Browsing '2014 ': Students starting in 2014

Space Invaders – Key input

The Arcanoid code we use as the structure for the space invaders clone used mouse input to control the paddle. We wanted to use keyboard input instead so this had to be changed. This task should actually be rather simple, but I had problems to make it work. I spent a lot of time looking at the Arcanoid to figure out where the changes should be made and how to make them.
The problem lied in how I had written SDL_KEYDOWN […]

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Program: Programming

Space Invaders – Key input

The Arcanoid code we use as the structure for the space invaders clone used mouse input to control the paddle. We wanted to use keyboard input instead so this had to be changed. This task should actually be rather simple, but I had problems to make it work. I spent a lot of time looking at the Arcanoid to figure out where the changes should be made and how to make them.
The problem lied in how I had written SDL_KEYDOWN […]

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Program: Programming

Game programming I – Week 7 – 10

During the Christmas, most progress was stalled and I instead tried to learn more programming through videos.
When I got back after the Christmas, we made minor progress with our pellets, but little more.
These weeks have been largely uneventful.
Filed under: 5SD022, Game programming I – 5SD022, University Tagged: Game programming, Pac-man

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Program: Programming

Game programming I – Week 7 – 10

During the Christmas, most progress was stalled and I instead tried to learn more programming through videos.
When I got back after the Christmas, we made minor progress with our pellets, but little more.
These weeks have been largely uneventful.
Filed under: 5SD022, Game programming I – 5SD022, University Tagged: Game programming, Pac-man

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Program: Programming

Week 9 | Red Plane1942

I’ve been working on a menu system by creating classes such as the following:

GUI_Element: Is the base class for all GUI classes.
GUI_Label: Contains a Draw() function and a SpriteText* variable. It can also be parented to another GUI_Element.
GUI_Image: Contains a Draw() function and a Sprite* variable. It can also be parented to another GUI_Element.
GUI_Button: Contains a Draw() and a CheckCollision() function, a Collider* variable, a GUI_Label* variable and two GUI_Image* variables. One image is for the button sprite. The other […]

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Program: Programming

Week 9 | Red Plane1942

I’ve been working on a menu system by creating classes such as the following:

GUI_Element: Is the base class for all GUI classes.
GUI_Label: Contains a Draw() function and a SpriteText* variable. It can also be parented to another GUI_Element.
GUI_Image: Contains a Draw() function and a Sprite* variable. It can also be parented to another GUI_Element.
GUI_Button: Contains a Draw() and a CheckCollision() function, a Collider* variable, a GUI_Label* variable and two GUI_Image* variables. One image is for the button sprite. The other […]

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Program: Programming

Week 9 | Red Plane1942

I’ve been working on a menu system by creating classes such as the following:

GUI_Element: Is the base class for all GUI classes.
GUI_Label: Contains a Draw() function and a SpriteText* variable. It can also be parented to another GUI_Element.
GUI_Image: Contains a Draw() function and a Sprite* variable. It can also be parented to another GUI_Element.
GUI_Button: Contains a Draw() and a CheckCollision() function, a Collider* variable, a GUI_Label* variable and two GUI_Image* variables. One image is for the button sprite. The other […]

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Program: Programming

Week 9 | Red Plane1942

I’ve been working on a menu system by creating classes such as the following:

GUI_Element: Is the base class for all GUI classes.
GUI_Label: Contains a Draw() function and a SpriteText* variable. It can also be parented to another GUI_Element.
GUI_Image: Contains a Draw() function and a Sprite* variable. It can also be parented to another GUI_Element.
GUI_Button: Contains a Draw() and a CheckCollision() function, a Collider* variable, a GUI_Label* variable and two GUI_Image* variables. One image is for the button sprite. The other […]

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Program: Programming


Back to University again! After returning to the island a lot more progress has been made with my project and I now have a hope I might actually have it working in time.
After asking for help I finally managed to sort out my issues with SDLKey refusing to work, so that the block could be moved around on the screen. Once this worked I wrote up some code to make the block stop and freeze when it reaches the bottom […]

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Program: Programming


Back to University again! After returning to the island a lot more progress has been made with my project and I now have a hope I might actually have it working in time.
After asking for help I finally managed to sort out my issues with SDLKey refusing to work, so that the block could be moved around on the screen. Once this worked I wrote up some code to make the block stop and freeze when it reaches the bottom […]

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Program: Programming


Back to University again! After returning to the island a lot more progress has been made with my project and I now have a hope I might actually have it working in time.
After asking for help I finally managed to sort out my issues with SDLKey refusing to work, so that the block could be moved around on the screen. Once this worked I wrote up some code to make the block stop and freeze when it reaches the bottom […]

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Program: Programming


Back to University again! After returning to the island a lot more progress has been made with my project and I now have a hope I might actually have it working in time.
After asking for help I finally managed to sort out my issues with SDLKey refusing to work, so that the block could be moved around on the screen. Once this worked I wrote up some code to make the block stop and freeze when it reaches the bottom […]

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Program: Programming

Dev Diary

Work continues on our final assignment for Game Programming I.

