Browsing '2014 ': Students starting in 2014

Spelutveckling #5

Det är svårt att välja en artefakt att skriva om denna vecka eftersom att vi just nu jobbar med att förbättra det sista på spelet som bland annat att förbättra features, byta ut placeholder ljud och sprites och ta bort minnesläckor. Så jag kommer bara gå igenom vad jag har jobbat på för förbättringar till spelet denna vecka.
så till och börja med har jag denna vecka jobbat på att byta ut placeholder ljud i vårat spel Magic Writer. Jag har […]

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Program: Programming

Spelutveckling #5

Det är svårt att välja en artefakt att skriva om denna vecka eftersom att vi just nu jobbar med att förbättra det sista på spelet som bland annat att förbättra features, byta ut placeholder ljud och sprites och ta bort minnesläckor. Så jag kommer bara gå igenom vad jag har jobbat på för förbättringar till spelet denna vecka.
så till och börja med har jag denna vecka jobbat på att byta ut placeholder ljud i vårat spel Magic Writer. Jag har […]

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Program: Programming


This week I’ve been implementing the tutorial for our game Trespawsser, and for change I’m going to focus on the design aspect rather than the coding aspect of this artifact, however I will briefly touch on the code as well.
The tutorial is pretty standard, and nothing I am particularly proud of, and I will come back to why that is later.
The tutorial is built in the main level, so there is no external “training area”. This is because we wanted […]

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Program: Programming


This week I’ve been implementing the tutorial for our game Trespawsser, and for change I’m going to focus on the design aspect rather than the coding aspect of this artifact, however I will briefly touch on the code as well.
The tutorial is pretty standard, and nothing I am particularly proud of, and I will come back to why that is later.
The tutorial is built in the main level, so there is no external “training area”. This is because we wanted […]

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Program: Programming

Sista blogginlägget

Denna vecka har varit rätt seg för mig för har legat hemma med feber ett par dagar och bara mått riktigt kasst. Som tur är är det inte så mycket programmering kvar innan final nästa vecka! Så jag har helt enkelt fokuserat på kompletteringen av design dokumentet samt att jobba på de två rapporter som jag ska lämna in nästa vecka.

Jag har skrivit lite om design dokumentet tidigare här, det var tre saker som behövdes kompletteras och det var:

GUI. […]

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Program: Programming

Sista blogginlägget

Denna vecka har varit rätt seg för mig för har legat hemma med feber ett par dagar och bara mått riktigt kasst. Som tur är är det inte så mycket programmering kvar innan final nästa vecka! Så jag har helt enkelt fokuserat på kompletteringen av design dokumentet samt att jobba på de två rapporter som jag ska lämna in nästa vecka.

Jag har skrivit lite om design dokumentet tidigare här, det var tre saker som behövdes kompletteras och det var:

GUI. […]

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Program: Programming

The Last Signal. Post #6: AI for enemy type 2

This is the last post which is required in the course 5SD033Introduction to Game Development.
Over the period of about 2 months, our game, “The Last Signal”, has evolved from nothing to almost a playable game – with colourful backgrounds, vivid animations for the player and the enemies, power-ups  and a room transition system. The game employs data-driven object creation (rooms, animations and sound effects are created during run-time from data in external text files), some interesting AI and player movement control with the mouse.
There […]

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Program: Programming

The Last Signal. Post #6: AI for enemy type 2

This is the last post which is required in the course 5SD033Introduction to Game Development.
Over the period of about 2 months, our game, “The Last Signal”, has evolved from nothing to almost a playable game – with colourful backgrounds, vivid animations for the player and the enemies, power-ups  and a room transition system. The game employs data-driven object creation (rooms, animations and sound effects are created during run-time from data in external text files), some interesting AI and player movement control with the mouse.
There […]

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Program: Programming

The Final Level

They never seem to end, these levels.
Levels have been remade, redesigned, rearranged and reevaluated at a ridiculous rate. The final outcome, purely from a design perspective, is fine. The levels flow nicely into each other and there seems to be a difficulty progression that suits our needs. Feedback from playtesters has, generally, been positive. The desired aesthetics are met. However, looking at the narrative, we fail to deliver.
Ambient Pressure does not deliver much narrative. The player is instantly thrown into […]

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Program: Graphics

The Final Level

They never seem to end, these levels.
Levels have been remade, redesigned, rearranged and reevaluated at a ridiculous rate. The final outcome, purely from a design perspective, is fine. The levels flow nicely into each other and there seems to be a difficulty progression that suits our needs. Feedback from playtesters has, generally, been positive. The desired aesthetics are met. However, looking at the narrative, we fail to deliver.
Ambient Pressure does not deliver much narrative. The player is instantly thrown into […]

