Browsing '2012': Students starting in 2012

Personal – Free 2 Play – A short reflection
I was reading “Mastering F2P: the Titanic effect” by Ramin Shokrizade at
It made me start to think a bit about the F2P model. Although the article is short and not very rich in content it mad me think about how and when Free to play should be used and when it should not.
In the article Ramin touches the subject of unethical methods in F2P very lightly. He takes Zyngas FrontierVille as an example of unethical use of it. […]

Personal – Free 2 Play – A short reflection
I was reading “Mastering F2P: the Titanic effect” by Ramin Shokrizade at
It made me start to think a bit about the F2P model. Although the article is short and not very rich in content it mad me think about how and when Free to play should be used and when it should not.
In the article Ramin touches the subject of unethical methods in F2P very lightly. He takes Zyngas FrontierVille as an example of unethical use of it. […]
Today we held a playtesting session at school, where we let other groups playtest our game and we played other groups games.
We had managed to create a playable prototype of our board game the days before, but it was still very uncomplete. We need to make a lot of balancing, and probably change the board as well to match the cards. You can read about our game here.
The other groups games were interesting and one was really fun to […]
Today we held a playtesting session at school, where we let other groups playtest our game and we played other groups games.
We had managed to create a playable prototype of our board game the days before, but it was still very uncomplete. We need to make a lot of balancing, and probably change the board as well to match the cards. You can read about our game here.
The other groups games were interesting and one was really fun to […]
The board game project – Overview and personal thoughts
A few days ago we had our first meeting about the board game project. We had some ideas pretty early on.
One of these ideas was to have a game with toy guns which you have to physically shoot other players with.
We had all played “Jungle Speed” and really liked that concept and we discussed if we could recreate the feeling when playing that game.
I’ll Explain in short what Jungle Speed is for those who do not know:
In jungle speed a […]
The board game project – Overview and personal thoughts
A few days ago we had our first meeting about the board game project. We had some ideas pretty early on.
One of these ideas was to have a game with toy guns which you have to physically shoot other players with.
We had all played “Jungle Speed” and really liked that concept and we discussed if we could recreate the feeling when playing that game.
I’ll Explain in short what Jungle Speed is for those who do not know:
In jungle speed a […]
The board game project – Overview and personal thoughts
A few days ago we had our first meeting about the board game project. We had some ideas pretty early on.
One of these ideas was to have a game with toy guns which you have to physically shoot other players with.
We had all played “Jungle Speed” and really liked that concept and we discussed if we could recreate the feeling when playing that game.
I’ll Explain in short what Jungle Speed is for those who do not know:
In jungle speed a […]
The board game project – Overview and personal thoughts
A few days ago we had our first meeting about the board game project. We had some ideas pretty early on.
One of these ideas was to have a game with toy guns which you have to physically shoot other players with.
We had all played “Jungle Speed” and really liked that concept and we discussed if we could recreate the feeling when playing that game.
I’ll Explain in short what Jungle Speed is for those who do not know:
In jungle speed a […]
Another Board Game
Our assignment was to make our own board game however we wanted and use the mechanics and systems that we would like to use.
I have been sick lately so I have not been able to partake in all the meetings and events for our group. I took part though in the beginning of the project and I could partake in making the base for our board game, Though in the end I heard that it got changed a lot and […]
Another Board Game
Our assignment was to make our own board game however we wanted and use the mechanics and systems that we would like to use.
I have been sick lately so I have not been able to partake in all the meetings and events for our group. I took part though in the beginning of the project and I could partake in making the base for our board game, Though in the end I heard that it got changed a lot and […]
Welcome to the week of hell
This week has almost come to an end. I meant to write in the beginning of the week but I have not had time to do so. This week has been the start of hell. It started with us having our assignment in advanced game design to create a board game and getting our assignment in Serious Game. And guess what, it is to create a board game! Only that we only have two week to complete this assignment. In […]
Welcome to the week of hell
This week has almost come to an end. I meant to write in the beginning of the week but I have not had time to do so. This week has been the start of hell. It started with us having our assignment in advanced game design to create a board game and getting our assignment in Serious Game. And guess what, it is to create a board game! Only that we only have two week to complete this assignment. In […]

