Browsing '2014 ': Students starting in 2014

Well, oops

I forgot to update last week. As an apology, you’ll get a double update now.

This is what I made the week I forgot to update, as we learned about two-point perspective at the time.
I had already heard of the tools and practiced with them when I heard of them here, so it was more of a jog of the memory, but it did help in allowing me to see more uses of it, and gave me some much-needed practice […]

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Program: Graphics

Well, oops

I forgot to update last week. As an apology, you’ll get a double update now.

This is what I made the week I forgot to update, as we learned about two-point perspective at the time.
I had already heard of the tools and practiced with them when I heard of them here, so it was more of a jog of the memory, but it did help in allowing me to see more uses of it, and gave me some much-needed practice […]

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Program: Graphics

GameProgramming – Week 3

This week classes.
You want to build up a program like a brick house a lot of objects that you put together to form a whole. In programming you create classes and then use them by creating objects of them, that way you can have many that are alike. If for example one should create a class that represent a piece in checkers one could then create an object for each piece to represent it. That is one way to use […]

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Program: Programming

GameProgramming – Week 3

This week classes.
You want to build up a program like a brick house a lot of objects that you put together to form a whole. In programming you create classes and then use them by creating objects of them, that way you can have many that are alike. If for example one should create a class that represent a piece in checkers one could then create an object for each piece to represent it. That is one way to use […]

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Program: Programming

Building a simple character

This week I worked on my main character and I should choose one of my twenty thumbnails I had from week 1. I choose one female character because I think it is a little harder to get the right shapes on the female body and specially draw a beautiful female face. So this thumbnail I chose because I thought it was a challenge.

I designed my character with a casual cloth, she is a teenager and fighting chaos in a modern […]

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Program: Graphics

Building a simple character

This week I worked on my main character and I should choose one of my twenty thumbnails I had from week 1. I choose one female character because I think it is a little harder to get the right shapes on the female body and specially draw a beautiful female face. So this thumbnail I chose because I thought it was a challenge.

I designed my character with a casual cloth, she is a teenager and fighting chaos in a modern […]

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Program: Graphics

Building a simple character

This week I worked on my main character and I should choose one of my twenty thumbnails I had from week 1. I choose one female character because I think it is a little harder to get the right shapes on the female body and specially draw a beautiful female face. So this thumbnail I chose because I thought it was a challenge.

I designed my character with a casual cloth, she is a teenager and fighting chaos in a modern […]

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Program: Graphics

Building a simple character

This week I worked on my main character and I should choose one of my twenty thumbnails I had from week 1. I choose one female character because I think it is a little harder to get the right shapes on the female body and specially draw a beautiful female face. So this thumbnail I chose because I thought it was a challenge.

I designed my character with a casual cloth, she is a teenager and fighting chaos in a modern […]

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Program: Graphics

Building a character

This week we were given an assignment where we was supposed to choose one of our 20 characters that we drew the first week on this course. This is the characters that I drew and had to choose from.

The one i choose was this character embedded below because I thought that the sketch had a mysterious feel about it and it also radiated a kind of energy.

My job now was to create a more solid character out of […]

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Program: Graphics

Building a character

This week we were given an assignment where we was supposed to choose one of our 20 characters that we drew the first week on this course. This is the characters that I drew and had to choose from.

The one i choose was this character embedded below because I thought that the sketch had a mysterious feel about it and it also radiated a kind of energy.

My job now was to create a more solid character out of […]

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Program: Graphics

Defining MISS Glasscock

At the time of writing. two weeks have passed since I regaled you of the challenges inherent in designing a character despite not really knowing the first thing about drawing,
Last week we discussed perspectives and the less you know about my performance in that regard the better. Suffice to say I drew a 10 meter car that cruised down the grid from Tron being chased by a WWI biplane with wings that took a huge dump on the laws of […]

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Program: Graphics

Defining MISS Glasscock

At the time of writing. two weeks have passed since I regaled you of the challenges inherent in designing a character despite not really knowing the first thing about drawing,
Last week we discussed perspectives and the less you know about my performance in that regard the better. Suffice to say I drew a 10 meter car that cruised down the grid from Tron being chased by a WWI biplane with wings that took a huge dump on the laws of […]

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Program: Graphics


This week we started using classes and inheritance. Again subjects that I know from earlier courses, but again nice with a refresher. We did touch on structs last week which are similar but are less usefull than classes.
Classes are a collection of data, that could either be methods(function that belongs to a class) or variables. If a class inherits from a base class, it receives the methods and variables from the base class.
When using classes we create objects, a defining feature of […]

