Browsing '2014 ': Students starting in 2014


In order to relay information to the player we needed a way to give the player the right information needed at the right time. To do this we created the Handheld Artificial Companion, or H.A.C. for short. This allows us to relay information in the games universe without breaking the immersion that we want to achieve. The name comes from the narrative created by our level designer while he was designing the levels for the game.

The H.A.C. displays the text in a […]

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Program: Programming


In order to relay information to the player we needed a way to give the player the right information needed at the right time. To do this we created the Handheld Artificial Companion, or H.A.C. for short. This allows us to relay information in the games universe without breaking the immersion that we want to achieve. The name comes from the narrative created by our level designer while he was designing the levels for the game.

The H.A.C. displays the text in a […]

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Program: Programming

Weekly blog assignment #5

Hi everyone!
I started out this week with finishing my bounce power-up, I did have some troubles with it as it had some bugs. After spending a considerable amount of time on it I asked for help from our lead code, after a few iterations we were able to solve it and now it works fine (most of the time).
The main thing I worked on this week was creating a instructions state, where the players can see two pictures that explains […]

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Program: Programming

Weekly blog assignment #5

Hi everyone!
I started out this week with finishing my bounce power-up, I did have some troubles with it as it had some bugs. After spending a considerable amount of time on it I asked for help from our lead code, after a few iterations we were able to solve it and now it works fine (most of the time).
The main thing I worked on this week was creating a instructions state, where the players can see two pictures that explains […]

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Program: Programming

GameDev: Reacting to the dangers of Mole Munch

This week, I have been working on making Mole Munch feel more like an actual game by applying consequences to messing up, and a score based on the amount of vegetables the mole has eaten. First and foremost my task was to apply a game over screen which activates when the player collides with either gardener or flooding water.

This screen was all that I got to draw this week :b

This was all fine and dandy, but by adding consequences to messing […]

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Program: Graphics

GameDev: Reacting to the dangers of Mole Munch

This week, I have been working on making Mole Munch feel more like an actual game by applying consequences to messing up, and a score based on the amount of vegetables the mole has eaten. First and foremost my task was to apply a game over screen which activates when the player collides with either gardener or flooding water.

This screen was all that I got to draw this week :b

This was all fine and dandy, but by adding consequences to messing […]

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Program: Graphics

Magic Writer – Week 5

This week has been very hectic for me with loads of school work. You can say that last week was wake up call when a friend of mine mentioned that we only have few weeks left of this course, this made me realize that I don’t have much time left for some old lingering works that needs to be done as soon as possible. Due to my sudden change in priorities I have sadly not put that much time on […]

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Program: Graphics

Magic Writer – Week 5

This week has been very hectic for me with loads of school work. You can say that last week was wake up call when a friend of mine mentioned that we only have few weeks left of this course, this made me realize that I don’t have much time left for some old lingering works that needs to be done as soon as possible. Due to my sudden change in priorities I have sadly not put that much time on […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling – Introduktion – projektarbetet / vecka 8

Senast jobbade jag med något som vi kallar för en warm up screen. Detta är som en mini tutorial innan spelet drar igång för att spelaren snabbt ska kunna få en bild över hur man spelar utan att behöva hoppa in i tutorial state. Vi kände att vårat spel har behov av detta för att våra kontroller är inte självklara, och för att vi vill förklara sambandet mellan att trollkarlen tänker på något, spelaren skriver det avtaren har i tankebubblan […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling – Introduktion – projektarbetet / vecka 8

Senast jobbade jag med något som vi kallar för en warm up screen. Detta är som en mini tutorial innan spelet drar igång för att spelaren snabbt ska kunna få en bild över hur man spelar utan att behöva hoppa in i tutorial state. Vi kände att vårat spel har behov av detta för att våra kontroller är inte självklara, och för att vi vill förklara sambandet mellan att trollkarlen tänker på något, spelaren skriver det avtaren har i tankebubblan […]

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Program: Graphics

Dragon Song Blogpost 5

This week has been a bit of a roller coaster. It started of fine. I was doing good on my way to finish my work with the background and parallaxing layers for the beta presentation tomorrow. But as it turned out, because of unforeseen events, I had to put aside the last parallax layer and divert my attention to other things.
This Wednesday we presented our games art assets for feedback and we got a lot of good feedback. Some we […]

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Program: Graphics

Dragon Song Blogpost 5

This week has been a bit of a roller coaster. It started of fine. I was doing good on my way to finish my work with the background and parallaxing layers for the beta presentation tomorrow. But as it turned out, because of unforeseen events, I had to put aside the last parallax layer and divert my attention to other things.
This Wednesday we presented our games art assets for feedback and we got a lot of good feedback. Some we […]

