Browsing '2012': Students starting in 2012

A Serious Game

A serious game. A game where the content is more than entertaining, it is about teaching. I get excited about the idea of possibly designing a serious game but at the same time it’s a scary thought. Finding a great idea for a serious game is going to be hard but I want to do something educational.
I read a text where Bruce Milligan listed “The ten commandments of serious games”. And the one that caught my eye was the seventh […]

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Program: Programming

A Serious Game

A serious game. A game where the content is more than entertaining, it is about teaching. I get excited about the idea of possibly designing a serious game but at the same time it’s a scary thought. Finding a great idea for a serious game is going to be hard but I want to do something educational.
I read a text where Bruce Milligan listed “The ten commandments of serious games”. And the one that caught my eye was the seventh […]

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Program: Programming

Gantt Charts in Excel

Today during my first class we had a lecture on Project Management. Our teacher brought up the design and usage of a Gantt chart. I have previously had my experience with Gantt charts during my secondary school so it was nothing particularly new. What caught my attention though was that our teacher primarily talked about how Microsoft Project could generate Gantt charts, elimininating the somewhat tedious process of creating one. The problem is that Microsoft Project, though seemingly a great tool […]

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Program: Programming

Gantt Charts in Excel

Today during my first class we had a lecture on Project Management. Our teacher brought up the design and usage of a Gantt chart. I have previously had my experience with Gantt charts during my secondary school so it was nothing particularly new. What caught my attention though was that our teacher primarily talked about how Microsoft Project could generate Gantt charts, elimininating the somewhat tedious process of creating one. The problem is that Microsoft Project, though seemingly a great tool […]

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Program: Programming

Gantt Charts in Excel

Today during my first class we had a lecture on Project Management. Our teacher brought up the design and usage of a Gantt chart. I have previously had my experience with Gantt charts during my secondary school so it was nothing particularly new. What caught my attention though was that our teacher primarily talked about how Microsoft Project could generate Gantt charts, elimininating the somewhat tedious process of creating one. The problem is that Microsoft Project, though seemingly a great […]

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Program: Programming

Gantt Charts in Excel

Today during my first class we had a lecture on Project Management. Our teacher brought up the design and usage of a Gantt chart. I have previously had my experience with Gantt charts during my secondary school so it was nothing particularly new. What caught my attention though was that our teacher primarily talked about how Microsoft Project could generate Gantt charts, elimininating the somewhat tedious process of creating one. The problem is that Microsoft Project, though seemingly a great […]

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Program: Programming

Bloggit baby!

So there will be a few changes o nthis blog. It will from here on be in English (I’ll be posting more material related to my education!). Wishing you all a good day and see you soon! Cheers!

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Program: Graphics

Bloggit baby!

So there will be a few changes o nthis blog. It will from here on be in English (I’ll be posting more material related to my education!). Wishing you all a good day and see you soon! Cheers!

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Program: Graphics

Mandatory Testing

This is just a post to see how it will look and see how it works. As stated the mandatory testing post 😀

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Program: Programming

Mandatory Testing

This is just a post to see how it will look and see how it works. As stated the mandatory testing post 😀

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Program: Programming

Mandatory Testing

This is just a post to see how it will look and see how it works. As stated the mandatory testing post 😀

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Program: Programming

Mandatory Testing

This is just a post to see how it will look and see how it works. As stated the mandatory testing post 😀

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Program: Programming


Jag sitter fortfarane och leker fram en banner till vårt spelprojekt! Efter en hel del konsultering av hur gruppen vill ha den har jag jobbat fram en version jag tror de alla blir nöjda med.Massor med arbete återstår att göra inom de närmaste få dagarna! …

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Program: Graphics


Jag sitter fortfarane och leker fram en banner till vårt spelprojekt! Efter en hel del konsultering av hur gruppen vill ha den har jag jobbat fram en version jag tror de alla blir nöjda med.Massor med arbete återstår att göra inom de närmaste få dagarna! …

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Program: Graphics

Nytt Projekt!

Då var det dags för en ny uppdatering, det var ett tag sedan sist och mycket har hänt! Det förra projektet blev bättre efter en massa slit i sista minut! Spelmekaniken blev finputsad och buggarna blev fixade, att ha med ett highscore-system gjorde spelet …

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Program: Graphics

Nytt Projekt!

Då var det dags för en ny uppdatering, det var ett tag sedan sist och mycket har hänt! Det förra projektet blev bättre efter en massa slit i sista minut! Spelmekaniken blev finputsad och buggarna blev fixade, att ha med ett highscore-system gjorde spelet …

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Program: Graphics

Artist's block

Efter helgens intensiva Game Jam här på ön har hjärnan tagit semsester. Jag har halfhjärtat försökt sova ikapp lite men förgäves. Det finns så himla mycket annat kul jag vill göra och ingenting kommer ut ur huvudet. :/

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Program: Graphics

Artist's block

Efter helgens intensiva Game Jam här på ön har hjärnan tagit semsester. Jag har halfhjärtat försökt sova ikapp lite men förgäves. Det finns så himla mycket annat kul jag vill göra och ingenting kommer ut ur huvudet. :/

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Program: Graphics

BETA presentation och post mortem

Denna vecka blir det verkligen kaka på kaka! Inte nog med alla grafikmöten med lärare och grupp, jag har fått kasta ihop en snabb PowerPoint presentation, påbörjat med ca 4 nya screen backgrounds till spelets olika menymoment och ska ha föreläsning. …

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Program: Graphics

BETA presentation och post mortem

Denna vecka blir det verkligen kaka på kaka! Inte nog med alla grafikmöten med lärare och grupp, jag har fått kasta ihop en snabb PowerPoint presentation, påbörjat med ca 4 nya screen backgrounds till spelets olika menymoment och ska ha föreläsning. …

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Program: Graphics

Gamla ting

Hittade ett fotografi på en av mina gamla målningar som jag målade för några få år sedan till min systerson

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Program: Graphics

Gamla ting

Hittade ett fotografi på en av mina gamla målningar som jag målade för några få år sedan till min systerson

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Program: Graphics


Det senaste halvåret har jag inte kunat släppa tanken av att teckan superhjältar, så det har blitiv en hel del skisser när jag väl fått tid för det. Här kommer en!Ciao!

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Program: Graphics


Det senaste halvåret har jag inte kunat släppa tanken av att teckan superhjältar, så det har blitiv en hel del skisser när jag väl fått tid för det. Här kommer en!Ciao!

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Program: Graphics