Browsing '2014 ': Students starting in 2014

Mole Munch – Dev log 2

Denna vecka har allt mitt fokus gått till att skapa ett vattenflöde. Detta har skapats för att fylla tunnlarna som mullvaden har grävt under marken. Varför detta vattenflöde är användbart är för att spelaren inte ska kunna vara inaktiv för länge, även fast hen är under marken. Därför finns detta vattenflöde för att skapa känslan av ett konstant hot.
Vattenflödet i detta stadiet är inte helt färdigt, vi programmerare hade ett möte med vår programmeringslärare där vi fick en idé om […]

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Program: Programming

Mole Munch – Dev log 2

Denna vecka har allt mitt fokus gått till att skapa ett vattenflöde. Detta har skapats för att fylla tunnlarna som mullvaden har grävt under marken. Varför detta vattenflöde är användbart är för att spelaren inte ska kunna vara inaktiv för länge, även fast hen är under marken. Därför finns detta vattenflöde för att skapa känslan av ett konstant hot.
Vattenflödet i detta stadiet är inte helt färdigt, vi programmerare hade ett möte med vår programmeringslärare där vi fick en idé om […]

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Program: Programming

Space Shooter Development – Upper Floor Walls

New week, new blog post. Last Thursday I wrote about painting the walls in a basement level of a 2D topdown game, from a frankly bizarre perspective, as shown here

Confused by what’s going on in this picture? So were most people who have seen it, and, during this Monday’s playtesting, most people who played it were no more clear, even with the context of the rest of the level (floors, space to move in and so on).
So, that very […]

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Program: Graphics

Space Shooter Development – Upper Floor Walls

New week, new blog post. Last Thursday I wrote about painting the walls in a basement level of a 2D topdown game, from a frankly bizarre perspective, as shown here

Confused by what’s going on in this picture? So were most people who have seen it, and, during this Monday’s playtesting, most people who played it were no more clear, even with the context of the rest of the level (floors, space to move in and so on).
So, that very […]

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Program: Graphics

Objects and Tilesheets

This week I worked on our teams collidable objects, or furniture. I worked on designing and organizing them into a larger tilesheet. We in Team 4 wanted our levels in Fancy Mansion to feel cluttered so in order to achieve that feel we needed a lot of furniture/objects and decorative items. The planning process began by listing all the objects in a list and counting them. Once I knew that much I designated a preliminary sizes. Each size was counted […]

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Program: Graphics

Objects and Tilesheets

This week I worked on our teams collidable objects, or furniture. I worked on designing and organizing them into a larger tilesheet. We in Team 4 wanted our levels in Fancy Mansion to feel cluttered so in order to achieve that feel we needed a lot of furniture/objects and decorative items. The planning process began by listing all the objects in a list and counting them. Once I knew that much I designated a preliminary sizes. Each size was counted […]

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Program: Graphics

Making the bat fly (and dash)

The deadline for alpha is closing in on us and our little bat game. Still the stress to get the features needed into the game isn’t really that bad. We have the situation under control, I think.
This week my main focus has been on the controls of the bat, our game’s avatar. After the playtesting session we got a lot of feedback that our controls felt sluggish, slow and that the bat was to difficult to maneuver through the level. […]

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Program: Programming

Making the bat fly (and dash)

The deadline for alpha is closing in on us and our little bat game. Still the stress to get the features needed into the game isn’t really that bad. We have the situation under control, I think.
This week my main focus has been on the controls of the bat, our game’s avatar. After the playtesting session we got a lot of feedback that our controls felt sluggish, slow and that the bat was to difficult to maneuver through the level. […]

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Program: Programming

week 5, Space Shooter Project

This week is just as busy as any other! I think I have gotten a bit better at planning how much work I can take on, and how long it will take. I have to consider and plan carefully due to my other classes. Goal number one for this week, don´t die, -check! The second goal for this week is to finishing making two enemies and to animate them before the end of the sprint.
The style of our game is […]

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Program: Graphics

week 5, Space Shooter Project

This week is just as busy as any other! I think I have gotten a bit better at planning how much work I can take on, and how long it will take. I have to consider and plan carefully due to my other classes. Goal number one for this week, don´t die, -check! The second goal for this week is to finishing making two enemies and to animate them before the end of the sprint.
The style of our game is […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 – Monster dying sprite

Hi again!
The last few days, I have been working on another sprite, and this time for when our monsters dies.
I didn’t really know how to tackle this sprite at the start and I more or less just tried working it out as I went on. We had talked in the group about visualizing it by letting the monster sink in to the ocean and disappear. So at least I had something to go on and when doing the sprite. One […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 5 – Monster dying sprite

Hi again!
The last few days, I have been working on another sprite, and this time for when our monsters dies.
I didn’t really know how to tackle this sprite at the start and I more or less just tried working it out as I went on. We had talked in the group about visualizing it by letting the monster sink in to the ocean and disappear. So at least I had something to go on and when doing the sprite. One […]

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Program: Graphics

2D2 Character design

Last week we got an assignment to create three different character designs for one single character. This was a fun and different assignment because up to this point when I have designed a character I have thought about what I wanted and then done that. But this assignment forced me to think a little further and create a few different alternatives in terms of style, probably what it will be like when I get out of school and start working.

