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Fast Gear blog 5

Jag har lyckats fixa positioneringen av alla bilar. Vi valde att införskaffa en asset som hjälpte oss med problemet. Vi valde att göra detta eftersom att tiden inför GGC är knapp och vi kände att vi inte kunde lägga ner mer tid på detta problem.Detta underlättade arbetet med positioneringen. Denna asset fungerade på exakt samma sätt som vi gjort tidigare men använder ett annat sätt att räkna ut vilken bil som är närmast nästa checkpoint. Problemet med denna asset var […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear blog 5

Jag har lyckats fixa positioneringen av alla bilar. Vi valde att införskaffa en asset som hjälpte oss med problemet. Vi valde att göra detta eftersom att tiden inför GGC är knapp och vi kände att vi inte kunde lägga ner mer tid på detta problem.Detta underlättade arbetet med positioneringen. Denna asset fungerade på exakt samma sätt som vi gjort tidigare men använder ett annat sätt att räkna ut vilken bil som är närmast nästa checkpoint. Problemet med denna asset var […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear blog 4.

Det är fortfarande problem med positionering men i syfte av att ha lite mer varierande innehåll så ska jag inte gå inte på exakt samma problem igen denna gång. Jag tänker detta blogginlägg istället nämna problemen vi haft med att spelarbilen automatisk accelererar framåt. Efter ha speltestat under veckan har vi konstaterat att spelarbilen accelererar framåt automatisk utan att reagera på input från spelaren.
Detta påverkade hela spelupplevelsen för spelaren och var ett prioriterat problem krävde omedelbar lösning. Detta påverkade även […]

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Program: Programming

Fast Gear blog 4.

Det är fortfarande problem med positionering men i syfte av att ha lite mer varierande innehåll så ska jag inte gå inte på exakt samma problem igen denna gång. Jag tänker detta blogginlägg istället nämna problemen vi haft med att spelarbilen automatisk accelererar framåt. Efter ha speltestat under veckan har vi konstaterat att spelarbilen accelererar framåt automatisk utan att reagera på input från spelaren.
Detta påverkade hela spelupplevelsen för spelaren och var ett prioriterat problem krävde omedelbar lösning. Detta påverkade även […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7-8 : The final touches

This is polish week and almost all of what we have logged as artifacts is now within the game itself. What this boils down to is that at the moment no new systems are added, but  tweaked, updated or made to shine just a bit more (sometimes literally).
What then could there be to discuss? Quite a bit, as those tweaks tend to be what takes a game from being acceptable to being either great or awful.
For instance this week we […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7-8 : The final touches

This is polish week and almost all of what we have logged as artifacts is now within the game itself. What this boils down to is that at the moment no new systems are added, but  tweaked, updated or made to shine just a bit more (sometimes literally).
What then could there be to discuss? Quite a bit, as those tweaks tend to be what takes a game from being acceptable to being either great or awful.
For instance this week we […]

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Program: Programming

BGP Bloggpost 5

Once I was done with the rigging and the skinning of the boss model, I could finally start with the animations for the boss and player character. Since I made our player character in a previous course, 3DIII, I did not have to model, skin or rig that character, this was already done. I also took the course “Motion Capture” before BGP, in which we got to do animation takes. Since this was a very good opportunity for us to […]

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Program: Game Design

BGP Bloggpost 5

Once I was done with the rigging and the skinning of the boss model, I could finally start with the animations for the boss and player character. Since I made our player character in a previous course, 3DIII, I did not have to model, skin or rig that character, this was already done. I also took the course “Motion Capture” before BGP, in which we got to do animation takes. Since this was a very good opportunity for us to […]

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Program: Game Design

BGP Bloggpost 4

The next thing on my agenda was the last thing needed before I could start animating, the skinning of the boss model. Skinning is the process of how much of the mesh moves with the bones you have set in the rigging, so the movement of the character do not break the model. This was important for us to get good since we have a big focus on the animations of the game. Our goal is to make really good […]

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Program: Game Design

BGP Bloggpost 4

The next thing on my agenda was the last thing needed before I could start animating, the skinning of the boss model. Skinning is the process of how much of the mesh moves with the bones you have set in the rigging, so the movement of the character do not break the model. This was important for us to get good since we have a big focus on the animations of the game. Our goal is to make really good […]

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Program: Game Design

Digital Keypad

We stated at the beginning of the project that we needed a keypad for one of the puzzles in the game. The player will have to find a code and use that on the keypad. So my first instinct was that this would have to be a rather interesting keypad and some what a little more high poly.
I started my research by googling and using pinterest to find some inspiration. I found this keypad that used a glass display with […]

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Program: Graphics

Digital Keypad

We stated at the beginning of the project that we needed a keypad for one of the puzzles in the game. The player will have to find a code and use that on the keypad. So my first instinct was that this would have to be a rather interesting keypad and some what a little more high poly.
I started my research by googling and using pinterest to find some inspiration. I found this keypad that used a glass display with […]

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Program: Graphics

It’s Unreal.. 2!

