Browsing '2014 ': Students starting in 2014

3DIII character concept

Hello again! We have started a new 3D course, in which we will model a slightly more complicated character and then animate them. We’re going this in groups, and I’m with Emma and Kristofer. This is the character we have created together:

Her name is Saraswati and she’s an female alien and the leader of her tribe. She’s very old and is currently acting as a mentor and tutor for the new leader, which will be the player character.

I […]

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Program: Graphics

3DIII character concept

Hello again! We have started a new 3D course, in which we will model a slightly more complicated character and then animate them. We’re going this in groups, and I’m with Emma and Kristofer. This is the character we have created together:

Her name is Saraswati and she’s an female alien and the leader of her tribe. She’s very old and is currently acting as a mentor and tutor for the new leader, which will be the player character.

I […]

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Program: Graphics

3D environment finished!

Hello again, sorry for being so terribly bad at updating lately! To be fair it hasn’t happened so much since I last updated, so you haven’t missed a lot.
But I finished my 3D environment! I quite like how it turned out.

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Program: Graphics

3D environment finished!

Hello again, sorry for being so terribly bad at updating lately! To be fair it hasn’t happened so much since I last updated, so you haven’t missed a lot.
But I finished my 3D environment! I quite like how it turned out.

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Program: Graphics

Looking for internship during the summer 2016

I haven’t done any post in a very long time, I should write something about what I have done the last few months but this is not the time for it.
I am still in university and this summer is going to be my last before I get my candidate exam in game design! I am looking for an internship or job for this summer, I have started looking around but I thought I could write about it too. If you […]

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Program: Programming

Looking for internship during the summer 2016

I haven’t done any post in a very long time, I should write something about what I have done the last few months but this is not the time for it.
I am still in university and this summer is going to be my last before I get my candidate exam in game design! I am looking for an internship or job for this summer, I have started looking around but I thought I could write about it too. If you […]

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Program: Programming

Linked List

Linked List
Linked List  är en dynamisk datastruktur som används inom programmering. Att den är dynamisk innebär att den enkelt kan öka och minska i storlek efter behov, till skillnad från till exempel en array, som har en fix storlek. I en länkad lista kan även element läggas till och tas bort i mitten. I detta fall så skapas en lista med noder som har en pekare till nästa nod. Alltså, första noden vet vilken andra noden är, […]

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Program: Programming

Linked List

Linked List
Linked List  är en dynamisk datastruktur som används inom programmering. Att den är dynamisk innebär att den enkelt kan öka och minska i storlek efter behov, till skillnad från till exempel en array, som har en fix storlek. I en länkad lista kan även element läggas till och tas bort i mitten. I detta fall så skapas en lista med noder som har en pekare till nästa nod. Alltså, första noden vet vilken andra noden är, […]

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Program: Programming

Adam Stormstjärna & det förlorade arvet is to be released in 2016!

I am so happy and excited  at the moment, as I just found out that the book Adam Stormstjärna & det förlorade arvet that I made illustrations for in the spring of 2014 has found its way to the internet! The book is to be released sometime during 2016, and it already has a webpage that you can find here, as well as a TEASER TRAILER! I mean, how awesome is that?! 😀

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Program: Graphics

Adam Stormstjärna & det förlorade arvet is to be released in 2016!

I am so happy and excited  at the moment, as I just found out that the book Adam Stormstjärna & det förlorade arvet that I made illustrations for in the spring of 2014 has found its way to the internet! The book is to be released sometime during 2016, and it already has a webpage that you can find here, as well as a TEASER TRAILER! I mean, how awesome is that?! 😀

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Program: Graphics

Oh boy, the blog neglect is off the charts!

Oh hello dear blog!
It turns out this blog have suffered from a severe case of neglect, I think maybe it is about time to change that, at least for a little bit.
So, to summarize what have happened since the last blog post.
We have attended our first year of GGC (Gotland Game Conference)

We created the game Colors of the wind, and we won Almedalen award! Which means that our game is being on display for all to see and play in […]

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Program: Graphics

Oh boy, the blog neglect is off the charts!

Oh hello dear blog!
It turns out this blog have suffered from a severe case of neglect, I think maybe it is about time to change that, at least for a little bit.
So, to summarize what have happened since the last blog post.
We have attended our first year of GGC (Gotland Game Conference)

We created the game Colors of the wind, and we won Almedalen award! Which means that our game is being on display for all to see and play in […]

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Program: Graphics

Concept Art – Week 6 + 7

So these past weeks we have been working on character design assignments for an Alice in Wonderland-themed car commercial about a woman from the ordinary world who falls/dreams herself into the colourful and festive Wonderland. We had the script and some simple keywords to work with but besides that it was very much up to us to find a style. So first off we assembled a moodboard to establish the overall direction we wanted to go for (go go Pinterest-powers, activate!)

