Browsing '2015': Students starting in 2015

A look back at the creatures of Trust!
I am refreshing my blog with some of the creatures from the game Trust that didn’t make it to the blog in time. I will just show the different creatures! The blog is a great way for me to remember the things I’ve done and I realised that there were many of them absent!
Sleeping rock troll!
Waking rock troll!
Water troll!
The arms, coming out of the water to try and grab the kids!
Tree Troll!
Tree troll arms! Suddenly these could come out […]

A look back at the creatures of Trust!
I am refreshing my blog with some of the creatures from the game Trust that didn’t make it to the blog in time. I will just show the different creatures! The blog is a great way for me to remember the things I’ve done and I realised that there were many of them absent!
Sleeping rock troll!
Waking rock troll!
Water troll!
The arms, coming out of the water to try and grab the kids!
Tree Troll!
Tree troll arms! Suddenly these could come out […]

ZBrush Mouth Modeling!
Woho! Zbrush has started!
Ok so, we are one week into the zbrush course and I think it’s time I share my work progress. Our first assignment is to model mouths, ears, noses and eye’s, 3-sets of each.
Mouth 1
Starting of in zbrush I was very confused to how to do my work. Luckily some tutorials helped me get started. I started by choosing 3 images of people with different types of mouths to use as reference images when modeling.
This was my […]

ZBrush Mouth Modeling!
Woho! Zbrush has started!
Ok so, we are one week into the zbrush course and I think it’s time I share my work progress. Our first assignment is to model mouths, ears, noses and eye’s, 3-sets of each.
Mouth 1
Starting of in zbrush I was very confused to how to do my work. Luckily some tutorials helped me get started. I started by choosing 3 images of people with different types of mouths to use as reference images when modeling.
This was my […]

Interacting with tools and changing stats
In order to dictate when the intractable objects should activate its animations and other functions, i used the built in messaging system in unity. This is used to send a command to use a certain function within another script. This is an easy way to control a small amount of functions on a global scale.
The shower is composed by a collision box, a particle effect and a static 3D model. The whole system starts when the player touches the screen […]

Interacting with tools and changing stats
In order to dictate when the intractable objects should activate its animations and other functions, i used the built in messaging system in unity. This is used to send a command to use a certain function within another script. This is an easy way to control a small amount of functions on a global scale.
The shower is composed by a collision box, a particle effect and a static 3D model. The whole system starts when the player touches the screen […]
We now have a way to throw food to the critter by the use of the touchscreen. In this game you are supposed to care for your critter and raise it as you wish it to become in its adult stage. To do this you are suppose to treat it well (or not so well) in order to get the wished result. Here i was assigned to create a system that firstly keeps track of the amount of different food […]
We now have a way to throw food to the critter by the use of the touchscreen. In this game you are supposed to care for your critter and raise it as you wish it to become in its adult stage. To do this you are suppose to treat it well (or not so well) in order to get the wished result. Here i was assigned to create a system that firstly keeps track of the amount of different food […]

With the use of the previous posts function, the touching of the screen. I continued to create some form of movement for the critter. When you touch the screen so that the created ray collides with the floor of the map, i save the point of collision as a coordinate. This coordinate is then sent to the critter to be evaluated. The critter receives a value for an X, Y and Z coordinate, with these the critter knows where the […]