10/1: 16:00 – 21:00
Went over how my partner wrote the Room manager. He took inspiration from the Sprite Manager and made use of enums (he will add documentation eg comments to his code).

Since in our game, walls, doors, and ground tiles do not need an update function (they have no “behaviour,” just information, relationships, sprites and colliders), my partner decided they need not be entities. We termed these “background objects.”

If an […]

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Program: Programming

Dev Diary

Work continues on our final assignment for Game Programming I.

10/1: 16:00 – 21:00
Went over how my partner wrote the Room manager. He took inspiration from the Sprite Manager and made use of enums (he will add documentation eg comments to his code).

Since in our game, walls, doors, and ground tiles do not need an update function (they have no “behaviour,” just information, relationships, sprites and colliders), my partner decided they need not be entities. We termed these “background objects.”

If an […]

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Program: Programming

GamePrograming1 – week 8

Great expectations.
This is the week things really need to start to happen, since  it only be about two weeks left after this one before the game needs to be finished. Though it needs to be presented at least 3-4 days before the deadline, though I do not know what the presentation entails I expect me to have a game to present.
So started of with creating an animation sprite of Mario and programmed it so he could be controlled with the […]

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Program: Programming

GamePrograming1 – week 8

Great expectations.
This is the week things really need to start to happen, since  it only be about two weeks left after this one before the game needs to be finished. Though it needs to be presented at least 3-4 days before the deadline, though I do not know what the presentation entails I expect me to have a game to present.
So started of with creating an animation sprite of Mario and programmed it so he could be controlled with the […]

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Program: Programming

Pokemon Progresseion

So this past week we have actually gotten quite some work done. Successfully gotten a working state manager that handles our different states or as they are in our case different scenes ex. Intro, houses, an open world and a battle phase. I spent my Christmas weeks working on a concept for a state manager I found when browsing through lazy foo´s website and tried to recreate it using a clean version of the arkanoid code we have created up until […]

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Program: Programming

Pokemon Progresseion

So this past week we have actually gotten quite some work done. Successfully gotten a working state manager that handles our different states or as they are in our case different scenes ex. Intro, houses, an open world and a battle phase. I spent my Christmas weeks working on a concept for a state manager I found when browsing through lazy foo´s website and tried to recreate it using a clean version of the arkanoid code we have created up until […]

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Program: Programming

The preassure is building..

We are starting to near the end of the project, and since both me and Johan had some problems working during the hollidays, this week has been quite busy with work. This comming weekend will be the time when we add a lot of features to our project. among the things I did this week was, scrolling camera and collisions. I tried working on menustate, but I have to finnish it tomorrow. har haft lite varierande problem, specifikt SDL_BlitScale när […]

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Program: Programming

The preassure is building..

We are starting to near the end of the project, and since both me and Johan had some problems working during the hollidays, this week has been quite busy with work. This comming weekend will be the time when we add a lot of features to our project. among the things I did this week was, scrolling camera and collisions. I tried working on menustate, but I have to finnish it tomorrow. har haft lite varierande problem, specifikt SDL_BlitScale när […]

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Program: Programming

Pre-Week 16: Finished Lighting Character

So, the lighting of the character is now finished. Originally I worked on lighting a shiny sphere and the result I achieved can be seen below.

The basic idea to applying light to any object is to first cover the object in a single color. Second you determine where the light source is in relation to the object, then color the area that is closest to the light source in a brighter gradient, while areas farther from or not touched […]

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Program: Graphics

Pre-Week 16: Finished Lighting Character

So, the lighting of the character is now finished. Originally I worked on lighting a shiny sphere and the result I achieved can be seen below.

The basic idea to applying light to any object is to first cover the object in a single color. Second you determine where the light source is in relation to the object, then color the area that is closest to the light source in a brighter gradient, while areas farther from or not touched […]

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Program: Graphics


So this week I’ve started working on the project for real, a bit late but I think we can manage.
I’ve been working on a HUD-class that so far displays a sprite on top of everything else. The HUD is going to display the score and the a timer.
Today me and Erik have merged our projects by sitting next to each other and copying from one project to the other, not very time efficient, but we had a hard time learning […]

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Program: Programming


So this week I’ve started working on the project for real, a bit late but I think we can manage.
I’ve been working on a HUD-class that so far displays a sprite on top of everything else. The HUD is going to display the score and the a timer.
Today me and Erik have merged our projects by sitting next to each other and copying from one project to the other, not very time efficient, but we had a hard time learning […]

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Program: Programming