Browsing '2014 ': Students starting in 2014

MoCap shoot & Georgian house

I feel like I’m suddenly much worse at updating this blog. Let’s fix that!
In the past two weeks I have been working with MoCap and 3DII, which has been interesting.
In our MoCap class our assignment has been to shoot some takes involving a staff, and later to clean those takes. I did the shoot with two other guys, and I got to be the actor!

It was a lot of fun 🙂 I’ve never done any acting before, but I like to […]

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Program: Graphics

MoCap shoot & Georgian house

I feel like I’m suddenly much worse at updating this blog. Let’s fix that!
In the past two weeks I have been working with MoCap and 3DII, which has been interesting.
In our MoCap class our assignment has been to shoot some takes involving a staff, and later to clean those takes. I did the shoot with two other guys, and I got to be the actor!

It was a lot of fun 🙂 I’ve never done any acting before, but I like to […]

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Program: Graphics

Landlord´s Quest

Landlord´s QuestBoardgameAdvanced Game Design Course

The last assignment of my course Advanced Game Design was to together with a team of five classmates in two weeks time analyse six boardgames gain inspiration and then create a own board game within the time period of two weeks. Within this time period team Ghoul created a boardgame called Landlord’s Quest. 
About the boardgame Landlord´s QuestLandlord´s Quest is a world building game where 2-6 players have to build a world with tiles […]

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Program: Graphics

Landlord´s Quest

Landlord´s QuestBoardgameAdvanced Game Design Course

The last assignment of my course Advanced Game Design was to together with a team of five classmates in two weeks time analyse six boardgames gain inspiration and then create a own board game within the time period of two weeks. Within this time period team Ghoul created a boardgame called Landlord’s Quest. 
About the boardgame Landlord´s QuestLandlord´s Quest is a world building game where 2-6 players have to build a world with tiles […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelprog v.2

Denna vecka har vi fått lära oss att rita ut 3D objekt! Vi har fått lära oss saker som ”Vertex, shader, buffer”.
Vertex – Vertriser, är punkter i ett objekt som har koordinater. Med vertriserna ritar  vi ut trianglar och med flera trianglar får vi ut olika 3D objekt.
Shader – När det gäller datorgrafik, är en Shader ett datorprogram som används för att göra shading: produktion av lämpliga nivåer av färg i en bild, eller, i modern tid, också att skapa specialeffekter eller […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.2

Denna vecka har vi fått lära oss att rita ut 3D objekt! Vi har fått lära oss saker som ”Vertex, shader, buffer”.
Vertex – Vertriser, är punkter i ett objekt som har koordinater. Med vertriserna ritar  vi ut trianglar och med flera trianglar får vi ut olika 3D objekt.
Shader – När det gäller datorgrafik, är en Shader ett datorprogram som används för att göra shading: produktion av lämpliga nivåer av färg i en bild, eller, i modern tid, också att skapa specialeffekter eller […]

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Program: Programming

Fenris Character Model in 3D

Fenris Character Model3DI course
Long time no see! I have been very busy with the last assignment in my first 3D course.For the last assignment I had to model a character for a video game. However I was not supposed to create the character from my own concept, I was given a character by one of my classmates. The character was Fenris.
The Modelling ProcessFenris is an elven warrior. Molded by his time as slave he is extremely distrutful of mages, and […]

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Program: Graphics

Fenris Character Model in 3D

Fenris Character Model3DI course
Long time no see! I have been very busy with the last assignment in my first 3D course.For the last assignment I had to model a character for a video game. However I was not supposed to create the character from my own concept, I was given a character by one of my classmates. The character was Fenris.
The Modelling ProcessFenris is an elven warrior. Molded by his time as slave he is extremely distrutful of mages, and […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelprog v.1

Vi har fått uppgift att skapa en Linked List och Binärt Sökträd.
Linked List är:
En länkad lista är en dynamisk datastruktur som används inom programmering. Att den är dynamisk innebär att den enkelt kan öka och minska i storlek efter behov, till skillnad från till exempel en array, som har en fix storlek. I en länkad lista kan även element läggas till och tas bort i mitten.
En länkad lista innehåller noll eller flera noder. […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.1

Vi har fått uppgift att skapa en Linked List och Binärt Sökträd.
Linked List är:
En länkad lista är en dynamisk datastruktur som används inom programmering. Att den är dynamisk innebär att den enkelt kan öka och minska i storlek efter behov, till skillnad från till exempel en array, som har en fix storlek. I en länkad lista kan även element läggas till och tas bort i mitten.
En länkad lista innehåller noll eller flera noder. […]

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Program: Programming

Motion Capture and 3DII

So last week was the last week of the first two course of my second year here, which means this week two new courses started!
First off, we had Motion Capture, which was really cool! I kind of expected us to only do theoretical stuff and talk about the software we’re going to use, but our teacher Nataska had two students from the class dress up in black velcro suits and act out some fighting scenes! One of us also got […]

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Program: Graphics

Motion Capture and 3DII

So last week was the last week of the first two course of my second year here, which means this week two new courses started!
First off, we had Motion Capture, which was really cool! I kind of expected us to only do theoretical stuff and talk about the software we’re going to use, but our teacher Nataska had two students from the class dress up in black velcro suits and act out some fighting scenes! One of us also got […]

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Program: Graphics

Finished character modeling & board game!

