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Veckoreflektion Blog 5 10/3 -16

Hej nya läsare!
Jag har tyvärr tråkiga nyheter och det är att jag har varit sjuk under den senaste veckan och har därför inte kunnat arbeta på vårat projekt.
Det är givetvis trist och jag hoppas att inför kommande vecka ha frisknat till och kommer kunna arbeta extra hårt inför final release!

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Program: Programming

Veckoreflektion Blog 5 10/3 -16

Hej nya läsare!
Jag har tyvärr tråkiga nyheter och det är att jag har varit sjuk under den senaste veckan och har därför inte kunnat arbeta på vårat projekt.
Det är givetvis trist och jag hoppas att inför kommande vecka ha frisknat till och kommer kunna arbeta extra hårt inför final release!

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Program: Programming

Space Giraffa – Update 5

Other than recovering from Monday’s beta presentation, this week has been pretty mild. I have chosen some easier tasks to complete for this scrum session. One of them was a High score system that can add entries and sort them with the previous score entries which are loaded from a save file.
First of all, I created a struct called “Entry” that contains an integer and a string data type. The integer stores the users’ score and the string stores the […]

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Program: Programming

Space Giraffa – Update 5

Other than recovering from Monday’s beta presentation, this week has been pretty mild. I have chosen some easier tasks to complete for this scrum session. One of them was a High score system that can add entries and sort them with the previous score entries which are loaded from a save file.
First of all, I created a struct called “Entry” that contains an integer and a string data type. The integer stores the users’ score and the string stores the […]

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Program: Programming

Blog #5

Beta veckan har äntligen avslutat. Vi har jobbat stenhårt under helgen efter den hårda fast ärliga feedbacken från Marcus under pre-beta:n, och det hårda arbetet har gett resultat. Det kändes bra att få positiv feedback efter presentationen. Men nu närmar vi oss Final versionen och jag har under veckan fokuserat på feedback-animationer för varje fiendetyp i spelet Trowl, och jag kommer framförallt att diskutera om örnens feedback-animation. Denna animation kommer att ge spelaren en tydlig feedback när man har besegrat […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog #5

Beta veckan har äntligen avslutat. Vi har jobbat stenhårt under helgen efter den hårda fast ärliga feedbacken från Marcus under pre-beta:n, och det hårda arbetet har gett resultat. Det kändes bra att få positiv feedback efter presentationen. Men nu närmar vi oss Final versionen och jag har under veckan fokuserat på feedback-animationer för varje fiendetyp i spelet Trowl, och jag kommer framförallt att diskutera om örnens feedback-animation. Denna animation kommer att ge spelaren en tydlig feedback när man har besegrat […]

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Program: Graphics

Sector Unlock Rotation

I think that it usually doesn’t take very long for me to implement something when I program. Most of the time it takes less than an hour, sometimes it takes two, three less often, four not very often, and five is quite rare. I’ve worked on it for over four hours on it today without success, so I’m a bit tired of it.
The player can rotate around the planet to the four sectors of the planet using the ‘A’ and […]

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Program: Programming

Sector Unlock Rotation

I think that it usually doesn’t take very long for me to implement something when I program. Most of the time it takes less than an hour, sometimes it takes two, three less often, four not very often, and five is quite rare. I’ve worked on it for over four hours on it today without success, so I’m a bit tired of it.
The player can rotate around the planet to the four sectors of the planet using the ‘A’ and […]

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Program: Programming

Trowl – Enemy Waves

This week  I have been working on something we call Enemy Waves.
In a lot of games you have different waves of enemies. The purpose of these waves is to present a new enemy type or challenge the player in some way. Sometimes a combination of both. Our game has a total of ten waves at the moment. We thought that presenting each enemy type would be a good start of our wave system. We got three different enemy types and […]

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Program: Programming

Trowl – Enemy Waves

This week  I have been working on something we call Enemy Waves.
In a lot of games you have different waves of enemies. The purpose of these waves is to present a new enemy type or challenge the player in some way. Sometimes a combination of both. Our game has a total of ten waves at the moment. We thought that presenting each enemy type would be a good start of our wave system. We got three different enemy types and […]

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Program: Programming

Blog week 5 – Winning and game over-screens

Hello there, dear blog-readers! We’re getting close to the end now with only one week left after this one. We have been using this time to finish and polish everything that we need for the end-product, both gameplay and graphics-wise. Since we haven’t really touched on our narrative in the game, I set out to draw some fitting pictures for both the opening-sequence and the win/fail-states of the game. This week I’ll show you some of the pictures that I’ve […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 5 – Winning and game over-screens

Hello there, dear blog-readers! We’re getting close to the end now with only one week left after this one. We have been using this time to finish and polish everything that we need for the end-product, both gameplay and graphics-wise. Since we haven’t really touched on our narrative in the game, I set out to draw some fitting pictures for both the opening-sequence and the win/fail-states of the game. This week I’ll show you some of the pictures that I’ve […]

