spelutveckling vecka 07

Denna vecka har bestått av betaredovisning och nästa vecka är det dags för FINAL, som innebär att allting ska vara helt klart och det finns inte mer möjligheter till att ändra eller lägga till något i spelen som vi håller på med. Dessutom nu till beta så fick vi inte lägga till nya saker utan allting skulle finnas med. Det är därför som jag nu håller på att finputsa vissa saker i spelet så att det ser så bra ut […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling vecka 07

Denna vecka har bestått av betaredovisning och nästa vecka är det dags för FINAL, som innebär att allting ska vara helt klart och det finns inte mer möjligheter till att ändra eller lägga till något i spelen som vi håller på med. Dessutom nu till beta så fick vi inte lägga till nya saker utan allting skulle finnas med. Det är därför som jag nu håller på att finputsa vissa saker i spelet så att det ser så bra ut […]

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Program: Graphics

The Tutorial

For this week one of the features that I’ve been working on is the tutorial in our game. We wanted the tutorial to be one the first things that pop up on the screen when you start the game. A tutorial by definition is an instruction of how to use something, like a manual. Many tutorials in games have a visual tutorial without promptly writing “right click to fire”. If the visual representation is sufficient, there is no need for […]

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Program: Programming

The Tutorial

For this week one of the features that I’ve been working on is the tutorial in our game. We wanted the tutorial to be one the first things that pop up on the screen when you start the game. A tutorial by definition is an instruction of how to use something, like a manual. Many tutorials in games have a visual tutorial without promptly writing “right click to fire”. If the visual representation is sufficient, there is no need for […]

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Program: Programming

Group 4 – Mermaid River Blog Post #5

Good evening!
So, after a successful beta earlier during the week we are now closing in on the final release date on friday the 18th! (Not as catchy as Friday the 13th)
So now that we have gotten as far as we have, we pretty much have everything that is needed for a fully playable game. So for the last part we are mostly polishing and updating whatever we already have in that could be expanded upon or given an extra designer’s […]

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Program: Graphics

Group 4 – Mermaid River Blog Post #5

Good evening!
So, after a successful beta earlier during the week we are now closing in on the final release date on friday the 18th! (Not as catchy as Friday the 13th)
So now that we have gotten as far as we have, we pretty much have everything that is needed for a fully playable game. So for the last part we are mostly polishing and updating whatever we already have in that could be expanded upon or given an extra designer’s […]

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Program: Graphics

Game development week 5 – Menus

This week I have been doing some less time consuming things such as the different menu screens we are gonna have in our game. It actually felt kind of good with a change of pace for once because this time I did not have to animate anything which is basically the only thing I have been doing these past few weeks apart from making the tiles and maps. It does get a bit tedious doing the same  kind of things without […]

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Program: Graphics

Game development week 5 – Menus

This week I have been doing some less time consuming things such as the different menu screens we are gonna have in our game. It actually felt kind of good with a change of pace for once because this time I did not have to animate anything which is basically the only thing I have been doing these past few weeks apart from making the tiles and maps. It does get a bit tedious doing the same  kind of things without […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 – potato drop

This week I have been working on an animation. The animation is a box that is dropped from our player plane avatar, the box falls a short disctance and then opens its parachute. The reason why we put this animation in our game is because we needed more feedback so that the player better understands that she is delivering potatoes in our game.
I made this animation using frame to frame animation in Photoshop.
I started with creating a box in the […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 – potato drop

This week I have been working on an animation. The animation is a box that is dropped from our player plane avatar, the box falls a short disctance and then opens its parachute. The reason why we put this animation in our game is because we needed more feedback so that the player better understands that she is delivering potatoes in our game.
I made this animation using frame to frame animation in Photoshop.
I started with creating a box in the […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 5 10/3

Ljud och Musik
Tim Rojo, TEAM 5

Det är svårt att få med ljud och musik på en bild, så här är en bild på bossen
Den här veckan har jag fortsatt arbeta med musik och ljud till spelet som jag började arbeta med förra veckan. Det känns som att det hela tiden behövs nya ljudeffekter för allt nytt vi implementerar i spelet. Men ljudet är också en viktig feedback att ge spelaren för att spelet ska få en bra spelupplevelse.
Eftersom vi programmeringsmässigt […]

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Program: Programming

Blog 5 10/3

Ljud och Musik
Tim Rojo, TEAM 5

Det är svårt att få med ljud och musik på en bild, så här är en bild på bossen
Den här veckan har jag fortsatt arbeta med musik och ljud till spelet som jag började arbeta med förra veckan. Det känns som att det hela tiden behövs nya ljudeffekter för allt nytt vi implementerar i spelet. Men ljudet är också en viktig feedback att ge spelaren för att spelet ska få en bra spelupplevelse.
Eftersom vi programmeringsmässigt […]