With the use of the previous posts function, the touching of the screen. I continued to create some form of movement for the critter. When you touch the screen so that the created ray collides with the floor of the map, i save the point of collision as a coordinate. This coordinate is then sent to the critter to be evaluated. The critter receives a value for an X, Y and Z coordinate, with these the critter knows where the […]
Step Counter
Making the step counter was easy in the sense of that there are many various sources of documentations and blog posts of people receiving help in these kinds of problems. Our game went through so many changes that in the end it became a type of activity app with a Tamagotchi experience tied to it. The activity part was necessary in our opinion because we wanted to set our game apart from the many apps that was similar to the […]
Step Counter
Making the step counter was easy in the sense of that there are many various sources of documentations and blog posts of people receiving help in these kinds of problems. Our game went through so many changes that in the end it became a type of activity app with a Tamagotchi experience tied to it. The activity part was necessary in our opinion because we wanted to set our game apart from the many apps that was similar to the […]
hello world, again
So I’ve yet again remade this website. This time I’ve moved from jekyll to hugo, because I’ve had to reinstall ruby far too many times and there’s always some issue with it preventing me from just getting it up and running so I can update this site. Hugo is just a binary, no need to install anything to get it to run. It’s far less of a hassle.
If you for whatever reason want to see the old posts (which were […]
hello world, again
So I’ve yet again remade this website. This time I’ve moved from jekyll to hugo, because I’ve had to reinstall ruby far too many times and there’s always some issue with it preventing me from just getting it up and running so I can update this site. Hugo is just a binary, no need to install anything to get it to run. It’s far less of a hassle.
If you for whatever reason want to see the old posts (which were […]
hello world, again
So I’ve yet again remade this website. This time I’ve moved from jekyll to hugo, because I’ve had to reinstall ruby far too many times and there’s always some issue with it preventing me from just getting it up and running so I can update this site. Hugo is just a binary, no need to install anything to get it to run. It’s far less of a hassle.
If you for whatever reason want to see the old posts (which were […]
hello world, again
So I’ve yet again remade this website. This time I’ve moved from jekyll to hugo, because I’ve had to reinstall ruby far too many times and there’s always some issue with it preventing me from just getting it up and running so I can update this site. Hugo is just a binary, no need to install anything to get it to run. It’s far less of a hassle.
If you for whatever reason want to see the old posts (which were […]

Designing our Critter
At the time of writing this, CritterFlux has already been presented at the Gotland Game Conference and we received a lot of praise over our character design and artstyle. Our critter was apparently rather adorable! Although I would argue that the animations and movements of the little creature also added to the overall cuteness-factor. So was the successfull appearance of our critter a fluke, or did we actually put some thought into all of this? You be the judge as […]

Designing our Critter
At the time of writing this, CritterFlux has already been presented at the Gotland Game Conference and we received a lot of praise over our character design and artstyle. Our critter was apparently rather adorable! Although I would argue that the animations and movements of the little creature also added to the overall cuteness-factor. So was the successfull appearance of our critter a fluke, or did we actually put some thought into all of this? You be the judge as […]

Animating Deino
It’s funny, because when I fist opened and ran the program Motionbuilder, I was horrified at what greeted me on the screen. So many options, so much to learn, so many windows… It was a daunting task to say the least. I’ll be honest, I didn’t do too well on the course that was meant to teach us animation in 3D. I had a difficult time keeping up and I was really struggling getting used to the software. Funnily enough, […]

Animating Deino
It’s funny, because when I fist opened and ran the program Motionbuilder, I was horrified at what greeted me on the screen. So many options, so much to learn, so many windows… It was a daunting task to say the least. I’ll be honest, I didn’t do too well on the course that was meant to teach us animation in 3D. I had a difficult time keeping up and I was really struggling getting used to the software. Funnily enough, […]

Presenting a Game
If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my two years of studying game development, it is that necessity is a harsh but highly efficient tutor. There is a hint of desperation in the struggle as a developer to meet each game-asset’s individual needs and requirements, under constant time pressure. Now, it may sound as if I’m not too happy about this process, but in fact, at risk of sounding like some sort of masochist, I love it! Necessity forces me […]

Presenting a Game
If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my two years of studying game development, it is that necessity is a harsh but highly efficient tutor. There is a hint of desperation in the struggle as a developer to meet each game-asset’s individual needs and requirements, under constant time pressure. Now, it may sound as if I’m not too happy about this process, but in fact, at risk of sounding like some sort of masochist, I love it! Necessity forces me […]

Delete all!
I detta blogginlägg tänkte jag skriva om hur spelet ligger till en veckan innan GGC och vilka förändringar som vi har gjort i designen. Vi har ändrat på craftingensystemet, grundtanken var att spelaren skulle kunna byta mellan olika ”recept” för att bygga olika proteser och dessa olika proteser behövdes sätt på rätt skada kroppsdel för att fungera. Eftersom det är så lite tid kvar och vi har fortfarande ingen vinstskärm eller tutorial nivå till GGC väljer vi att satsa på […]

Delete all!
I detta blogginlägg tänkte jag skriva om hur spelet ligger till en veckan innan GGC och vilka förändringar som vi har gjort i designen. Vi har ändrat på craftingensystemet, grundtanken var att spelaren skulle kunna byta mellan olika ”recept” för att bygga olika proteser och dessa olika proteser behövdes sätt på rätt skada kroppsdel för att fungera. Eftersom det är så lite tid kvar och vi har fortfarande ingen vinstskärm eller tutorial nivå till GGC väljer vi att satsa på […]