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Program: Graphics

Havet är djupt

Hallå där, kära läsare!
Final närmar sig, så uppgifterna har för det mesta handlat om polering. Något som jag tänkte dela med mig av idag är en ny design som jag gjort på en spelets power-ups. När man aktiverar den, så skapas en enorm bubbla runt avataren som gör att de kan andas under ytan.
Till en början såg symbolen på denna power-up ut så här:

Tanken var att det skulle föreställa ett mynt från Davy Jones fördömda skatt, så att det skiljde […]

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Program: Graphics

Havet är djupt

Hallå där, kära läsare!
Final närmar sig, så uppgifterna har för det mesta handlat om polering. Något som jag tänkte dela med mig av idag är en ny design som jag gjort på en spelets power-ups. När man aktiverar den, så skapas en enorm bubbla runt avataren som gör att de kan andas under ytan.
Till en början såg symbolen på denna power-up ut så här:

Tanken var att det skulle föreställa ett mynt från Davy Jones fördömda skatt, så att det skiljde […]

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Program: Graphics

Space shooter fifth week 10/3

This weeks blog post will be about Creating the leveldesign to our game, Desolate Echo.
The map of Desolate echo is very important part of the experience of the game and without a well designed and tested one the game will lose a lot of its ”feel”. Me and Joel in my group has together taken the responsibility to handle this crucial task. Leveldesign consists of two major pieces; The layout of the map and the layout of the challenges. In […]

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Program: Graphics

Space shooter fifth week 10/3

This weeks blog post will be about Creating the leveldesign to our game, Desolate Echo.
The map of Desolate echo is very important part of the experience of the game and without a well designed and tested one the game will lose a lot of its ”feel”. Me and Joel in my group has together taken the responsibility to handle this crucial task. Leveldesign consists of two major pieces; The layout of the map and the layout of the challenges. In […]

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Program: Graphics

Potato Pirates of The Prohibition – Resource Loader

Hello dear readers, this week I have been mostly fixing bugs and doing small optimizing. Before the beta I spent most of my time getting everything ready for it and really didn’t focus on any special artifact. This make this blog post a bit hard to write, however after the beta we chose to make a resource loader so we wouldn’t have “loading/freeze” time while the game was being played. So I will focus on that part in this week’s […]

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Program: Programming

Potato Pirates of The Prohibition – Resource Loader

Hello dear readers, this week I have been mostly fixing bugs and doing small optimizing. Before the beta I spent most of my time getting everything ready for it and really didn’t focus on any special artifact. This make this blog post a bit hard to write, however after the beta we chose to make a resource loader so we wouldn’t have “loading/freeze” time while the game was being played. So I will focus on that part in this week’s […]

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Program: Programming

Scaling och opacity

Oj vilken vecka det har varit. Allt började med beta redovisningen på måndag som gick sådär men vi fick en massa användbar och bra feedback som vi nu ska implementera i spelet, sen har vi i gruppen också kommit överens om ganska många och stora ändringar i projektet. Vi har nu (alldeles för sent) bestämt oss för ett nytt aspect ratio, ett normalt sådant, 1920 x 1080. Detta har skapat lite mer rum för oss att leka med, till exempel […]

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Program: Programming

Scaling och opacity

Oj vilken vecka det har varit. Allt började med beta redovisningen på måndag som gick sådär men vi fick en massa användbar och bra feedback som vi nu ska implementera i spelet, sen har vi i gruppen också kommit överens om ganska många och stora ändringar i projektet. Vi har nu (alldeles för sent) bestämt oss för ett nytt aspect ratio, ett normalt sådant, 1920 x 1080. Detta har skapat lite mer rum för oss att leka med, till exempel […]

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Program: Programming

BLOG WEEK 5 – Touching up the menu!


This week I have started to make the game look nice instead of making it work, and for now I have started to look at the menu and starting to fix up alot of things on it. First of all the menu screen is another picture nothing to fancy about it.
Next the buttons! The buttons are working so when you hover over them they change the look of it, or making it to be selected so to say. So i […]

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Program: Programming

BLOG WEEK 5 – Touching up the menu!


This week I have started to make the game look nice instead of making it work, and for now I have started to look at the menu and starting to fix up alot of things on it. First of all the menu screen is another picture nothing to fancy about it.
Next the buttons! The buttons are working so when you hover over them they change the look of it, or making it to be selected so to say. So i […]

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Program: Programming

Post 5

This will hopefully be the last time I redo things in this death animation. I hate smoke but I hate animating smoke even more.
Shown here are the three death animations I’ve done so far for the player avatar and I’m still not entirely satisfied. I’ve described my workflow for each animation in previous posts, each describing me finally feeling done with the animation. Now here I am again.. think I might be a bit of a perfectionist?
The first animation […]

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Program: Graphics

Post 5

This will hopefully be the last time I redo things in this death animation. I hate smoke but I hate animating smoke even more.
Shown here are the three death animations I’ve done so far for the player avatar and I’m still not entirely satisfied. I’ve described my workflow for each animation in previous posts, each describing me finally feeling done with the animation. Now here I am again.. think I might be a bit of a perfectionist?
The first animation […]

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Program: Graphics