I […]

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Program: Graphics

Concept Art – Week 6 + 7

So these past weeks we have been working on character design assignments for an Alice in Wonderland-themed car commercial about a woman from the ordinary world who falls/dreams herself into the colourful and festive Wonderland. We had the script and some simple keywords to work with but besides that it was very much up to us to find a style. So first off we assembled a moodboard to establish the overall direction we wanted to go for (go go Pinterest-powers, activate!)

I […]

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Program: Graphics

Hallway lightmaps & Medieval swordfighting

The past week I’ve been working on the hallway for my Georgian house. I’ve created lightmaps, which allows the lighting in a scene to be pre-calculated. This is a relatively ”cheap” way of lighting a scene, as it doesn’t require too much from the computer. I’ve also started making textures for everything. This is what the hallway is looking like now:

Dark and moody, just the way I wanted it to be! Pretty much all of the textures are still works in progress, […]

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Program: Graphics

Hallway lightmaps & Medieval swordfighting

The past week I’ve been working on the hallway for my Georgian house. I’ve created lightmaps, which allows the lighting in a scene to be pre-calculated. This is a relatively ”cheap” way of lighting a scene, as it doesn’t require too much from the computer. I’ve also started making textures for everything. This is what the hallway is looking like now:

Dark and moody, just the way I wanted it to be! Pretty much all of the textures are still works in progress, […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelprog v.5

Denna vecka har vi jobbat med nätverk.
Nätverk eller nät är ett begrepp som används i många olika sammanhang. Ett nätverk är en struktur med enheter som är kopplade till varandra genom relationer och noder som tillsammans bildar ett nät. Det är vanligt att åskådliggöra nätverk i någon form av nätdiagram. I matematisk mening är nätverk i allmänhet grafer.          #Wikipedia
Saker man behöver ha i minne när man gör nätverk är: WinSock, IPAdress, Socket som är:
WinSock: I datorer är Windows Sockets API (WSA), […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.5

Denna vecka har vi jobbat med nätverk.
Nätverk eller nät är ett begrepp som används i många olika sammanhang. Ett nätverk är en struktur med enheter som är kopplade till varandra genom relationer och noder som tillsammans bildar ett nät. Det är vanligt att åskådliggöra nätverk i någon form av nätdiagram. I matematisk mening är nätverk i allmänhet grafer.          #Wikipedia
Saker man behöver ha i minne när man gör nätverk är: WinSock, IPAdress, Socket som är:
WinSock: I datorer är Windows Sockets API (WSA), […]

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Program: Programming

Concept Art – Week 5

So during these past weeks in the Concept Art course we’ve been talking about character design, shot design inbetween the basics of art like perspective and colour theory. The good thing about that is that even if you’ve heard it before, you can always find something new to take away.
This week it’s been rendering and while the final assignment is to create and render our own character designs for a given script (which is supposed to be our own take […]

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Program: Graphics

Concept Art – Week 5

So during these past weeks in the Concept Art course we’ve been talking about character design, shot design inbetween the basics of art like perspective and colour theory. The good thing about that is that even if you’ve heard it before, you can always find something new to take away.
This week it’s been rendering and while the final assignment is to create and render our own character designs for a given script (which is supposed to be our own take […]

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Program: Graphics

3D class

Hello again!
Finally I thought I would get to that update about my 3D class. Like I may have told you before, we started with the design of an object from the museum. I chose a goblet that was not too hard for me to model. Naturally I got some help from the teacher.

As I were making progress I noticed that some of the building phase gave me troubles in the texturing phase. Depending on how its built the easier […]

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Program: Graphics

3D class

Hello again!
Finally I thought I would get to that update about my 3D class. Like I may have told you before, we started with the design of an object from the museum. I chose a goblet that was not too hard for me to model. Naturally I got some help from the teacher.

As I were making progress I noticed that some of the building phase gave me troubles in the texturing phase. Depending on how its built the easier […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelprog v.3-4

Vi har jobbat en hel del med kamera och textureringar.
Först om kameran. Det man kan göra med kameran nu är att gå fram och bak och åt sidorna. När man gör det så blir blocket som man ritar ut större och mindre beroende på hur nära man är.
Saker att tänka på när man håller på med kamera:

Man vill inte rita ut saker man inte ser. Scenen ska ta referens till kamera, så man tar bort saker man INTE ser. Ekvationen […]

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Program: Programming

Spelprog v.3-4

Vi har jobbat en hel del med kamera och textureringar.
Först om kameran. Det man kan göra med kameran nu är att gå fram och bak och åt sidorna. När man gör det så blir blocket som man ritar ut större och mindre beroende på hur nära man är.
Saker att tänka på när man håller på med kamera:

Man vill inte rita ut saker man inte ser. Scenen ska ta referens till kamera, så man tar bort saker man INTE ser. Ekvationen […]

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Program: Programming