Browsing '2012': Students starting in 2012

Board game progress report (Serious Games) – 20131020
Today my group in Serious Games has a short session where we begin making a more concrete version of the ideas that we had for our game there.
After some brainstorming and discussion, we initially had a plan where we had a board that contained regions, and certain diseases cards and actions cards only had an effect on certain areas, other where omnipresent ones. This concept was scratched however, since we noticed while play-testing it that it […]

Board game progress report (Serious Games) – 20131020
Today my group in Serious Games has a short session where we begin making a more concrete version of the ideas that we had for our game there.
After some brainstorming and discussion, we initially had a plan where we had a board that contained regions, and certain diseases cards and actions cards only had an effect on certain areas, other where omnipresent ones. This concept was scratched however, since we noticed while play-testing it that it […]

We finally have… something.
This Wednesday we spent yet another day in brainstorming agony, we had really tried to make the “angry old lady-game” work. We spent almost two whole workdays trying to bring life to this broken corpse of a system, it was time to move on.
Starting fresh left us very stressed, we needed a prototype finished for the next day at 13:00, yet we didn’t have a working game idea. So, once again, we went back to brainstorming. After a while […]

We finally have… something.
This Wednesday we spent yet another day in brainstorming agony, we had really tried to make the “angry old lady-game” work. We spent almost two whole workdays trying to bring life to this broken corpse of a system, it was time to move on.
Starting fresh left us very stressed, we needed a prototype finished for the next day at 13:00, yet we didn’t have a working game idea. So, once again, we went back to brainstorming. After a while […]

We finally have… something.
This Wednesday we spent yet another day in brainstorming agony, we had really tried to make the “angry old lady-game” work. We spent almost two whole workdays trying to bring life to this broken corpse of a system, it was time to move on.
Starting fresh left us very stressed, we needed a prototype finished for the next day at 13:00, yet we didn’t have a working game idea. So, once again, we went back to brainstorming. After a while […]

We finally have… something.
This Wednesday we spent yet another day in brainstorming agony, we had really tried to make the “angry old lady-game” work. We spent almost two whole workdays trying to bring life to this broken corpse of a system, it was time to move on.
Starting fresh left us very stressed, we needed a prototype finished for the next day at 13:00, yet we didn’t have a working game idea. So, once again, we went back to brainstorming. After a while […]
Week 42
Goal of the week
Get a playable paper prototype and see if the core system works as the group wanted.
How was it achieved?
This week, the group started by prototyping and test the board game, since the design was establish the week before.
The group decided to use paper and card sleeves in order to create the first prototype, since the paper could easily be replaced and re-designed if it did not work. As soon the deck […]
Week 42
Goal of the week
Get a playable paper prototype and see if the core system works as the group wanted.
How was it achieved?
This week, the group started by prototyping and test the board game, since the design was establish the week before.
The group decided to use paper and card sleeves in order to create the first prototype, since the paper could easily be replaced and re-designed if it did not work. As soon the deck […]
Introduction/What happened this week
I totally forgot to introduce myself in my first post, but better late then never.My name is Simon i’m a second year student at Uppsala university Campus Gotland, I study game design and graphics.
During the week we kept on working on our board game, we made a new board for the game which I forgot to take a picture of but it looks better than the first on trust me.We keept the movement system but made it so that you […]
Introduction/What happened this week
I totally forgot to introduce myself in my first post, but better late then never.My name is Simon i’m a second year student at Uppsala university Campus Gotland, I study game design and graphics.
During the week we kept on working on our board game, we made a new board for the game which I forgot to take a picture of but it looks better than the first on trust me.We keept the movement system but made it so that you […]

Developing a system through aesthetics
During the latest week we’ve been designing a system and created a playable prototype of that system. Once we decided the aesthetics we wanted which were ”feeling of having to defeat an enemy before he/she/it becomes too powerful” we started to think of what kind of system we wanted for that. To get some inspiration Mariam and I met last weekend to play a Swedish board game called ”Drakborgen”. The reason we chose that game was because the players had […]

