Browsing '2014 ': Students starting in 2014

Nionde Veckan

Denna vecka har arbete med game states och classer för alla objekt varit fokus.
Genom att få en sprite bild att röra sig på vår bakrund vi har valt så har vi tagit steg framåt mot det färdiga spelet. Mer arbete behövs men vi närmar oss ett fungerande spel.
Framöver blir det att lägga till mer classer för varje objekt som ska in i spelet. Samt flera states för spelet. Vi planerade utöver gamestate ett menue state för en introduktions skärm med […]

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Program: Programming

Nionde Veckan

Denna vecka har arbete med game states och classer för alla objekt varit fokus.
Genom att få en sprite bild att röra sig på vår bakrund vi har valt så har vi tagit steg framåt mot det färdiga spelet. Mer arbete behövs men vi närmar oss ett fungerande spel.
Framöver blir det att lägga till mer classer för varje objekt som ska in i spelet. Samt flera states för spelet. Vi planerade utöver gamestate ett menue state för en introduktions skärm med […]

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Program: Programming

Fienderörelse del 2!

Vi förstod att det skulle behövas en kod i GameState för att få alla fiender att röra sig som vi ville. Jag tog på mig uppgiften för att få det att fungera så min Sebastian och Sigrid kunde göra annat som vi alla tre kunde ha nytta av. Jag började … – Läs hela inlägget här

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Program: Programming

Fienderörelse del 2!

Vi förstod att det skulle behövas en kod i GameState för att få alla fiender att röra sig som vi ville. Jag tog på mig uppgiften för att få det att fungera så min Sebastian och Sigrid kunde göra annat som vi alla tre kunde ha nytta av. Jag började … – Läs hela inlägget här

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Program: Programming


Det börjar likna ett spel som liknar Space Invaders, det är ju bra. Nu ska vi fixa rörelsen för våra Invaders. Vi började koden med hjälp från vår klasskamrat Sigrid där hon hade lagt in den enkla raden “m_x++” i fiendernas Update. Detta fick … – Läs hela inlägget här

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Program: Programming


Det börjar likna ett spel som liknar Space Invaders, det är ju bra. Nu ska vi fixa rörelsen för våra Invaders. Vi började koden med hjälp från vår klasskamrat Sigrid där hon hade lagt in den enkla raden “m_x++” i fiendernas Update. Detta fick … – Läs hela inlägget här

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Program: Programming


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Program: Graphics


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Program: Graphics

Frogger: Week 3

Hi Again!
Sorry for the long waiting for this post. I have been busy celebrating the holidays with friends and family. And therefore I have not been working to hard on this project.
But, right before the celebration started I managed to get my frog to move. My next steps is to create the cars and logs and make them move. I think this will not be a big deal, since I got my frog to move by pressing keys.
After this I […]

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Program: Programming

Frogger: Week 3

Hi Again!
Sorry for the long waiting for this post. I have been busy celebrating the holidays with friends and family. And therefore I have not been working to hard on this project.
But, right before the celebration started I managed to get my frog to move. My next steps is to create the cars and logs and make them move. I think this will not be a big deal, since I got my frog to move by pressing keys.
After this I […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 – Arkanoid & Collision

This week we completed Arkanoid. The game is fully functional and the code is the code we are going to use for our own project. In the final version of Arkanoid, we implemented collision for the different objects in the game. The collision checks if an objects half width plus the other objects half width is bigger than one of the objects width. We also implented SpriteText, this is useful when you want to write out text on your screen.
We have […]

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Program: Programming

Week 5 – Arkanoid & Collision

This week we completed Arkanoid. The game is fully functional and the code is the code we are going to use for our own project. In the final version of Arkanoid, we implemented collision for the different objects in the game. The collision checks if an objects half width plus the other objects half width is bigger than one of the objects width. We also implented SpriteText, this is useful when you want to write out text on your screen.
We have […]

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Program: Programming

week 7: Boomberman Game movement

This week we started by finishing the map it printed out every thing and it looked good! The problem we had was minor. We had said that it should print out blocks solidblocks and background in the wrong order. This was fixxed easy by changing up in what order they was printed out in.
We also started working on movement. We managed to print out the player on screen and got him to walk. But we wanted our movement to be […]