This week the first two courses of year two ended! I really feel like I’ve learned a lot, especially when it comes to 3D.
Here’s the final version of Quinn:

And some details:
Quite a big step from last week, I think! I have to say, I’m very pleased with the result. It’s a bit strange to think that a couple of months ago I could barely make a box in 3DsMax and now I can create […]

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Program: Graphics

Finished character modeling & board game!

This week the first two courses of year two ended! I really feel like I’ve learned a lot, especially when it comes to 3D.
Here’s the final version of Quinn:

And some details:
Quite a big step from last week, I think! I have to say, I’m very pleased with the result. It’s a bit strange to think that a couple of months ago I could barely make a box in 3DsMax and now I can create […]

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Program: Graphics

3D-I Character modeling and texturing

So it’s been a while since the last post. During that time we’ve been entering the world of character modeling and texturing, both very new to me. For our third assignment in the 3D-I-course we had to both work according to another classmate’s concept art and art direction as well as direct the person bringing our own concept art into 3D.
For my concept art I got this guy, named “Peanut”:

I discovered fairly quickly that some elements about this design, while […]

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Program: Graphics

3D-I Character modeling and texturing

So it’s been a while since the last post. During that time we’ve been entering the world of character modeling and texturing, both very new to me. For our third assignment in the 3D-I-course we had to both work according to another classmate’s concept art and art direction as well as direct the person bringing our own concept art into 3D.
For my concept art I got this guy, named “Peanut”:

I discovered fairly quickly that some elements about this design, while […]

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Program: Graphics

Character modeling & board games pt 3

Boring titles, I know. I’m out of creativity.
Anyway, this week we’ve continued working with out 3D models. We’ve created UVs and started working on textures. So far I pretty much only have flat colors for Quinn, so this is what he’s looking like now:

Not any less creepy than the last time you saw him. I think the lack of eyebrows and eyelashes is making him look freaky. However, I do like his overall color scheme. (He looks […]

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Program: Graphics

Character modeling & board games pt 3

Boring titles, I know. I’m out of creativity.
Anyway, this week we’ve continued working with out 3D models. We’ve created UVs and started working on textures. So far I pretty much only have flat colors for Quinn, so this is what he’s looking like now:

Not any less creepy than the last time you saw him. I think the lack of eyebrows and eyelashes is making him look freaky. However, I do like his overall color scheme. (He looks […]

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Program: Graphics

Final 3D1 Assignment part 1

Back again, and now I’m going to make a short introduction of the current assignment. We are modelling characters, and I’m modelling this quirky creature created by Charlie Eliasson.

Her name is Askanderiya. A former librarian of library of Alexandria.I’m sadly going to be brief about this too, since I finished the model a week ago or so.

This is the model so far. The model itself is finished, and […]

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Program: Graphics

Final 3D1 Assignment part 1

Back again, and now I’m going to make a short introduction of the current assignment. We are modelling characters, and I’m modelling this quirky creature created by Charlie Eliasson.

Her name is Askanderiya. A former librarian of library of Alexandria.I’m sadly going to be brief about this too, since I finished the model a week ago or so.

This is the model so far. The model itself is finished, and […]

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Program: Graphics

Year 2

Long time no writing. I have neglected this blog a great deal. I’m bad at blogging. In short. Anyhow. It is my second year at Campus Gotland now, and I’ve finally started with what brought me to Gotland. The 3D course! I’ve been looking forward to this moment a lot. I’ve loved every minute so far, even the ones when I’m having so many software issues and errors I don’t even know how to describe.

Now, we are actually at the […]

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Program: Graphics

Year 2

Long time no writing. I have neglected this blog a great deal. I’m bad at blogging. In short. Anyhow. It is my second year at Campus Gotland now, and I’ve finally started with what brought me to Gotland. The 3D course! I’ve been looking forward to this moment a lot. I’ve loved every minute so far, even the ones when I’m having so many software issues and errors I don’t even know how to describe.

Now, we are actually at the […]

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Program: Graphics

Design challenges at Threadless

I am a member at this site called Threadless. And it is amazing! They have design challenges together with well known names and brands. It works like this; you either join a challenge or make a design without a specific challenge in mind. When your design is ready you upload it to Threadless. They will examine if it is up to quality and if it is it will be up for a 10 days voting period. Everyone that is a […]

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Program: Graphics

Design challenges at Threadless

I am a member at this site called Threadless. And it is amazing! They have design challenges together with well known names and brands. It works like this; you either join a challenge or make a design without a specific challenge in mind. When your design is ready you upload it to Threadless. They will examine if it is up to quality and if it is it will be up for a 10 days voting period. Everyone that is a […]

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Program: Graphics