When […]

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Program: Graphics

2D2 Character design

Last week we got an assignment to create three different character designs for one single character. This was a fun and different assignment because up to this point when I have designed a character I have thought about what I wanted and then done that. But this assignment forced me to think a little further and create a few different alternatives in terms of style, probably what it will be like when I get out of school and start working.

When […]

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Program: Graphics

Team 12 Game Development Report 2 – Sonar projectile

In this weeks development report I will go through the creation of the sonar beam artifact, its purposes in the game and how I made it in c++ with visual studio.
What the sonar beam is: The sonar beam is teams 12 games only projectile. It is a projectile which will travel from the player through out the screen, clearing and destroying all of the enemies present on the current screen. The sonar wave will be what is called a ”smart […]

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Program: Programming

Team 12 Game Development Report 2 – Sonar projectile

In this weeks development report I will go through the creation of the sonar beam artifact, its purposes in the game and how I made it in c++ with visual studio.
What the sonar beam is: The sonar beam is teams 12 games only projectile. It is a projectile which will travel from the player through out the screen, clearing and destroying all of the enemies present on the current screen. The sonar wave will be what is called a ”smart […]

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Program: Programming

Game development process week 5

Last week I talked about how I thought when I was creating the sprite for the ranged enemy and some images from the development process. This week I have been working on the sprite for the astronaut which is the main character for the game. At the beginning we used an image from the concept just to get a picture of how large everything would be in the game and to have something nicer than a black square for a […]

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Program: Graphics

Game development process week 5

Last week I talked about how I thought when I was creating the sprite for the ranged enemy and some images from the development process. This week I have been working on the sprite for the astronaut which is the main character for the game. At the beginning we used an image from the concept just to get a picture of how large everything would be in the game and to have something nicer than a black square for a […]

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Program: Graphics

Tile-Set Implementation

This weeks blog post will be about the implementation of the tile-set. The main part of the tile-system is how it reads from a file.
The main function of the file reading system is called explode. Explode works in such a way that it creates a  vector for parts. The functions parameter defines what the delimiter will be and what sort of text it contains.
The function works in such a way that if I have a row of text in a […]

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Program: Programming

Tile-Set Implementation

This weeks blog post will be about the implementation of the tile-set. The main part of the tile-system is how it reads from a file.
The main function of the file reading system is called explode. Explode works in such a way that it creates a  vector for parts. The functions parameter defines what the delimiter will be and what sort of text it contains.
The function works in such a way that if I have a row of text in a […]

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Program: Programming

Game Development – Introduction: Week 4

Last week we handed in our Game Design Document and (since it ate 25 hours of my time last week, leaving little time for anything else) that’s what this post will be about (so you have been warned). Note that this blog post will not be the actual contents and nitpicks of the design document (since that’s what the document is for) but rather a description of the structure of our document. Hopefully you’ll find at least something valuable in […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Development – Introduction: Week 4

Last week we handed in our Game Design Document and (since it ate 25 hours of my time last week, leaving little time for anything else) that’s what this post will be about (so you have been warned). Note that this blog post will not be the actual contents and nitpicks of the design document (since that’s what the document is for) but rather a description of the structure of our document. Hopefully you’ll find at least something valuable in […]

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Program: Graphics

2D Game Project: State Flowchart

So another week is soon at its end and the game is coming along nicely. I sent it to a couple of friends to try it out and we also had a game testing session with the other groups from our class. Not only did we get a lot of feedback for our game we also had the opportunity to test the other projects. I personally is very impressed with the lot of them. Its really insane that we all […]

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Program: Graphics

2D Game Project: State Flowchart

So another week is soon at its end and the game is coming along nicely. I sent it to a couple of friends to try it out and we also had a game testing session with the other groups from our class. Not only did we get a lot of feedback for our game we also had the opportunity to test the other projects. I personally is very impressed with the lot of them. Its really insane that we all […]

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Program: Graphics