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Program: Graphics

Space Dev 6 – Making friends

In an unusual sense of the phrase, as in this week (along with an assortment of random task nobody else had time to do) I made the sprite of the player thief’s friend and accomplice.
We’ve had some discussion along the road about what, in the setting, happens to the stuff the player steals. The concept doc wasn’t entirely clear on the matter, so eventually we settled for adding an additional character for the sole purpose of helping that make sense […]

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Program: Graphics

Space Dev 6 – Making friends

In an unusual sense of the phrase, as in this week (along with an assortment of random task nobody else had time to do) I made the sprite of the player thief’s friend and accomplice.
We’ve had some discussion along the road about what, in the setting, happens to the stuff the player steals. The concept doc wasn’t entirely clear on the matter, so eventually we settled for adding an additional character for the sole purpose of helping that make sense […]

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Program: Graphics

More AI and Fixing of Logical Flaws

This weeks blog post will be about fixing logical flaws which existed in the code. The flaws in this case was to calculate distances and directions.   The main problem is the AI for the enemies, the AI has been a occurring problem through out most of my blog posts.
Right now the problem is priority and overall behavior of the enemies. Each enemy currently checks the distance from each tower and the player. Though if a enemy is close to […]

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Program: Programming

More AI and Fixing of Logical Flaws

This weeks blog post will be about fixing logical flaws which existed in the code. The flaws in this case was to calculate distances and directions.   The main problem is the AI for the enemies, the AI has been a occurring problem through out most of my blog posts.
Right now the problem is priority and overall behavior of the enemies. Each enemy currently checks the distance from each tower and the player. Though if a enemy is close to […]

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Program: Programming

Enemy 2 attack artifact, and a little bit of projectiles

Hi again, time for the weekly update and it is about animation!
I have been working on a more animation this week, regarding the attack animation for Enemy 2 and its projectile design.
You should all be familiar with my animation workflow by now since I have been writing about animation on almost every post for the past few weeks. I will to a short summary for you who are not familiar with it. It is all based on having a solid […]

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Program: Graphics

Enemy 2 attack artifact, and a little bit of projectiles

Hi again, time for the weekly update and it is about animation!
I have been working on a more animation this week, regarding the attack animation for Enemy 2 and its projectile design.
You should all be familiar with my animation workflow by now since I have been writing about animation on almost every post for the past few weeks. I will to a short summary for you who are not familiar with it. It is all based on having a solid […]

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Program: Graphics


Last week blog post for this course has finally arrived!
This week have been about to strap things up for the final version of our game. I have done some small changes to the game that I will write a bit about.
In the last week blog post I wrote about how I made the buttons and finishing up the background for the main menu. This week I did some small changes as adding who has done our music in our game, […]

Program: Graphics


Last week blog post for this course has finally arrived!
This week have been about to strap things up for the final version of our game. I have done some small changes to the game that I will write a bit about.
In the last week blog post I wrote about how I made the buttons and finishing up the background for the main menu. This week I did some small changes as adding who has done our music in our game, […]

Program: Graphics

Week 9: Tutorial

This week, the group and I have worked on a possible tutorial for our game. We did not want it to be something the player has to go through and repeat every time they restart the game, but instead something that feels more optional to the player, or something they can simply ignore in case they already know how to play.
We already have a separate part of the level which is dedicated to teaching the player things – it consists […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 9: Tutorial

This week, the group and I have worked on a possible tutorial for our game. We did not want it to be something the player has to go through and repeat every time they restart the game, but instead something that feels more optional to the player, or something they can simply ignore in case they already know how to play.
We already have a separate part of the level which is dedicated to teaching the player things – it consists […]

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Program: Graphics

New lava monster

This is the week of our crunch. Next week I plan to dedicate to writing reports and maybe doing some small tweaks on the game. We have made some changes to our gameplay since the property system was not clear enough. Before we had four types of enemies and four types of items and that lead to some confusion. It was clear to most people that ice dealt more damages towards fire and vice versa but the connection between dead […]

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Program: Graphics

New lava monster

This is the week of our crunch. Next week I plan to dedicate to writing reports and maybe doing some small tweaks on the game. We have made some changes to our gameplay since the property system was not clear enough. Before we had four types of enemies and four types of items and that lead to some confusion. It was clear to most people that ice dealt more damages towards fire and vice versa but the connection between dead […]

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Program: Graphics

Creating a Sound Wave Charge Meter

In my last blog post, I wrote about how I animated a huge sound wave that will move over the screen and destroy any enemies that comes in its way. The attack is charged by rapidly tapping a key until the attack is ready. To show when the sound wave is ready to be launched, I have created a meter that fills up while you tap the key.
I re-used the score multiplier that […]

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Program: Graphics

Creating a Sound Wave Charge Meter

In my last blog post, I wrote about how I animated a huge sound wave that will move over the screen and destroy any enemies that comes in its way. The attack is charged by rapidly tapping a key until the attack is ready. To show when the sound wave is ready to be launched, I have created a meter that fills up while you tap the key.
I re-used the score multiplier that […]

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Program: Graphics