Browsing '2014 ': Students starting in 2014

New project on the way!

This post is the first of a weekly series that I’ll be updating during the big game project course leading up to the Gotland Game Conference in late May. I’ll be writing about features that I’ve worked on during the weeks.
This post will mostly describe the game concept and my role in the team, as this week mostly has been about pre-production.
The Concept
As of now we don’t have a name for the game, so the working title is Project Neiva. […]

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Program: Programming

New project on the way!

This post is the first of a weekly series that I’ll be updating during the big game project course leading up to the Gotland Game Conference in late May. I’ll be writing about features that I’ve worked on during the weeks.
This post will mostly describe the game concept and my role in the team, as this week mostly has been about pre-production.
The Concept
As of now we don’t have a name for the game, so the working title is Project Neiva. […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka 1

Jag skapade en dagbok/logg som är öppen för hela min grupp att skriva i när saker händer och förändras under produktionens gång. Och jag tänkte att jag borde dela med mig av vad jag personligen har skrivit iallafall så ni kan följa med vad som har kommit upp under veckan och hur det går för oss att skapa Sam and Nicole.

Så här är mina inlägg från den här veckan, hoppas ni gillar att läsa det här även om det var […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka 1

Jag skapade en dagbok/logg som är öppen för hela min grupp att skriva i när saker händer och förändras under produktionens gång. Och jag tänkte att jag borde dela med mig av vad jag personligen har skrivit iallafall så ni kan följa med vad som har kommit upp under veckan och hur det går för oss att skapa Sam and Nicole.

Så här är mina inlägg från den här veckan, hoppas ni gillar att läsa det här även om det var […]

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Program: Programming

Sam and Nicole

Stort spelprojekt eller big game project som kursen kallas är nu igång! Jag ska tillsammans med Tova Svensson, Emma Mörk och Lisa Ramel göra spelet Sam and Nicole som jag har jobbat på själv i ett par veckor nu. Jag kom på idén under serious games och jag hade sån pass tur så jag fick grönt ljus och får faktiskt skapa mitt koncept!

Så vad är Sam and Nicole?

Jo, det ska jag berätta för dig, det är […]

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Program: Programming

Sam and Nicole

Stort spelprojekt eller big game project som kursen kallas är nu igång! Jag ska tillsammans med Tova Svensson, Emma Mörk och Lisa Ramel göra spelet Sam and Nicole som jag har jobbat på själv i ett par veckor nu. Jag kom på idén under serious games och jag hade sån pass tur så jag fick grönt ljus och får faktiskt skapa mitt koncept!

Så vad är Sam and Nicole?

Jo, det ska jag berätta för dig, det är […]

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Program: Programming

Week 1 – Big Game Project Catch-up

It is that time of the year again.
It is time to develop a game, a vertical slice for Gotland Game Conference where me and my great team will exhibit a game concept we have had in the making for quite a while now. And this mysterious game for the time being is called F.R.A.U.S.
This post is the first of many to come, and the purpose with this one is to catch up with what I have been doing in the […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 1 – Big Game Project Catch-up

It is that time of the year again.
It is time to develop a game, a vertical slice for Gotland Game Conference where me and my great team will exhibit a game concept we have had in the making for quite a while now. And this mysterious game for the time being is called F.R.A.U.S.
This post is the first of many to come, and the purpose with this one is to catch up with what I have been doing in the […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Programming 3, Assignment 1 feedback

Feedback to Dee
Feedback to Oskar

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Program: Programming

Game Programming 3, Assignment 1 feedback

Feedback to Dee
Feedback to Oskar

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Program: Programming

Saraswati update

Over the past couple of weeks me, Emma and Kristofer have been working on bringing our character Saraswati to life. Kristofer and me have mostly been modeling, and Emma has been doing the animations.
Here is what she’s looking like now:

I quite like the way she’s turning out. I think we’ve managed to capture the concept art quite nicely. We are currently working on her animations, which will be a walk animation, two idle animations, one swim idle animation, one swim […]

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Program: Graphics

Saraswati update

Over the past couple of weeks me, Emma and Kristofer have been working on bringing our character Saraswati to life. Kristofer and me have mostly been modeling, and Emma has been doing the animations.
Here is what she’s looking like now:

I quite like the way she’s turning out. I think we’ve managed to capture the concept art quite nicely. We are currently working on her animations, which will be a walk animation, two idle animations, one swim idle animation, one swim […]

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Program: Graphics

Code review för Semihs LinkedList och BinarySearchTree

————-Linked List————-
Metoden Find saknas i LinkedList. En Find-metod ska finnas enligt uppgiften.
Övriga metoder fungerade bra. Genom unit-testing upptäcktes inga fel. Metoderna gjorde så som man förväntade sig. Genom visual studios debuggnings-verktyg gick det även att se att elementen i listan placerades korrekt efter användning av metoderna.
..skulle placera ‘Node’ structen i samma .h-fil som ‘LinkedList’, förslagsvis som private i LinkedList-klassen, för att göra ‘LinkedList’ oberoende av andra lösa filer (Node.h).
Namnge ‘leftNode’ och ‘rightNode’ som ‘previousNode’ och ‘nextNode’ för tydlighet (enligt mig…). […]