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Program: Graphics

”Wanted Animation”

The beta-crunch is on and this week our group have been totally focused on adding the last, important features to our game. But also cutting the features that we won’t be able to add in time for beta or final.
In our game the players avatar, the bat, has many different states that are all represented by a change of animation to the bat. Examples of these is: “flying” -the normal animation cycle of the bat flying without any powerup, “greenP” […]

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Program: Programming

”Wanted Animation”

The beta-crunch is on and this week our group have been totally focused on adding the last, important features to our game. But also cutting the features that we won’t be able to add in time for beta or final.
In our game the players avatar, the bat, has many different states that are all represented by a change of animation to the bat. Examples of these is: “flying” -the normal animation cycle of the bat flying without any powerup, “greenP” […]

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Program: Programming

Space Shooter Project Blog: Post #5

For this post I will cover the cryopod asset present of the ship of our game. This will replace the beds I created previously, as they simply didn’t fit thematically nor with the narrative I myself wrote for the game. Go figure. Either way, this is the process of the cryopod creation.

Since I knew one of our cinematic images had portrayed a cryopod as displayed in the picture above, I figured this was as good a place to start […]

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Program: Graphics

Space Shooter Project Blog: Post #5

For this post I will cover the cryopod asset present of the ship of our game. This will replace the beds I created previously, as they simply didn’t fit thematically nor with the narrative I myself wrote for the game. Go figure. Either way, this is the process of the cryopod creation.

Since I knew one of our cinematic images had portrayed a cryopod as displayed in the picture above, I figured this was as good a place to start […]

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Program: Graphics

Fancy Mansion – Artificial Intelligence

Last week I did some pre-work for making path-finding work in our game, and this week’s work took off right after last week’s work ended. This week I have been working with getting the AI for Mr. Fancy implemented, making him move to the location where the player made a sound (i.e. when the player is running). Something I have also implemented is a kind of a field of view for Mr. Fancy, which makes him chase the player if they […]

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Program: Programming

Fancy Mansion – Artificial Intelligence

Last week I did some pre-work for making path-finding work in our game, and this week’s work took off right after last week’s work ended. This week I have been working with getting the AI for Mr. Fancy implemented, making him move to the location where the player made a sound (i.e. when the player is running). Something I have also implemented is a kind of a field of view for Mr. Fancy, which makes him chase the player if they […]

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Program: Programming

Week 8 of the Piñata – HUD in a different order

This is a continuation on last weeks work, which was on the GUI and HUD. In short I were making the different bars and working out effects that tells the player what is going on while they play the game. For this week I have changed it around as well as tweeked some shapes in it.
The week kicked off with playtesting of our game and we gathered the feedback and went over it, discussing how we could use it and […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8 of the Piñata – HUD in a different order

This is a continuation on last weeks work, which was on the GUI and HUD. In short I were making the different bars and working out effects that tells the player what is going on while they play the game. For this week I have changed it around as well as tweeked some shapes in it.
The week kicked off with playtesting of our game and we gathered the feedback and went over it, discussing how we could use it and […]

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Program: Graphics

Veckan innan Beta

Detta är den sista veckan innan Beta och Beta presentation imorgon bitti. Jag har varit så stressad och haft så mycket saker att göra denna vecka. Tyvärr det ha varit som när man har så mycket att göra så att du bara inte kan få något gjort alls. Jag har haft en riktigt dålig vecka där jag har jobbat lite på designen dokumentet (läs om det här) för att uppdatera det, vi har också fått feedback på dokumentet från […]

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Program: Programming

Veckan innan Beta

Detta är den sista veckan innan Beta och Beta presentation imorgon bitti. Jag har varit så stressad och haft så mycket saker att göra denna vecka. Tyvärr det ha varit som när man har så mycket att göra så att du bara inte kan få något gjort alls. Jag har haft en riktigt dålig vecka där jag har jobbat lite på designen dokumentet (läs om det här) för att uppdatera det, vi har också fått feedback på dokumentet från […]

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Program: Programming


In order to relay information to the player we needed a way to give the player the right information needed at the right time. To do this we created the Handheld Artificial Companion, or H.A.C. for short. This allows us to relay information in the games universe without breaking the immersion that we want to achieve. The name comes from the narrative created by our level designer while he was designing the levels for the game.

The H.A.C. displays the text in a […]

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Program: Programming


In order to relay information to the player we needed a way to give the player the right information needed at the right time. To do this we created the Handheld Artificial Companion, or H.A.C. for short. This allows us to relay information in the games universe without breaking the immersion that we want to achieve. The name comes from the narrative created by our level designer while he was designing the levels for the game.

The H.A.C. displays the text in a […]

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Program: Programming