Program: Programming


This week we started using classes and inheritance. Again subjects that I know from earlier courses, but again nice with a refresher. We did touch on structs last week which are similar but are less usefull than classes.
Classes are a collection of data, that could either be methods(function that belongs to a class) or variables. If a class inherits from a base class, it receives the methods and variables from the base class.
When using classes we create objects, a defining feature of […]

Program: Programming

Week 3

This week’s lectures have mostly been focused on classes and using header files in visual studio. I find that I can keep up somewhat during the lectures, but have a bit of a challenge when I try to use what I have learned. The weekly exercise assignments greatly help me to really understand how to implement the things we hear about during the lectures. This week’s exercises are much harder to solve then earlier weeks (would be strange if they […]

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Program: Programming

Week 3

This week’s lectures have mostly been focused on classes and using header files in visual studio. I find that I can keep up somewhat during the lectures, but have a bit of a challenge when I try to use what I have learned. The weekly exercise assignments greatly help me to really understand how to implement the things we hear about during the lectures. This week’s exercises are much harder to solve then earlier weeks (would be strange if they […]

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Program: Programming

Week 3

This week’s lectures have mostly been focused on classes and using header files in visual studio. I find that I can keep up somewhat during the lectures, but have a bit of a challenge when I try to use what I have learned. The weekly exercise assignments greatly help me to really understand how to implement the things we hear about during the lectures. This week’s exercises are much harder to solve then earlier weeks (would be strange if they […]

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Program: Programming

Week 3

This week’s lectures have mostly been focused on classes and using header files in visual studio. I find that I can keep up somewhat during the lectures, but have a bit of a challenge when I try to use what I have learned. The weekly exercise assignments greatly help me to really understand how to implement the things we hear about during the lectures. This week’s exercises are much harder to solve then earlier weeks (would be strange if they […]

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Program: Programming

// TemperatureConverter.h
#pragma once
class TemperatureConverter
float CelsiusConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
float KelvinConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
float FahrenheitConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
// TemperatureConverter.cpp
#include ”TemperatureConverter.h”
float TemperatureConverter::CelsiusConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: //return fahrenheit
return (value + 273.15f);
case 2: // return Kelvin
return (value * 9 / 5 + 32);
return 0;
float TemperatureConverter::KelvinConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: //return celsius
return (value – 273.15f);
case 2: // return fahrenheit
return ((value – 273.15f) * 9 / 5 + 32);
return 0;
float TemperatureConverter::FahrenheitConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: // return celsius
return ((value – 32) […]

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Program: Programming

// TemperatureConverter.h
#pragma once
class TemperatureConverter
float CelsiusConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
float KelvinConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
float FahrenheitConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
// TemperatureConverter.cpp
#include ”TemperatureConverter.h”
float TemperatureConverter::CelsiusConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: //return fahrenheit
return (value + 273.15f);
case 2: // return Kelvin
return (value * 9 / 5 + 32);
return 0;
float TemperatureConverter::KelvinConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: //return celsius
return (value – 273.15f);
case 2: // return fahrenheit
return ((value – 273.15f) * 9 / 5 + 32);
return 0;
float TemperatureConverter::FahrenheitConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: // return celsius
return ((value – 32) […]

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Program: Programming

Programming week 3 – Classes

This week we have been going through Classes and Class Inheritance. which felt like an easier concept to grasp than the previous, since we had already been working with this a bit when creating ”Pong” earlier in the course.
Classes are just like variables different data structures that can be called within the main function, they can have different functions inside of them. That way we can use classes to reduce the amount of code we have to write, making it […]

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Program: Programming

Programming week 3 – Classes

This week we have been going through Classes and Class Inheritance. which felt like an easier concept to grasp than the previous, since we had already been working with this a bit when creating ”Pong” earlier in the course.
Classes are just like variables different data structures that can be called within the main function, they can have different functions inside of them. That way we can use classes to reduce the amount of code we have to write, making it […]

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Program: Programming

Programming week 3 – Classes

This week we have been going through Classes and Class Inheritance. which felt like an easier concept to grasp than the previous, since we had already been working with this a bit when creating ”Pong” earlier in the course.
Classes are just like variables different data structures that can be called within the main function, they can have different functions inside of them. That way we can use classes to reduce the amount of code we have to write, making it […]

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Program: Programming

Programming week 3 – Classes

This week we have been going through Classes and Class Inheritance. which felt like an easier concept to grasp than the previous, since we had already been working with this a bit when creating ”Pong” earlier in the course.
Classes are just like variables different data structures that can be called within the main function, they can have different functions inside of them. That way we can use classes to reduce the amount of code we have to write, making it […]

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Program: Programming