Browsing '2015': Students starting in 2015

BGP: Refracted Fate – Redesigning Map Layout

Hello everyone, this week I will be talking about redesigning layout, as it’s what I have mostly been doing since the last update. (and other small fixes here and there).
Redesigning map layout
The redesign on the map mostly came from the player data we gathered earlier, it was originally done to create a better flow true the game, however, after also detecting we would likely not be able to finish the last room, we decided to polish the first room and […]

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Program: Programming

BGP: Refracted Fate – Redesigning Map Layout

Hello everyone, this week I will be talking about redesigning layout, as it’s what I have mostly been doing since the last update. (and other small fixes here and there).
Redesigning map layout
The redesign on the map mostly came from the player data we gathered earlier, it was originally done to create a better flow true the game, however, after also detecting we would likely not be able to finish the last room, we decided to polish the first room and […]

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Program: Programming

Neon Skies – Week 7

This week was chaotic as some were sick and others couldn’t work, as such, much of the work was done remotely.

Destroyed mining drone

After a suggestion on how we should deal with neon, we’ve started to make many of the things with white emissive material that we later change in Unity.
The above image is of the destroyed version of the miner, we want to explode the drone outwards and for there to be alloy like pieces of it that you can […]

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Program: Graphics

Neon Skies – Week 7

This week was chaotic as some were sick and others couldn’t work, as such, much of the work was done remotely.

Destroyed mining drone

After a suggestion on how we should deal with neon, we’ve started to make many of the things with white emissive material that we later change in Unity.
The above image is of the destroyed version of the miner, we want to explode the drone outwards and for there to be alloy like pieces of it that you can […]

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Program: Graphics

Fast Gear – Week 7

In order to move the AI they have a force applied to their rigidbodies in the z-axis that pushes them forward. We use a property of the rigidbody called drag, which is how much air resistance the car will have when forces are applied to them. It is a scale from 0 to infinity where 0 is no resistance at all and infinity makes them unable to move. We are using drag to make the cars stick to the road […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear – Week 7

In order to move the AI they have a force applied to their rigidbodies in the z-axis that pushes them forward. We use a property of the rigidbody called drag, which is how much air resistance the car will have when forces are applied to them. It is a scale from 0 to infinity where 0 is no resistance at all and infinity makes them unable to move. We are using drag to make the cars stick to the road […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7, Highlights and thoughts

Hello again everyone!
Week 7 has been a a stressful blast.
Our main goal this week was to polish up our environment to a standard that we were happy with as we needed to provide  screenshots.
The work this week has been in form of different kind of in-game object that are usually refered to as props. However, today i want to dive more into the technical side of the creation.
To be able to fill the world with different assets, reusing parts is […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 7, Highlights and thoughts

Hello again everyone!
Week 7 has been a a stressful blast.
Our main goal this week was to polish up our environment to a standard that we were happy with as we needed to provide  screenshots.
The work this week has been in form of different kind of in-game object that are usually refered to as props. However, today i want to dive more into the technical side of the creation.
To be able to fill the world with different assets, reusing parts is […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP Fifth Post

We are drawing nearer to the deadline of this project, something that many times reveals whether or not one has over-scoped or stayed within realistic margins. As it turns out we have over-scoped to some degree. Something that is made apparent due to our need to cut a feature from our game, that being the pliers. This decision was pushed by the coders and then agreed upon by the rest of us. From a practical perspective the choice is a good […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP Fifth Post

We are drawing nearer to the deadline of this project, something that many times reveals whether or not one has over-scoped or stayed within realistic margins. As it turns out we have over-scoped to some degree. Something that is made apparent due to our need to cut a feature from our game, that being the pliers. This decision was pushed by the coders and then agreed upon by the rest of us. From a practical perspective the choice is a good […]

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Program: Graphics

Fast Gear Blog 3

Denna vecka har arbetet med positioneringen av samtliga bilar i spelet under fortsatt utveckling. Till att börja med så blev alla checkpoints placerade runtom på banan och blivit inlagda i en lista för att på ett lättare sätt bestämma vilken ordning alla checkpoints skall passeras.  På detta sätt bestämmer jag att när bilarna korsat sista checkpointen i listan så har de åkt ett helt varv.  Med hjälp av denna kan jag kontrollera vilka bilar som har åkt flest varv och passerat flest […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear Blog 3

Denna vecka har arbetet med positioneringen av samtliga bilar i spelet under fortsatt utveckling. Till att börja med så blev alla checkpoints placerade runtom på banan och blivit inlagda i en lista för att på ett lättare sätt bestämma vilken ordning alla checkpoints skall passeras.  På detta sätt bestämmer jag att när bilarna korsat sista checkpointen i listan så har de åkt ett helt varv.  Med hjälp av denna kan jag kontrollera vilka bilar som har åkt flest varv och passerat flest […]