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Program: Programming

Code review för Semihs LinkedList och BinarySearchTree

————-Linked List————-
Metoden Find saknas i LinkedList. En Find-metod ska finnas enligt uppgiften.
Övriga metoder fungerade bra. Genom unit-testing upptäcktes inga fel. Metoderna gjorde så som man förväntade sig. Genom visual studios debuggnings-verktyg gick det även att se att elementen i listan placerades korrekt efter användning av metoderna.
..skulle placera ‘Node’ structen i samma .h-fil som ‘LinkedList’, förslagsvis som private i LinkedList-klassen, för att göra ‘LinkedList’ oberoende av andra lösa filer (Node.h).
Namnge ‘leftNode’ och ‘rightNode’ som ‘previousNode’ och ‘nextNode’ för tydlighet (enligt mig…). […]

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Program: Programming

Code review för Jens LinkedList och BinarySearchTree

Linked List fungerar som ska. Genom unit-testing upptäcktes inga fel. Metoderna gjorde så som man förväntade sig. Genom visual studios debuggnings-verktyg gick det även att se att elementen i listan placerades korrekt efter användning av metoderna.
I konstruktorn för LinkedList sätts inte m_root till nullptr. Koden fungerar ändå som det ska, men att ha satt m_root till nullptr manuellt hade bidragit till mer tydlighet (enligt mig).
LinkedList printar saker i konsollen genom  vissa metoder resulterar i olika saker. Eftersom […]

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Program: Programming

Code review för Jens LinkedList och BinarySearchTree

Linked List fungerar som ska. Genom unit-testing upptäcktes inga fel. Metoderna gjorde så som man förväntade sig. Genom visual studios debuggnings-verktyg gick det även att se att elementen i listan placerades korrekt efter användning av metoderna.
I konstruktorn för LinkedList sätts inte m_root till nullptr. Koden fungerar ändå som det ska, men att ha satt m_root till nullptr manuellt hade bidragit till mer tydlighet (enligt mig).
LinkedList printar saker i konsollen genom  vissa metoder resulterar i olika saker. Eftersom […]

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Program: Programming

3D-III Pre-production

It’s been a while!
Since the last update a new, animation-focused course has started, 3D-III. Our first assignment was to (in groups of three) create a pre-production package for a character of our choice. I work with Kim Teroni Borg (modeling main mesh and head, finalizing animations) and Nayomi Arvell (modeling of secondary parts, character background, texturing). My responsibilities for this project are concept art, rigging and skinning and blocking out the main character animations). We brainstormed and agreed that a […]

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Program: Graphics

3D-III Pre-production

It’s been a while!
Since the last update a new, animation-focused course has started, 3D-III. Our first assignment was to (in groups of three) create a pre-production package for a character of our choice. I work with Kim Teroni Borg (modeling main mesh and head, finalizing animations) and Nayomi Arvell (modeling of secondary parts, character background, texturing). My responsibilities for this project are concept art, rigging and skinning and blocking out the main character animations). We brainstormed and agreed that a […]

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Program: Graphics

3D Hands

Hands up for today’s little project! Our character only got 4 fingers so I had to improvise a little but it is pretty much the same. And I got to save some polys so I got that going for me

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Program: Graphics

3D Hands

Hands up for today’s little project! Our character only got 4 fingers so I had to improvise a little but it is pretty much the same. And I got to save some polys so I got that going for me

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Program: Graphics

3D times ahead

Hello everyone!
As you may have noticed by the lack of content lately I have been pretty occupied. We are  currently doing our 3D3 classes and time is not something we have a lot of, especially after being sick. Our current project is to create a 3D character in a group of three. We made a character package like the one we did back in 3D1. Let me introduce Admiral Edward Julius Hemsworth!

Pictures: Eva Sokolova
Name: Edward Julius Hemsworth
Appearance: […]

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Program: Graphics

3D times ahead

Hello everyone!
As you may have noticed by the lack of content lately I have been pretty occupied. We are  currently doing our 3D3 classes and time is not something we have a lot of, especially after being sick. Our current project is to create a 3D character in a group of three. We made a character package like the one we did back in 3D1. Let me introduce Admiral Edward Julius Hemsworth!

Pictures: Eva Sokolova
Name: Edward Julius Hemsworth
Appearance: […]

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Program: Graphics

Girl gamer or just gamer?

I felt like I wanted to talk about a subject that really matters to me. You know what a game is right? At least I assume you have played some sort of game whether it was candy crush or Monopoly with the family, so you have a somewhat idea. While growing up I took a liking to games. I found games like Diablo, Unreal, Tibia, and I loved playing on our Sega Mega drive that grandpa got us. There was […]

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Program: Graphics

Girl gamer or just gamer?

I felt like I wanted to talk about a subject that really matters to me. You know what a game is right? At least I assume you have played some sort of game whether it was candy crush or Monopoly with the family, so you have a somewhat idea. While growing up I took a liking to games. I found games like Diablo, Unreal, Tibia, and I loved playing on our Sega Mega drive that grandpa got us. There was […]

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Program: Graphics