Here comes more pictures in-game and what changes we have made. At an early stage Thea our producer was building the levels and boxing out where things ought to be after the concept art I’ve made early on in the project. I’m very happy with the end result and how close it actually is to concept art and plans. Much of this is because of our talented lead art, planning every model and piece needed in each room! Here is the […]

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Program: Graphics

It’s Unreal.. 2!

Here comes more pictures in-game and what changes we have made. At an early stage Thea our producer was building the levels and boxing out where things ought to be after the concept art I’ve made early on in the project. I’m very happy with the end result and how close it actually is to concept art and plans. Much of this is because of our talented lead art, planning every model and piece needed in each room! Here is the […]

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Program: Graphics

Garage background and dialogues.

So aside from our press-conference, we were also gonna have someplace else where the character interacts with the other drivers. As everyone is in their racing-gear it would make sense to set these interactions in the garage before and after the race. For this I looked at some different garages and chose one picture that I built my own upon.
The more difficult thing to decide with this was how stylized I should make it, and what colors I should use. […]

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Program: Game Design

Garage background and dialogues.

So aside from our press-conference, we were also gonna have someplace else where the character interacts with the other drivers. As everyone is in their racing-gear it would make sense to set these interactions in the garage before and after the race. For this I looked at some different garages and chose one picture that I built my own upon.
The more difficult thing to decide with this was how stylized I should make it, and what colors I should use. […]

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Program: Game Design

[5SD037] Pre GGC

This week I don’t have much to write about, the game needs to be done by Saturday evening and we have some polishing left to do. But except that we have polish the whole game for the past ~2 weeks and a ton of stuff have been updated. Feedback has been added to most actions in the game. Animations and sound has been added. And I am happy to present or official trailer!

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Program: Programming

[5SD037] Pre GGC

This week I don’t have much to write about, the game needs to be done by Saturday evening and we have some polishing left to do. But except that we have polish the whole game for the past ~2 weeks and a ton of stuff have been updated. Feedback has been added to most actions in the game. Animations and sound has been added. And I am happy to present or official trailer!

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Program: Programming

It’s Unreal!

Hi again!
The last placeholder has been modeled and textured, so my work of replacing things in Unreal has started. Thea has been for quite some time now replacing the placeholder walls and floors, making the different rooms in the correct sizes with the correct meshes. My job now is to polish and populate the world with all the dodads I’ve been creating the last couple of weeks. A problem I’ve had however has been the texture and how it behaves […]

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Program: Graphics

It’s Unreal!

Hi again!
The last placeholder has been modeled and textured, so my work of replacing things in Unreal has started. Thea has been for quite some time now replacing the placeholder walls and floors, making the different rooms in the correct sizes with the correct meshes. My job now is to polish and populate the world with all the dodads I’ve been creating the last couple of weeks. A problem I’ve had however has been the texture and how it behaves […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP Five: Some UI

We decided we need another way of showing the player what’s important. The player’s objective is to collect all the bits of Leon the plushie that gets stolen at the start of the game. To show players that he is important without using words we’re making a pop up animation that plays whenever something happens to Leon.
Olivia loses Leon
I believe the fact there is a UI element for this signals to the player that Leon is important.
Olivia finds Leon’s body
When […]

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Program: Graphics

BGP Five: Some UI

We decided we need another way of showing the player what’s important. The player’s objective is to collect all the bits of Leon the plushie that gets stolen at the start of the game. To show players that he is important without using words we’re making a pop up animation that plays whenever something happens to Leon.
Olivia loses Leon
I believe the fact there is a UI element for this signals to the player that Leon is important.
Olivia finds Leon’s body
When […]

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Program: Graphics

High-Poly Statues

As previously mentioned in this blog, I worked on creating statues for the gods in the game. When I last wrote a post about this I was almost finished with the low-poly for Anubis. I shortly after that started to work on Horus. To make life easier for everybody we decided to reuse Anubis body and replacing the head. This worked quite well and I only had to make some small alterations to Horus’s body.
When it was time for me […]

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Program: Graphics

High-Poly Statues

As previously mentioned in this blog, I worked on creating statues for the gods in the game. When I last wrote a post about this I was almost finished with the low-poly for Anubis. I shortly after that started to work on Horus. To make life easier for everybody we decided to reuse Anubis body and replacing the head. This worked quite well and I only had to make some small alterations to Horus’s body.
When it was time for me […]

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Program: Graphics