Browsing '2015': Students starting in 2015

BGP – Vecka 3

Denna vecka har jag arbetat med att skapa en HUD och designval till vårt spel. Vi valde att ha stilen i spelet i 1500 talets England, och använda därför detta som utgångspunkt i alla grafiska element vi gör.
Efter att ha kollat på andras spel HUDs och jämfört, så valde vi att behålla vår HUD relativt simpel. Jag gjorde en HUD med kopparring, där karaktärens huvud är tänkt att vara i, som ett porträtt, med tre stycken bronsmätare till höger som […]

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Program: Game Design

BGP – Vecka 3

Denna vecka har jag arbetat med att skapa en HUD och designval till vårt spel. Vi valde att ha stilen i spelet i 1500 talets England, och använda därför detta som utgångspunkt i alla grafiska element vi gör.
Efter att ha kollat på andras spel HUDs och jämfört, så valde vi att behålla vår HUD relativt simpel. Jag gjorde en HUD med kopparring, där karaktärens huvud är tänkt att vara i, som ett porträtt, med tre stycken bronsmätare till höger som […]

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Program: Game Design

BGP2017 – An Introduction

For the next six week I will be working on a game production project for the course Big Game Project.
The Project
The project I am working on is called Goblin Doctors. It is a co-op game for two players. The project tries to make a twist on the fantasy theme, with some humor and the setting.
The players play as goblins which have the role of doctors for an orc army. The goblins must co-operate to maneuver and operate the over-sized tools […]

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Program: Programming

BGP2017 – An Introduction

For the next six week I will be working on a game production project for the course Big Game Project.
The Project
The project I am working on is called Goblin Doctors. It is a co-op game for two players. The project tries to make a twist on the fantasy theme, with some humor and the setting.
The players play as goblins which have the role of doctors for an orc army. The goblins must co-operate to maneuver and operate the over-sized tools […]

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Program: Programming

Elias Engine with UE4

This is the first blog post of several during the time I will be working on the game project Amenti at Uppsala Universitet Campus Gotland.
The previous weeks I have been working on to incorporate the Elias Software in to our game. The Elias plugin works well with having dynamic transitions in between themes and being able to corroborate an event with a musical theme. It comes very handy to be able to trigger when and where the music is supposed to be […]

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Program: Programming

Elias Engine with UE4

This is the first blog post of several during the time I will be working on the game project Amenti at Uppsala Universitet Campus Gotland.
The previous weeks I have been working on to incorporate the Elias Software in to our game. The Elias plugin works well with having dynamic transitions in between themes and being able to corroborate an event with a musical theme. It comes very handy to be able to trigger when and where the music is supposed to be […]

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Program: Programming

Part 1: I’m not a character artist

I have always found people annoying as they enter the stage saying ”I am not a speaker but…”. Of course you are a speaker, you are doing it right now in front of a crowd. There is this general idea that you have to excuse yourself because in your own eyes you’ve not yet achieved a level of excellence in that particular area.
This is where I am currently at. I am working on the project ”Rune Mages” as a 3D […]

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Program: Graphics

Part 1: I’m not a character artist

I have always found people annoying as they enter the stage saying ”I am not a speaker but…”. Of course you are a speaker, you are doing it right now in front of a crowd. There is this general idea that you have to excuse yourself because in your own eyes you’ve not yet achieved a level of excellence in that particular area.
This is where I am currently at. I am working on the project ”Rune Mages” as a 3D […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP #4

So I have just tried making the camera and chose to walk away for a bit and start with a new task. Because we were 4 programmers it often lead to a person making small and not so very useful things to the alpha. So I became that person and started working on the HUD, which made me create a start screen and a pause menu. This had not been any art created to yet so it has to wait […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #4

So I have just tried making the camera and chose to walk away for a bit and start with a new task. Because we were 4 programmers it often lead to a person making small and not so very useful things to the alpha. So I became that person and started working on the HUD, which made me create a start screen and a pause menu. This had not been any art created to yet so it has to wait […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #3

First two days we established an organized KanBanFlow page and put each person on assignments. For each week we will have a meeting where we go through each person and see what they have done and can do better, thereafter set new assignments on those who do not have none. This system worked well and is making us do the work we need to. I started working on making the camera for the player, this assignment I went in with […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #3

First two days we established an organized KanBanFlow page and put each person on assignments. For each week we will have a meeting where we go through each person and see what they have done and can do better, thereafter set new assignments on those who do not have none. This system worked well and is making us do the work we need to. I started working on making the camera for the player, this assignment I went in with […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #2

