Browsing '2012': Students starting in 2012
Math is not about memorization.
I’ve always had a bit paradoxical relationship with math. On one hand, i often find math both interesting and fascinating in the way it can do seemingly impossible things. To find numbers using a small subset of what you know, and solving problems that puzzle the brain has always been interesting to me. However, in most math classes, i, like most, have been bored out of my mind.
There seems to be the running paradigm of […]
Math is not about memorization.
I’ve always had a bit paradoxical relationship with math. On one hand, i often find math both interesting and fascinating in the way it can do seemingly impossible things. To find numbers using a small subset of what you know, and solving problems that puzzle the brain has always been interesting to me. However, in most math classes, i, like most, have been bored out of my mind.
There seems to be the running paradigm of […]
Math is not about memorization.
I’ve always had a bit paradoxical relationship with math. On one hand, i often find math both interesting and fascinating in the way it can do seemingly impossible things. To find numbers using a small subset of what you know, and solving problems that puzzle the brain has always been interesting to me. However, in most math classes, i, like most, have been bored out of my mind.
There seems to be the running paradigm of […]
Math is not about memorization.
I’ve always had a bit paradoxical relationship with math. On one hand, i often find math both interesting and fascinating in the way it can do seemingly impossible things. To find numbers using a small subset of what you know, and solving problems that puzzle the brain has always been interesting to me. However, in most math classes, i, like most, have been bored out of my mind.
There seems to be the running paradigm of […]
Programming / Math
I see now that I haven’t blogged for a while. Reason for that is that I didn’t feel like I had anything to blog about. Still really don’t have anything to blog about except that we’ve started with c++ and math, and will have that for the next 9 weeks. At the first glance the math that we have now doesn’t look that terrifying, I thought that once you got to the calculating trigonometry that it would be difficult, I […]
Programming / Math
I see now that I haven’t blogged for a while. Reason for that is that I didn’t feel like I had anything to blog about. Still really don’t have anything to blog about except that we’ve started with c++ and math, and will have that for the next 9 weeks. At the first glance the math that we have now doesn’t look that terrifying, I thought that once you got to the calculating trigonometry that it would be difficult, I […]
bad week?!
The 3D course started yesterday. As of tradition I had to head up to help desk to sort something with my laptop. This caused me some delay in getting started. I left the laptop after class for maintenance and picked it up early so I could try to catch …
bad week?!
The 3D course started yesterday. As of tradition I had to head up to help desk to sort something with my laptop. This caused me some delay in getting started. I left the laptop after class for maintenance and picked it up early so I could try to catch …
The End of Advanced Game Design and Serious Games
Now my two courses have come to an end.
I am quite pleased with both of my board games, now it’s only waiting to see if I passed or failed the courses. If you have any questions about any of the courses then feel free to ask
I am now embarking on different territory with Math and Programming, I will update when I have had my first classes.
The End of Advanced Game Design and Serious Games
Now my two courses have come to an end.
I am quite pleased with both of my board games, now it’s only waiting to see if I passed or failed the courses. If you have any questions about any of the courses then feel free to ask
I am now embarking on different territory with Math and Programming, I will update when I have had my first classes.
The End of Advanced Game Design and Serious Games
Now my two courses have come to an end.
I am quite pleased with both of my board games, now it’s only waiting to see if I passed or failed the courses. If you have any questions about any of the courses then feel free to ask 🙂
I am now embarking on different territory with Math and Programming, I will update when I have had my first classes.
The End of Advanced Game Design and Serious Games
Now my two courses have come to an end.
I am quite pleased with both of my board games, now it’s only waiting to see if I passed or failed the courses. If you have any questions about any of the courses then feel free to ask 🙂
I am now embarking on different territory with Math and Programming, I will update when I have had my first classes.
Advanced Game Design Postmortem
My groups and my personal postmortem for the course in Advanced Game is now available on our group’s wiki.My individual postmortemThe group’s postmortem
Advanced Game Design Postmortem
My groups and my personal postmortem for the course in Advanced Game is now available on our group’s wiki.My individual postmortemThe group’s postmortem

Post mortem
In our course Advanced game design we were tasked with making a board game in four weeks time. My group included five people:
Joar Hedvall
Linus Johansson
Magnus Jinneskog
Petter Vernersson
Viva Ivarsson
When making our concept we started off by brainstorming different themes that we liked. We did this by taking turns of say random words and themes that we wrote down. Once the paper was full we read it out loud and marked the words we liked. One of the themes that we all […]

Post mortem
In our course Advanced game design we were tasked with making a board game in four weeks time. My group included five people:
Joar Hedvall
Linus Johansson
Magnus Jinneskog
Petter Vernersson
Viva Ivarsson
When making our concept we started off by brainstorming different themes that we liked. We did this by taking turns of say random words and themes that we wrote down. Once the paper was full we read it out loud and marked the words we liked. One of the themes that we all […]

Crunch time!
We, or at least I believed that we would have whole this week to work on our board game, but that wasn’t the case. Luckily I managed to finish the wizard tower during the weekend and therefor I had two days to play test our game and focus on drawing the loot cards.
On Monday we play tested our game for the last time, trying out an old method once again. What we did was to […]

Crunch time!
We, or at least I believed that we would have whole this week to work on our board game, but that wasn’t the case. Luckily I managed to finish the wizard tower during the weekend and therefor I had two days to play test our game and focus on drawing the loot cards.
On Monday we play tested our game for the last time, trying out an old method once again. What we did was to […]
Final Sprint
During the last week we have worked heavily on getting the game presentable. Fortunately for us, the remake of the system has worked well when testing. We have gotten much feedback that the game itself is slow though, so I have been thinking about what can be done to fix that. Listed below are the ideas I come up whit that I feel would have a positive impact on the game experience and pace:
Have the players draw an event card […]
Final Sprint
During the last week we have worked heavily on getting the game presentable. Fortunately for us, the remake of the system has worked well when testing. We have gotten much feedback that the game itself is slow though, so I have been thinking about what can be done to fix that. Listed below are the ideas I come up whit that I feel would have a positive impact on the game experience and pace:
Have the players draw an event card […]
Final Sprint
During the last week we have worked heavily on getting the game presentable. Fortunately for us, the remake of the system has worked well when testing. We have gotten much feedback that the game itself is slow though, so I have been thinking about what can be done to fix that. Listed below are the ideas I come up whit that I feel would have a positive impact on the game experience and pace:
Have the players draw an event card […]
Final Sprint
During the last week we have worked heavily on getting the game presentable. Fortunately for us, the remake of the system has worked well when testing. We have gotten much feedback that the game itself is slow though, so I have been thinking about what can be done to fix that. Listed below are the ideas I come up whit that I feel would have a positive impact on the game experience and pace:
Have the players draw an event card […]
Yesterday was the “big day” for this course. It was a tight fit but we made it work. The whole party was a successes, everyone seemed to have a good time and enjoy playing the different games that was there. Even though I had have much to little sleep I felt positive with what we had produced. The response was mostly positive and playing it myself and watching others try it out made it feel valid. Sure there are problems […]
Yesterday was the “big day” for this course. It was a tight fit but we made it work. The whole party was a successes, everyone seemed to have a good time and enjoy playing the different games that was there. Even though I had have much to little sleep I felt positive with what we had produced. The response was mostly positive and playing it myself and watching others try it out made it feel valid. Sure there are problems […]