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Program: Programming

GUI-Week 7

It seems like it might be high time to actually put a proper GUI into the game. Up until now we have used placeholder menus for the game, but no more! Originally this was not my task, but I took it under my care becasue the person responsible would be unable to do it. For this, I am actually glad! Making the menus might have been the most fun assets I have made on this project. Enough babbling, let’s get […]

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Program: Graphics

GUI-Week 7

It seems like it might be high time to actually put a proper GUI into the game. Up until now we have used placeholder menus for the game, but no more! Originally this was not my task, but I took it under my care becasue the person responsible would be unable to do it. For this, I am actually glad! Making the menus might have been the most fun assets I have made on this project. Enough babbling, let’s get […]

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Program: Graphics

[5SD033] “Score!” or “How to read from and write to a .txt”

So as we finished our last week on a high note, with Markus seemingly enjoying our game during the beta presentations, we started drawing up the last tasks that had to be done.
I took it upon myself to make a highscore-list that will display the players and previous players scores. Since we would like the game to keep scores even when the game is closed and later restarted the scores had to be written to a .txt(text) file. I thought it […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD033] “Score!” or “How to read from and write to a .txt”

So as we finished our last week on a high note, with Markus seemingly enjoying our game during the beta presentations, we started drawing up the last tasks that had to be done.
I took it upon myself to make a highscore-list that will display the players and previous players scores. Since we would like the game to keep scores even when the game is closed and later restarted the scores had to be written to a .txt(text) file. I thought it […]

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Program: Programming

Blog week five: Fire!

This week, Simon and I have been mainly focused on rewriting our design document, not leaving a lot of time for other things. My secondary focus has been on making a bunch of different sound effects, and for this post I will go through the steps of making a flame thrower sound!
My first task was to scour the internet for free sound effects. For this particular artefact i found one wind sound on that I thought would fit, after […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week five: Fire!

This week, Simon and I have been mainly focused on rewriting our design document, not leaving a lot of time for other things. My secondary focus has been on making a bunch of different sound effects, and for this post I will go through the steps of making a flame thrower sound!
My first task was to scour the internet for free sound effects. For this particular artefact i found one wind sound on that I thought would fit, after […]

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Program: Graphics

Protecting earth

Hello readers. I am back from the dead with yet another exciting week of game development.
This week I will talk about a rather big sprite I have been working on.
This asset is one of four shields that surrounds the planet in our game. The humans gathered as much metal as they could spare to create this outer planetary defense.
I think of the shield as an orange-peel. It protects the earth but if it gets destroyed (peeled off), the underlying fruit […]

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Program: Graphics

Protecting earth

Hello readers. I am back from the dead with yet another exciting week of game development.
This week I will talk about a rather big sprite I have been working on.
This asset is one of four shields that surrounds the planet in our game. The humans gathered as much metal as they could spare to create this outer planetary defense.
I think of the shield as an orange-peel. It protects the earth but if it gets destroyed (peeled off), the underlying fruit […]

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Program: Graphics

Blogginlägg 5

Hej bloggen och ni som läser detta, det är jag Stefan från grupp ett tillbaka här igen med vårat projekt Planet Suburbia. Denna vecka har jag jobbat med att ta vårat spel till 1920×1080. Det första vi gjorde var att bestämma att vi skulle ha en HUD panel i spelet. Och vi tyckte att det skulle bli bäst att ha den på sidan istället för den övre eller undre delen av skärmen därför att spelet spelas mest på vertikalen då […]

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Program: Graphics

Blogginlägg 5

Hej bloggen och ni som läser detta, det är jag Stefan från grupp ett tillbaka här igen med vårat projekt Planet Suburbia. Denna vecka har jag jobbat med att ta vårat spel till 1920×1080. Det första vi gjorde var att bestämma att vi skulle ha en HUD panel i spelet. Och vi tyckte att det skulle bli bäst att ha den på sidan istället för den övre eller undre delen av skärmen därför att spelet spelas mest på vertikalen då […]

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Program: Graphics

Vecka 7 – Fler Menyer

Ännu en vecka går mot sitt slut och projektet blir mer komplett för varje dag som går. Denna vecka har jag haft mitt fokus på menyer. Jag har gjorde startmenyn för några veckor sedan men för er som inte har läst det eller vet hur jag valde att gå till väga så tänkte jag förklara det.
Kortfattat så börjar jag med att skapa en rad text som visas på skärmen, genom att ladda in en textfil med fonten och sedan sätta ut […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka 7 – Fler Menyer

Ännu en vecka går mot sitt slut och projektet blir mer komplett för varje dag som går. Denna vecka har jag haft mitt fokus på menyer. Jag har gjorde startmenyn för några veckor sedan men för er som inte har läst det eller vet hur jag valde att gå till väga så tänkte jag förklara det.
Kortfattat så börjar jag med att skapa en rad text som visas på skärmen, genom att ladda in en textfil med fonten och sedan sätta ut […]

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Program: Programming