We have just gotten green lighted and can start create our game. As a group we decided to sit down and discuss what we had to start with so it is well organized and we are all coordinated. I came up with the idea of using a tool named “KanBanFlow” which is a site where you can easily divide up assignments to people. You make an assignment for example “Art for the player”, and then set the person responsible for […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #2

We have just gotten green lighted and can start create our game. As a group we decided to sit down and discuss what we had to start with so it is well organized and we are all coordinated. I came up with the idea of using a tool named “KanBanFlow” which is a site where you can easily divide up assignments to people. You make an assignment for example “Art for the player”, and then set the person responsible for […]

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Program: Programming

BGP – Vecka 2

Denna vecka har vi påbörjat den faktiska produktionen av vårt spel ”Casuality”. Min roll i våran arbetsgrupp är som 3D artist vilket innebär att min uppgift är att skapa grafik till vårt spel. Denna vecka har mitt huvudområde legat på att snygga till och sätta ihop fungerande animation som vi gjort i Mocap.
Mocap är en teknik för att spela in och lagra rörelser. Man använder sig av människor eller djur som skådespelare för att filma rörelserna. Dessa inspelningar kan man […]

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Program: Game Design

BGP – Vecka 2

Denna vecka har vi påbörjat den faktiska produktionen av vårt spel ”Casuality”. Min roll i våran arbetsgrupp är som 3D artist vilket innebär att min uppgift är att skapa grafik till vårt spel. Denna vecka har mitt huvudområde legat på att snygga till och sätta ihop fungerande animation som vi gjort i Mocap.
Mocap är en teknik för att spela in och lagra rörelser. Man använder sig av människor eller djur som skådespelare för att filma rörelserna. Dessa inspelningar kan man […]

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Program: Game Design

BGP #1

I am in a group of 6 members where I am one of the 4 programmers. Our game is named Causality and is a dark souls like game where you play a character with the objective to kill a boss, at this stage. If we decide to proceed making the game the objective will expand. Our group is a total of 4 programmers and 2 graphical artists. When we first started this project we had to make a design document […]

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Program: Programming

BGP #1

I am in a group of 6 members where I am one of the 4 programmers. Our game is named Causality and is a dark souls like game where you play a character with the objective to kill a boss, at this stage. If we decide to proceed making the game the objective will expand. Our group is a total of 4 programmers and 2 graphical artists. When we first started this project we had to make a design document […]

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Program: Programming

Amenti – 2

Second week of the project is now done! This week I have done plenty of stuff. All mechanics for the tutorial room is finished and almost all mechanics in the Horus room which is the next puzzle the player encounters, the fire/sun god puzzle.
I started off by working on the last mechanic in the tutorial room which was the perspective mechanic. We wanted that when the player is standing on a certain location and is looking at a certain point/object […]

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Program: Programming

Amenti – 2

Second week of the project is now done! This week I have done plenty of stuff. All mechanics for the tutorial room is finished and almost all mechanics in the Horus room which is the next puzzle the player encounters, the fire/sun god puzzle.
I started off by working on the last mechanic in the tutorial room which was the perspective mechanic. We wanted that when the player is standing on a certain location and is looking at a certain point/object […]

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Program: Programming

Amenti BGP Week 3

Hello again! Week 3 has finished and a lot of work has begun. The design is finished and all the members of the group have started to work with different artifacts in the game and the prototypes have started to become playable. My job this week was to finish the tutorial room that Lead Programmer Niclas did not have time to work on.  The work I did was to make a pair of pillars move towards the wall when the […]

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Program: Programming

Amenti BGP Week 3

Hello again! Week 3 has finished and a lot of work has begun. The design is finished and all the members of the group have started to work with different artifacts in the game and the prototypes have started to become playable. My job this week was to finish the tutorial room that Lead Programmer Niclas did not have time to work on.  The work I did was to make a pair of pillars move towards the wall when the […]

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Program: Programming

Amenti – 1

The first week of the project mostly contained a lot of planning and documentation which can be tedious but deep down we know that it is a essential part to make the project go much smoother.
Besides planning and documentation I have worked on the prototype of the tutorial room where the player is introduced to the core mechanics of the game. The majority of the mechanics are based on interacting with objects and picking up stuff, like fire, life or […]

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Program: Programming

Amenti – 1

The first week of the project mostly contained a lot of planning and documentation which can be tedious but deep down we know that it is a essential part to make the project go much smoother.
Besides planning and documentation I have worked on the prototype of the tutorial room where the player is introduced to the core mechanics of the game. The majority of the mechanics are based on interacting with objects and picking up stuff, like fire, life or […]

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Program: Programming