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Program: Programming

week 7: Boomberman Game movement

This week we started by finishing the map it printed out every thing and it looked good! The problem we had was minor. We had said that it should print out blocks solidblocks and background in the wrong order. This was fixxed easy by changing up in what order they was printed out in.
We also started working on movement. We managed to print out the player on screen and got him to walk. But we wanted our movement to be […]

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Program: Programming

week 7: Boomberman Game movement

This week we started by finishing the map it printed out every thing and it looked good! The problem we had was minor. We had said that it should print out blocks solidblocks and background in the wrong order. This was fixxed easy by changing up in what order they was printed out in.
We also started working on movement. We managed to print out the player on screen and got him to walk. But we wanted our movement to be […]

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Program: Programming

week 7: Boomberman Game movement

This week we started by finishing the map it printed out every thing and it looked good! The problem we had was minor. We had said that it should print out blocks solidblocks and background in the wrong order. This was fixxed easy by changing up in what order they was printed out in.
We also started working on movement. We managed to print out the player on screen and got him to walk. But we wanted our movement to be […]

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Program: Programming

Programming: SDL2 Native functions (cont.)

In this post, I want to present remaining important SDL2 functions that were used in Araknoid coding sessions.
First, one more SDL object type.

SDL_Event – a grouping of objects that refer to user input events. Objects of this type are declared by the programmer but are filled with meaningful data by a special function, SDL_PollEvent()

In SDL, when the user moves a mouse, presses a key on the keyboard etc., an input event of appropriate type is added to the event queue. […]

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Program: Programming

Programming: SDL2 Native functions (cont.)

In this post, I want to present remaining important SDL2 functions that were used in Araknoid coding sessions.
First, one more SDL object type.

SDL_Event – a grouping of objects that refer to user input events. Objects of this type are declared by the programmer but are filled with meaningful data by a special function, SDL_PollEvent()

In SDL, when the user moves a mouse, presses a key on the keyboard etc., an input event of appropriate type is added to the event queue. […]

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Program: Programming


Denna vecka har jag jobbat lite mer med kollision. Jag försökte få till att när gubbe går in i en boll så ska bollen försvinna och att dom som är kvar inte längre har någon kollision, alltså att dom blir vanliga sprites igen. Det gick ingen vidare.
Jag försökte även göra rätt men som man kan se på bilden så var inte det så enkelt. Gubben är för liten och pokemonbollarna för stora.
Jag ska försöka fixa det så att jag kan […]

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Program: Programming


Denna vecka har jag jobbat lite mer med kollision. Jag försökte få till att när gubbe går in i en boll så ska bollen försvinna och att dom som är kvar inte längre har någon kollision, alltså att dom blir vanliga sprites igen. Det gick ingen vidare.
Jag försökte även göra rätt men som man kan se på bilden så var inte det så enkelt. Gubben är för liten och pokemonbollarna för stora.
Jag ska försöka fixa det så att jag kan […]

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Program: Programming

Programming: SDL2 Native Functions

We’re using SDL 2 library to create our first games. This library allows low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.
In our first working game, Arkanoid, we used about 20 SDL2’s functions. I’m going to describe them in this post.
SDL_Init() and SDL_Quit()
The two functions initialize and quit the SDL system, respectively. You have to initialize SDL to be able to make use of functions provided by the SDL or to quit it to […]

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Program: Programming

Programming: SDL2 Native Functions

We’re using SDL 2 library to create our first games. This library allows low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.
In our first working game, Arkanoid, we used about 20 SDL2’s functions. I’m going to describe them in this post.
SDL_Init() and SDL_Quit()
The two functions initialize and quit the SDL system, respectively. You have to initialize SDL to be able to make use of functions provided by the SDL or to quit it to […]

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Program: Programming

Week 6 : Boomberman Game

This week we started working on the Map in the game, we made a new Class for SolidBlock. We decided to make the map from a .txt file so we could change the map how we wanted to.
We had loads of problem with getting the code to read from our text file. But then we got it to work by starting over again and review the code from the txt reader lesson.
We finally had our map printed out and when […]

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Program: Programming

Week 6 : Boomberman Game

This week we started working on the Map in the game, we made a new Class for SolidBlock. We decided to make the map from a .txt file so we could change the map how we wanted to.
We had loads of problem with getting the code to read from our text file. But then we got it to work by starting over again and review the code from the txt reader lesson.
We finally had our map printed out and when […]

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Program: Programming