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Program: Programming

Part 3: Learn Modularity or die

My dream job at the moment, besides becoming a world famous drummer, is to become an Environment Artist at a cool game studio. Pursuing this goal I have actively studied job openings for the past 2 years. Learning about what different qualifications studios need out of their artists has become helpful for me. It has helped me pushing myself to learning more and understanding what it takes to make it in the industry. During Alumni Days 2016 I met

May 13, 2017 / Comments Off on Part 3: Learn Modularity or die
Program: Graphics

Part 3: Learn Modularity or die

My dream job at the moment, besides becoming a world famous drummer, is to become an Environment Artist at a cool game studio. Pursuing this goal I have actively studied job openings for the past 2 years. Learning about what different qualifications studios need out of their artists has become helpful for me. It has helped me pushing myself to learning more and understanding what it takes to make it in the industry. During Alumni Days 2016 I met

May 13, 2017 / Comments Off on Part 3: Learn Modularity or die
Program: Graphics

The Summoning 04

This is the part of the project that is not as creative and fun but necessary. Especially with the beta coming!
After being done with the trees I took upon me the task of fixing some problems with the 3D assets. After last week when we got help with the shaders in Unity and that the problem still occurred where the outlines of the objects did not work and now there were a solution to the problems, this needed to be […]

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Program: Graphics

The Summoning 04

This is the part of the project that is not as creative and fun but necessary. Especially with the beta coming!
After being done with the trees I took upon me the task of fixing some problems with the 3D assets. After last week when we got help with the shaders in Unity and that the problem still occurred where the outlines of the objects did not work and now there were a solution to the problems, this needed to be […]

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Program: Graphics

Sound of Life – Digging sequence

Hallo everyone!
I’m back and this time I will talk about the “digging” in our game. When you think that you have wound a survivor you will have to dig them up. It is just one thing, you are not actually digging and their is a simple explanation for why, we do not have the time. We only have eight weeks to make the game and we did not want to spend have of that on a digging mechanic. Instead all […]

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Program: Programming

Sound of Life – Digging sequence

Hallo everyone!
I’m back and this time I will talk about the “digging” in our game. When you think that you have wound a survivor you will have to dig them up. It is just one thing, you are not actually digging and their is a simple explanation for why, we do not have the time. We only have eight weeks to make the game and we did not want to spend have of that on a digging mechanic. Instead all […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD037] Behaviour Trees

So in this blog post I will write about my latest work. Lately I have mostly been working on artificial intelligence. For this project I chose BTs (Short for Behaviour Trees), because they are popular and I think it something every programmer should know. Whether you are a gameplay or artificial intelligence programmer. I first spent a lot of time researching and trying to find a good and cheap library/framework implementation of BTs by someone else. However I came to the conclusion it […]

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Program: Programming

[5SD037] Behaviour Trees

So in this blog post I will write about my latest work. Lately I have mostly been working on artificial intelligence. For this project I chose BTs (Short for Behaviour Trees), because they are popular and I think it something every programmer should know. Whether you are a gameplay or artificial intelligence programmer. I first spent a lot of time researching and trying to find a good and cheap library/framework implementation of BTs by someone else. However I came to the conclusion it […]

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Program: Programming

BGP – Day 31

A day of everything
I started this day with adding all the games animations that are when the character is standing still. Since all the movement animations where done, other than that I only have one animation left where the character pulls a lever. This includes animating the character with a prop. But before I got to work on that one and after I had added all the other animations I got feedback to fix one of the running animations since […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 31

A day of everything
I started this day with adding all the games animations that are when the character is standing still. Since all the movement animations where done, other than that I only have one animation left where the character pulls a lever. This includes animating the character with a prop. But before I got to work on that one and after I had added all the other animations I got feedback to fix one of the running animations since […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 30

Getting stuck
During the morning I didn’t go to the office where we usually start to work at around 09:00, since I had a seminar to attend at 10:00. Since going by bike to the office set up my computer, start the programs I’m using and then having to close everything to go to the university wouldn’t be a very effective use of my time. I instead did some errands during that hour and then I stayed two hours longer in […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP – Day 30

Getting stuck
During the morning I didn’t go to the office where we usually start to work at around 09:00, since I had a seminar to attend at 10:00. Since going by bike to the office set up my computer, start the programs I’m using and then having to close everything to go to the university wouldn’t be a very effective use of my time. I instead did some errands during that hour and then I stayed two hours longer in […]

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Program: Graphics