Browsing '2012': Students starting in 2012
Board games, monitors and a cintiq
Advanced game design – Week 44
The board game
This week we made a few changes to the board game.
We increased the number of artifacts on the board, the result was the players broke into up in to two groups going after one of the artifacts on each side of the board. But this made each group stay on one side of the board as the other artifact was too far away. Also there was no way to stop the players on […]
Board games, monitors and a cintiq
Advanced game design – Week 44
The board game
This week we made a few changes to the board game.
We increased the number of artifacts on the board, the result was the players broke into up in to two groups going after one of the artifacts on each side of the board. But this made each group stay on one side of the board as the other artifact was too far away. Also there was no way to stop the players on […]
Board games, monitors and a cintiq
Advanced game design – Week 44
The board game
This week we made a few changes to the board game.
We increased the number of artifacts on the board, the result was the players broke into up in to two groups going after one of the artifacts on each side of the board. But this made each group stay on one side of the board as the other artifact was too far away. Also there was no way to stop the players on […]
Board games, monitors and a cintiq
Advanced game design – Week 44
The board game
This week we made a few changes to the board game.
We increased the number of artifacts on the board, the result was the players broke into up in to two groups going after one of the artifacts on each side of the board. But this made each group stay on one side of the board as the other artifact was too far away. Also there was no way to stop the players on […]

GAMEX 2013 Report – Campus Gotland
The 2013 edition of the Swedish gaming expo Gamex is now over. I was attending the expo during it’s first three days, and in the following posts, I’ll write about some thoughts about the expo and such. The first will be about Campus Gotland’s Presence at the expo. More posts in the coming days
The games that Campus Gotland was showing on the floor this year was CoBots, Fly or Die, King of the Thrill, Little Warlock, […]

GAMEX 2013 Report – Campus Gotland
The 2013 edition of the Swedish gaming expo Gamex is now over. I was attending the expo during it’s first three days, and in the following posts, I’ll write about some thoughts about the expo and such. The first will be about Campus Gotland’s Presence at the expo. More posts in the coming days
The games that Campus Gotland was showing on the floor this year was CoBots, Fly or Die, King of the Thrill, Little Warlock, […]
Gamex Week!
At the start of the week me and my group finished of the cogs we had bought by putting on some papers on both sides indicating what way you had to turn the wheel to be able to step of the cog. We also made a new board from wood and nail that worked perfectly with our new cogs.
We also showed Adam our board game and he really seemed to enjoy our new board and working cogwheels.
This week I have […]
Gamex Week!
At the start of the week me and my group finished of the cogs we had bought by putting on some papers on both sides indicating what way you had to turn the wheel to be able to step of the cog. We also made a new board from wood and nail that worked perfectly with our new cogs.
We also showed Adam our board game and he really seemed to enjoy our new board and working cogwheels.
This week I have […]
Gamex Week!
At the start of the week me and my group finished of the cogs we had bought by putting on some papers on both sides indicating what way you had to turn the wheel to be able to step of the cog. We also made a new board from wood and nail that worked perfectly with our new cogs.
We also showed Adam our board game and he really seemed to enjoy our new board and working cogwheels.
This week I have […]
Gamex Week!
At the start of the week me and my group finished of the cogs we had bought by putting on some papers on both sides indicating what way you had to turn the wheel to be able to step of the cog. We also made a new board from wood and nail that worked perfectly with our new cogs.
We also showed Adam our board game and he really seemed to enjoy our new board and working cogwheels.
This week I have […]

Board Game – more play testing
This week has consisted mostly of more tweaking and balancing of our game.
On Tuesday we had a short meeting with Adam where he played our game and gave us some feedback. He enjoyed the game and thought we had a great base game that could be expanded in many different ways, like adding classes, shops/economy systems and more. He suggested that we should use the last weeks to try throwing lots of different systems and ideas into the game and […]

Board Game – more play testing
This week has consisted mostly of more tweaking and balancing of our game.
On Tuesday we had a short meeting with Adam where he played our game and gave us some feedback. He enjoyed the game and thought we had a great base game that could be expanded in many different ways, like adding classes, shops/economy systems and more. He suggested that we should use the last weeks to try throwing lots of different systems and ideas into the game and […]

Group and individual work
After two days of play-testing we have polished our game some more. My dice rolling went like shit so I died really early on in the game so for me it became fast boring, but it wasn’t only my dice rolling that did it. We noticed that the wizard had become little too powerful with some of the new spells that had been added, so the changes we did to balance it was to make the most powerful spells into […]

Group and individual work
After two days of play-testing we have polished our game some more. My dice rolling went like shit so I died really early on in the game so for me it became fast boring, but it wasn’t only my dice rolling that did it. We noticed that the wizard had become little too powerful with some of the new spells that had been added, so the changes we did to balance it was to make the most powerful spells into […]

Work work.. (peon voice)
During the play-testing session last Thursday only one group had time to test our game, the reason for that is because it takes longer time to play it with un-experienced players, as it always does. Usually it takes about 45min when we are play-testing in our group but this time took about 1h 30min and the game-testing session was only two hours. While another group was playing our game I walked around in the classroom and tested four different games, […]

Work work.. (peon voice)
During the play-testing session last Thursday only one group had time to test our game, the reason for that is because it takes longer time to play it with un-experienced players, as it always does. Usually it takes about 45min when we are play-testing in our group but this time took about 1h 30min and the game-testing session was only two hours. While another group was playing our game I walked around in the classroom and tested four different games, […]

Board Game Progress Report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131029
Today, we had our teacher for the course (Adam Mayes) play our game and give feedback on it in it’s current state.
Initially, he was skeptical to as of how the monster’s hidden movement was going to work in practice. However, after playing the game, he liked the game as it was. He got to play as the monster and the game was very tight overall to the very last. Although he thought that we could keep iterate on what we […]

Board Game Progress Report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131029
Today, we had our teacher for the course (Adam Mayes) play our game and give feedback on it in it’s current state.
Initially, he was skeptical to as of how the monster’s hidden movement was going to work in practice. However, after playing the game, he liked the game as it was. He got to play as the monster and the game was very tight overall to the very last. Although he thought that we could keep iterate on what we […]
The latest version
Today we had yet another playtesting session. We got some critique on several of our systems that made us consider if we should change it. However, when playing with Adam he told us that it was a great game that he enjoyed a lot and we sholdn’t change much of anything.
We’ve decided that we still need to change the board a bit, and maybe consider adding another element. But it feels pretty solid at this point, so we’ll mostly polish […]
The latest version
Today we had yet another playtesting session. We got some critique on several of our systems that made us consider if we should change it. However, when playing with Adam he told us that it was a great game that he enjoyed a lot and we sholdn’t change much of anything.
We’ve decided that we still need to change the board a bit, and maybe consider adding another element. But it feels pretty solid at this point, so we’ll mostly polish […]

Balancing Balancing and more Balancing.
Last day we had yet another balancing session, we were about half the group since the other half had other classes to attend. The goal of yesterdays sesion was to make the Wizard even stronger in the begining of the game and also try a new trap mechanic.
So inseed of doing an aditional 10+ saving throw for each trap and take two damage for each failed test, we tested and stuck with that you allways only take two damage no […]

Balancing Balancing and more Balancing.
Last day we had yet another balancing session, we were about half the group since the other half had other classes to attend. The goal of yesterdays sesion was to make the Wizard even stronger in the begining of the game and also try a new trap mechanic.
So inseed of doing an aditional 10+ saving throw for each trap and take two damage for each failed test, we tested and stuck with that you allways only take two damage no […]