Building a Board Game
We’ve recently started working on our final assignment in Advanced Game Design. We’ve been tasked with making a board game, or rather a well polished system to be used in a board game.
One of our first priorities has been to set an aesthetic goal for the project. We got kind of hooked on a pirate theme where players sail their pirate ships into a thrilling sea battle, but in order to focus on polishing the core system (ship movement), we later […]

Building a Board Game
We’ve recently started working on our final assignment in Advanced Game Design. We’ve been tasked with making a board game, or rather a well polished system to be used in a board game.
One of our first priorities has been to set an aesthetic goal for the project. We got kind of hooked on a pirate theme where players sail their pirate ships into a thrilling sea battle, but in order to focus on polishing the core system (ship movement), we later […]
Creating a card based movement system
This week my group and I worked on our board game system for our advanced game design course. The system we are creating is a movement system that uses cards with a number with two colors in as the background and a number 1-4; the background colors correspond to the colored squares on a game board. In order to move the play uses the card and move he’s/her piece as far as the number on the card and if the […]
Creating a card based movement system
This week my group and I worked on our board game system for our advanced game design course. The system we are creating is a movement system that uses cards with a number with two colors in as the background and a number 1-4; the background colors correspond to the colored squares on a game board. In order to move the play uses the card and move he’s/her piece as far as the number on the card and if the […]

Spline Level Editor
Hi, I recently found this video about how some of the things worked when Rayman Legends was made and I thought that the way they could bend and form their platforms when creating levels looked really useful.I wanted to try doing something similar just for fun and I had never worked with programming meshes before and thought it could be useful in the future.
My version
I used Unity for creating my spline thing, mostly because I also want to learn more about unity […]

Spline Level Editor
Hi, I recently found this video about how some of the things worked when Rayman Legends was made and I thought that the way they could bend and form their platforms when creating levels looked really useful.I wanted to try doing something similar just for fun and I had never worked with programming meshes before and thought it could be useful in the future.
My version
I used Unity for creating my spline thing, mostly because I also want to learn more about unity […]
Board game progress report (Serious Games) – 20131016
Today, my group in serious games sat down and started working on our board game assignment that we got in that course. The main purpose of our game is to inform people about disease transmission. So we began by doing research on the subject, put together what each of us had found and worked our way from there. Note that the design below is the current rough version of what we got, it will most likely changes as we keep […]
Board game progress report (Serious Games) – 20131016
Today, my group in serious games sat down and started working on our board game assignment that we got in that course. The main purpose of our game is to inform people about disease transmission. So we began by doing research on the subject, put together what each of us had found and worked our way from there. Note that the design below is the current rough version of what we got, it will most likely changes as we keep […]
Hello World!
Hello and welcome to my blog.
My name as you might have figured out is Petter Vernersson. I studying my second year at Uppsala University Campus Gotland within the program Speldesign och Programmering (Game-design and Programming).This blog is going to be about my work in school but also my personal projects related to programming and games.
Hello World!
Hello and welcome to my blog.
My name as you might have figured out is Petter Vernersson. I studying my second year at Uppsala University Campus Gotland within the program Speldesign och Programmering (Game-design and Programming).This blog is going to be about my work in school but also my personal projects related to programming and games.
Optimize meshes
When we started working on CoBots last year, neither me or any of the other two graphic students had any experience working with 3D. We all wanted to learn tough, so we decided to go for a 3D game anyway, since it would fit our idea better.
I have had a lot of fun working with 3D and I have learned much! One of the things that we’ve learned the hard way is to optimize meshes.
When we started making meshes for […]
Optimize meshes
When we started working on CoBots last year, neither me or any of the other two graphic students had any experience working with 3D. We all wanted to learn tough, so we decided to go for a 3D game anyway, since it would fit our idea better.
I have had a lot of fun working with 3D and I have learned much! One of the things that we’ve learned the hard way is to optimize meshes.
When we started making meshes for […]