Developing a system through aesthetics
During the latest week we’ve been designing a system and created a playable prototype of that system. Once we decided the aesthetics we wanted which were ”feeling of having to defeat an enemy before he/she/it becomes too powerful” we started to think of what kind of system we wanted for that. To get some inspiration Mariam and I met last weekend to play a Swedish board game called ”Drakborgen”. The reason we chose that game was because the players had […]
Developing Boardgames Assignment
I am half through the course “Advanced Gamedesign” and it is going well. I am growing as a designer and I am developing a bigger understanding of how the process of creating games works. Through this course we have so far been analyzing boardgames and picking them apart to define its different systems.
During the past week I and my group of four have begun creating our own board game. It is going well but not without its snags. We […]
Developing Boardgames Assignment
I am half through the course “Advanced Gamedesign” and it is going well. I am growing as a designer and I am developing a bigger understanding of how the process of creating games works. Through this course we have so far been analyzing boardgames and picking them apart to define its different systems.
During the past week I and my group of four have begun creating our own board game. It is going well but not without its snags. We […]
My name is Gabriel and I study Gamedesign and Graphics at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.This is my schoolblog and it is a part of my program. I will use this blog as a tool to share my thoughts and ideas when it comes to game design and graphics. That’s all for a starter.
My name is Gabriel and I study Gamedesign and Graphics at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.This is my schoolblog and it is a part of my program. I will use this blog as a tool to share my thoughts and ideas when it comes to game design and graphics. That’s all for a starter.
What I´ve been up to in my Advanced game design course.
This is my weekly report for our Advanced game design course, were we are creating a board game!
The goal for this week was to create a playable prototype of our board-game for our advanced game design course, so that it could be play-tested by other groups.
What we did
This week we have been working on our board game for our advanced game design course, focusing on getting the system right. When we first started thinking about how we were going to […]
What I´ve been up to in my Advanced game design course.
This is my weekly report for our Advanced game design course, were we are creating a board game!
The goal for this week was to create a playable prototype of our board-game for our advanced game design course, so that it could be play-tested by other groups.
What we did
This week we have been working on our board game for our advanced game design course, focusing on getting the system right. When we first started thinking about how we were going to […]
What I´ve been up to in my Advanced game design course.
This is my weekly report for our Advanced game design course, were we are creating a board game!
The goal for this week was to create a playable prototype of our board-game for our advanced game design course, so that it could be play-tested by other groups.
What we did
This week we have been working on our board game for our advanced game design course, focusing on getting the system right. When we first started thinking about how we were going to […]
What I´ve been up to in my Advanced game design course.
This is my weekly report for our Advanced game design course, were we are creating a board game!
The goal for this week was to create a playable prototype of our board-game for our advanced game design course, so that it could be play-tested by other groups.
What we did
This week we have been working on our board game for our advanced game design course, focusing on getting the system right. When we first started thinking about how we were going to […]
Boardgame Testing
So this week we had a test meeting with three other groups. I especially noticed how people played our game, the aesthetics we had seems to be working. People interact with each other a lot while playing the game. Exactly as we wanted. The fact that we have guns that you shoot each other with seems to be attracting people, people really seem to like shooting each other.
We have kind of made a First Person Shooter board game. We reward […]
Boardgame Testing
So this week we had a test meeting with three other groups. I especially noticed how people played our game, the aesthetics we had seems to be working. People interact with each other a lot while playing the game. Exactly as we wanted. The fact that we have guns that you shoot each other with seems to be attracting people, people really seem to like shooting each other.
We have kind of made a First Person Shooter board game. We reward […]
I’m Robert Graff and I go gamedesign and graphics at Uppsala univeristy campus Gotland. I started this blog as a school blog because the univeristy requested that all students do so. Enough for me, I hope you’ll enjoy the blog and the work I will post here.